Transcript for Jacobs, Zebulon, "Correspondence," Deseret Evening News, 19 Aug. 1868, 3
MUDDY STATION, Aug. 15, 1868.
Prest. BRIGHAM YOUNG:—Dear brother.—Having a few leisure moments, as we have just camped for noon, I take this opportunity of writing to you. This is the first time we have struck the stage road since leaving the Platte, so our opportunities for sending letters have been limited.
I am happy to say the health of the Saints is as good as could be expected; through the changes of food and water a few are troubled with dysentery, but none are dangerously ill. One or two of the sisters are pretty low through old age, but they are improving. At Green River we left bro. J. J. Jeans, who had been ill for several days, with something like the pleurisy; his wife stopped with him. Bro. Louis Robinson was very kind, and said he would do what he could to bring him round. While fording the Platte, one of the young brethren by the name of James Powell, aged 18, went too far down the riffle, which was contrary to the Captain's order, the water being rapid; he stepped on a stone, so those say that saw him fall, and fell, the current taking him into deep water, before any assistance could be rendered by those on the bank or the edge of the water. His body was searched for, but could not be found.
After crossing the Platte we turned off the main road, and came by Rolling Springs; the road was pretty good, with some sand in places. We struck the Sweetwater 10 miles above the Devil's Gate. Both trains have been traveling near each other. All the way up the Sweetwater the feed and camping places were excellent, there being no traveling along that way to eat off the feed.
The Saints are feeling well, and so far, have enjoyed their journey across the plains, and we all feel to thank the Lord for his preserving care in bringing us safe thus far toward our Mountain Home. I remain, your brother in the Gospel,Zebulon Jacobs.