Transcript for James Chauncey Snow Emigrating Company journal, 1852 July-October
towards the City of the
Great Salt Lake
By Henry Robinson Clerk
[page torn] C. Snow jr
Carlos Snow
Eliza Snow
Erastus Snow
Richard Snow
Dominious [Dominicus] Snow
Mary Carter
Samuel Carter, 11 in family, 2 wagons, 4 cattle, 4 cows
Abraham Palmer Capt 1st ten
Patience D. Palmer
Ann E Palmer
Susan Palmer
William Palmer
Hyram Palmer
Nathan Pierce, 7 in family, 2 wagons, 2 horses, 2 cattle, 2 cows
William Martindale
Rebecca Ann Martindale
Clinton Martindale
Martha J Martindale
Kindness Ann Ha[y]nes
Henry Robinson
Franklin Carter, 7 in family, 2 wagons, 10 cattle, 8 cows, 3 loose stock heifers & bulls, 4 ducks, 11 poultry
John Findley
Lennett [Janet] Findley
Jane Findley
John Raney, 4 in family, 2 wagons, 2 horses, 6 cattle, 4 cows, 5 loose stock heifers & bulls
Total for page No 1: 29 in families, 8 wagons, 4 horses, 22 cattle, 18 cows, 8 loose stock heifers & bulls, 4 ducks, 11 poultry
Schedule of 1st 10 continued
Duty Carpenter
Phebe Carpenter
Diatha Carpenter
Eliza Jane Carpenter
George Pierce
Isaac Pierce, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 4 cattle, 2 cows
Nathan B. Baldwin
Sarah A, & Julia Baldwin
Nathan Baldwin jr
Susanna Hot[t]on
Mary J. Hoton, 6 in family, 1 wagons, 4 cattle, 2 cows
Henry Jackson
Ann Jackson
Henry W. Jackson
Alice Tomlinson
George Cranmer [Craner], 5 in family, 2 wagons, 8 cattle, 4 cows
Charles W. Player
Betsey Player
Sarah A Player, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 3 horses, 2 cows
[Totals] 20 in families, 5 wagons, 3 horses, 16 cattle, 10 cows,
[Totals] from Page brought over, 29 in families, 8 wagons, 4 horses, 22 cattle, 18 cows, 8 loose stock heifers and bulls, 11 sheep, 4 ducks
Sum Total for 1st 10, 49 in families, 13 wagons, 7 horses, 38 cattle, 28 cows, 8 loose stock heifers and bulls, 11 sheep, 4 ducksHiram Winters Captn 2nd 10
Rebecca Winters
Alonzo Winters
Hiram Winters jr
Rebecca Winters jr
Hellen Winters
Elizabeth Williams
Joseph Winters
Hetta Winters, 9 in family, 2 wagons, 8 cattle, 2 cows
Thomas Holingshead, 2 wagons, 2 cattle, 2 cows, 1 loose stock heifer or bulls
Aurilla Holingshead
Amer Holingshead, 4 cattle
Joseph Holingshead
Elizabeth E Holingshead
George W Holingshead
Erastus W Holingshead
Columbus Burdicks, 3 cows
Rhodann [Rhoda Ann] Burdicks, 9 in family, 2 wagons, 6 cattle, 5 cows, 1 loose stock heifer or bull
Abigal Bennett
Moses S Bennett
George W Bennett
John J Bennett
Tohmas [Thomas] P Bennett, 5 in family, 7 wagons, 4 cattle, 7 cows
William Hauley [Hawley]
Ellis Hawley
Benjiman Hawley
Asie W Hawley
James B Hawley
Mary Hawley Widdow
Susan C Daughter
John Stiles
Percis Stiles
John Young
Henry Bucknell, 11 in family, 5 wagons, 2 horses, 20 cattle, 10 cows
William F Re[y]nolds
Anna Renolds
Enis Renolds
George W Renolds
Levi B Renolds, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 4 cows
Charles Stewart
Mary Ann Stewart, 5 in family, 1 wagon, 6 cows
Mary Stewart
William Stewart
[.ary] E Stewart
Sum total of 2nd 10 on Page No. 3: 35 in families, 10 wagons, 2 horses, 30 cattle, 26 cows, 7 loose stock heifers or bulls
2nd 10 continued from Page 2 and 3 Brought over from above Pages: 9 in families, 2 wagons, 8 cattle, 2 cows
Page 3: 35 in families, 10 wagons, 2 horses, 30 cattle, 26 cows, 7 loose stock heifers and bulls.
Sum total in Second 10: 44 in families, 12 wagons, 2 horses, 38 cattle, 28 cows, 7 loose stock heifers and bulls
Charles H Hale Capt 3rd10
Julia A Hale
Eliza A Hale
Julia A Hale jun
Mary J Hale
Charles H Hale jun
Joseph L Hale, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 1 horse, 4 cattle, 6 cows, 1 loose stock heifer or bull
Lewis Meecham [Meacham]
Lydia Meecham
Emoline Meechum
Margaret Meecham
Joshua Meecham
Ann Meecham
Brigham Meecham
Lydia Meecham, jun
Martha Meecham, 9 in family, 2 wagons, 6 cattle, 4 cows
Erastus Lamb
Abigal Lamb
Suel Lamb
James Lamb
Polley E Lamb
Eliza Jackson
Ulda Jackson,7 in family, 1 wagon, 6 cattle, 3 cows
Johnson Langley
Emolin Langley
Solamon Langley, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 6 cattle, 2 cows
John Timmerman [Zimmerman]
Harriot Timmerman
George E Timmerman, 3 in family, 1 wagon, 6 cattle, 2 cows, 2 loose stock heifers & bulls
total on Page 4, 2nd [3rd] 10: 30 in families, 6 wagons, 1 horse, 28 cattle, 17 cows, 3 loose stock heifers & bulls
3rd 10 Continued
Job E Green
Floretta Green
William Green
Ephraim Green
Sanford Green, 5 in family, 4 cattle
Levi H Callaway
Mary Callaway
Lucy Callaway, 3 in family, 1 cattle, 1 cow
Lucy Van Buren
Samuel Van Buren
Elmer Van Buren
Andrew Van Buren
Lucy E Van Buren
Lydia J Van Buren, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 3 cattle, 7 cows
[Totals] 14 in families, 1 wagon, 8 cattle, 2 cows
Brought over from Page 4: 30 in families, 6 wagons, 1 horse, 28 cattle, 17 cows, 3 loose stock heifers & bulls
Sum total of 3rd 10: 44 in families, 7 wagons, 1 horse, 36 cattle, 19 cows, 3 loose stock heifers & bulls
Salmon Warner Capt 4th 10
Rebecca Warner
Harriett Warner
Orpha Warner
Salmon Warner jun
Amos Warner
Samuel B Warner
Mary R Warner
Hannah Brackin, 1 cow, 1 loose stock heifer or bull
William Brackin
Aaron Brackin
Anna Hotton
Benjamen R Hotton, 13 in family, 2 wagons, 1 horse, 10 cattle, 9 cows, 9 loose stock heifer & bulls, 13 sheep
George S Mason, Bacholar, 1 in family, 1 wagon, 1 horse, 4 cattle, 3 cows, 4 loose stock heifers & bulls, 19 sheep
total of 4th 10 on Page 5: 14 in families, 3 wagons, 2 horses, 14 cattle, 13 cows, 14 loose stock heifers or bulls, 32 sheep
4th 10 Continued
John Pettengill
Pelina Pettengill
Elihu Pettengill
Jane Pettengill
John Pettengill
Pelina Pettengill, jun
William Stod[d]ard
George Stodard
Mary Brackin, 9 in family, 2 wagons, 10 cattle, 4 cows, 4 loose stock heifers & bulls
David E Bunel [Bunnell]
Sarah Bunel
Daniel K Bunel
Stephen J Bunel
Samuel Bunel
George Bunel
Phide Bunel
Mary Bunel
Alpharetta Bunel, 9 in family, 2 wagons, 8 cattle, 4 cows
John Nights
Amella Nights [Knight]
John Nights jun
Mary J. Nights
Sarah Nights
Hellen Nights, 6 in family, 1 wagon, 6 cattle, 3 cows, 5 loose stock heifers & bulls
Harrison Pierce [Pearce]
Henrietta Pierce
John Pierce
James Pierce
Amelia Pierce
Nancy C Pierce
Harrison Pierce
Henrietta Pierce, 8 in family, 1 wagon, 2 cattle, 2 cows, 2 loose stock heifers & bulls
Total of 4th 10 on Page 6: 32 in families, 6 wagons, 26 cattle, 13 cows, 11 loose stock heifers & bulls
Amasa Tucker
Nancy Tucker
Charles Tucker, 3 in family 1 wagon, 4 cattle, 2 cows
Sophiah Week
Ruben Week
George TuckerKatherine Brackin, 4 in family, 1 wagon, 1 horse, 5 cattle, 3 cows
[Totals] 7 in families, 2 wagons, 1 horse, 9 cattle, 5 cows
from Page 5: 14 in families, 3 wagons, 2 horses, 14 cattle, 13 cows, 14 loose stock heifers & bulls, 32 sheep
from Page 6: 32 in families, 6 wagons, 26 cattle, 13 cows, 11 loose stock heifers or bulls
Sum total of 4th 10: 53 in families, 11 wagons, 3 horses, 49 cattle, 31 cows, 25 loose stock heifers & bulls, 32 sheep
Sum total of 3rd 10: 44 in families, 7 wagons, 1 horse, 36 cattle, 19 cows, 3 loose stock heifers & bulls
Sum total of 2nd 10: 44 in families, 12 wagons, 2 horses, 38 cattle, 28 cows, 7 loose stock heifers & bulls
Sum total of 1st 10: 49 in families, 13 wagons, 7 horses, 38 cattle, 28 cows, 8 loose stock heifers & bulls, 11 sheep, 4 ducks
Sum total of the Company: 190 in families, 43 wagons, 13 horses, 161 cattle, 106 cows, 37 loose stock heifers & bulls, 43 sheep, 4 ducks
We have 94 females and 96 males according to this calculation
the reason that 4 tens is only spoke of in this List is because Capt Black’s ten took A Stampede and went of[f] without their names been given in to the Clerk. See Page 9.
the following belong [to] the 5th 10 but was orga[n]ized to late for insertion in the list[.] Mary Clark sen Mary Clark jun Elizabeth Clark Eliza Clark 1 yoke oxen 7 cows 2 geese one waggon one horse Lary Dougle, John Clark Dougle, William Franklin Dougle 3 yoke of oxen, those two families are joining together in traveling
On the 17th July Garrett Woolverton[,] Bro Grants driver arrived In Camp (which makes the number of waggons (46) And adding those (Extra Names to our genereal list It makes 99 Males and 99 females [.] total 198[.] Oxen 173 Cows 107 horses 14
James C. Snow, Capt. of Fifty.
William Martindale, Capt of the Guards.
Henry Robinson, Clerk.
Abraham Palmer, Capt 1st 10
Hiram Winters, Capt 2nd 10
Chas. H. Hale, Capt 3rd 10
Salmon Werner, Capt 4th 10
William Black, Capt 5th 10
1st Prayers to be had night and morning by the Officiers
2nd No swearing to be allowed
3rd Meetings on the sabbath when convenient, or at least one day out of Seven
4th Dogs to be tied up in Camp
5th Cattle to be staked outside the Correll
6th To be Horses to be put inside the Correll
7th No firing of arms inside of Camp
Those where A few Suggestions thrown out by Bro. Benson when he Organized on the 4th day of July, 6 miles west of Winter Quarters
July 5th. Bro. J[ames] C. Snow arrived in Camp and forthwith proceeded to give us some very useful information relative to our conduct in crossing the Plains and finally recommending the Captains of tens to immediately proceed and organize the same.
July 5 Bro. Snow purposed in accordance with the instructions he had received from Bro. Benson that the company should on their arrival at Elk Horn lay in A supply of wood coal and some spare timber for Spokes and axletrees etc. Said Bro. Snow we are now detained here for want of A blacksmith[.] I propose that four tens move on to the Horn and burns the coal and prepairs the timber and the remaining ten will follow on as soon as A blacksmith is obtained. This was unamimously carried and the 1st 10 was left behind to bring up the rear.
8th At 12 o’clock we arrived at the Horn just in time to see the rear of Capt. Blacks ten leave the camp ground to cross the river[.] Capt. Snow sent a note imeidietly by the Clerk requesting Capt Black if he had not crossed the river for him to return with his ten to the Camp, but if he had he was to Camp imiedietly and wait our arrival at the same time informing him that Indians where in the vicinity and recomending to him to keep out a strong guard[.] On my arrival at the Ferry I found the Company had just crossed[.] I followed and presented Capt. Black with Capt. Snows Note Capt. Black said he was sorry to leave the Company but he was only A passenger himself and that Bro. Lenard was determined to delay no more time but proceed ahead at once, myself in company with Capt. Black then visited Bro. Lenard and read over the note to him. He said he respected me Capt. Snow and every other officer in the company but he could not travel any longer with us, delays were dangerous[.] He had before had A thousand Dollars worth of Property damaged through traveling with an organized company subject to delays, and he should now go ahead by himself but at the same time he did not wish to draw any one away after him. I then recrossed the river and Bro. Lenard proceeded on his journey. Sister Clark and Dougle remained on the Banks of the river awaiting our arrival[.] the rest went on.
9th Crossesd the Elk Horn[.] A storm commenced before the company was half over so we encamped for the night.
12th Camped on the west side of Shell Creek.
14th Crossed Loupe Fork without any accident.
16th Elaner [Eleanor] Lufkin died about ½ after 3 A. M Aged 39 years[.] this day Bro Snow received an order from Bro Benson to send from one to three yoke of Cattle to assist the poor Capt. Snow imeadiately called the brethren together to know who would Volunteer to spare A yoke of Oxen[.] no one coming forward to the call, inquires where then made who could best spare A yoke, After considerable investagation it was unanamously agreed that Father John Findley was the Man[.] Capt. Snow then made the call but was refused the Oxen. Father Findley said he had no more than he needed[.] Capt. Snow strongly counseled him to do so, but he refused[.] Capt Snow said did he not hold up his hand at the time of Organization to obey Counsell and support this organization[.] Father Findley said he never held up his hand to obay such Counsell as that neither should he[.] Bro. Hauly [Hawley]said, he had not A spare yoke of Oxen but if A yoke could be furnished out of the Company he would find the money for them at a reasonable price. Father Langley was next solicited to spare A yoke, he consented and priced them at $45[.] the money was imediately paid by Bro. Hauly and the cattle sent on[.] Should the cattle go through safe to the Valley they are then to be given up to Bro. Hauly. (this was the condition Bro. T. Hollingshead let A log chain go on the same occasion.
17 Bro. Garrett Woolverton, Bro. Grants Driver, arrived in Camp, also Brothers Benson, Taylor, and Grant And encamped with us for the night.
18 In the morning Bro. Benson addressed us on the subject of A persons Property been under the control of an organization as well as themselves, especially under certain pressing Circumstances. In this he was fully sustained by the company[.] Bro. John Taylor then followed coroberating what Bro. Benson had already said, proveing from reason and Philosophy that it was A Correct Principal and no new thing either in the Mormon or the Gentile world. Bro Grant then Addressed us on the subject of bearence and forbearence with each other, and concluded his remarks with some very useful instruction relative to managing our Cattle[.] This evening Bro. Erastus Snow and Franklin D. Richards encamped with us.
20th Still traveling up the South Side of the Loupe Fork[.] This day Capt. Snow received the following from Bro Benson.
I send unto you by the Bearers two yoke of Oxen from this Camp, one yoke from Capt. Curtis’s Camp[.] I want you to forward them forthwith to Capt. Weak’s camp the 21st Co
Servant Bro
E. T. Benson
This request was forthwith complied with[.] Our camp has furnished two yoke for the poor[.] one yoke from Bro. E[lihu]. [Ulysses] Pettengill July 5th and one yoke from Bro. W. Hawly July 17th 1852.
21st Traveling across from the south side of the Loupe Fork to the Platt[e] River for about 50 miles their is considerable difficulty in finding water[.] This day Nancy C Pierce died
22nd Forded Wood River[.] here we first see Buffalo
24th Laid by to rest our Cattle, and to worship God, as well in the Song and the dance, as in the Prayer and devotion to thank our Heavenly Father for our Safe deliverance thus far from Gentile Bondage that if we where not where our hearts desired to be, we where at least where none dare to molest or make affraid where no mobocratic demago[g]ue dare declare it treason should A Mormon speek A few of his sentiments nor yet an infatuated Devine declare it Blasphamy should A Mormon join in the jocund Song or the Merry Dance[.] hence we enjoied ourselves the best that circumstances would allow, and in the evening with our bonds of fellowship renewed and our minds full of peace and content we retired to rest[.] during the day Bro William Martindale Baptized the following individuals, Bro George Pierce, Samuel Carter, Aron Brackin, Sisters Mary Carter, Polly Lamb, Diantha Carpenter[.] Bros. A. Palmer and Worner [Warner] confirmed them.
25th On the 25th A. Palmer baptized Bro George Pierce instead of Martindale
26th Crossed Elm Creek
29th Passed over several sandy Bluffs
31st Passed over Carrion Creek
August 1st Lay by to rest and worship God[.] the boys killed two buffaloes[.] this is the 3rd we have killed
2nd We was overtaken in a considerable storm towards evening
3rd About 7 o’clock a. m. a buffalo came close to our corral. The dogs set on him and we had quit[e] a fight.
4th Camped on the west side of Buck Weed Creek
5th Crossed Rattle Snake Creek and nooned opposite Cedar Bluffs. This day Father E[rastus]. Lamb <Aged 47 years> died after a few days sickness, occasioned by drinking to hearty at the cold springs. This day also Sister Eliza Jackson gave birth to a son
6th Camped at Camp Creek
7th Sister [Betsey] Player gave birth to A son
8th Lay by to rest and worship God
9th Traveled to Crab Creek distance 20 miles
10th Uldah [Hulda] Jackson died at 12 O clock
11th Susan C. Hoten died at ½ After 12 A M Aged 39 years
12th Traveled 15 miles and passed Chimney Rock
August 13th Traveled 15 miles and passed Scott[s] Bluffs [Bluff.] At this place we met a large party of (Sioux) Indians, they came to us in a peaceable manner bringing papers of recomend testifying they where In need of flour, meal, Coffee, sugar etc[.] on the receipt of this we immediately opened our stores and supplied them with the above articles[.] they appeared well satisfied And on our departure wished us great prosperity and sung Songs of Joy[.] we then proceed on our Journey about 7 or 8 miles further and encamped on Spring Creek Banks for the night[.] Shortly after camping one of the Indian Chiefs road up into the Correll and signified he wanted to smook [smoke] the pipe of Peace with us[.] this we agreed to and also treated him to a good supper[.] he then wanted A paper of recomend which was given him testifying they where peaceable And recomending the Companys in the rear to treat them as we had done and then they would have no fear of molestation (about 9 or 10 o’clock[)] he left us in quiet [quite] A merry mood, And we set out a double guard with open eyes and ready firelocks prepared for any emergency[.] Sister Winters has been very sick for a few days[.] about noon to day she was taken worse and Capt Winters thought it advisable to stay A few hours till A Change took place for the better or worse[.] the main boddy then proceeded on to the above mentioned place. (Spring Creek.)
14th Next morning we sent an ambassador to enquire after the health of Sister Winters and to inform the Capt we should move on till we found better grazeing for our Cattle and requesting him to come speed[i]ly[.] this day we traveled about 10 miles, In the evening the messenger returned bringing the news that sister winters was still alive[.] that the camp had not removed and that Capt. winters disposition was to remain where he was till some visiable change took place in his Wifes complaint late yesterday evening. (13th Sister Lucy E[lizabeth] Calloway diedv
15th Changed Camp ground and traveled 5 miles[.] while camped this morning another but smaller Band of Indians meet us, we treated them like the former and the same consequences resulted
16th this day we have traveled 12 or13 miles and camped at timber[.] the first we have seen on the North side of the Platt[e] for near 200 miles but Buffalo Chips have been plentiful till within this last two or three days[.] Before leaving Camp Ground this Morning two Volunteers was secured to go back to Capt Winters Camp with A note to this effect.
To Capt. Winters
Sir we have moved along slow since our seperation from you Mearly Changing Camp grounds for the good of the Community which you know is in accordance with general instructions[.] In doeing so we thought it would give you an opportunity to come up with your Camp, In this we have been disappointed, And I know [now] w[r]ite to Inform you that this day we shall travel 10 miles and continue to travel each day till we arrive at Ft. Laramie at which place we inte[n]d to stop and set waggon tire etc. Here we shall also await your arrival.
Also Sir, I desire and request of you to use all due dilligence In coming up with your Camp as speedily as possible.
N. B. Sir: To not delay on account of Sickness as the probability is that delay will increase disease instead of Abating it[.] you will also send A note signifying the true state of the Health of the Camp.
August 16thIn the evening the boys returned saying that they meet Capt. Winters and his 10 on the way that Sister Winters died at 1 O clock P.M. yesterday the (15th)[.] Capt Winters also sent the following Note back by the brethren Boys Bros. Garrett Woolverton and Amasa Tucker.
To Capt. Snow, Sir we are again on the move[.] all well and shall push on as fast as possible to overtake you
17th We are on A good Camp ground and in consequence of several Waggon tires coming of[f] yesterday. We shall be necessitated to stop and set the same. We are still awaiting Capt Winters[.] At 10 A.M. Capt. Winters with his Camp arrived all well. This day we shall remain encamped.
18th This morning Capt. Winters left the Camp with his ten In rather an abrupt manner[.] at noon After the Cattle where watered he did the same, been in advance of the Ballance all day[.] in the evening he was considerable ahead so that it was impossible for the ballance to come up with him and do justice to their teams hence we camped some 2 or 3 miles apart[.] This days travel is 17 miles[.] In consideration of the above together with a request been made by Capt. Winters on the 17th that Capt Snow would allow him to proceed on with his ten. I received orders from Capt Snow on the evening of the 18th to write the following Order to Capt Winters which was taken and delivered to him on the morning of the 19th at his camp by Capt. Palmer
Aug. 18, 1852.
Capt. Winters
Sir After taking everything into due consideration we have come to the conclusion after what has transpired that it will be as well for you to proceed on to the Valley of the Salt Lake[.] however takeing care should any of your company desire to return to our camp they have the privilege of doing so.
And now Sir we desire you to remember the covanant you entered into at the time of organization by Bro Benson the Obligations and Responsibilities resting upon you, be kind and gentle to your Cattle for on them rests your deliverance, but above all be kind to each other stand by each other In Sickness and In health In poverty or distress and be united as the Heart of one Man letting one cause prevade every breast[.] we can Assure you that you will not be forgotten by us when we are soliciting the God of Israel for blessings[.] we shall also waft A Prayer to the Courts of Glory for your preservation and safety, and In return we desire the same from you.
Henry Robinson Clerk
19th At noon we arrived opposite to Fort Laramie. we came up with Capt. Winters 3 miles east of the Fort[.] since receiving the above order Capt. Winters mind has became revolutionized and suddenly undergone A change[.] he now desires to remain with us, this days travel is [16 miles]
20th We are now 7 miles west of the Fort And from the best information we can gain we have concluded that the south side of the Platte will be the best for the next 50 miles hence we shall ford it at this place. Four o clock p. m. we are all safe over And ready for an early start in the morning
August 21st Yesterday evening Capt. Fearn’s Company came in sight and camped on the opposite side of the Platt[e], a portain of his Company came over and visited our Camp, and several old and young friends where thus accidentally thrown together hence we spent a comfortable evening together and concluded with A dance[.] This day our Company divided into two, Capt. Snow retaining the first and fourth ten’s for his own command and Capt. Winter’s was appointed to the second and third ten’s[.] The company’s divided and parted having the best of feelings towards each other[.] Capt. Snow’s charge to Capt Winters was in substance about the same as contained in the order (page 16)[.] this evening we camped on Bitter Cotton Wood Creek having traveled 15 miles.
22nd This day we have traveled 15 miles and encamped on horse shoe creek[.] during the day we overtook Capt. Winter’s company and encamped together
23rd This day we have traveled 22 miles and camped about A ¼ of a mile from Capt. Winters[.] the widows [Mary] Clark and Dougle has left Capt Winter’s and returned to our Camp
24th Passed over La Bonta river[.] This days travel is 16 miles
25th This day we have traveled 17 miles and are encamped on the Banks of the La Prele[.] we have several sore footed Cattle[.] the Boys that drive them came into camp this evening and reported that they where necessitated to leave the lame cattle on the road.
26th This morning men have gone to bring in the lame Cattle[.] the majority of the company proceeds on to Fouche Boice [Boise] distance 9 miles
27th We have lame work cattle In the company that requires rest, sheep the same, and several waggon tire that must be set, we had thought of stoping A day or two at Deer Creek but in consequence of hearing that several companies was already camped there, we have concluded to proceed up the Fouche Boise River till we come to good feed, and then camp and do up the required work[.] We are now 100 miles from Fort Laramie[.] the road has been a succession of Hills[.] we have had plenty of Rock and stones but A great difficiancy of water and grass[.] from Ft. Laramie we have taken the right hand or River Road
August 28th We are camped three miles from the main road up the river Fourche Boise[.] yesterday we were busy with sundry jobs[.] In the evening our men with the lame cattle returned to camp[.] this day we are engaged shoeing cattle and fitting up the wagon tires[.] about noon we killed A buffalo[.] We have had six deaths since leaving the Loupe Fork—but since arriving in the mountains the Health of the Camp [h]as gradually increased, at the present time we are all well[.] for the past week we have passed and repassed several companys[.] among the number are the following: Bros. Weamer, Fearn Courtis & Davis[.] Our left wing Capt. Winter’s according to a notice left on the road is making the best of his way for the Valley[.] In consequence of our delay at this place we shall not be to apt to overtake him unless he has A detainment also[.] we shall probably leave here tomorrow
29th It is agreed that A part of our company start on early this morning and those who have not yet finished their Blacksmithing proceed on in the evening, this arrangement Seperated the company for the evening[.] Capt. Snow and comp[any] camped 6 miles west of Deer Creek and Capt. Palmer and the remainder of the Company Camped at Deer Creek, at this Place we found several Companys camped amongst them where Ferin’s, Mac Ray and winters &c[.] Bro. Martindale Preached
30th Traveled 6 miles and found Capt. Snow awaiting our arrival[.] he had also come up with his Brother Warren Snow Captain of the Eighth company[.] we traveled 10 miles more making in whole 16 miles and then both company’s encamped[.] After supper the Companys where called together and Capt. Warren Snow Addressed the assembaly[.] he was followed by his Brother J. C. Snow[.] both discourses where principally A Synopsis of their travels accross the plains[.] I will here Journal what ought to have been inserted on Page. 12[.] After Sister Hotton death Bro. Warner took the famly 5 in number namely George, Hoton, Anni Hoton, Benjiman Hoton, Ruben Hoton, Jane Hoton.
August 30th this day we again came up with Capt. [Samuel] Fer[r]in’s Company[.] Mrs. Smith of said company desired to have the infant Mary Jane Hoton daughter of the deceased sister Hoton[.] Bro. Warner consented to the same. Sister Smith is sister to the child’s mother and doubtless she will treat her well[.] Brother [Nathaniel Bennett] Baldwin has been dissatisfied for some time and this day left our company without just cause or Provacation and joined Bro. Fer[r]in’s company, also the boy Stothard [Stoddard] that Bro. Petengal [Pettingill] was taking through has changed companys and gon into Bro. Ferin’s Family
31st This day’s travel is 16 miles
September 1st At 9 O’Clock A. M. we recrossed the Platt[e] River and at 4 O’Clock P.M. encamped for the evening[.] traveled 12 miles[.] we are still in company with Capt. Warren Snow[.] both his And our company enjoyed themselves with A dance this evening
2nd In consequence of missing Cattle we shall not move Camp today[.] we are encamped near to an alkali spring[.] Capt [Abraham Whitney] Palmer received premission [permission] to go on and spend A night or two with Capt Ferin’s Company but to await our arrival somewhere near Devil’s gate on Sweet Water[.] Bro. Snow had A Cow died this morning of the murra[i]n—which makes 5 that have died since leaveing the Missouri river and 4 oxen we have left on the road[.] N.B understand this is the sum total we have lost while our Company was together and what we have lost added theirto since the company devided, we understand our left wing has suffered since their seperation from us but we know not the exact amount[.] we also started with 43 sheep[.] you[r] Humble servant been the Shepard of them[.] we have lost two[.] one the wolvs got[.] the other died sundenly cause unknown
3rd this day travel is 22 miles over A sandy Barren Country[.] it has been trying on the Cattle has [as] we durst not give them any water on account of the Alkali springs[.] About 2 P.M passed Willow springs
4th Traveled 13 miles and camped on sweet water.
5th Traveled 14 miles[.] passed Independance Rock about noon and encamped a little west of Devils Gate about 4 O’Clock P.M[.] at this place we came up with a division of Capt. Warren Snow’s Company also Mc Ray’s and Capt. Ferin’s Company[.] Capt. Palmer was here waiting our arrival. Yesterday In the evening Bro. Oskar Tyler from the Valley arrived in our Camp, we where well pleased to meet A brother to give us the news at so far A distance from our beloved Haven but how much more so when we read the very courtious and sympathacic [sympathetic] epistle from our Beloved President and Counsell[.] undoubtedly some of our company will comply with the request
6th We are proceeding 3 miles further up sweet water In order to find better feed for our cattle[.] at this place we shall remain encamped in order to again do up our blacksmithing.
9th Traveled 18 miles and camped on sweet water.
10th Traveled 14 miles[.] This day we forded sweet water 3 times
11th Traveled 20 miles[.] forded sweet water once
12 Traveled 12 miles[.] forded sweet water 3 times
13th Traveled 18 miles[.] Camped on A Branch of Sweet Water willow Creek[.] this day we took A new right hand road in order to escape some 4 miles of rough rocky road on the old track.
14th Traveled 8 miles and camped on willow Creek upper ford of sweet water In company with Capt. E. K. Fuller and company (this day we saw Snake Indians[).] In the evening we had a social party and concluded with a dance
15th Capt. Snow received 175 lb of flour from Capt. Fuller which was divided out to the needy as follows: Sister Sophia Weeks 34 lb Harrison Pierce 33 lb widdows [Mary] Clark and Dougle, 22 lbs. Daily Carpenter 86 lb[.] Capt. Snow receipted for this amount and received an order from Capt. Fuller on Bro Dimic Huntington for 200 lb more to be received on Green river[.] Father Findley paid 4 dollars for 50 lbs to be received on Green river[.] Passed through the South Pass and camped about 2 miles west of Pacific Springs[.] this days travel is about 15 miles fore[.] and latter part of the day was intensly cold together with high winds and rain. John Findley paid Capt. Snow 4 dollars on Sept. 15th for 50 lbs of flour to be had at Green river which was duly received by him independant of the above amount.
16th Traveled 9 miles and camped on dry Sandy[.] still cold and rainy.
17th Traveled 14 miles and camped on little Sandy[.] this evening we had a snow Storm
18th Traveled 8 miles and camped on big Sandy After fording it
19th Traveled 20 miles and camped on big Sandy
20th Traveled 10 miles and Camped on Green River
21st Traveled 5 miles and forded Green River[.] see Bro Dimic Huntington and received the 200 lbs of flour which was divided out as follows[.] Sophia Weeks 34 lb Harrison Pierce 33 lb the Widdows Clark & Doudle 22 lb[,] Daly Carpenter 86 lb[,] Bro J. C. Snow reserved the remaining 37 lb for extreame cases that might occur between here and the valley
22nd lay by to do up Blacksmithing work
23rd traveled 5 miles this day[.] considerable snow fell[.] yesterday John Pettingill John Nights the widdows Tucker and Weeks had the Valley fevour so bad as to leave the Company without Capt Snow’s premission and this morning Bros Bunnell, Jackson, Pierce and the widdows Clark and Doudle did the same[.] also player[.] by acting in this way they have shown A very unchristian like spirit espicially the Blacksmith as we had several Oxen that required shoeing and other work to be don[.] Bro Jackson work tools has been carried for him[.] he has in general evencid A good spirit but of late his hurry to get to the valley has been so immoderate as to outweigh every other consideration[.] the day previous to him and Company leaving we had burned coal and made preperation to have all the work don up[.] in this we have been disapointed and they have left us not in A very good fix
24th traveled 9 miles this day about 4 miles[.] west of Green river we meet the Elders goeing out on Missions
September 25th traveled 19 miles[.] picked up A paper on the road from the disorganized party stateing they would waite on Blacks fork for us
26th traveled 12 miles and crossed Hams fork
27th traveled 11 miles and crossed Blacks fork
28th traveled 10 miles and passed Ford Bridger
29th traveled 10 miles and Camped at Copperas springs
30th traveled 14 miles and Camped at Sulphur Creek[.] this day [h]as been disagreeable in consequence of rain sleet and snow
October 1st this day we cannot travel in consequence of A severe snow storm
2nd traveled 1½ miles to Bear river[.] Rec’d 35 lbs of flour from Bro Murray which was devided as follows Bro Martindale 21 lbs Bro. Palmer 14 lbs[.] Bro Palmer also received 10¾ lbs of the remaining 37 lbs received Sept 21st.
3rd traveled 15 miles to Cache Cave on Echo creek
4th traveled 12 miles through Echo Kanyon [Canyon]
5th traveled 10 miles[.] Camped on the red fork of the Weber[.] this day we meet waggons from the Valley with flour for the destitute[.] we received 40 lb from Bro Adams which was devided as follows[.] Bro Mardindale 15 lb Bro Palmer 20 lb Bro Snow 5 lb
6th Traveled 8 miles and forded the Weber at noon
7th Traveled 10 miles and forded Kanyon [Canyon] Creek at noon
8th Traveled 9 miles haveing forded Kanyon Creek 11 times
9th Traveled 8 miles[.] we are now 9 miles from the City. And to Morrow October 10th 1852 the whole of Capt Snows 18th will have arrived at the City of the Great Salt Lake
October 9th The following is A correct account of the Green River Flour received by Capt Snow for the 18th Camp.
Sept 15th Capt Snow received from Capt Fuller 175 lb of Green river flour which is inserted Page 20.
Sept 21st from Bro Dimic Huntington 200 lb
October 2nd from Bro Murry 35 lb Makeing the whole amount 410 lb*John Findley paid Capt Snow 4 Dollars on Septs 15th for 50 lb of Flour to be had at Green River which was duly received by him Independant of the above amount X
Oct 5th Meet Waggons comineing with flour for the destitute and received from Bro Adams 40 lb
Henry Robinson Clerk