Transcript for Jaques, J[ohn]., [Letter], Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star, 18 Apr. 1857, 254-55
The company left Florence finally and fully on the 27th of August, and
about the middle of October arrived at the last crossing of the Platte. The day they forded the river there, was the first of winter. A very heavy hail and sleet storm, accompanied by a very cold strong wind, tokened the change of season.
The next two days snow fell, some of our cattle and people gave out, and died. When about 16 miles above the Platte bridge, and 12 miles above the last crossing, we were "snowed up" for about ten days. Here Elder Joseph A. Young, with two companions, galloped into the midst of our camp, and after briefly informing us that ten wagons with flour were at Devil's Gate waiting for us, went on to Captain Hunt's Wagon Company, who were then encamped at the crossing.
The next morning we made a start, and in a few days pushed forward to Greasewood Creek, where six wagons had come to meet us. We then rolled on to Devil's Gate, where we staid several days in consequence of deep snow and severe cold. At Greasewood Creek we found Elders G. D. Grant and Charles Decker. Elder C.H. Wheelock met us a few miles before we reached it. At Devil's Gate the two wagon companies forted up all their luggage, leaving 20 men to guard it till spring. Undivided attention was then given to the saving of the people. The Lord in His mercy divided the storms and opened up our way, so that with the assistance of about 100 mule and horse teams, which met us, we reached this place as above named.
We have had a number of deaths, one of which the Liverpool Saints will hear with regret—that of Elder Thomas Dodd, whose faithfulness and straightforwardness are well known. My wife's father [James Loader] died about 13 miles east of Ash Hollow, of diarrhœa [diarrhea]. You will recollect that my daughter Flora had the measles just as we were leaving the ship. She was never thoroughly healthy afterwards. At Iowa City she had the diarrhœa, which afflicted her with more or less severity, until we arrived at Green River,
where on Nov. 22nd, her spirit returned to Him who gave it. We brought her body to this place, where it was interred on the 4th inst.
My wife gave birth to a son at Cutler's Park, two and-a-half miles west of Florence, August 27th.
Brother Linforth and family have not yet arrived. The last I heard of them they were at Bridger. Teams and provisions have been sent out to bring in all persons belonging to the two wagon companies, leaving their cattle and wagons at Bridger or Fort Supply. We expect the teams to return in a few days. The whole territory will rejoice and be thankful when the emigration is all in.