
Transcript for James G. Willie Emigrating Company journal, 1856 May-November, 16-53

Tuesday 1st July

This morning the Company of the Thornton Ship signed receipts of passage from New York to Iowa City. A child died today.

We are getting ready for the plains and are getting 17 lbs. of luggage ready to cross the plains with as it is not possible to take more. We still continue busy making tents and all doing what they can to further our movement.

Wednesday 2nd July

This morning it is pouring with rain accompanied by thunder and lightning. Sister Mary Lewis, wife of Joseph Lewis was delivered of a son at 3 a.m. of the Bristol Branch in the midst of thunder and lightning. The tents not being done we had a good soaking. It is very hot today.

Thursday July 3rd

We had plenty of rain again last night with thunder & lightning. The tents are not yet done although Prest. Willie is unceasing in his exertions to keep the sisters to their work. Nothing of importance, but all have plenty to do guarding, making tents, etc.

Friday July 4th

This day being the day of Celebration for the Independence of the United States we suspended generally from work and held a meeting with the American Flag flying when many of the Brethren spoke and Elder Ferguson delivered an oration. Many strangers were present and appeared much pleased, and all passed off well.

Saturday July 5th

This morning Lars Julius Larsen was born, the son of Peter and Ann K. Larsen. Also died this morning, Sarah Ann, daughter of Sister Ann Cooper in the Camp late of the Cambridgeshire Conference, England. It is very warm today.

Sunday, July 6th.

It is very hot, the tents are not yet finished. We attended meeting this day, held two meetings in the Camp today & many strangers were present. A good feeling prevails among the Saints, and very little discontent manifest.

Monday, July 7th.

This morning, Mary Ledingham died, daughter of William & Catherine Ledingham, late of Leith, Scotland, aged 22 months.

Tuesday, July 8th.

The tents are now finished, and all are pretty comfortably provided for. Most of the company are now engaged washing clothes, while others are making the hand-carts, fitting up waggons, &c.

Wednesday, July 9th.

A company of Saints arrived that came in the Horizon from Liverpool numbering some 800 souls came up this evening in the midst of a terrible storm, and we as well as the other Companies accommodated them the best in our power. A sister of the Company died this morning.

July 10th

Selecting the cattle this morning for our Camp; also mules, waggons, &c. All are pretty well with plenty to do preparing to move. Weather very warm.

Friday, July 11th

Saints generally busy and feel well about their departure, and are making all exertion possible to get ready. Nothing of importance occurred this day, the health and spirits of the company good.

Saturday July 12th

Sister [Elizabeth] Bailey who was out of her mind was baptized by President Willie. All are busy getting their 17 lbs. weighed up this morning. A brother fell down in a fit but after being administered to soon recovered. We have about finished weighing up the luggage this day. Quite a number complaining of diarrhea. There was a meeting held this evening when President Willie was appointed to preside over the 4th Division of the P[erpetual] E[migrating] F[und] Hand-Cart Company. Elders [Millen] Atwood, [Levi] Savage, [William] Woodward & [John] Chislett were appointed to preside over hundreds of the said Company. And much good counsel was given by President Spencer.

Sunday, July 13th

A child died last night between 8 & 9 p.m., the daughter of Hannah Louiza Richins on the camping ground. Sister [Elizabeth] Ingra was baptized this morning. We had two meetings in the Camp today where some good doctrine was preached. Elder Willie also called a meeting of the Captains of Hundreds & proposed that Elders [William] Ledingham and [Edward] Griffiths be appointed Captain of the Guard & Commissary. The vote was carried unanimously & after some good instruction from President Willie we were dismissed.

Monday July 14th

The Captains of Hundreds and all hands are busy carrying out the instructions of Prest. Willie given last night, namely of weighing all luggage to be paid for the valley & takeing an Inventory of all surplus property with valuation of same—All are in first rate spirits and more for the hand carts than the waggons.

Tuesday July 15th

We finished weighing the luggage today. Sister Eliza Hurren was delivered of a daughter about 6 a.m. yesterday; also Franklin Richins was born this day to John and Charlotte Richins of the Cheltenham Conference, & Richard Godfrey of Worcester Conference was joined in matrimony to Ann Herbert of the same Branch by Bishop Tyler.

We started out a short distance this day and encamped for the night, all in first rate spirits.

Wednesday July 16th

This morning all seemed in first rate health & spirits. We moved out 3 miles this day. The oxen did not arrive for 2 or 3 hours after the hand carts so that Prest. Willie with 9 or 10 men & 2 yoke of oxen went back and helped them up.

Thursday, July 17th.

This morning is a lovely morning. President Spencer and Elder Ferguson came up this morning & took back with them a list of the names &c. President Willie called a meeting & gave the Saints some good counsel and encouragement. Elders Atwood and Savage also addressed us & gave us some good advice & and a good spirit prevailed in our midst, after which we were dismissed by prayer.

Friday, July 18th.

All are well and in first rate spirits. The bugle blew about 4 a.m. for us to get up & we got breakfast, luggage, &c., ready for starting by 11o' clock. We proceeded on to Clear Creek, a distance of 6 miles where we arrived at 5 p.m. over broken bridges bad road unbroken oxen, &c. When we arrived we were covered with dust, all in first rate spirits. There is plenty of wood & water here.

Saturday July 19th

This morning it is very cold. The bugle blew about 4 a.m. & after getting our breakfast we started at 9:30 a.m. for Brushrow Creek 12 miles where we arrived at 7 p.m. much fatigued. We stopped about 3 miles from here to water the cattle. It is a beautiful road & good traveling.

Sunday, July 20th

We did not move out this day but rested ourselves and had two meetings. Prest. Willie, Elders Chislett & Savage addressed us. Yesterday Sister Adelaide A. Baker left us & this morning came and took her luggage & two of her children away with her. She came from the Portsmouth Branch, Southampton Conference; also Ann & Sabina Bird of the Eaton Bray Branch of the Bedfordshire Conference & Harriet Smith of the Bristol Branch, South Conference left us this day. All seemed in good spirits & when the evening meeting was over we were dismissed by prayer & went to our tents.

Monday, July 21st

This morning the bugle blew at 4 a.m. for the Saints to get up which they did & then got breakfast, greased our carts, took up our tents, packed out luggage & were ready to start at 7:30 a.m., with only one sick person in the waggon, all cheerful & in good spirits and proceeded to Hutton Creek 7 miles where we arrived at 12 noon. The Saints on arriving were surprized to find they had come so far and a good spirit prevailed throughout. There are a few sick in our midst. This night we were a little disturbed by some persons cursing & swearing about the Mormons, but plenty of guards & firearms were called out & after an hour or two swearing they left us.

Tuesday, July 22nd

This morning is a beautiful morning. The bugle blew at 4 a.m., and after getting our breakfast, &c., we had prayer & were ready for the journey at 7:50 a.m. We proceeded on our journey about 4 miles where we halted & refreshed ourselves & proceeded on to Bear Creek 10 miles. Our journey was very hilly & the heat very great & nearly all were beat out when they arrived at 2 p.m. There is plenty of wood & water here. Prest. Willie was busy attending upon the sick, the remaining part of the day. We were then dismissed by prayer by Elder Willie & went to our beds.

Wednesday, July 23rd

Charles Peat and family [blank space] with Martha & four children from Worcester, England, left us this morning. This morning it is very hot indeed without a breath of air & after prayer by Prest. Willie we were ready to start again at 7:30 a.m. we proceeded on our journey about 5 miles when we halted & those who had provisions refreshed themselves. We then went on about 5 miles when we halted & those who had provisions refreshed themselves. We then went on about 5 miles further & halted two hours. The sun was excessively hot. We then continued our journey as far as Brush Creek, 13 miles, where we arrived at 7 p.m. with a great many sick & tired out. Prest. Willie & Elder Griffiths were engaged till quite dark administering to the sick. Sister Mary Williams from the Worcester Branch of the Worcestershire Conference died on the way, supposed from eating green plums, together with the excessive heat. There is plenty of wood & water here.

Thursday[,] July 24th

This morning after prayers we left at 7:30 a.m. and proceeded on our journey 2 miles & encamped on Big Bear Creek, where we remained during the day. This afternoon we buried Sister Williams in the town burying ground and procured timber & made her a decent coffin. Prest. Willie & several of the brethren attended the funeral. In the evening we held a meeting & after prayer Prest. Willie with Elders Atwood & Woodward addressed the meeting and gave such counsel as was needed pressing upon the Saints the necessity of being one in all things.

Friday, July 25th.

This morning at 7 a.m. we left the Camp and traveled as far as Muddy Creek, 13 miles. We stopped twice by the way to rest. The weather being very warm just before we encamped we were overtaken by the Sheriff with a warrant to search the waggons, &c. under the idea that women were detained contrary to their wish with ropes. After showing their authority, they had permission to examine any part of the Company & were fully satisfied that the report was without foundation & left us. We were disturbed last night by about 30 men with supposed bad pretensions & called over their names but finding us on guard left without committing any depredations.

Saturday, July 26th.

There is a nice air this morning. We had prayers & were in readiness for our journey at 8 a.m. when it commenced raining very fast & made the carts run very heavy. It continued to rain till about 10 a.m. when it ceased and the roads soon began to dry up. We arrived at Sugar Creek 11 miles at 1 o' clock and encamped for the night. Wood & water being pretty handy.

Sunday, July 27th

This morning we had prayers, packed our tents, luggage, &c., and were on our journey by 7:50 a.m. We traveled as far as Skunk Creek, 6 miles, where we encamped for the day being Sunday to attend to washing, prayers, preaching, &c. The Camp is getting strong & the sick are a mending very fast. There is a good supply of wood & water here. We had a meeting this afternoon, Elder Savage presided & he & Elder Woodward addressed us. The weather is quite pleasant & very congenial to our feelings.

Monday, July 28th

This morning the air was very pleasant. After we had packed our luggage, had prayers, &c., we were on our journey. We proceeded on for 9 or 10 miles when we halted for an hour or two & pursued our journey to Cherry Creek, 14 miles. Here we encamped for the night. On our way we passed through Newton, where it was rumored we should meet with some difficulty, but we got our Company together & passed through very quietly. The Saints were all pretty tired & arrived at Cherry Creek about 6 o' clock. Wood & water pretty handy, all going along well although their journey throughout was very rough & hilly and tired them all out.

Saleam [Selena] Haren [Hurren], daughter of James & Eliza Haren [Hurren], aged 14 days died about 11 a.m. this day with the rash in the mouth. Sister Haren' s child was buried this day with Elder Savage & others in attendance.

Tuesday, July 29th, 1856.

This morning we were up, had prayers, breakfast, &c., and were on our journey by 7:15 a.m. This morning there is a small breath of air & beautiful traveling. We proceeded as far as Castle Green 8 miles where we halted two hours, then pursued our journey as far as Skunk Creek where we arrived at 4 p.m. We had some very heavy hills to ascend & made 12 miles this day. There is plenty of wood & water here. On our journey Brother Henry Boden of the Worcester Branch of the Worcestershire Conference left us.

Wednesday, July 30th

We arose had breakfast, prayers, &c., and were on our journey by 7 o' clock, the air beautiful. We proceeded on our journey about 8 or 10 miles when we halted for about 2 hours, and were on our journey again at 2 o' clock intending to go about 4 miles to the next creek, but the Danes having the lead went some distance by the Camping ground through some misunderstanding, & after consulting a while, it was thought better to proceed to the next creek, rather than turn back. And being misinformed about the distance we pursued our journey as far as Fort Des Moines without coming to a convenient camping ground. We arrived about 7:30 p.m. all very tired. Wood & water is plentiful here. We stopped just outside the Town and had many visitors from the Town to see us & kept themselves very quiet. We traveled 21 miles this day.

Thursday, July 31st

This morning we were all up, had prayers, breakfast, &c., and were on our journey by 6:30 a.m. We crossed on the Flat-Boat-Bridge & passed about a mile through the Town where we stopped till 2 o' clock to give the cattle water & grass. We pursued our journey again about 4 miles where we encamped for the night. Wood & water pretty plentiful here. (Walnut Creek). Mr. Charles Good, a respectable gentleman from the City who seemed very favorable to the Gospel from no impure motive brought a present of 15 pairs of childrens boots & being given with a free spirit we received them. The Saints all seem in pretty good spirits this day although they were very much fatigued last night by the long day' s journey.

Friday, August 1st.

This morning the air is very refreshing. We travelled about 10 miles & halted for about 2 hours for refreshment & pursued our journey again as far as Timber Point where we encamped for the night. The weather was very hot indeed the latter part of the journey which made it very bad travelling. The Saints all seem pretty well, the inhabitants round were very civil & obliging. Wood & water are plentiful here. We came 14 miles this day.

Saturday August 2nd

This morning there is a beautiful air. We started about 7:50 a.m., after the general duties had been attended to. We passed through O Del. Before entering the town we had to ford a river about knee deep. A great many of the towns people came to see us & got trying to get the sisters away, but they took no notice of them & we passed through very quietly. We also forded another river & mud hole this day on our journey, & arrived at Middle Coone Creek about 5 or 6 o' clock. Wood & water plentiful here, & a good spirit prevails in our midst. We travelled 17 miles this day.

Sunday Aug. 3rd

This morning is a beautiful morning & we were on our journey by 6:45 a.m., & arrived at the South Coone Creek at 10:15 a.m. where we encamped for the day being Sunday to attend to washing, &c. Wood & water are pretty plentiful here. We travelled 10 miles this morning & rested ourselves the remainder of the day.

Monday, Aug. 4th.

We started out about 7 o' clock, a beautiful morning and a nice air. We halted as usual 2 hours for refreshment & then continued our journey to Bear Grove Creek 17 miles where we arrived about 2 p.m. We stopped at a spring being no houses on our journey for refreshments. Wood is very scarce here. The Saints generally in pretty good spirits.

Tuesday Aug. 5th.

We started about 6:30 a.m. & travelled 8½ miles to a spring where we rested for an hour & then went on to Turkey Creek 18½ miles & arrived about 3 p.m. Wood rather scarce here but a beautiful spring of water. In the evening Elders Willie & Atwood reproved the Saints for being so dilatory & told them if they did not repent they would not have the blessings of the Lord & would not get through this season.

Wednesday, Aug. 6th.

This morning the rain came down in torrents till about 7 a.m. & we started about 9 a.m. after the tents had dried. We halted for two hours at a creek and then pursued our journey to Jordan Creek 14 miles where we halted for the night very much fatigued, the journey being very hillyn—water pretty plentiful but no wood within a mile and a half. We arrived in Camp about 6 p.m.

Thursday, Aug 7th

We started out about 6:30 a.m. A beautiful morning & splendid roads. We passed through Indian Town on our way, about 11:30 & halted for refreshments 2 hours and pursued our journey again as far as Walnut Creek 16 miles where we arrived at 4 oc[lock.] wood & water very plentiful here. We had splendid roads this day & travelled some part of the journey at the rate of nearly 4 miles an hour. The Saints all in good spirits. Bro. [Isaac] Smith of the Wiltshire Conference went into a store to purchase some things & left his purse in the shop with 6 sovereigns in it.

Friday, August 8th

This morning there is a nice air, we started out at 7:30 a.m., travelled 8 or 9 miles & crossed the East Nishna Botany River and took dinner on its banks & pursued our journey as far as West Nishna Botany Creek 15 miles where we halted for the night, wood & water pretty plentiful. Bro. Woodward went back with witnesses and got a search warrant for Bro. Smith' s purse, but did not succeed in finding it. We arrived in camp about 3 oc.

Saturday Aug. 9th.

This morning we arose, had prayers, &c., and were on our journey at 6:30 a.m. & travelled to Silver Creek where we halted for refreshments about 2 hours & pursued our journey to Keg Creek 16 miles where we arrived about 3 oc. wood & water pretty plentiful here. In the evening Elders Willie & Atwood addressed the meeting & we had a first rate time of it with much of the Spirit of the Lord in our midst. On our way to this creek Bro. Gurnly of the Wiltshire Conference left us with his daughter.

Sunday, Aug 10th.

The Saints are all busy washing this morning. We left Keg Creek about 4 p.m. this day & travelled to Mosquito Creek 9 miles where we arrived at 7:20 p.m., a good spirit generally prevailing in our midst. Wood & water plentiful.

Monday, Aug. 11th.

This day we started at 7:15 a.m. with a beautiful air & good roads in our favor. We passed through Bluffs City & 2 or 3 small towns on our way and proceeded to a Creek 10 miles where we intended to halt but finding no water we proceeded on to the Missouri River 16 miles where we took the ferry & crossed over to the Camp of Florence arriving about 4 oc & encamped for the night, all very tired. Bro. McGaw came & assisted us in crossing the river & Bro. Kimball welcomed us on our arrival.

Tuesday, Aug 12th

This morning the brethren are busy getting the Saints to sign bonds finding out who intend stopping, what hand-carts want repairing, with many other things which are requisite before proceeding on our journey across the plains. In the evening Bro. McGaw and Bro. Willie addressed the Saints and gave them some needful instructions & advice before proceeding on the remainder of the journey.

Wednesday, Aug 13th.

The Brethren are busy settling up accounts, finding out those who are going to stop, &c. In the evening Prest. Willie with Elders Atwood & Savage addressed us and bore their testimonies & gave their opinions of the journey before us & after prayers we were dismissed & went to our tents.

Thursday, Aug. 14th.

It is splendid weather & the Saints are getting up their strength while the Brethren are busy loading up flour, taking the names of those going through, preparing the hand-carts, &c., together with many other things necessary before proceeding on our journey.

Friday, Aug. 15th.

This morning the sun is out beautiful, all the Brethren who can work at the carpentering & iron work were up early and all went at the hand-carts in good earnest under the Presidency of Elder Willie in order to forward our starting as much as possible. Last night Sister Mary Ann Hanson [Maren Hansen] [sentence unfinished]

Minutes of journey from Florence (Old Winter Quarters) N. T. to Salt Lake City, 1856.

Saturday 16 August. Part of the 4th Company of Hand-carts 85 in number under the presidency of Elder James G. Willie started from Florence in company with 11 waggons (P.E. Fund & Independent) about one o' clock p.m. and journey to Little Pappea where they camped for the night with Col. Babbitt and 4 waggons of his. The Handcart Company had been organized into hundreds by President Daniel Spencer at Iowa City and subsequently sanctioned by President James McGaw. Millen Atwood, Capt. of 1st Hundred, Levi Savage Capt. of 2nd Hundred, William Woodward Capt. of 3rd Hundred, John Chislett Capt. of 4th Hundred, J. A. Ahamason [Ahmanson] Capt. of 5th Hundred. Brother [John] Jost borrowed a yoke of oxen from Bro. [James] Cantwell in consequence of his own being unmanageable. Promised to return said yoke tomorrow—6 miles from Florence.

Sunday, 17 August. Staid in camp all day. Bros. Jost and Geary [John] returned to Florence with Bro. Cantwell' s oxen. Remainder of handcarts and waggons arrived in Camp from Florence with President Willie. This evening Capt. Atwood gave the Saints some good instruction relative to their present and future duties which he plainly told them must and should be performed and referring to his satisfaction at some grumblers having deserted from the ranks told the balance that those of them who might still feel double-minded had better do the same as this was about their last chance. Capt. Atwood was addressing the Saints when President Willie arrived. A smart shower or two to-day.

Monday 18 August. Left camp about 3 p.m. and camped for the night at Great Pappea. President James McGaw and Elder Wm. H. Kimball with one or two other brethren visited the Camp. President McGaw placed the Independent Waggon Company in the same organization as the Handcart Company and appointed Andrew L. Siler, Capt. of such Company. 9 miles from Florence.

Tuesday, 19 August. Rolled out about 6 a.m. and ferried the Elk Horn River in the middle part of the day, the cattle swimming the stream. Prest. Willie appointed Bro. Niel[s], Lars[on] Christiansen [Christensen], interpreter and Counselor to the Danish Saints and obtained a unanimous vote from the Camp to support every other appointment which had been made. Camped for the night on a creek about 3 miles from the River. 27 miles from Florence.

Wednesday, 20 August. Stopped in camp till one p.m. to wash, prepare weapons, &c. Started at one o' clock & arrived at the Platte River about dusk. 39 miles from Florence.

Thursday, 21 August. Last night rather stormy. Journey resumed at 6:30 a.m. Reached Platte River where it joins the road about 2 p.m. The sun being very hot and cattle much exhausted train ordered to stop here till 5 p.m. when the journey resumed. Travelled about 6 miles further and camped on the open prairie without wood or water the cattle having been watered just previous to starting. Ordered to move off in the morning before breakfast. About 55 miles from Florence.

Friday 22 August. Order to move before breakfast, obeyed. Weather very hazy and grass very wet but about 9 it became fine. Stayed 2 hours at Shell Creek to breakfast, &c. Resumed journey and tavelled about 12 miles further camping at sunset near Platte River by the side of a long lake. During the afternoon Sister Sophia Geary had her left foot run over by Bro. Wilford' s waggon. She was administered to in the evening by Bros. Siler, Cantwell and Geary, Capt. Siler officiating. He sealed the blessing of health and strength upon her and promised that inasmuch as she would exercise faith she should walk tomorrow. 75 miles from Florence.

Saturday 23 August. Rolled out about 6:30 a.m. ferried the Loup Fork River, the cattle fording it. While at the Loup Fork Prest. Willie had a cow and calf killed for the Handcart Company. Camped for the night on the other side. Plenty of wood and water and abundance of rich feed for cattle in the shape of pea-vines. Sis. Geary walked a considerable distance pursuant to Bro. Siler' s promise. About 86 miles from Florence.

Sunday 24 August. Left Camp at 6:30 a.m. Journeyed about 6 miles and stayed for dinner and to water cattle for nearly an hour at a bend of the Loup Fork. Travelled a considerable distance further and stayed again sufficiently long to water, then journeyed about 12 miles.further turned off the road and camped on the bank of the Loup Fork with plenty of grass[,] wood and water. A good hard road nearly the whole day' s march. Say 100 miles from Florence.

Monday 25 August. Rolled out about 7 a.m. leaving Bro. Griffiths on a mule to hunt for 3 cows which had been lost. He got into Camp in the evening about dusk with one cow only which he reported as having found on terms of close intimacy with 2 wolves. Travelled about 8 miles opposite the Pioneers' Ford of the Loup Fork (1½ mile to right of Camp) and stayed there for water and dinner. Had to double teams up a steep sandhill between 2 bluffs at the top of which Camp dined. Journeyed about 12 miles further and camped for the night on the right hand side of a lake of water. No wood nearer than half a mile on the other side of the lake which was crossed at its head. About the time of arrival the Camp was favored with a drenching shower of rain. Good feed. About 120 miles from Florence.

Tuesday 26 August. Started about 7 a.m. and after journeying about 10 miles stayed on the open prairie to rest for half an hour and then travelled about 5 miles further camping for the night near the Loup Fork with good feed and water but little wood. A fine cool day for travelling. The king-bolt of Bro. Chislett' s waggon broke soon after starting this morning. This detained his and another waggon' s company for some time but they all arrived in Camp early in the evening. About 135 miles from Florence.

Wednesday 27 August. Left Camp about 7 a.m. Travelled over heavy sandy roads more or less all day stopping for an hour or 2 in the middle of the day to eat and to water cattle at a well about 8 miles on the way. A large quantity of lizards on the road. Camped for the night on the open prairie having found a slough of water on the left hand side of the road. 150 miles from Florence.

Thursday 28 August. Rolled forth about 7 a.m. Staid to water cattle and to dine at Prairie Creek which Camp subsequently crossed arriving at Wood River after dark. Camped there with plenty of wood & water but rather indifferent feed. Roads very sandy throughout the morning. Four buffaloes seen during the afternoon. They were fruitlessly pursued by Bros. Siler & Savage for several miles. They saw a large herd in the distance. Bro. [William] Haley [Hailey] (an old man) was missed on the arrival of the Camp this evening. Several went out in search with a lantern but without success. 165 miles from Florence.

Friday 29 August. A tremendous storm arose early this morning and lasted for several hours. A large number of scouts started after breakfast in search of Bro. Haley. The lost sheep was found 30 yards from the road after about 2 hours' search thoroughly drenched with water. His voice was scarcely audible. He said that the Bro. with the lantern passed nearly close to him last night but that he (Haley) could not make himself heard. Left camp at one o' clock p.m. and after journeying about 3 miles met a number of mounted Omaha Indians one of whom (the Interpreter) produced a letter from Capt. Stewart of the U.S. Army dated recently at Fort Kearney and addressed to Col. Babbitt stating that on last Monday (25 August) his waggons were attacked by the Cheyenne Indians who killed 2 of his men and a little child[,] shot a 3rd man through the thigh and carried a woman captive, the wounded man with another who escaped unhurt being, at date of letter, at Fort Kearney. President Willie and Captains Atwood, Savage and Siler visited a large encampment of Omaha Indians about half a mile from our Camp. These Indians were very numerous and had a great quantity of horses. They seemed friendly disposed and bartered Buffalo meat for different articles. Our Camp stopped early in the afternoon about half a mile from the Indian Camp. 175 miles from Florence.

Saturday 30 August. Left camp about 7 a.m. Immediately met some Californians with a large herd of horses for the States. They confirmed the Indians' report of the murder of Col. Babbitt' s men and stated that they met several Mormon trains at different points on the route and that good health prevailed generally. After travelling some distance we came up to the graves of the 2 men and the child. President Willie and Capt. Atwood assisted by the brethren piled very large quantities of earth on the graves to protect them from the wolves and to smother the effluvia which was beginning to arise.

Journeyed on till we arrived at the "Lone Tree" where we crossed creek and staid to water cattle and dine. While dining some of the brethren noticed on the hills about 2 miles off some animals which looked like oxen. Capt. Savage and Bro. Joseph Elder started in pursuit the one on a mule the other on horseback and after a long chase succeeded in bringing into Camp a yoke of oxen which were added to Bro. Jost' s team. Travelled on after about 2 hours' delay[.] crossed Wood River and camped for the night on its bank about 4 miles above the crossing with plenty of grass[,] wood and water. Shortly after camping Col. Babbitt, with a man, & a Scotch sister named Stewart arrived in Camp with 5 mules and a carriage. They camped with us for the night and the Col. arranged for Sis. Stewart going through to the Valley in Bro. Cantwell' s waggon. This evening Bro. Robert Culwell' s collar bone got broken by a cow which he was attempting to milk. About 200 miles from Florence.

Sunday 31 August. Started out of Camp about 7 a.m. leaving Col. Babbitt behind. He however overtook us at the point where the road leaves Wood River and where we took in water. He went ahead of us to Fort Kearney. Travelled on for about 16 miles further to the place where the road nearly strikes Platte River. On our way met 4 Californians who gave good reports of our trains and stated that crops in the Valley were first-rate when they passed through on 2nd August. I omitted to state yesterday that Bro. Culwell whose collar bone was broken was promptly administered to by President Willie and his shoulder and arm bandaged. He is doing well today. About 218 miles from Florence.

Monday 1 Sept. Left Camp about 7:30 a.m. and crossed 2 dry creeks besides Elm Creek where we watered cattle and dined. Journeyed to Buffalo Creek on a bend of which we camped for the night with plenty of grass and wood and rather indifferent water it being very low and consequently stagnant. Capt. Siler and Bros. Jost and Elder by permission went ahead of the Camp in pursuit of Buffalo and succeeded in killing one which was not brought into Camp till about 11 p.m. A cow was killed today previous to the Buffalo by direction of Prest. Willie. About 238 miles from Florence.

Tuesday 2 Sept. Cutting up[,] weighing and delivering meat occupied some little time this morning. Left Camp about 9 a.m. and after crossing a dry creek journeyed to crossing of Buffalo Creek where we dined. After crossing journeyed to the point where that Creek leaves the road. Camped there for the night with plenty of grass[,]wood and water. We camped here in consequence of its being probable that water could not be reached in less than 10 miles. About 250 miles from Florence.

Wednesday 3 Sept. Elizabeth Ingra of the Cambridgeshire Conference in England died about daybreak this morning and was buried in a grave 5 feet deep before starting of Camp which moved off about 8 a.m. President Willie and other Brethren staid behind for an hour to complete the interment and to cut and erect a tombstone. After travelling about 6 miles passed 2 bends of a creek of water on our left and stopped after about 12 miles journey to dine on the open prairie without wood or water at which point the Brethren killed 2 buffaloes which came within shot of the handcarts. Good hard road this morning except at intervals where it was studded with patches of sand. The country rolling. Pursued our journey till we arrived at a pit or small lake of water on our left where we camped for the night without wood but with good feed. 265 miles from Florence.

Thursday 4 Sept. It being ascertained this morning that 30 head of cattle had strayed away (most probably in a stampede) during the night, President Willie despatched all the able-bodied men to search for them and after several hours' search the Brethren returned with reports of failures. A council was then called by Prest. Willie and afterwards different brethren under the command of Capt. Savage, Siler and Christianson started in different directions. Capt. Siler with his company returned about 5 and Captains Savage and Christianson with theirs about 8 p.m. (Capt. Savage' s was a mule company, and Captains Siler and Christianson's were on foot), after a fruitless search. This morning Col. Babbitt overtook us and reported that it was uncertain whether Mrs. Wilson (the woman who was stated in this journal of 29ult. [Aug.] to have been "taken captive") was dead or alive, but that she had not yet been found—that the statement made to him by his 2 men (the one "Parish by name and the other called "John" and wounded through the thigh) whom he had found at Fort Kearney was that one of them (Parish) being on guard and noticing some Indians coming upon their camp alarmed the other men who were sleeping under the waggons, as also Mrs. Wilson—that the Indians immediately began to fire & he (the guard) shot at them with a revolver several times from behind a waggon during which time he saw the waggon-master shot dead, and that finding the numbers too great he and "John" made their escape to Fort Kearney. Col. Babbitt also reported that the Cheyenne Indians attacked a small waggon-train from California last Sunday and killed a woman. that the U.S. Dragoons had killed 13 Cheyennes and taken a number of horses. The Col. also stated that according to report this tribe was concentrating all its strength in the neighborhood of Ash Hollow where the troops were expecting a fight. The Col. very kindly lent me a letter which he found amongst Mrs. Wilson' s papers, and which he said was written by herself containing a short history of occurrences between Florence and the Loup Fork from whence it was dated on 21st ult. It commenced with the words "Dear Cousin" and was left unfinished, the latter half being written in pencil. It was manifest from the tenor of the letter that the writer was very uneasy and had more or less during the whole journey entertained apprehensions of danger from some source or other. It would seem that she wrote the letter while some of the men had gone in search of their cattle which they found 18 miles from their Camp. Col. B. reported that Prest. Smoot' s train would probably be opposite to us on the other side of the Platte this evening which turned out to be the case.

Friday 5 Sept. This morning Prest. Willie sent out together Capt. Savage in command of a mule company and Captain Christianson in command of a foot company in search of the missing cattle, but the 2 parties returned at dark together this evening and reported a complete failure. Capt. Siler and other Brethren visited President Smoot' s Company this morning which they overtook 12 miles from our Camp. President Smoot and Capt. O. P. Rockwell returned with our brethren and met with our Officers in Council this evening. They camped with us for the night.

Saturday 6 Sept. This morning President Smoot at the request of our President made some cheering remarks to the Saints and showed us the necessity of strict and ready obedience at the conclusion of which President Willie told the Brethren to yoke up their remaining cattle and the cows and be ready for an immediate move. The first and second hundred and part of the third hundred accompanied by the P.E.F. waggons to start first which was done accordingly. At the same time Bros. Joseph Elder and Andrew Smith were sent back to search for the lost cattle with instructions to go on till they met Franklin D. Richards. After a few hours' absence the teams which had moved off the first half of our Company returned and took away the remaining half the whole Company about 4 or 5 miles nearer the Valley in the bend of a fine creek near the Platte. This evening at Prayers Capt. Siler made some remarks to that portion of the Camp entrusted to his charge on the principle of obedience & more particularly as it bore on the Saints' present position here and which remarks had a tendency to prepare their minds for some coming trial of their confidence in God and his Servants. President Smoot and Capt. Rockwell left us this afternoon for their Camp.

Sunday 7 Sept. This morning a council was held and soon afterwards the whole Camp was called together by the well known sound of the horn. President Willie called on Capt. Atwood to preside over the meeting. After singing, "How firm a foundation ye Saints of the Lord" &c., Prest. Atwood called on Captains Chislett, Woodward, Savage and Siler (in the order of their names) to address the Saints which these Brethren did showing very clearly the difficulties of our present position and urging on the people the absolute necessity for doing away with the spirit of grumbling, strife, pilfering and disregard of counsel which was now on the increase in the Camp and substituting in its place the spirit of contentment, peace, union and strict obedience. President Atwood then addressed the Saints stating his cordial approbation of the Brethren' s remarks which he believed would be heeded and thus reduced into practice by the people. He adverted (as also did Capt. Siler in his Observation) to the "Independent Waggon Company" and said his feelings was for the owners to consecrate waggons and teams and everything belonging to them to the Lord through his Servant President Willie to be used in the present emergency as the Holy Ghost should dictate through him. Prest. Atwood urged the pilferers to come forward and openly confess their faults before their Brethren who would then extend to them the friendly hand of forgiveness. He told the Saints plainly they must one and all from this time, as far as they knew how, literally obey the counsel of each particular officer placed immediately over them without repining or grumbling openly or secretly. President Willie then summed up the whole matter examining minutely the ground occupied by the preceding speakers and expressing his approbation of their remarks. He said (as also did President Atwood in his preceding speech) that the whole strength of the Camp, that of men, women, children and beasts—must be applied under the direction of the Officers of the Camp for the one object in view, the early resumption and speedy & final completion of the journey which he (with President Atwood) considered might, even now, be continued at the rate of from 10 to 15 miles per day according to circumstances. He urged on the Brethren and Sisters attached to the "Independent" Waggons and who had no particular occupation except to walk alongside those vehicles or to ride inside them to walk altogether or as much as practicable and besides to confer honor on themselves by assisting to pull handcarts or doing anything else which their Superior Officer might direct or which they might see required to be done even though it should be to leave their luggage on the Plains. Prest. Willie said he would not enter into full particulars of the plan of operations which he contemplated further than by saying that if the Brethren or Sisters drawing handcarts should be required by their Captain to draw 4 or 5 hundred of flour they must do it cheerfully and the Waggon Company must act on the same principle by carrying anything and everything which might be required of them by like authority. He entirely concurred in the remarks of President Atwood and the other Brethren and would like to see all the grumblers, pilferers, liars and so forth if any were still so in their hearts immediately stand by themselves aside from the rest so that the Brethren might better know them. He concluded by suggesting that President Atwood test the feelings of the Camp by obtaining their vote to sustain the various Officers in their respective positions to the very uttermost in carrying out such measures as the Holy Ghost might devise through them for the most safely and speedily gathering this Company to Zion, expressing his strong desire that none would raise their hands toward Heaven in support of such a vote unless they meant it from their hearts and would literally and willingly carry out its spirit when the Officers came to execute their duty. President Atwood then put the question in the affirmative terms mentioned by President Willie at the same time wishing the people not to lower their hands till he told them to do so. The motion was carried unanimously and on its being put in the negative not a single hand was held up. The Meeting was then dismissed and the Brethren immediately went to work to execute the will of President Willie which was cheerfully responded to. Afterwards President Willie and Captains Atwood and Siler with other the Brethren yoked up many of the cows which was an arduous task. Early this morning some animals were observed at a considerable distance from our Camp and supposing they might be our missing cattle President Willie, Captain Savage and others went out to reconnoitre but found the animals were a small herd of horses belonging to some men from California who afterwards came to our Camp to purchase flour, a mission in which they completely failed as none were willing to sell in our present emergency. They said they gave 20 cents a pound for the flour at Fort Laramie which they left 12 days ago leaving a poor lean horse on the road 25 miles above this point. They reported having met a handcart company on the Sweetwater and 2 other Companies behind them "all right" and that the grass was scarce for 3 days' journey from this point though afterwards we should find it very plentiful. One of these men who gave his name as "James M. Hurn" stated that he lived in Salt Lake City in 1854. The only thing in the shape of provisions which this party wanted for was breadstuffs.

Monday 8 Sept. This morning a man who gave his name as "Henry Bauichter" came into our camp on horseback. He stated that he was a discharged Soldier from Fort Laramie which he left on 29th ult, and that after travelling about 30 miles he overtook a waggon with 2 mules and 2 horses, the one an Indian horse with a white face, the mules alone drawing the waggon, accompanied by 2 men, one of whom gave his name as "Thomas Margetts" and the other as "James Cowdy"—that the former appeared to have a wife and the latter a wife and child, the whole of whom, as the 2 men stated, were on their way from Great Salt Lake City to the States—that about 70 miles ahead of us on what is supposed to be the North Bluff Creek he and Thomas Margetts went out on horseback in search of buffalo—that this was between 1 and 2 p.m. on 6th inst.—that he (Bauichter) soon killed a buffalo upon which Margetts returned to the Waggon to fetch some things for carrying away part of the animal which Bauchter staid behind to dress—that on Margetts' return from the waggon he filled one utensil, principally with tallow, and started again for the waggon while Bauichter remained behind to fill up another utensil which Margetts had brought—that the buffalo was over the bluff about a mile and a half from the waggon—that he (Bauchter) was occupied half an hour or so, after Margetts' last departure, in cutting up meat and filling the other utensil immediately whereupon he also returned in the direction of the waggon noticing before his arrival there that the wagon-cover had been stripped off and that neither mules nor horses were to be seen—that on his (B' s) arrival he discovered on the ground the bodies of Margetts, Cowdy, his wife and child, all dead, except the child that was crying and bloody—that he (B) saw no wounds on any of the bodies and an arrow was sticking in Cowdy' s thigh (whether the right or left one he could not say) and Mrs. C. was sitting in an upright posture leaning against some raised ground, with her breasts and private parts exposed and her head leaning backwards and seemed to have been brutally treated by her murderers—that the waggon, the hinder part of which was on fire, had been completely ransacked and all that was of any immediate use taken away—that he (B) looked around for Mrs. Margetts whom he could not find—that the feathers from a bed had been strewn on the ground by the side of the waggon but he could not see the bed-tick—that he saw at some considerable distance 12 men or so on horseback apparently riding fast and, as far as he could discover, Indians—that none of the bodies were scalped—that he heard no report of fire-arms during his absence from the waggon and that not feeling himself safe in the neighborhood of the murders he escaped with his horse, and with the loss of his discharge and other papers, about $300, a gold watch and other things which he had deposited in the wagon and made the best of his way to this point intending to reach Fort Kearney and report the facts there as quickly as possible. Bauichter said he did not meet any one on his journey from Fort Laramie to our Camp where he arrived stating that he had not eaten for 50 hours. His wants in this respect were supplied and he was furnished with food and ammunition to Fort Kearney for which place he started about 11 a.m. He stated that the 2 horses were ridden at intervals during the journey by Mr. and Mrs. Margetts. The fixing up of our remodelled teams and the changing of freight from one waggon to another occupied the entire morning. We started about noon and after travelling along the Platte Bottom for about 10 or 12 miles, part of the road being very swampy and sandy, we camped for the night close to the River with good feed. Fetched wood from an Island in the River.

Tuesday 9 Sept. Rolled out of Camp at 8:30 a.m. our teams still being very troublesome to fix up. Journeyed about 6 miles and then stopped to water cattle and to dine over a sand bluff to cross which we had to double teams. Continued our journey from the river upon the banks of which we camped for the night close to the point where Skunk Creek empties itself into the River. Very heavy sandy roads throughout the day. About 285 miles from Florence.

Wednesday10 Sept. Left Camp a little before 9 a.m. & journeyed on to crossing of Skunk Creek, President Willie, Capt. Atwood and other brethren carrying the Sisters over the stream. Camped for the night at a good spring of clear cold water on the south side of the road with good feed but no wood. Roads worse than yesterday. 295 miles from Florence.

Thursday 11 Sept. Left Camp about 8 a.m. crossed Carrion Creek, nooned on banks of Platte River and camped for the night on the banks of the same. Buffalo killed this evening after arrival of Camp. Some of the Brethren thought they saw horsemen and carriages coming along this evening at dusk but it unfortunately turned out to be a "bag of moonshine". Good feed and lots of "chips" as usual. We have most delightful weather and are being prospered beyond our utmost expectations. Better roads today; the health of the Camp which has been indifferent for some time past is improving and all is well with us. About 300 miles from Florence. Our camping place for the night was on the north fork of the Platte about 9 miles above the junction.

Friday 12 Sept. Pursuant to a previous threat or promise Capt. Atwood pulled down a tent or two this morning (about an hour and a half after the horn had blown) exposing the serene features of its sleeping inmates much to their chagrin and the amusement of bystanders. Some of the sleepers wanted to draw the tent back over them as a covering but it was "no go"—they stood confessed to the "vulgar gaze." Buffalo meat served out this morning first thing—Left Camp about 8:30 a.m., crossed a fine creek[,] nooned on the banks of the Platte and afterwards crossed the North Bluff Fork. Pretty good feed. This evening President Franklin D. Richards and suite (with Bros. Elder and Smith who went in search of the missing cattle) arrived just before dusk in 3 carriages and 2 waggons. They were loudly greeted by the hearty hurrahs of the Saints whom they met after supper when Prest. Willie in a few appropriate remarks introduced Prest. Richards into whose hands he gave the Meeting to be led by him as the Holy Ghost might dictate. Bro. Richards then called on Bro. [blank space] Dunbar for a song. He accordingly sang one of the Songs of Zion. Prest. Richards then addressed the Saints expressing his satisfaction at their having journeyed thus far & more especially with handcarts and congratulating them on the loss of their cattle which he knew had proved and would prove their salvation if they would hearken to and diligently obey counsel to the letter in which event he promised in the name of Israel' s God and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood that no obstacle whatever should come in the way of this Camp but what they should be able by their united faith and works to overcome[.] God being their helper and that if a Red Sea whould interpose they should by their union of heart & hand walk through it like Israel of old dryshod. On the same conditions he promised that though they might have some trials to endure as a proof to God and their Brethren that they had the true"grit" still the Lamanites[,] heat nor cold nor any other thing should have power to seriously harm any in the Camp but that we should arrive in the Valleys of the Mountains with strong and healthy bodies and that this should be the case with the aged the sick and the inform [infirm]. He said that next to the Pioneers the Handcart Companies would meet with the most hearty and gracious reception from Prest. Young[,] the Authorities under him and all the Saints in Utah of any Companies that every entered the valley. Prest. Richards said although it was a scheme at which many had already scoffed and which they were yet deriding it was nevertheless the Lord' s plan, a plan which would first puzzle and astonish the nations and then strike terror into their hearts. He encouraged the Saints to live the principles of their religion not only openly before the world but privately in their families and in their intercourse with each other and to scorn all the trials and difficulties which might come in their way, assuring them as the result of such a course that they should find favor with God, and have the confidence of the Brethren things which were to him at all events afar above all the gold, silver and precious stones in the Universe. His words had the tendency to build up, strengthen and encourage the people and seemed to electrify his hearers as it were. The Holy Ghost was felt in its almighty and renovating power during the whole time we were together and the people seconded his sentiments by a hearty "Amen" from time to time. Counsellors Daniel Spencer and Cyrus H. Wheelock addressed the Saints in a few stirring remarks bearing testimony to the truth of the words spoken by Prest. Richards. These Brethren exhorted the Saints to obedience, union and brotherly love as they valued their salvation across these Plains. The meeting was then dismissed with prayer by Capt. Atwood after which an account was taken of the number of cows, oxen, waggons, fire-arms, &c., for presentation by President Richards to the First Presidency. Bro. Dunbar sang several songs of Zion during the meeting. Camped for the night on the North Bluff Fork of the Platte—320 miles from Florence.

Saturday 13 Sept. This morning we were summoned together about 7 o' clock. Prest. Richards opened the Meeting by calling on Counsellor C.H. Wheelock to engage in prayer. Bro. Dunbar then sang an appropriate song at the conclusion of which Prest. R. gave the Saints some good and wholesome instruction especially impressing on their minds the absolute necessity of literal and prompt obedience and reminding them that Prest. Willie was invested with absolute authority to direct the affairs of this Camp. President R' s remarks were well received by the Saints and there was a perfect unanimity of feeling manifested. He then dismissed the meeting with prayer at the conclusion of which our President moved that we give 3 cheers for Prest. R. and Suite which was quickly responded to by the waveing of hats, handkerchiefs and bonnets and 3 united hearty and uproarious hip – hip – hip – hurrahs. He then said that as he had found a good place for crossing the Platte nearly opposite our present camping ground our Company had better cross at once. He and his Suite crossed and Prest. Willie immediately gave instructions for all of us to follow. The crossing occupied till pretty late in the afternoon and the teams being wearied he decided on camping on the south side of the Platte. A calf was killed this morning from our herd for Prest. R. Father William Haley of the Warwickshire Conference in England died this afternoon from general decay of constitution aged 66 years.

Sunday 14 Sept. William Haley was buried this morning on our yesterday' s camping ground, a grave-board being inscribed with his name, age, and date of death. Left Camp about 8:30 a.m. nooned at a bend of the Platte and cam[p]ed for the night about 7 miles further up on the same river. Bro. Joseph Elder killed 2 buffaloes just before arriving in Camp this evening.

Monday 15 Sept. Left Camp about 8:30 a.m. soon after which Father Richard F. Turner of the Worcestershire Conference in England died. He was buried at a bend of the Platte River where we nooned. Journeyed some distance when 3 mounted Indians armed with bows & arrows met us. They represented themselves as of the Tribe called "the Arraphoes" and wished us to camp with their party on the Platte tonight which was not acceded to we being too far from the river. By signs as far as the Brethren could understand them these 3 men represented that some Emigrant Train was attacked by the Sioux Indians 5 days ago, and they thought our train would be attacked also. The Brethren by signs said we had plenty of rifles, powder, lead and caps. The 3 Indians shook their heads. Camped for the night on the open prairie close to a small muddy pool of water scarcely sufficient for cooking purposes. Poor feed. Cattle chained to the waggons for the night. They have had a long & tedious day' s journey and seem quite exhausted though the roads on the whole have been tolerably good. Prest. Willie notified the Saints that the horn would blow in the morning at rise at 3 so as to start at 4.

Tuesday 16 Sept. Rolled out about 4 a.m. accordingly and after travelling through a deep winding ravine over a very heavy sandy road we nooned on the banks of the Platte with splendid feed. Since noon yesterday we have been travelling over a long range of bluffs which have opened at noon today on the Platte River Bottom. The guard saw several Indians round our Camp about 2 this morning on the bluffs but on going up to the spot they could not be found though they with their dogs were heard in the distance. Journeyed over some heavy sandy bluffs this afternoon and camped for the night in the valley by the side of the Platte.

Wednesday 17 Sept. We were delayed this morning (as we had been on previous occasions in consequence of some handcarts which had been broken requiring repair. Left Camp about 9:30 a.m., nooned on the banks of the Platte and camped for the night on the banks of the same River. Very bad sandy roads throughout the day which, combined with a very high wind rendered it the most arduous day' s trip up to this point.

Thursday 18 Sept. Last night and this morning we had a very sharp frost. Rolled forward about 9 a.m. and after travelling some distance over our usually (of late) sandy roads nooned at the foot of some high bluffs near the River from which we took a 7 mile supply of water. I omitted to state in my journal for yesterday that Bro. J.S. Cantwell' s daughter Ellen (aged 7 years) was bitten by a large rattlesnake as she was playing in the sand. Capt. Siler killed the snake and applied the best known remedy at hand (a mixture of powder and lard externally and some whisky internally) after which she slept soundly for some time. After dinner today we made a start up the side of the bluffs which occupied a considerable time—journeyed over hill and dale for several miles till after passing through Ash Hollow we again entered the Platte Bottom where we camped for the night. Fine cedar found on the bluffs. Sister Stewart was found to be missing on the arrival of the Camp and as her footsteps were traced in advance of us Bros. Oliver and Smith were sent ahead in search and returned reporting that they had failed in their mission thus far. 380-¾ miles from Florence.

Friday 19 Sept. After breakfast this morning, Prest. Willie sent out many of the brethren to search for Sister Stewart, while Capt. Siler, Bro. Jost with the assistance of some Brethren repaired the axle-trees and other parts of some broken-down handcarts. The Scouts for Sis. Stewart returned without her about dinner-time. Prest. Willie then called a Council after which he with 11 Brethren went out on a 3rd expedition. They had been absent about 4 hours when she came into Camp stating that hearing the lowing of cattle and the sound of the axe she made for the spot and found Captain Woodward and others (who had been sent into Ash Hollow by Prest. Willie for timber to make axles) cutting wood. On arriving in Camp she appeared much exhausted and was scarcely able to speak. A cow having been killed this morning, she partook of some beef soup which revived her and she fell asleep. This evening after supper, Capt. Atwood called the Saints together for Prayer as usual and was afterwards conversing about the best plan to be adopted to bring back Prest. Willie and Company to the Camp (Capts. Woodward & Chislett having volunteered to go in search on horseback) when they all entered the Camp Prest. Willie stating that having discovered and lost Sis. Stewart' s back track about dark he had deemed it best to return to the Camp for the night and make a fresh start in the morning if necessary. We were all much rejoiced at being restored to each other again.

Saturday 20 Sept. This morning Sis. Stewart stated that when she descended into Ash Hollow instead of turning to the right towards the River (where our Camp was) she turned to the left because she saw a road in that direction—that she went for a long distance on such road and then not seeing anything of the Camp turned back to the place where we nooned yesterday near which she slept last night on the bluffs of the open prairie and that she was followed by some wolves one of which came within 2 yards of her and seemed inclined to be rather too familiar which unlawful propensity she instantly checked by a steady gaze accompanied by an authoritative shake or waive of her right hand. The repairs of the handcarts commenced early this morning and we were not able to leave Camp till about 2 p.m., after which we wended our way to the next point where the road joins the Platte at which place we camped for the night about 6 p.m. Roads fast improving with better feed.

Sunday 21 Sept. 2 handcarts having been broken down yesterday afternoon we were delayed a little this morning for their repair and we therefore did not leave Camp till about 9 a.m. Very wet unpleasant weather. Travelled till 1 p.m. when we camped on the Platte for dinner. Started again at 2 and camped for the night on a bend of the same River with indifferent feed. Roads on the whole heavy and sandy throughout the day. W. N. Leason, son of Sister Ruvinia Leason, of Quincy, Illinois, died at 11:30 p.m. of canker in the stomach. He was born on 7 Nov. 1854.

Monday, 22 Sept. W. N. Leason was buried this morning at 7 o' clock, a suitable inscription in wood being placed on the grave. Rolled out about 7:30 a.m. & nooned and camped for the night on the Platte. A hard and long day' s journey, the roads being more or less very heavy and sandy notwithstanding which Prest. Willie considers we have made from 18 to 20 miles since the morning. In about an hour after the starting of the Camp this afternoon Bro. Jesse Empy of Eaton Bray Branch in the Bedfordshire Conference in England died from scrofula, age 31. Weather turned warm and pleasant about noon but cold set in again before sunset.

Tuesday 23 Sept. Bro. Empy was buried this morning before starting of Camp, a suitable wooden inscription being placed on the grave. Rolled out of Camp at 8:30 a.m., nooned a short distance from the road on the Platte and camped for the night on that River about 5:30 p.m. Roads much better though interspersed with heavy sand occasionally.

Wednesday 24 Sept. Left Camp about 7:30 a.m., nooned between the road and River and camped for the night on the banks thereof about 2 miles on the southwest side of "Chimney Rock". A very interesting meeting at which Prest. Willie & Capts. Atwood and Savage earnestly exhorted the Saints to the more diligent performance of their duties. A cow was killed this evening.

Thursday 25 Sept. Rolled out of Camp about 7:30 a.m., nooned at a point where the road and river meet and camped for the night at another similar point a short distance beyond 2 vacant Trading-posts with indifferent feed. Roads pretty good throughout the day.

Friday 26 Sept. Left Camp at 7:30 a.m., immediately struck off from the River for "Scotts Bluffs" near which we nooned and nearer to which we camped for the night, close to a very deep ravine or creek the sides of which were studded with fine Cedar which as well as water was hard to procure. The water was obliged to be dammed up in order that the cattle might drink. Feed dried up. Sis. Ann Bryant aged 69 from Bristol in England died this afternoon of general decay of constitution. Roads today "half and half", i. e., partly sandy & partly good.

Saturday 27 Sept. Sis. Bryant was buried before starting of Camp, which took place about 7:30 a.m., nooned on some Creek and about 10 miles further & crossed over Horseshoe Creek where we camped for the night with a little better feed.

Sunday 28 Sept. Left Camp about 7:30 a.m., nooned on the road about ¾ of a mile from the Platte with good feed. Met a company of emigrants returning from Salt Lake City in 11 waggons. Peter Burgess one of the party informed us that Mr. Babbitt and 2 men who accompanied him had been killed by the Cheyennes. We afterwards met a Company of U.S. Dragoons the officer commanding which confirmed, Burgess' s report. The Officer and several of his men took possession of a horse which we found several days back and which he claimed as his property. He refused to see President Willie before taking the horse. Camped for the night on the road near the River with good feed.

Monday 29 Sept. Left Camp about 8 a.m., passed an Indian Agency Station where some Sioux Indians were camped. Nooned at a vacant Trading Post 7 miles from Fort Laramie and camped for the night on the road near an Indian Burying Ground about 4 miles from that Fort with weeds and young cottonwood for the cattle.

Tuesday 30 Sept. A Council Meeting was held this morning after Prayers and then Capt. Siler left the Camp for Fort Laramie to procure provisions and cattle. A cow and calf were killed for the P. E. F. Company. Just before leaving Camp some Packers and Bro. Amy from Salt Lake City in a waggon in company with other Brethren who were going on business to the States passed by our Camp and we afterwards met 2 other waggons and some more packers. Rolled out of Camp about 2 p.m. and camped for the night about 3 miles west of Fort Laramie from whence Capt. Siler arrived late in the evening and reported that cattle were not obtainable but that provisions could be had on the credit of the Church. It was therefore resolved that the Handcart Company should make the best of their way through and that the 4 Independent Waggons should wait untill the arrival of the next Waggon Company in the hope that some assistance could be then rendered them. Some soldiers visited the Camp this evening.

Wednesday 1 Oct. The Handcart Company rolled out of Camp about noon and the 4 waggons then turned back to an elevated spot of ground commanding a full view of the Fort. The first thing this morning it was discovered that several sisters had left the Camp and had taken up their residence at the Fort. Early this morning Bro. David Reeder died, aged 54. He was born at Rumburgh, Suffolk, in England.

Lucinda M. Davenport left camp on the previous night with an apostate Mormon. It was discovered this morning she was with Grant & Kimball' s wagon on the journey.

Christine Brown of the Handcart Company also staid at Fort Laramie.

Capt. Willie with some brethren returned to Fort Laramie with the mule team on business. W. Woodward had charge of the company during the day. Rolled about 7 miles and camped on the banks of the river Platte.

William Read [Reed] died coming to camp in a wagon—he was born at North Crawley, Buckinghamshire, England, aged 63.

Capt. Willie & the Brethren returned to camp. Some missionaries from Salt Lake passed by our camp & informed us that Brother P. P. Pratt & other missionaries were camped about 4 miles from us up the river.

Thursday 2nd. Morning fine. Several missionaries came into camp this morning, among which was Thomas Bullock—they were in good spirits, several brethren went on to the wagons as they were travelling & Bro. Parley came to camp, preached a discourse suitable to the times, which was well received by the people; he bid the camp good by & went on his way to the States. Bro. Willie accompanied him to Fort Laramie.

The camp rolled on as usual, travelled about 7 miles & camped. A meeting was held in the evening, Bros. Willie, Atwood & Savage addressed it on the necessity of shortening the rations of the camp, that our flour might hold out till supplies should meet us. The people were willing to listen to Capt. Willie' s suggestion, & it was unanimously approved of by the people.

Friday 3rd. Road leaves the River, ascended some steep bluffs & rolled on. Nooned on a dry creek. Rolled on again, descended the Bluffs & travelled till dark. Camped by the road, travelled about 21 miles. Peter Larsen, aged 43, from Lolland, Denmark, died during the day.

Saturday 4th. The camp rolled on about 3 miles & the company staid to allow the sisters to wash clothes, &c. Benjamin Culley, aged 61, from Sprowston, Norfolk, England, died; also George Ingra, aged 68, from Bassingbourne, Cambridgeshire, England died; also Daniel Gadd, aged 2, from Orwell, Cambridgeshsire, England, died. A cow was killed in the afternoon.

Sunday, 5th. The camp rolled on, roads good, nooned on the Platte; rolled again, crossed some hills, then some splendid road, arrived at the crossing of the Platte—the company forded the river & camped on its banks. Travelled about 15 miles.

Monday 6th. Roads good, the Handcarts roll fine, the ox-teams are nearly always in the rear; nooned for an hour on the Platte & then rolled a few miles farther. Travelled about 16 miles.

Tuesday 7th. Travelled about 3 miles & forded the Platte River. Roads generally good, some few hills. Nooned on a creek that was nearly dry. Rolled on again & camped on the banks of the Platte. Travelled about 15 miles.

Wednesday 8th. This morning one of our best oxen belonging to the P.E. Fund, died—supposed to have eaten a poisonous weed. The camp rolled on, roads splendid, some few hills; crossed a clear running stream & rolled on to the Platte & nooned where the Black Hills road intersects the river road. Rolled on about 5 miles father & camped on Deer Creek. Four U. S. soldiers from Laramie on their way to a military post camped near us. A cow was killed in the evening for the use of the camp. Travelled about 15 miles during the day.

Thursday 9th. Rolled on 9½ miles & nooned on the Platte. Samuel Gadd, from Orwell, Cambridgeshire, England died in the afternoon, aged 42 years. The company rolled on 7 miles farther & camped on the banks of the Platte.

Friday 10th. The company rolled on as usual. After travelling a few miles we came up with several U.S. soldiers who had been to get firewood for their fort. We called at a trading post & obtained 37 Buffalo robes for the use of the Handcart Company, which had been engaged by Bro. F. D. Richards. Travelled about 6 miles & nooned. Rolled on again & forded the Platte river and camped on its banks. Travelled about 12 miles thro' the day.

Saturday 11th. Travelled about 12¼ miles & camped; the road was hilly. Several of our cows gave out that were hauling wagons; one died on the road or was killed by wolves.

Sunday 12th. Alfred Peacock & George (William) Edwick left our company & returned towards Fort Laramie. The company rolled on, passed a mineral lake & spring, passed thro' a "Rock Avenue" & nooned at the Alkali swamps & springs. Rolled on & camped at a clear stream of water, travelled about 13-¾ miles. A cow was killed that was not fit to travel. The night was cold.

Monday 13th. The camp rolled on, passed the "Willow Springs", ascended "Prospect Hill", & nooned at a "Bad Slough". Rolled on to "Greasewood Creek" & camped for the night. Travelled about 13 miles. Paul Jacobsen, from Lolland, Denmark, aged 55 died this evening.

Tuesday 14th. Weather splendid. Road sandy. Rolled on to the Saleratus Lake & nooned. Travelled on, & the Handcarts with the people crossed the Sweetwater River on a bridge. The teams & wagons forded the stream. Camped about a mile west of "Independence Rock". Came about 13 miles. The people gathered considerable Saleratus from a lake on the left of the road east of "Independence Rock" of a superior quality.

Wednesday 15th. Early this morning, Caroline Reeder, from Linstead, Suffolk, England, aged 17 years, died. The camp rolled on, passed "Devils Gate" & nooned after travelling about 6 miles. The camp rolled on & we camped on the banks of the Sweetwater after making about 16 miles travel thro' the day. Many of the company are sick & have to ride in the wagons. One beef heifer & one poor cow were killed this evening for the camp. Last evening a council & a meeting were held to take into consideration our provisions & the time it was considered we should have to make it last before we could depend upon supplies. It was unanimously agreed to reduce the rations of flour one fourth—the men then would get 10½ ozs. per day; women, & large children 9 ozs. per day; children 6 ozs. per day; & infants 3 ozs. per day each.

Thursday 16th. Early this morning sister Ella, wife of Olof Wicklund was delivered of a son. George Curtis, from Norton, Gloucestershire, England, aged 64 years died; Lars Julius Larsen, who was born July 5th, 1856 in camp at Iowa City died. John Roberts from Bristol, Somersetshire, England, aged 42 years died. The camp rolled on, roads hilly & sandy, nooned after travelling about 5 miles; rolled on & camped on the banks of the Sweetwater. Many of our company are failing in health. Feed for the cattle scarce. Came about 11 miles.

Friday 17th. William Philpot, aged 51 years, from Southampton, Hampshire, England died this morning about 2 o' clock. Camp rolled on in the morning, roads good, forded the Sweetwater & nooned, after travelling over 7 miles. Bro. Findlay found an ox able to work. A calf gave out & was killed by wolves. The company rolled on again, forded the Sweetwater twice between the mountains & travelled on a piece & camped; willows plenty for fuel; Travelled about 13 miles thro' the day.

Saturday 18th Rolled on in the morning & nooned on the Sweetwater. Forded the Sweetwater after dinner & camped on its banks. Travelled about [blank space] miles. A cow & calf was butchered for the company. James Henderson from Nixwood, Lanarkshire, Scotland died in the evening, aged 27 years.

Sunday 19th Rolled on in the morning, weather very cold. Ann Rowley [Eliza Rowley] died this morning, aged 2 [30] yrs. Some of the children were crying with cold. Passed "Ice Springs"; just after we were passed the "springs" a snow storm came on, which lasted for about half an hour. The company rolled on again, & were soon met by Cyrus H. Wheelock & Joseph A. Young & two other brethren from the Valley, bringing us the information that supplies were near at hand, the camp halted, a meeting was called. Bro. Wheelock informed us of the liberality of the Saints in the Valley, of Bro. Brigham Young' s kindheartedness in speaking in behalf of the Handcart companies now on the Plains, & of himself fitting up ten teams & wagons & supplying them with flour, &c., & others in proportion, During the day Eliza Smith, from Eldersfield, Worcestershire, England, aged 40 years died; also John Kockles, from Norwich, Norfolk, England, died; also, Daniel Osborn, from Norwich, Norfolk, England died; also Rasmus Hansen, from Falster, Denmark, died. Travelled thro' the day about 16 miles; camped at dark on the banks of the Sweetwater. The teams mistook the road & did not get into camp till about 10 p.m.Monday 20th This morning there was about 4 inches of snow on the ground. Anna F. Tait from Glasgow, Scotland, aged 31 years died; Capt. Willie & Joseph Elder left camp to meet the "Relief Train" that had been sent from the Valley. Our provisions were all issued last night & that was hard bread.

Tuesday 21st. John Linford from Graveley, Cambridgeshire, England, aged 49 years died; also, Richard Hardwick, from Moorhen' s Cross, Herefordshire, England, aged 63 years; also Mary Ann Perkins, from Norwich, Norfolk, England, aged 62 years died; also Sophia Larsen from Lolland, Denmark, aged 11 years. Many children were crying for bread and the camp generally were destitute of food. A beef heifer was killed for the camp. Capt. Willie, Capt. Grant, W. H. Kimball & others with 14 wagons with horse & mule teams arrived in camp with flour, onions & some clothing for the camp, this made the Saints feel well.

Wednesday 22nd. Camp rolled out. W.H. Kimball & others with 6 wagons went on to the Valley with us. G.D. Grant & others went on towards "Independence Rock" to meet Martin' s Handcart Company. Travelled 11 miles & camped on the Sweetwater. Roads good considering the snow on the ground. Eliza Philpot from Southampton, Hampshire, England, died, aged 36; also John James from Whitbourne, Herefordshire, England, aged 61.

Thursday 23rd. Ascended a steep hill, travelled about 16 miles & camped on the Sweetwater. Crossed several creeks on the road, several men were near frozen thro the day; two teams loaded with sick did not get to camp till very late. James Gibbs from Leith, East Lothian, Scotland, aged 67 died; also Chesterton J. Gilman from Yarmouth, Suffolk, England, aged 66 years died.

Friday, 24th. Reddin N. Allred & others with 6 wagons came to camp this morning to assist the Handcart Company on our journey to the Valley. It was concluded to stay in camp today & bury the dead as there were 13 persons to inter. William James, from Pershore, Worcestershire, England, aged 46 died; Elizabeth Bailey, from Leigh, Worcestrshire, England, aged 52 died; James Kirkwood from Glasgow, Scotland, aged 11 died Samuel Gadd, from Orwell, Cambridgeshire, England, aged 10 died; Lars Wendin [Venden], from Copenhagen, Denmark, aged 60 died; Anne Olsen, from Seeland, Denmark, aged 46 died; Ella Nilson, from Jutland, Denmark, aged 22 years, died; Jens Nilson, from Lolland, Denmark, aged 6 years died; Bodil Mortinsen from Lolland, Denmark, aged 9 years, died; Nils Anderson from Seeland, Denmark, aged 41 years died; Ole Madsen from Seeland, Denmark, aged 41 years died; Many of the Saints have their feet & hands frozen from the severity of the weather.

Saturday 25th. Rolled from camp in the morning. Thomas Gurdlestone from Great Melton, Norwich, aged 62 years died. William Groves, from Cranmoor, Somersetshire, England, aged 22 years died; Crossed the Sweetwater for the last time. Travelled about 15 miles & camped on the Sweetwater. Some brethren were stationed at this post on the river with supplies of flour & onions. John Walters [Watters] from Bristol, Somerset, England, aged [blank space] [65,] William Smith from Eldersfield, Worcestershire, England, aged 48 years died.

Sunday 26th. Morning fine & pleasant. Samuel Wit from Bristol, Somerset, England, aged [blank space] [66] years died; Mary Roberts from Eldersfield, Worcestershire, England, aged 44 years died. The camp rolled on, crossed the "South Pass" & Pacific Creek; travelled down Pacific creek & camped after travelling about 14 miles. Good place to camp for sagewood.

Monday 27th. Rolled out of camp, roads good, crossed Dry Sandy Creek, passed the Oregon Road, crossed Little Sandy & camped on its banks. Travelled about 18 miles. The health of the camp improves slowly.

Tuesday 28th. Travelled about 8 miles, crossed Big Sandy creek, travelled down its banks about 3 miles & camped. Weather fine. Saints improving in health.

Wednesday 29th. Anders Jensen, from Copenhagen, Denmark, aged 49 years died this morning. Rolled from camp & travelled about 15 miles. Camped on Big Sandy after crossing it. Kersten Knutesen, from Seeland, Denmark, aged [blank space] [60] years died in the evening.

Thursday, 30th[.] Rolled from Big Sandy to Green River, 11 miles, forded the river and camped on its banks. Many persons were sick & it was late before they were in camp. Bros. Atwood, Woodward & Christiansen staid behind the main body of the camp to urge on the sick & see that none were left behind. Mary Gurdlestone, from Great Melton, Norfolk, England, aged 59 years died in the morning. Joseph Oborn from Bath, Somersetshire, England, aged 43 years died in the evening. A large fire was kindled in the evening, a meeting was held & several of the Brethren addressed the audience.

Friday 31st[.] Left Green River, met with wagons from Fort Supply, & the Valley to assist us on our journey; 7 wagons were from the former place & 3 from the latter. Crossed Hams Fork & camped on its banks; travelled 18 miles. Bro. Savage with the ox & cow teams did not get to camp this evening.

Saturday Nov. 1st[.] Rolled out of camp, met several teams to assist our company on to the Valley. Drove 15 miles and camped. Daniel Osborn, from Norwich, Norfolk, England, aged 35 years died in the evening. A snow storm came on after we camped but did not last long.

Sunday 2nd. Camp rolled out. Ephraim Hanks passed our camp this morning, bringing news from the Valley of many teams being on the road, & that he was going on to the rear companies to meet them. Bros. Willie, Woodward, & Christiansen staid behind to bring up the sick. This morning we had not teams enough to haul the feeble that were left behind. After a short time several teams came on from the Valley & picked up the sick. The brethren that staid behind were late into camp. The company camped about half a mile west of Fort Bridger, travelled about 15 miles. James Cole of Fort Supply married Lucy Ward of the 4th Handcart Company at Fort Bridger in the evening. Bro. Willie' s feet were in such a bad condition from frost that he was unable to walk to the Camp; a wagon was sent for him. Peter Madsen, from Jutland, Denmark, aged 49 years died in the evening.


Monday 3rd. Several wagons came into our camp from the Valley to assist us on our journey this morning. We rolled out of camp about 11 a.m., passed Gilbert & Gerrish' s merchant train going on slowly to the Valley. Crossed the "Basin Rim", forded Muddy Creek & camped on its banks. Some 10 (ten) ox teams with wagons were camped alongside us & were on their way to meet the rear companies. A meeting was held in the evening, the brethren from the Valley attended. It was considered advisable to send on an express to the Valley & report the condition of things in the mountains in regard to the companies on the plains. W. H. Kimball said he would go as the express & he appointed Bro. Gould captain of the horse-teams & Bro. Wm. Hyde, captains of the ox-teams; travelled about 12 miles. Night cold.

Tuesday 4th. W. H. Kimball & Bro. Thomas went on to the Valley this morning. Camp rolled on to Bear River, forded the stream and camped on its banks. Bro. Blair with 3 ox wagons was camped on the opposite bank of the river. Met several teams during the day going to relieve the rear companies. Potatoes, onions & clothing was distributed among the different Hundreds in the evening. Franklin B. Woolley came on from A.O. Smoot' s train informing the company that President B. Young had sent word that some freight still lying at "Fort Bridger" was to be brought in this season & that some teams and men of our company were needed to go on to "Bridger". Several teams & men were selected for the trip.

Friday 5th [Wednesday 5th.] Rolled on in the morning & crossed Yellow Creek, ascended a steep hill & then go down Echo Kanyon [Canyon] & camped; travelled about 23 miles & camped. Peter Madsen, from Copenhagen, Denmark, aged 66 years died during the day; Susannah Osborn from Norwich, Norfolk, England, aged 33 years died this day. A snow storm came on this evening. The people are much exposed to cold from lying on the cold ground.

Nov. 6th. Archibald McPhiel, from Greenock, Argyleshire, Scotland, died about 2 a.m. aged 40 years. Much snow on the ground this morning & still more falling. Go down Echo Kanyon, roads very bad at the crossing of streams; forded Weber River & camped on its banks. It snowed most of the day. The camping ground presented a most dismal appearance, as we rolled on to it there being much snow on the ground & it being late at night. Rasmus P. Hansen, from Lan [blank space] Denmark, aged 16 years, died this evening.

Friday 7th. The camp rolled on, crossed a steep hill & came into East Kanyon; crossed East Kanyon Creek several times & camped in a cottonwood grove; good place to camp for wood. Maria S. Jorgen [Maren Sophie Jorgensen] from Lango, Denmark, aged 8 years died; Theophilus Cox, from Bristol, Somersetshire, England, aged 25 years died; William Empey from Eaton Bray, Bedfordshire, England, aged 9 years died. During the night day we passed some teams going to relieve the rear companies.

Saturday 8th Travelled up the Kanyon about 3 miles, & then ascended the Big Mountain, which was difficult for teams to gain the top; go down the mountain & camp about a mile from the Little Mountain. Bro. Blair left us early this morning for the Valley. We travelled about 13 miles during the day. W.H. Kimball came to camp this evening; also , a load of provisions for the camp. W.H. Kimball & W. Woodward took an account of persons who had made engagements where they were going to stay in the mountains.

Sunday 9th[.] Early this morning. The people were busy preparing to enter the Valley. Rhoda R. Oakey from Eldersfield, Worcestershire, England, aged 11 years died this morning. The teams after some difficulty ascended the Little Mountain & rolled down Emigration Kanyon . Several of the wagons passed Captain Smoot' s Church train in the Kanyon. The wagons formed in order on the bench at the mouth of the Kanyon & rolled on to the City. Captain Smoot' s train went ahead. F.D. Richards, S.W. Richards & many others came to meet us on the Bench & went ahead of us into the City. As soon as the company arrived in the City of Great Salt Lake, the Bishops of the different wards took every person that was not provided for a home & put them into comfortable quarters. Hundreds of persons were round the wagons on our way thro' the city welcoming the company safely home.


After the loss of many of our oxen, west of Fort Kearney, we hunted for them some four days & then sent two young men back on the road towards Missouri River to see if they could find them. As our oxen were gone & we still had some cows, we yoked many of them up, lighted the loads that were in the wagons by putting some 6000 lbs. of flour on our handcarts & rolled on towards the Valley, Bro. F.D. Richards & company, & the two young men we sent to hunt our cattle overtook us at North Bluff Fork of the Platte, but brought us no information of our cattle.

After we left Fort Laramie we reduced the rations of the camp with regard to flour. Instead of men & women & children over 6 years of age receiving one pound of flour daily, in a public meeting, the camp agreed to submit to what the officers of the company considered for their preservation as our supplies were running out, & Capt. Willie had the assurance from Bro. F.D. Richards that supplies should be on hand at "Pacific Springs"; Our object in reducing the rations was to make them hold out till we should arrive at the point mentioned. Captain Willie drew up a scale, flour was issued accordingly—men were to have 14 ozs. per day, women 12 ozs. per day, children 9 ozs. per day, & infants 4 ozs, per day. This took place some few miles west of Laramie. The emigrants having to cross the North Fork of the Platte 3 times after we left Laramie, thro' cold water & having again to reduce our rations of flour at Independence Rock, men to receive 10½ ozs., women 9 ozs., children 6 ozs., & infants 3 ozs. of flour daily, & having to cross the Sweetwater River several times, also to sleep on the cold ground with very little bedding, as only 17 lbs. of luggage was allowed to each individual, many of the people failed in strength & many of the aged died exhausted. The diarrhea took hold of many which greatly weakened our camp, our wagons were crowded with sick which broke down our teams & we had to refuse many who were worthy to ride.

C.H. Wheelock & Joseph A. Young with two other brethren met us a short distance west of "Ice Springs" & brought us the cheering intelligence that assistance was near at hand; that several wagons loaded with flour, onions, & clothing, including bedding was within a day' s drive of us. That same night we issued all provisions to the camp which was hard bread that was bought at Laramie (the last of our flour being issued the night before) left us about destitute of provisions for the camp. In the morning we found the ground covered with snow some 4 or 5 inches deep. Bro. Willie & Joseph Elder started in search of the "Relief Train" as we could not move our camp & they did not arrive back again till the following evening, when the "Relief Train" under the charge of George D. Grant came to our camp. Flour & onions were issued that same evening, clothing, bedding, &c. were give to the camp the next morning. Nine persons were buried at that camping ground. Snow was on the ground & looked dismal. W.H. Kimball and others with 6 wagons went with us to the Valley. G.D. Grant & others went on their way to meet the rear handcart companies. Crossing the Rocky ridge was a severe & disastrous day to health. The weather was cold & it snowed & blowed some of the time making it bad for the sick who rode in the wagons & for those who pulled the handcarts. The next day we buried 13 souls near Willow Creek on the banks of the Sweetwater. From that time till we entered the Valley many died. They were the old, the infirm, & the debilitated. Oftentimes the snow had to be cleared from the ground that the tents might be set & the people have a place to sleep. The provisions were given out every night & often it was from 10 to 12 p.m. before all the camp could retire to rest. Help, in the shape of wagons & provisions continued to reach us till we arrived in G.S.L. City. The number of persons that died belonging to the handcart Company was 67 souls & one child belonging to a wagon that joined our company above Florence making the total of deaths 68 souls.


William Woodward clerk of the camp from
October 1st till our arrival in
G.S.L. City.