
Transcript for James L. Newton journal, 1853 April-1869 November; 1886

Tuesday June 21 [1853.] We left Keokuk this morning about 10 a.m. with our waggons and team in good health and spirits. fine day.

Friday July 15th We arrived at Keansvile [Kanesville] in good health and Spirits

Monday July 18th[.] We left Keansvile for the farry [ferry] in good health and spirits

Thursday 20th[.] We crosst the river Mo. [Missouri River.] Eliza, and Mary Issabella, varry bad in health.

Sunday 17th August trees ga Pawnee indains came to our camp and deman[d]ed some parvision [provisions], we give them some after which they was not content, we had to take up our arms after which, we give them some more parvision, they became some what quite [quiet]. they seeing our guns and our determition [determination] they some quit.

Friday 19th[.] Bro Richard Jones gone & bathed himself in the river Platt[e] and drowned himself near the Wolf Creek intured [interred] on the 20th

Thursday September 15th[.] We past Devils Gate

Sunday October 16th 1853[.] We arived in the Valley of Great Salt Lake in good health excepting Mary Issabella

[Edited version of this journal also published in Elvera Campbell Green, comp. and ed., Tartan, Sage and History: The Story of Robert William Rowe Campbell and Sarah Newton [1981], 67,69.]