Transcript for James McKnight journal entry in Journal History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 16 Oct. 1862, 1-12
Elder James McKnight, who acted as clerk of the company, in crossing the plains, journalizes as follows:
Monday, July 28, 1862. In the evening of this day a meeting was held on the camp-ground near Florence, Nebraska Territory, at which Joseph W. Young presided, and Apostle, Amasa M. Lyman was also present. After a few appropriate remarks by Elder Young, Isaac A. Canfield was unanimously chosen captain of the company, William C. Neal, Sergeant of the Guard, James McKnight, Chaplain and Clerk, and Christopher Dickson [Dixon], Captain of the first Ten.
Tuesday, July 29. We assembled for further organization at Florence. Joseph C. [Clark] Stickney was chosen as captain of the first <second> Ten <and> [J.] Milan Russell <as> captain of the third Ten. On motion it was agreed that a horse, a riding animal, should be purchased for Captain Canfield, and that in order to raise the means for that purpose an assessment be made based on the number of teams owned by each person. Brother D. [David] Minkler volunteered to advance the money for the captain's riding animal.
Wednesday, July 30. We moved our camp to Spring Creek, three miles further from Florence. Some of our animals were missing and some of the brethern were buying articles needed on the journey. We had singing and prayer in the morning. I accompanied Brother Minkler to Elder John D. T. McAllister's Church camp to get some teamsters for which we had obtained permission from Bishop Elias H. Blackburn.
Thursday, July 31. We engaged Brothers James Taylor and John McAvoy from the church camp and Benjamin Farrer as teamsters.
Friday, August 1. The camp was aroused by the blowing of horns at 5:30 a.m. At the breakfast we had singing and prayer as usual. We traveled nine miles and nooned at Great Papillion. The creek banks were steep and the water bad, but grass was abundant. After travelling three miles further in the afternoon, we camped at Reed's Ranch. In the night we were visited by a severe rain storm.
Saturday, August 2. We traveled eight miles to Elkhorn Bridge. A fine breeze kept off the mosquitoes which abounded here. Wood and water were plentiful, but the feed was not the best for animals. An axeltree in Brother <William> Dalling's [Dallin's] wagon was broken.
Sunday, August 3. The camp was called at 6 o'clock a.m. After breakfast we convened in a grove near the camp and held a meeting, in which Captain Canfield gave us some directions regarding the observance of the Sabbath, interdicting hunting, fishing, etc., He advised all, except the guards to stay in or near the camp when the company rested on the Sabbath, whenever it was consistent to do so. The Chaplain requested a prompt attendance at camp devotions in the mornings and evenings. We hitched up our teams and moved over to Rawhide Creek, three miles. Here the water was poor and the wood scarce, but the feed good. Captain Ansel P. Harmon's Church train camped on the Elkhorn within a mile of us. We spread a large awning and held meeting at 6 p.m., at which remarks were made by Captain Canfield, Elder J. [Jackson] J. M. Butler and Chaplain James McKnight. Profane swearing and cruelty to animals were deprecated, and obedience and resignation to the will and providence of God, and the counsels of his servants, were urged.
Monday, August 4. The camp was called at 4:30 a.m. Singing and prayer were engaged in as usual. We moved to a point about a mile west of Fremont and unhitched in the road. Captain Harmon's Company corralled a short distance below us. The feed at this place was fine and there was also plenty of wood and water. After dinner we rolled on some five miles further and camped half a mile from the Platte River where the feed and wood were plentiful, but water somewhat distant. The flies were very annoying during the day. We traveled about 16 miles.
Tuesday, August 5. The camp was called at 5 a.m. At our morning devotion Captain Canfield earnestly requested the guard to refrain from sleeping or lying <down> while on duty. The camp moved about 8 o'clock a.m.; nooned on the Platte about 15 miles above Fremont at Matthew Cotterell's. Traveled seven miles <in the afternoon> and camped on the Platte, above North Bend. Day's travel, 15 miles.
Wednesday, August 6. The camp was called at 4:30 a.m. After breakfast and our usual morning prayers, we traveled about 5 miles and nooned on Shell Creek. During the day we traveled 14 miles and camped on the Platte.
Thursday, August 7. <The> Camp <was> roused at 4:30 a.m. Through inadvertency of the guard coming into camp this morning after daylight, our herd damaged <a> farmer's corn, melon and broom patches to the amount of $5.00 which we promptly paid, to be charged to the guard. <We> began our journey about 7 a.m., and <at noon> reached Loup Fork, about 2 miles above Columbus, at noon where we at once commenced crossing. At night 5 wagons remained on the other side. The captain made some remarks after which it was decided that the guard should remain with the cattle in the morning until relieved by those from the camp who had breakfasted.
Friday, August 8. The camp was aroused at dawn of the day. The remainder of the wagons were brought over <the river,> after which we rolled on about 6 miles, stopping about 15 minutes in the road for luncheon. Went on 3 miles further, where the road joined the Platte and watered our teams. Camped at Prain's creek, twelve miles from Loup Fork Crossing. <Here were> excellent water <and> good food, but not much wood. For ferrying over our 32 wagons and oxen we paid 40¢ per wagon and 10¢ for extra yoke of oxen. Decamped about 11 a.m. <and> traveled twelve miles that day.
James Taylor, Elbert W. [William] Stickney and Henry Minkler were chosen as <a> special guard to take charge of the cattle at evening as soon as un-yoked, and at noon to relieve the regular guard, and to be exempt from other guard duties.
Saturday, August 9. Camp called at daybreak. Route <Our route of travel was> much along-side of the Platte. Nooned on Platte. Camped at Western Stage Company's Station, a good place. Traveled sixteen miles that day.
By request Elder William Dallin, returning from a mission to England, addressed the camp. <He> was followed by Brother Samuel Black, also by the Chaplain and the Captain.
Severe rain, thunder, lightning and wind storm <visited the camp> during the first part of the night.
Sunday, August 10. <The> storm delayed our movements. <We had our> usual camp devotions. <After the day's travel> we camped on the Platte, about 3 1/2 miles below Lone Tree. In the evening we had singing and prayer; also remarks by Brother J. [Jackson] J. M. Butler, J. C. [Joseph Clark] Stickney and the Captain.
Monday, August 11. Camp called at 4 a.m. <It was a> lovely morning. <We were in> motion at 7:10. Camped at Cottonwood Grove, near <a> house on <the> Platte, in the vicinity of Wood river. <Here we found> slough water, good feed, <and> plenty of wood. We traveled sixteen miles. The roads were rather heavy.
Tuesday, August 12. Camp called at 3:30 a.m. Decamped at 7. After traveling nine miles, we nooned on a branch of the Platte, apposite Grand Island. Captain Ansel P. Harmon nooned just below us. <We> crossed Wood River without accident and camped on its banks <after> traveling 18 miles. Captain Harmon camped just above us. <In the evening the> Chaplain spoke of the necessity of public and private prayers.
Wednesday, August 13. Camp aroused at 3:30 a.m. <We were> called together before breakfast <for prayer>. Sung <We sang> "O come, come away from northern blasts retiring." Rolled on some eight miles to a pleasant spot on Wood river and camped. Short <Here> feed, wood and water <was scarce. We> rolled on again about noon. Camped about two miles above Johnson's (now Peck's) on <the> banks of Wood river, <where there was> plenty of short grass. The night was cool and windy.
Thursday, August 14. Camp called 3:30 a.m. <It was> a fine morning for traveling. <We had> camp devotions, as usual, after breakfast. Prayer by brother John McAvoy. Cattle <were> called for at 6. Nooned three miles below Fort Kearney, Platte Crossing. Three of the <hub> boxes in a Michigan wagon of <belonging to> Brother Minkler being broken, the Chaplain accompanied him across <the river> to Fort Kearney, thence to Kearney city to get other boxes which were with difficulty and much expense obtained <by> paying $5.00 for two hub boxes. (A hub box is an iron casting forced into the wooden hub of a wagon wheel to prevent the end of the axeltree wearing out the hub.) The brethern were detained at Kearney all night, camping with Brother James Pyper.
Friday, August 15. The chaplain and brother Minkler taking <going up> the south side up the river, re-crossed the Platte at Tom Keeler's and joined <our> camp about 11 a.m. The camp <had> waited because of some apprehension as to their safety. Captain Ansel P. Harmon's company passed on while we were waiting. <We> traveled some five miles, in the afternoon.
Saturday, August 16. Camp aroused at daybreak. <Here the> mosquitoes <were> "true-blues." <We> nooned, after nine miles travel, on the roadside. <Here was> good feed for the yoking cattle. <After traveling four miles, we> crossed Elm Creek four miles on <a> bridge <and> camped on the banks of a slough at <a> new lower crossing of Buffalo Creek, five miles. Day's journey, eighteen miles.
Sunday, August 17. Camp horned at 3:30 a.m. <We ate a> hasty breakfast <and> began our march at 6:30; traveled 14 1/2 miles <to a point> 1 1/2 miles beyond where road nears <the> Platte. <Here was> splendid feed. Cooling breeze. Half a mile from the river the camp met at 5 o'clock <for> singing <and> prayer. by Captain Canfield. Remarks <were made> by brother William McFarlin, the Chaplain and <the> Captain.
Monday, August 18. Camp called at 4 a.m. <We were> under way at 6 o'clock. Camped near the Platte (after <a> drive of some eleven miles) in good feed. Day pleasant for traveling. At 5 o'clock the horn sounded for meeting. After singing, prayer was offered by J. [Jackson] J. M. Butler. Captain Canfield gave some general instructions and warnings against Indian and other assaults. He recommended that two at a time, instead of one, be placed on camp guard. Four at a time are called for cattle guard, evening and morning watches. The clerk presented financial matters.
Tuesday, August 19. The camp was called at 3:30 a.m., and devotions were engaged in at 6 o'clock. <We> nooned about half a mile from the Platte in good feed, having traveled about twelve miles. Camped six miles further on the Platte, where there was good feed. The day being <was> very favorable for travel.
Wednesday, August 20. <The> camp in motion <was stirring> at 3:30 a.m. <We> rolled out at 6:40 a.m. The weather was cool and cloudy. The roads were somewhat sandy and heavy. <We> traveled some nine miles and nooned near Skunk Creek, two miles above <some> low, sandy bluffs extending to river. The weather was showery. Camped over <beyond the> last crossing of Skunk Creek, seven miles further. We traveled sixteen miles during the day. <We were now> 286 1/4 miles from Florence, Nebraska Territory. In the evening, after singing and prayer, the Captain and Chaplain spoke against killing snakes on the road, and exhorted the brethren to diligently cherish the spirit of peace.
Thursday, August 21. The morning <was> very cool with a heavy dew. Camp awakened at 4 a.m. <We traveled seven miles and> nooned at Cold Spring <at the> head of Pawnee swamp, a distance of seven miles. Camped <for the night> on the Platte, nine miles further, near "last timber on north side." Traveled sixteen miles this day. <We are> 303 miles from Florence.
Friday, August 22. <The> camp <was> called at 4 a.m. <and we had> some showers this morning. In motion at 7:30 a.m. <We were> delayed by the <our> intention to get wood for use with "buffalo chips" during <the> next 200 miles <travel> without timber. Too deep water; wood on an island. <We> rolled on some six miles and camped on-half mile above "wide, deep creek." Wood obtained on the <an> island nearby. Road <Our road followed> mostly along <the> Platte. Some <of the brethren were> fixing their wagons. The sun <was> excessively hot this a.m. <forenoon.> At this point we are 309 miles from Florence. The evening was pleasantly cool. After singing "Away, away to the mountain dell" and prayer by Brother Horace Stannard, remarks on the duty of having camp prayers &c., were made by the Chaplain and the Captain.
Saturday, August 23. The camp was aroused at 3:30 a.m. Prayer was offered this morning by Brother Davis of Captain Ansel P. Harmon's camp. <We> rolled out at 6:30 a.m., traveled eleven miles and nooned on North Bluff Fork. The roads were rather heavy. The feed <was> very light; <we found> no wood, but some "buffalo chips." Camped at "Sandy Bluffs West foot." Six miles further we found good feed, but no water. <There was a> swamp between us and the river. We were visited by several Sioux Indians with their squaws. We gave them some 50 pounds of flour, sugar and traded flour for moccasins.
Sunday, August 24. <The> camp was awakened at daybreak. <We> hitched up and rolled on about two miles to a dugout spring at <the> head of <a> marsh, where we breakfasted. Camped on Bluff Creek, about four miles further. The roads were very heavy <leading> over sand bluffs. The day's journey was about six miles. At the evening meeting remarks were made by Edward [W.] Parry, David Minkler, James Taylor, Christopher Dixon, the Chaplain and the Captain. The Tens of the Company, respectively, are hereafter alternately to drive in the cattle morning and evening.
Monday, August 25. The camp was aroused at 4 a.m., and we were on our way at 7 a.m. The roads were mainly good, though <there were> some sand and marsh. We crossed Bluff Spring and nooned on the Platte. There was no feed near. The weather was windy but pleasant. No buffalo seen as yet, though the Indians report them far to the south. <The> Tens alternately <now> to drive in the cattle, mornings and evenings. We camped on the Platte. Brother [William] Dallin's old wagon used for freighting "tinneis" ware broke down several times causing some delay.
Tuesday, August 26. <The> camp <was> aroused at 4 a.m. <The> chaplain <was> disabled by pain and swelling in the groin, fever, &c. The captain officiated. <We> began our march at 7:30 <and> nooned on <a> small creek nearly opposite Cedar Bluffs. <There were> many small creeks in this vicinity <such as> "Petite" (342 miles from Florence), "Picanninn" (1 1/4 miles further), "Goose" (3/4 of a mile), "Spring" (1 1/4 mile), "Small" (1 1/4 mile), "Duckweed" (1/4 mile), "short-stream" (2 miles) <and> "Rattlesnake" (3 3/4 miles and 20 feet wide). Camped on the Platte. The day's travel amounted to eleven miles. <It was> resolved finally to change lead teams daily.
Wednesday, August 27. <The> camp <was> aroused at 4 a.m. <The> Chaplain <was> still confined to his wagon. <We> rolled out at 7 a.m., <the> Second Ten on <the> lead; nooned on Platte, near Wolf Creek. We doubled teams <going> up Sand Hill (the worst place on the road), across Wolf Creek and over to <the> west foot of <the> bluffs, 3/4 of a mile. <We> camped near west foot of bluffs, near <the> Platte, having traveled eleven and three-fourths miles this day.
Thursday, August 28. The camp was awakened at four o'clock a.m. Devotions at 6 o'clock as usual. We rolled out at quarter of <to> seven the third Ten on the lead. We nooned on the Platte opposite Ash Hollow, having traveled 10 miles. The roads were good with but little sand. Camped opposite Castle Bluffs, having traveled 8 miles. The Chaplain is still disabled but improving.
Friday, August 29. Camp called at 3:15 a.m. Began our march at 6:30. Traveled some ten miles and found green feed, without water, being several miles from the Platte; no creeks this side of Crab Creek, twelve or fifteen miles distant. Good road except 3/4 inches of sand. The weather is warm. Our road touched the Platte a short distance from nooning. We watered our animals and about sundown camped on the Platte, about a mile below Crab Creek, having traveled eighteen miles.
Saturday, August 30. Camp called at 3:30 a.m. Heavy dew this morning. Began our march at 6:30 as usual. Nooned opposite "Ancient Bluff Ruins," having traveled about twelve miles. We camped on the river about sundown, having traveled about eighteen miles that day. We struck some heavy sand about 24 miles below Chimney Rock.
Brothers Joseph W. Young, Horace S. Eldredge, Amasa Lyman, Charles C. Rich, William H. Hooper, Elias Hicks Balckburn, James Brown, G. James Taylor, Francis M. Lyman and Joseph Rich, with two or three others, drove into camp with us <from the East,> having five four-horse (or mule) vehicles. Invitations to supper were extended to them all by brethren of our camp. In the evening, after singing and prayer, remarks were made by Joseph W. Young and Elias H. Blackburn on the duties of Saints. The Clerk furnished a schedule of the Company embracing names, ages, late residences, oxen, horses, mules, cattle, wagons, etc.
Sunday, August 31. Camp called at daybreak. Our visitors took leave soon after, expecting to reach Salt Lake City in two weeks. <We> rolled out about 8 a.m. Nooned on the Platte. Very windy day. Camped on the Platte <for the night,> having traveled about twelve miles that day. The chaplain is <was> quite sick.
Monday, September 1. Camp <was> called at 4 a.m. <We> began our march at 6:30. The wagon road along the Platte was very good. <We> nooned on <the> Platte, nearly opposite Chimney Rock, 71 miles below Fort Laramie. We camped about sundown, one and a half mile from the Platte, having traveled about sixteen miles today. The chaplain <was> confined to his wagon and the Captain <was> absent.
Tuesday, September 2. Camp aroused at 4 a.m. <and we were> on our way at 7:30. The chaplain is <was> still confined to his wagon. <We> nooned on the Platte, <after> having traveling some ten miles over a good road. <A> tire broke about two miles below Scott's Bluffs, and after some hours waiting (the captain being ahead) <we> turned into camp near the broken wagon, being a mile from the river. Tonight is a lovely, moonlight night.
Wednesday, September 3. Camp called at 4:30 a.m. Brother Charles Wightman, having put up his portable forge, commenced setting tires and doing other needed repairing. <We> rolled on at 9:35, the roads being good. Nooned on Spring Creek at 1:30 p.m., having traveled about eight miles. About dusk we hitched up and traveled some two miles further, making <the> total of miles traveled about ten.
Thursday, September 4. Camp called at 4 a.m. There was a slight sprinkle of rain, <and> the morning was cool. We rolled out about 8:15, having been delayed by oxen missing <oxen,> but which were found; nooned on the Platte, after having traveled about eight miles. The afternoon was rainy and cool, so we remained in camp.
Friday, September 5. <The> camp <was> called at a quarter of <to> 4 in the morning; the weather still rainy and cool. We met under Brother Dixon's large awning. After singing and prayer, remarks were made by the Chaplain and Brother J. [Jackson] J. M. Butler. <We> doctored our sick animals, after which the weather cleared a little and we drove on some four miles and nooned on the Platte. Camped <for the night> near timber on North <the north> side of <the> river. We covered in all eleven miles today. The evening is <was> cool and damp. Some Sioux Indians are in <visited the> camp.
Saturday, September 6. <The> camp <was> roused at 4:30 a.m. <The weather was> still misty and cool. <We> started at <a> quarter of <to> eight o'clock and nooned on <the> road, <some> distance from the river, having traveled some nine miles; camped on the Platte some six miles below Fort Laramie. Very poor feed at this point.
Sunday, September 7. <The> camp <was> called at 4:30 a.m. Still cool weather. Moved at 8 a.m. The chaplain crossed the Platte <and> visited Fort Laramie, and <where he> was courteously treated, particularly by Brother William G. Bullock of Virginia. He also mailed and obtained letters and bought supplies. Nooned opposite the Fort, <and> camped <for the night> on Platte, six miles above the Fort, on the north side. Some brethren prepared for <a> coal pit and some <of the> sisters <were> washing.
Monday, September 8. Camp roused at 5 a.m. <The> Blacksmith <was> repairing wagons and women <were> finishing washing. The weather <was> warm. We crossed the Platte, and rolled on about five miles by moonlight where we <and> camped. <We had> singing and prayer as usual. The chaplain <was> still feeble.
Tuesday, September 9. Camp called at 4 a.m. <We> moved on at <a> quarter of <to> eight o'clock, the sun being hot, and nooned on <the> road; camped on Little Cottonwood, having traveled seventeen miles.
Wednesday, September 10. Camp <was> called at 3 a.m. <and we were> under way at 6:30 a.m. Nooned on <the> road at Horse Shoe Creek (which was dry) after having traveling eleven miles. The stations were deserted since <after the> transfer of <the> mail service to <the> Denver route. <We> camped at <the> bend of <the> Platte. There is <was> good feed across the river, <and> the cattle went over without leave, swimming across. We traveled 20 miles today. In the evening, after singing and prayer, remarks were made by Brother John McAvoy and William Dallin. The night was cool.
Thursday, September 11. <The> camp <was> aroused at 4:30 a.m. After the usual devotions, we moved camp at 7:30, made seven miles and nooned on <the> Platte. We forded the river without difficulty, moved on sixteen miles further and camped, having traveled 24 miles.
Friday, September 12. <The> camp <was> roused at 5 a.m. <and we> moved on about 8 a.m. Forded the Platte <after traveling> in six miles. Very heavy hauling. We camped on the opposite bank <of the river.> The weather was rainy. The feed near camp was fair. In the evening, after singing and prayer, remarks were made by Brother J. [Jackson] J. M. Butler, the Chaplain and the captain.
Saturday, September 13. Camp called at 4:30. Still raining. Meeting of the brethern <was held> at 11:30 a.m. On motion, <the> night cattle guard was reduced to two at a time, W. C. [William Cooley] Neal opposing. On motion, <the> camp guard was reduced to one. On motion, each male adult, two at a time, was to be called as an extra day cattle guard. <William S.> Godbe's Company crossed river about noon, including the Bates wagons. After dinner at 1:30 p.m. we moved on about nine miles to a secluded spot on the river bottom and camped.
Sunday, September 14. Camp called at 5:30 a.m. <According to a> new arrangement, bell rung for prayer fifteen minutes after <the> first bell. <We> moved on at 7:30 a.m. <and> nooned on <the> road, after traveling seven miles; camped three miles below Deer Creek. Still raining.
Monday, September 15. Camp called at 5:30 a.m. Broke camp about10 a.m. and rolled on to Deer Creek, where we nooned; some of the brethern trading flour for buffalo robes, &c. We camped about eight miles further <on,> high on the hillside above the river. <Here there were> many gulches <and the> cattle scattered. The chaplain was engaged until a late hour in getting them together. No devotions in camp tonight.
Tuesday, September 16. Camp <was> called at 4 a.m. <and we had> singing and prayer fifteen minutes after the first bell. <We were> delayed in moving by the cattle straying or <being> left over the river last night. Moved on at 9 a.m. <and> nooned on <a> hillside over <above the> Platte, having marched seven miles. A high wind raging <was blowing.> We camped in sight of the old Upper Platte bridge, having traveled sixteen miles today.
Wednesday, September 17. Camp called at 4 a.m. After "official" examination of the river, it was resolved to repair the dilapidated concern (old bridge) and cross on it, which was done, causing some delay. The road was <led> up a heavy, sandy hill, so we doubled teams. Traveled about a mile above <the> new Upper Platte Bridge and camped about 2 o'clock p.m. for the day; covered about six miles in the day's journey. Some repairing <was> done also.
Thursday, September 18. <The> camp <was> called at 3 a.m. <and we> moved out at 6:30. Nooned at Mineral Springs, about eleven miles from the new bridge. Bates brothers also nooned at the same place. <We> camped after dark on <a> small stream of spring water, 13 1/2 miles further, making the whole distance traveled 24 1/2 miles.
Friday, September 19. Camp <was> called at 3 a.m., designing to leave about sunrise. Cattle <were> driven into corral with some fifty head missing, which were not found at 7:30 a.m.; some of the herd were turned out again. Hampton and Bates' Company's on <encamped on the> same stream also lost stock. <The day was> very windy. About noon the stock were found from five to seven miles from camp. Moved on again about 11:30 p.m. <We> camped on Greasewood creek, having traveled during the day about thirteen miles.
Saturday, September 20. Camp arose at leisure. A fine day. <There was> some ox-shoeing. <After> prayer and <we> started at <a> late hour <and> nooned near Sweet Water. of storm. At 5:30 p.m. <we> rolled on <and traveled> 2 1/2 miles one half <to a place 1 1/2> mile above Independence Rock and camped in the dark. In the evening, after prayer, remarks were made by the Captain, William Dallin and Forsythe, the Chaplain and J. [Jackson] J. M. Butler. <It was> resolved to start camp at the appointed hour.
Sunday, September 21. Camp called by bell at 3:30 a.m. The cattle were driven into the corral at quarter of <to> six o'clock and we began our march at 6:30 a.m. Nooned about 2 1/2 miles above "Devil's Gate," where we camped. Traveled seven miles today.
Monday, September 22. Camp called at 4 a.m. Three head of cattle <were> missing which delayed <us in> starting until near 8 o'clock. <We> nooned at the bend of Sweet water, after traveling eight miles. Camped at <the> foot of <a> bluff on the river.
Tuesday, September 23. Camp called at 5 a.m. Nooned on Sweet Water, after traveling seven miles. About 4 p.m. <we> moved out on to Sweet Water, and camped in the dark. <In the evening we had> singing and prayer by brother Brown, brother-in-law of the Captain, late from Ogden, <Utah> Deseret. Day's travel, about thirteen miles.
Wednesday, September 24. <The> Camp (by in time piece) <was> called at 3 a.m. Moved out about 7 o'clock a.m. <and> nooned <after traveling> 8 3/4 miles, near or 1/2 mile from <the> river. Cattle-shoeing. <It was> about 18 miles to <the next camping place on the> river; no camp midway. About 4 p.m. <we> drove on eight miles and made dry camp at 9:30 p.m. corraling the animals.
Thursday, September 25. <The> camp <was> roused at daylight, when we at once began yoking up, and by five o'clock <we> were moving. We breakfasted about 10 o'clock, after traveling about eight or ten miles, on Sweet Water, just below Ford No. 5. Camped at <the> old "ford to avoid heavy sand," 3 1/2 miles further. We traveled in all fifteen miles today. Straggling member of 6th Ohio Cavalry sent out to "quell Indian disturbances," <were> frequently met <in> bodies of thirty or more distributed along at different stations. William C. Neal, <a> gentile merchant, having refused to pay the amount assessed on his mules, (his riding horse not taxed at all), the matter was presented before the meeting, when, after some talk, a poor pedlar, not really a camp member (<a Mr.> Perkins) offered to pay it for him, which sufficed for so small an affair. Remarks were made by the Chaplain, brothers J. J. M. Butler, <and the captain.">
Friday, September 26. Camp awakened at leisure. About 2:30 p.m. went on five and a half miles and camped where road leaves river to ascend to "Rocky Ridges." Good place. In the evening, after singing and prayer, remarks were made by brother [David] Minkler and William Dallin.
Saturday, September 27. Camp called at 5 a.m. Oxen-shoeing. Moved on about 9 o'clock and camped on Strawberry creek, having traveled about ten miles.
Sunday, September 28. Traveled about twenty-four miles and camped at Pacific Springs.
Monday, September 29. <We> took <the> left hand road <which was> not much traveled. Camped on a slough in the vicinity of Dry Sandy about dark. <Here we found> very little feed.
Tuesday, September 30. Camped on Big Sandy.
Wednesday, September 31. Crossed and camped on west side of Green river, having traveled some eighteen miles.
Thursday, October 2. Camped on Blacks Fork, after a journey of some seventeen miles.
Friday, October 3. Stayed in camp to shoe oxen. Here we first strike the mail route.
Saturday, October 4. Camped at Hams Fork Station.
Sunday, October 5. Camped on Black's Fork.
Monday, October 6. Camped at Fort Bridger.
Tuesday, October 7. Camped on Little Muddy, after about 12 miles travel.
Wednesday, October 8. Camped at Sulphur creek about 9 p.m., having traveled twenty miles.
Thursday, October 9. Camped about four miles above Cache cave <at the head of Echo Canyon.>
Friday, October 10. Camped near the mouth of Echo Canyon.
Saturday, October 11. Went up the Weber some twelve miles and camped on the hill above the island.
Sunday, October 12. Camp went up through Silver Creek Canyon and camped near William Kimball's <ranch>.
Monday, October 13. Delayed by loss of cattle. Camped about a mile below the "Summit."
Thursday, October 16. Camped on the Eighth Ward Square, Great Salt Lake City, about nine p.m. <o'clock p.m.>
Friday, October 17. Most of the camp moved from the square to homes, or to other settlements.