
Transcript for Jens C. A. Weibye, reminiscences and journal, circa 1862 in Orson B. West typescript collection, circa 1982-1987, 300-333

Sunday July 13th: I wrote to Elder Anders Christensen in Aalborg and Vendsyssel Conferences. At 5 o’clock in the afternoon Apostles Amasa M Lyman and Charles C. Rich came with Elders John Brown, Taylor, J. Van Cott, C.A. Madsen and others and organized us. (Blackburn was also with them, but no Joseph W. Young) in the Second Company. C.A. Madsen as Captain of the First Company and H.C. Hansen as Guard-Captain in the same Company. O.N. Liljenquist as Captain of the Second Company and Albertsen as Guard-Captain of the same Company and John Van Cott as Superintendent of both Companies at least part of the way.

In our evening meeting we collected $ for a sheep horse, but it cost 75 dollars. Beautiful weather and heat, thundering far away.

Monday 14th: In the morning I took a trip to Florence. At 3 o’clock in the afternoon we departed and drove 3½ miles and camped at Little Papea [Papilion] Creeken’s green Valley. Much grass but no wood or forest, but clear spring water at the brook nearby. Today we were visited by the drivers of the Church cars [wagons] as today two companies have arrived, one of 55 [wagons] and one of 42 [wagons] and 3 pairs of oxen for each [wagon], and a 4th pair they have standing 150 miles behind as a reserve.

Ole Olsen brought me a letter from Jens Peter Christensen in Fort Ephraim.

All is well at home in Zion.

We came to the Camp at 5 o’clock in the afternoon and raised our tents[,] the Corral[,] and took our cows into the Corral for the night. The weather was beautiful today.

Our oxen would not obey our commands today, but ran away from the road twice, but no accidents. The Lord led all to the best.

We gathered many to have prayer in the evening.

Today when we were going to leave two of Ole Madsen’s oxen had disappeared, and they didn’t find them before we had droven away from the Camp, but they found them and came to our Camp at 8 o’clock in the evening.

Tuesday July 15[,] 1862: In the morning one of H.C. Hansen’s cows had disappeared. He sought after it and came with it at 10 o’clock. At 11 o’clock we left and drove over green grass-grown hills and valleys and came to the Telegraph Station at 12:30 and drove across a bridge and continued the journey. A little farther away we met Thomas Grysberg with S√∏ren Nidstrup’s 6 oxen which he had picked up at Liljenquist’s Camp and should go back to our Camp after S√∏ren Nidstrup’s [wagon]. At 3:30 in the afternoon we camped in a green valley at Big Papea Creek 10 miles from Florence and 12 miles from Omaha. Today we have driven 6 miles. Beautiful weather, much grass (up to the knees). Many grasshoppers, and here are also some fire-flies as at Florence. Here you see some birds and many flowers.

At 7:30 S√∏ren Nidstrup came up with his wagon. All is well.

In the evening we were divided into groups.
1. S√∏ren Larsen captain of 5 wagons with 12 horses.
2. J.C.A. Weibye captain of 8 wagons with 44 oxen, 17 cows and 23 heifers.
3. Niels M. Lynge captain of 8 wagons with 30 oxen, 21 cows and 6 heifers.
4. Thomas Lund captain of 8 wagons with 36 oxen, 25 cows and 7 heifers.
5. Laurits Larsen Captain of 8 wagons with 34 oxen. 23 cows and 8 heifers.
6. Christen P. [Peder Christensen] Gr√∏n Captain of 8 wagons with 30 oxen, 13 cows, 1 heifers and altogether 7 calves.

Brothers Christen Olesen and Fr[edrick]. Ludvigsen were suggested as herdsmen of the cows, and Jens Jensen L√∏th Jr. and Anders Pedersen were to continue as herdsmen of the oxen.




Wednesday July 16th: We are now in the C.A. Madsen Company: 264 people, 174 oxen, 99 cows, 37 heufers, 7 calves, 6 dogs and 10 chicken and 12 horses besides 2 shepherd horses.

At 7:30 in the morning we broke up and drove across green hills and valleys. At 10 o’clock we took our oxen to a brook, crossed a small bridge past a wooden house, at 11:15 past a log-cabin on the right side of the road, at 12:30 to Elk Horn where there are 12-14 small ones and a two story log-cabin and some wood around there. At 1:30 we had traveled 10 miles and camped at the Elk-Horn River, close to Hotel Piks Peack. Many Indians visited us, but they were peaceful. Some were half naked and some dressed as we others (almost) as they beg, steal or buy clothes from the emigrants who are going to Utah and California.

Today and yesterday Sister Else Jeppesen (a lady of 73 years) walked all the way.

Brother J.C. Kornum [Cornum] is still very sick and has driven except for some. Brother Jens Chr. Christensen Poel has walked every day as we as he is getting better.

Today quite a bit of thundering and rain. Tonight we could hear the Indians’ yelling and howling song in their Camp which we could see on a hill half a mile from our Camp. (It looked like a pyramid).

Thursday July 17: I was watching the cows in the Corral. (The first watch I have done on the journey) tonight from 12 to 3 o’clock.

Brother Carl Chr. Jensen shut two shots tonight at 11 o’clock which disturbed the people, for we could soon fear that it was a fencing with the Indians as our oxen went by close to their Camp.

At 6 o’clock in the moring we left, drove over a bridge across the Elkhorn-River and drove about 15 miles today. Gray air, sunshine, some rain and sunshine.

At 7 o’clock across a bridge, at 7:30 by a log-cabin, at 9 o’clock past a house and some seed (wheat, oats and corn). At 10 o’clock we passed by 3 houses with some seed. at 10:30 we stopped for two hours and grazed, having driven 10 miles. Drove again at 12:30, and at 1 o’clock we came to Fremont (log houses) a town of 14-16 houses. At 1:30 we met the apostates Rasmus Olesen and P.P. Meilhede with family. They apostatized first and went to Joseph Morris, and now they wanted to return to the States.

Monday July 21[,] 1862: We held a health day while the Liljenquist Company came over at Loup Fork. Today the weather is good. I and my wife went on a trip to Columbus.

Tuesday 22nd: At 8 o’clock in the morning C.A. Madsen’s Company began crossing Loup Fork in a ferry. At 4 o’clock our cows swam across, and 5 brothers were naked and swam after them. By swimming back the current took Laurits Larsen so that he would have drowned if Brothers Willas Petersen and S√∏ren Pedersen Hald hadn’t saved him. At 5 o’clock I came over. We camped close on the other side of Loup Fork. (¼ mile broad)

Good weather today and heat.

Wednesday 23rd: Got up at 4 o’clock in the morning and drove 8 miles on even green plains to Platt[e] River until 8 o’clock where we stopped until 1:30. There are fine water and grass but no wood. At 3 o’clock across a bridge. At 6 o’clock we camped having driven 10 miles across even green plains like hard meadow in Denmark. The weather was good during the day. A little rain in the evening.

I watched the oxen from 7 until 9 o’clock.

Thursday July 24[,] 1862: I got up at 6:30 in the morning. (I gave C.A. Madsen a sack of corn). At 8:15 I came by a house close to Platt River. At 11 o’clock 49 of the Church wagons came (5th Company). At 12 o’clock we stopped at a house until 3:30 having driven 10 miles. At 6 p.m. we met 38 of the Church wagons (The Company’s and camped a little after.[)]

Sidsel Cathrine gave me a dollar.

Good weather today, a little rain during the night.

I watched the oxen from 11 to 1.

Friday 25th: Left at 5:30. At 7 o’clock I watered at a brook, at a house at 9:15, 9:30 and 10 o’clock by 3 houses with corn. (The houses are plain earth huts). At 11:30 we stopped at the Lone Tree having driven 12 miles.

Left again at 3 o’clock and past three plain houses and camped at 6:45 at Platt River after having driven 7 miles. Very warm. I watched the oxen in the morning of the 26th from 3 – 5.

Saturday 26th: Started at 5:45 and stopped at 9:45 having driven 8 miles on green plains past a few simple houses. At noon I exchanged two oxen with H.C. Hansen and gave him one heifer in exchange for 10$. Then he did business for me and gave both of our cows for 13 and 15:15 $ and further 10$ for 2 two years Oxen so that I now have them with this ¼ $ in exchange for Yok- Keys for 39 $.

We left at 2:15 in the afternoon and drove 8 miles past some simple houses on a good road and camped at 6:30 where there were good grass and water but little wood at a part of Platt River. Heat and good weather during the day; some rain during the night.

Sunday July 27th: I was a guard at the tents from 1 until 3 o’clock during the night.

We left at 6 o’clock and drove 3 miles across Green Island until Wood River at 7:45 and drove across the water, 12 feet wide and 1½ feet deep. Then we drove 7 miles until 12 o’clock noon past some houses and a sawmill and a cornmill (8:30) on a level hard road and camped east and south of Wood River where there are good water, grass and wood in abundance, and rested in the afternoon[.] much heat and good weather.

Monday July 28[,] 1862: Left at 7 o’clock and drove 8 miles on level green plains, a good road along south of Wood River and stopped at Wood River, the last mail office at noon from 11 o’clock until 3 o’clock. Then drove 3 miles and stopped at Wood River because of rain, lightning and thunder at 4:30. Small houses on the right side of the road. I watched the tents from 11 until 1 o’clock.

Tuesday July 29th: It is St. Oluf’s Day.

We left at 5:45 and drove 3 miles where there were small houses on the right side of the road until 7:45 and went by Wood River at a post office and brewery and store for half an hour. At 8:15 we drove South West from Wood River on green plains where no house was until 12 o’clock and then we came to a log-house where there were quite a few sacks with corn and flour both in and out of the house. We continued our journey southwest until 2:15, and then we were close to Platt River, having driven 15 miles today. We have now almost followed the telegraph from July 15th and until 11 o’clock this morning. Then it almost went straight south towards the Platt[e] River.

At 7 o’clock 7 carrriages with 36 heifers, 6 for each of 4 and 4 for each of the 3 carriages. It was fine weather all day.

Good grass, water and wood.

Wednesday 30th: The sun arose at 4:45 in the morning and came down at 7:10 in the evening.

Got up at 6 o’clock and followed the Platte River until 8 o’clock. Then the road was divided into two. We went on the northern and drove North West from Platt River and towards the hills which now begin to become higher on the right side. At 8:30 and 8:45 we crossed a ravine. At 11 o’clock we got “forspaend” at a ravine; stopped at 11:45 and watered at a ravine having driven 10 miles.

At 2 o’clock we drove again. At 4 o’clock Sister Karen Graversen’s two-wheeled ox-carriage broke down, and we took her clothes with our [wagons], We camped at 6:30 at Elm Creek after having driven 10 miles. Good water, grass and wood.

Good weather but a heavy road.

Thursday July 31[,] 1862: Watching the oxen from 3 to 5 o’clock. Left at 6:30 and at 8:15 across a brook (or ravine). At 11:30 across a ravine, and we stopped at 11:45 having driven 12 miles. Drove off again at 2 o’clock, and at 3:45 we drove over Buffaloo Creek. At 5 o’clock south-west from the brook where the grass is compleley eaten up by buffaloes and grasshoppers, for here are about 5 grasshoppers on each square yard.

At 7 o’clock the road was so dusty so that you could hardly see the third [wagon] before you or behind you. At 8 o’clcock we camped on a dry soil where the grass was parched, and there were no water or wood to be had before in the morning, having driven 13 miles. (25 miles today) Fine weather.

Friday August 1st: During the night one of S√∏ren [Soren] Petersen’s oxen got away, and we didn’t know [w]here it was. This morningwe got water and fuel at Buffalo Creek, one mile north west.

I watched the oxen from 4 until 7 o’clock. Some men went with Karen Graversen after her [wagon] which she had to leave two miles away and couldn’t get to us alone after she had been left at Elm Creek to have her [wagon] repaired. They came with it at 8 o’clock, and then it was discarded and left on the place and her two oxen were drawn to Maren Thomsen’s [wagon], and her clothes were put on it.

It was raining somewhat in the morning and then heat. At 12 noon we left and drove across heavy sandbanks. At 1:30 we were across the sandbanks. Here were plains again and a pretty good road and lots of grass. We drove south west to Platt River where we arrived at 6 o’clock in the afternoon (to Willow Lake) having driven 12 miles. Good water, grass and wood.

Saturday August 2[,] 1862: Left at 7:15 and drove north west somewhat away from Platt River. At 11:15 across a small sandbank; at 11:45 by a small lake south of the road, and soon stopped a little away from Platt River where there were good grass and water after having driven 10 miles.

We left again at 2 o’clock and went to the North West. At 5 o’clock we came to a heavy sandy road and continued until 6 o’clock when we came to the beginning of the large sandbanks having driven 8 miles. Good water (in Platt River), Grass and wood were fairly good.

I watched the tents during the evening from 10 until 12 o’clock. At 11:30 a hurricane came (which lasted 20 minutes) which blew over 6 tents, and they had probably all fallen if people hadn’t come to hold them, for the stakes for too small for the sandy ground.

The weather was fine today.

In the council meeting last night it was decided that one division always drives in front of the horse wagons and that watch masters come in the first division, and inasmuch as I and both shepherds are in the first division and for this reason we must be ahead every day so that I can have time to write my journal and the others to carry out their duties, but the other divisions drive al[t]ernately each one on his day after us. Etc.

Sunday August 3rd: We left at 6:15 in the morning with double tightening [double teaming] for half of the [wagon] one and a half mile across hight heavey sandbanks and at 7:45 we left with double tightening for the other half part of the [wagons]. At 8:30 we were over the sandbanks, and the road was now fairly good. Stopped at 11 o’clock at the side of Skunk Creek having driven 6 miles during the morning. Good grass and fairly good water in the brook but no wood.

Brother J.C. Kornum is now well again and is my driver, but Brother J.C.C. Poel was only a driver for three days, but he has later been sick, and I had to drive myself.

At 3:15 we left again. At 6 o’clock we crossed Skunk Creek three times; then in across a corner of sandbanks and camped at 8 o’clock somewhat away from Platt River where we got some cold water from a little hole, and the oxen got good grass but no water. The sisters gathered bars for wood. Drove 8 miles.

Monday August 4[,] 1862: Left at 6:15 and at 7:30 we came to Liljenquist’s Company (of 36 [wagons]) which had been a little before us during 3-4 days.

This morning Brother Simon Steffensen [Stephenson] (13 yars) of B√∏genshoved fell down from his Father’s [wagon], and the front wheel went over his shoulders and the one back wheel went over his stomach without receiving any visible damage. At 8:15 we watered with a good cold spring. At 9 o’clock we were just below where Platt River is divided into the northern and southern Hayfork. There have now for some miles been tall sharp sandbanks on the south side of Platt River. At 9:45 we were close to Platt River. At 10:45 we crossed Carrion Creek, very easy to cross and very good water. We watered there. At 12 o’clock we were very close to Platt River where there was a good water place. At 1 o’clock we stopped near to Platt River having driven [blank space] miles. Left at 4 o’clock and drove on a good road until 7 o’clock, and then we camped a little away from Platt River. Water from the river, medium grass, no wood. Good weather.

Tuesday August 5th: I watched the cows from 1 until 3 o’clock; left at 6:30 and crossed Wide deep creek. (It is only 8 feet wide) At 7:30 we turned north west from Platt River (a good road) and towards the hills. At 8 o’clock to Sandig Road at the end of the hills. At 11:30 we went through the heaviest road; at 12:30 south west from the hills. At 1 o’clock we crossed North Cluff Fork (six rods wide, 2 feet deep) and stopped until 3:45, and then we again drove on a heavy sandy road and up the hills, a very heavy road where Madsen shot three shots at a rattlesnake, and it was killed. A very hard afternoon. We camped at 6:45 where there was good grass and mild water and flower stalks for wood. Good weather.

Wednesday 6th: Left at 7 o’clock in the morning and drove across many heavy sandhills and double tightening part of the way. At 10 o’clock we watered at Platt River. At 10:30 we crossed and at 12 o’clock we stopped. At 3 o’clock we left again and at 3:15 across a small stream and at 4 o’clock across a small flat stream and then up high sand-banks and at 4:20 across [blank space] Creek which runs between the sand-banks. The water has eaten itself deeply down and is ligthening as if there had been an earthquake. It was tough to drive across it because of this hollow, then across the sand-banks where several had to gamble as well as at the brook which resulted in the fact that they drove in disorder. We camped at 7 o’clock, but L. Larsen’s [wagon] remained standing alone with the watch of 2 men 1 mile up in the sand during the night. At 8 o’clock in the evening a small storm came which lasted 15 minutes. Good weather during the day.

The disorder of the [wagons] when Madsen let them drive, as they would and could. (Babel)
1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 33. 34. 35. 36. 23. 24. 7. 8. 37. 38.
29. 30. 3. 18. 22. 21. 16. 15. 26. 27. 28. 14. 13. 17
25. 10. 9. 11. 12. 31. 19. 20. 32. 39.

Thursday August 7[,] 1862: Got up at 9 o’clock and at 9:15 we drove across where a party of English saints of 50 [wagons] had camped for the night, a very good camping place. At 10:30 we crossed a brook and at 11:45 across another brook, and at 12:30 we stopped between two small cold springs, good grass and a little water in the springs, but good water in the brook there west of where the Liljenquist Company had camped.

We started at 3:50 and immediately we crossed [underlined blank space]. At 4:30 a small tearing brook. At 4:50 in West-South West from the hills towards Platt River. At 5 o’clock a good road, and at 6:15 we camped a little away from Platt River close to Rattlesnake Creek. It was good weather during the day. Rain. lightning and thunder from 7 until 12 o’clock at night.

Friday August 8th: I watched the oxen from one to three o’clock during the night. Left at 6:30 and drove across Rattlesnake Creek (about 16 feet wide and 8 inches deep. The stream was clear and deep.

At 9:15 I drove across a large brook, 8 feet wide and 1½ feet deep. (Mud like peat soil). At 9:45 a small stream, sandy road. At 10:15 a small stream, clear water. Now we are inside the hills; at 10:30 a slow slope up the hills; at 10:45 across a small stream. At 10:52 a small stream; at 11:08 a small filthy spring. At 11:15 we saw the first sandstones on the hills near us. At 11:37 we camped at Camp Creek and two small springs.

Left at 3 o’clock (after Laurits Larsen’s [wagon] had been picked up one mile back on a sandy road) and drove across Camp Creek, 8 feet wide and a tough ride down and up. At 3:45 we went out of the sandy road at the foot of the hills and in South West on an even good road, 4½ sandy road. The grass was mostly burnt on the right side, 4¾ most sandy. A few hills thereafter. One brook 3-5 feet easy to drive across, good water. Here the grass is burning on 50 square yards. At 5:30 we drove across Wolf Creek (20 feet wide) across Sandy Bluffs east. One mile across bad heavy sandhills. Good weather; drove 3 times across the hills with loads and camped at 9:30 in the evening.

Saturday August 9[,] 1862: Left at 9:30 and drove on a heavy sandy road at the foot of the hills until 11 o’clock and then South West on a good road. At 12 o’clock we drove across Watch Creek (8 feet wide and 2 feet deep) (easy to drive across). Here is a good road and soon we came to Platt River, and now it was alternately good and sandy, and stopped at 2:30 at Platt River until 4:30 and then we took off again, and at 5:15 we crossed Castle Creek, six rods wide and two feet deep. At 6:15 we were right at Platt River and just before high steep hills on the south side. At 6:30 some hills and sandy road. At 7 o’clock here is hardly any grass. We camped at 7:15 a little away from Platt River.

Peder returned today 18 miles back to the former camp and 36 miles ahead to reach us again. (Alone for one ox)

Good weather.

Sunday August 10th: Got up at 5:45. At 8:30 the grass is burnt here in one square mile; at 8:45 some small hills; at 10:15 here the grass is vanished and also a little at 10:45 in a hollow at Platt River where there is a lot of grass, and stopped at 10:15. Left again at 1:15 and at 4:15 across Crab Creek and camped at 6:15 at Platt River just across from the trees on the hills on the south side of Platt River

Good weather. A good camping place.\

[Hand-drawn illustration showing a large rock or mountain with a deep “V” toward one end.]

Monday August 11[,] 1862: Left at 7:15 in the morning and drove up the hills on a hard road in from Platt River across low Sandy Bluffs on the west side, and at 8:30 we were down off the gravel pit, and at 9 o’clock we were down at the river again, and at 11:30 we stopped at Platt River and at 2:15 we drove again and in half an hour we could see the Chimney Rock in the West. We camped at 6:15 at Platt River just in front of a rock on the south side of the river. It looked like the picture above.

Good weather and warm today.

Tuesday August 12th: In the morning we received our kitchen-range which Brother Niels M. Lynge has taken on his [wagon] from Florence. (free)

Left at 7 o’clock in the morning, and at 9 o’clock we drove on a heavy sandy road into a green valley so that we now have hills between us and the river, and at 9:30 we were again down

[Hand-drawn illustration of Chimney Rock.]

at the river. From 12 to 1 small hills, and at 2:30 we camped 2 miles from Chimney Rock at Platt River. Middle grass, no wood without ox tips. Until now we have used sun flower sticks for firewood.

Wednesday August 13th: Got up at 7 o’clock in the morning, and then Brother Liljenquist’s oxen across the river, and 4 men waded over after them. At 8 o’clock we were just before Chimney Rock; look at the above drawing. (In Danish Skorstensklippen)

Wednesday August 13[,] 1862: During the night one of L. Larsen’s and one of P. Pedersen’s oxen had gone three miles back to The English Emigration, and they had closed them in and used them that morning.

Today 4 wolves of our Company were seen. At 12 o’clock we stopped at Platt River, and at 2:30 we left again. At 4:30 a little grass. At 6:30 we were just before Scotts Bluffs on the south side of the river, and at 7:30 we camped at Platte River where there was a lot of grass and water but little wood.

Good weather and prette warm.

I was tent-watchman from 11 to 1 o’clock at night.


In Denmark

The sun up 4 and 29 minutes
Sundown 7 and 40 minutes


In America
The sun up at 5 o’clock
Sundown 7 and 20 minutes



Very good weather and have driven 24 miles.

Thursday 14th: Left at 7:45 and at 9:30 we watered at Spring Creek a little south of the road. At 9:45 we drive along a road until 1:30. Then we stopped at Platt River, and left again at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. At 6 o’clock we were close to the river, and then we saw small [flag] stones; they looked as the ones in Denmark and as a hand in size. At 6:30 we camped at Platt River. Good grass and water, and it starts again to be trees at Platt River.

Today good weather and alternately a good hard road and sandy road.

Friday 15th: During the night more than 50 oxen came to our oxen. President J. Van Cott gave the saints the right to use them until the owner came to get them, and in their anxiety to get from others’ oxen a man in Liljenquist’s company had taken one of my oxen and closed it up, but I myself made use of it at once, and soon the owner came to get most of them before we left the camping ground, and he got them. At 7:45 we left and drove along the river at the foot of the hills on a hard road until 8:30, and at 9 o’clock we were right there where the owner of the oxen stayed with them and grassed at 2 tenths [mile] somewhat from a brook a little south of the road. There were also many mules on the grass. At 10:15 we passed by 4 English emigrant [wagons] which were in the camp at Platt River. There Willars Petersen swam across the river after Sister Karen Graversen’s cow. From 10:30 until 12:15 we camped on a hard uneven road. A little grass at the noon camp. Four riding Indians visited us and almost followed us to the evening camp. Left again at 2:15 on a hard road until 5:15, a sandy road and at 5:30 gravel banks, at 5:45 a loose heavy sandy road. At 6:30 we crossed Raw Hide Creek which is completely dry. Then hard good road until 7:45. We camped on some loose sandbanks among the Indians at the Platt River where our oxen had a hard time to get water, and very little grass in a thicket. We from C.A. Madsen’s Company were 10 men watching with a gun loaded with live cartridges.

Saturday August 16[,] 1862: I watched the oxen during the night from 12 until 5 with a loaded rifle. We left at 6:30 in the morning, and at 7 o’clock about 100 Indians stood in a row along the road and greeted us, and they wanted to do business with us. They were decorated with many pearls in the ears, around the neck, the arms and legs. Their skin is red like copper and long black hair like horse hair. They were kind to us. They had their tents a little farther away from the road and had more than 100 loose going horses going on grass at the road and many colts. Today the road was alternately good hard or loose sandy. We saw Indians along the road and loose going horses.

Now there are trees on the mountains on both sides of the river. We stopped at 8:30 at Platt River where there was a little more grass, good water, a little wood. While we stopped there were some who exchanged their lame oxen with one who was there with a flock of creatures to do business with emigrants.

We left again at 1:30 in the afternoon, and at 2:30 we could see


somewhat in the South West, about10 houses; among them one big house with two chimneys.


At 3:45 we couldn’t see Laramie anymore because of the mountains there north of which we drove by north to stay on the north side of the Platt River. At 4:30 a hard road up and down hills until 5:45. We camped 4 miles in the North West from Fort Laramie where there was good water, average grass and lots of wood. Good weather.

Sunday August 17[,] 1862: In the morning I wrote 5 short letters, one to H√∏gsted in Hj√∏rring and four to Zion to Jens Chr. Andersen, Niels Peter Larsen Weibye, Jens Peter Christensen and Lars Chr. Pedersen Skibsbye. During the night 4 oxen disappeared which they sought after on horses.

We left at 9 o’clock in the morning and drove across some gravel and [flagstone] mountains until 10:15. We again camped in a green valley at Platt River and kept the Sabbath while some went to Fort Laramie after some things we lacked and turned the letters in. And Lars Peter[sen] Faurholdt [Fjeldsted] picked up his one ox where we stopped on Saturday noon. Our ox grassed in a green valley at Platt, one mile south west from where we camped. Here are good water, grass and wood, so we have a joyous Sabbath.

Some of the day there was very little fine rain. Here the mountain air begins to feel a little cold during the night.

The 4th division of C.A. Madsen’s Company. The eight [wagons] over which L. Larsen presided were dissolved some days ago, and I got the two [wagons] in the First Division so that I now have 10 [wagons] under my presidency, viz.
2 of H.C. Hansen’s (watch captain)
1 of Ane Kirstine S√∏ndergaard’s
1 of J.C. Weibye’s (our own)
1 of Jens Jensen L√∏ths
1 of Sidsel Cathrine Andersen Weibye’s
1 of Niels Chr. Andersen’s
1 of S√∏ren Larsen’s
1 of Laurits Larsen’s
1 of Bodil Jensen’s

On Wednesday August 20th we left at 8:15 in the morning and crossed the water spring several times and left it on the left hand and some large mountains on the right side of which the most peculiar is here

[Drawing of mountains]

We had a good road but sandy to about noon, and then we could see Platt River for some minutes, and there after we likewise had a hilly road but clayey. Shortly after noon we had a shower.

At 11:30 we crossed a brook the depth of which reached the wheels, but it was easy to cross, and at 10 o’clock we crossed a small water creek. From 2:30 to 5: 30 we mostly drove down a slow slope between the hills and to Platt River where we camped at a lovely place where there are grass, water and wood. We took our oxen across the river (they swam across) as there is so excellent grass near the river. The ox watchers rode across at 7:30. Today I have driven about 16 miles.

Thursday 21st: We were lying quietly and had a day of rest as we have sush a good camp site. A small company of 10 [wagons] came with some young cattle and camped a little away from us in the afternoon. At 6 o’clock heat and good weather today.

A meeting from 8 until 9 o’clock in the evening. I was watching the tents from 9 o’clock until 10 o’clock in the evening.

Friday 22[,] 1862: When we left at 7 o’clock in the morning was S√∏ren Larsen’s one heifer was away, and Niels Lauritsen’s ox had been hurt (in an unknown way) so that the blood came out of its nose, and it pissed blood and died an hour and a half after on the place. We had a good road (a dry road and somewhat hilly). We camped at 11:30 near Platt River where there was good grass. but no wood except wild wormwood. We were now just about the Black Hills on the south side of the river. Look at the picture below. (Of the Black Hill)

[Drawing of mountains. Inscribed at bottom: Den Sorte Hoi havr n kunnet seet side den 15 August some at Markeldg Bunkt.]

We left at 3:30 and had a good road changing from clayroad to sandroad until 5:15, and then we had a hilly road and a hard uneven road between clayey mountains which were partly covered with [flagstones], and when we came through them and to Platt River at 6:15 then we camped on some naked hills at where 10 soldiers had camped (who were going with a rich man to high hills). We sold them 12 lbs of bread for 15 cents a pound.

Good weather and very warm today. I watched the cows from 9 until 11 o’clock. Hardly any grass or wood.

Saturday August 23[,] 1862: Left at 7:45 and had a good road until 10 o’clock, but then we had to drive up and down hills and mountains until 2:15: then we came down the mountains to the river and camped and took our creatures across the river in good grass. Here is just about no wood.

It was very warm today and in the afternoon a storm. Today the road was hard. On the top of the mountains which we passed today were gray sandy [flagstones], like paved, and it looked as if water had streamed out of them and evened them. Ma[n]y names of travelers were written on them beside the road.

Sunday August 24th: We left at 7 o’clock in the morning and drove on an even firm road. At 8:15 we passed by two cold water springs (in which were put two barrels) close on the left side of the road, excellently cold, good, clear water. At 9 o’clock we turned from the river (where there is good grass on the south side of the river) and up across some hills until 9:45 and then down the hills on a bad sand road and across a sandy valley (where probably a flat stream flows in the spring) nearer to the river and camped at 10:30 somewhat from the river. there was some grass and some wood. Superintendent John Van Cott left one of his oxen on the camp site this morning in sick condition. We left again at 1 o’clock and had a good road until 2:30, and then up on a higher on a clayey road until 2:45 until two dry brooks down deep, and it looked like a branch of the Platt River left and more South West. At 3 o’clock a storm broke out which ended with some rain and sunshine and heat again at 4:45. From 5 until 5:30 a bad sandy road and a dry brook down in a sandy valley. We camped at 6 o’clock a little on some thorny (Kartuser) hills where there was very little grass for the cattle on the hills. Niels Lynge left Maren Hald’s cow on the Noon Camp Place today as its two feet were in bad condition.

Trine Andersen’s son shot their one ox yesterday as it had 3 swollen feet.

Monday August 25[,] 1862: At midnight we heard the guards say that the oxen were spread too widely. I watched the oxen from three to 5 o’clock.

When they left the Camp today at 7 o’clock 22 oxen were gone which were found so we broke up at 8 o’clock. (My two oxen were among the 22). We drove over a hill until 9:15. We camped until 10:45. We watered; there was some fine grass. At 12 o’clock we drove over a little brook.

Thursday August 28th: here is a business man, and they can sell their lame oxen on several conditions.

Here we keep a Health Day.

Many Indians came both riding and walking to us and we did business with them (I got two buffaloes) and also gave them something to eat, and a peaceful and thankful spirit was with them.

This evening I was down on the large bridge under which there are 26 pillars. It is 400 ordinary steps long and can be crossed in 4 minutes.

Look here the other drawing of it

[Drawing of a long bridge]a part of Upper Platt Bridge which was built in 1859, and there three houses at it on the South Side of the river (or Platt River).

Friday August 29th: Some Indians visited us. We saw a company of emigrants coming on the South Side of the River, and they wanted to cross upper Platt Bridge.

We left at 8:30 in the morning and drove up a hill until 9 o’clock. Then the road was divided into two. We took the left one and continued to follow the telegraph. At 10:30 we came down to the river and continued to drive a little away from it on a hilly road. At 11:45 we crossed a small stiff poisonous grass. At 12:30 we camped at a station where there were 2 houses.

[Drawing of two houses with the words “Redbute Station” between them.]

but between us and the houses is a small poisonous stream. We took our cattles across the Platt River in good grass and water in the river. Brother Johan Andersen stayed behind the company today in a sick condition without being seen and taken by any of the [wagons]. At 3 o’clock 3 men were sent back to take him to the Camp. They met him one mile from the Camp. He is now in a good condition. Was brought to the Camp at 4:15.

We are now just outside Big Bend (at the red mountains). Here are many red berries, almost like currants in Denmark; they are sound. Here close to the road have been red and yellow berries like currants in taste since August 20th, but most are here.

Nine of the United States Military drove by our Camp this morning at 8 o’clock and down to the Upper Platt Bridge, and at 6:30 in the evening they came through our Camp with 4 carts with provisions for the soldiers. They camped at the Redbute [Red Butte] Station as they are afraid of the Indians. A rumor is going around that 2,000 Indians of the two tribes have united and will rob these carts with provisions for the soldiers.

Today we had good weather. I watched the tents tonight from 7 until 9 o’clock.

Brother S√∏ren Pedersen got his one ox back today which disappeared on August 1st; it was in Meriek’s company which is now 1 mile behind us.

Saturday August 30[,] 1862: Last night and the night before we heard a lot of wolf howling in various directions.

At 8 o’clock in the morning 32 [wagons] came close by our Camp with store goods to Zion. We left at 9:45 and drove across Mineral Spring, and at 10:15 we crossed a dry brook. At 1 o’clock to Rock Avenue ( just fallen clay walls on both sides of the road.)

At 1:22 across a dry brook, at 1:45 across a dry brook. At 2 o’clock across Alkali Springs (a very poisonous stream) At 3:45 to a small stream of clear spring water west of the road continued for a little while; very little grass. Here are 3 half built houses. At 4:45 across a dry brook; at 5:30 to a small Spring on the right side of the road at the beginning of Prospect Hill and up Prospect Hill, a very tall hill until 5:50. Here is a beautiful view of all the surrounding roads, for it is surrounded by mountains. The mountains we see in the South West are the Sweet Water [Sweetwater] Mountains.

At 6:15 we down from Prospect Hill and across a dry brook. At 6:45 the road was divided into two. We took the left one and drove under and from the Telegraph and watered at 7:15 at Fiske-Baek [Fish Creek] (2 feet wide and 1 foot deep). Here the oxen drank well, for they have not been able to get water all day; here is a little grass. We drove a little away from Fiske-Baek until 8:30; we camped at this brook; here is grass as necessary. Good weather and a good hard road today.

Sunday August 31st: We left at 7:30 and followed the brook for almost an hour. We had a good road until 9 o’clock. We drove across Hois Creek [Horseshoe Creek] on a bridge at which there are ruins of two houses (the brook is 6-8 feet wide). The road now became more heavy with loose gravel sand. (At 11 o’clock there was a good camping place at H√∏rscreek [Horseshoe Creek] on the left side of the road) At 9:30 the road was divied into two. We took the left side and turned from the Telegraph; at 11:30 we came to a big [flagstone] stonerock just off the road. At 12 o’clock we leftt the Stone Rock and had lovely grass, but very much Saleratus (sodium bicarbonate) in the bottom of it.

In the afternoon we left at 3:30, and at 4 o’clock we came to The Telegraph and the road close to Alkali Lakes; it seemed to be [underlined blank space] miles in circumference and looked like snow and could take large pieces of Salaraetus. The road continued to be loose sandy.

At 5 o’clock we came to a telegraph station at Sweet Water [Sweetwater] River, where there are two houses and many soldiers; they stood and looked at us. At 5:30 we came close to Independence Rock (200 yards long and 240 yards wide and very high) of hard granite. At 5:45 we crossed Sweet Water River in water to the wagon, and now a fairly good road until 7:15. We camped one mile from Devil’s Gate a little on the south side of Sweet Water River. Our animals had pretty good grass by crossing to the north side of the river. Very good water in Sweet Water River, for there it is very sandy, but it tastes good and it is also healthy. The women now use sage brush mostly for wood, among other things with Buffalo tips Heat and good weather.

Today it is my wife’s 36th birthday which we celebrated the best we could according to the circumstances, and we are happy that we are doing fine, both spiritually and temporaly.

Monday September 1[,] 1862: We left at 8:30, and at 9 o’clock we came to Devil’s Gate . I went to see how Sweet Water River goes through hard [flagstone] rocks. Look at this drawing.

[Drawing showing a deep “V” cut in the landscape. Written in Danish the following: “Mandag den 1 Septembr Vi brod op K1 8½ og Til 9 kom vil til Devils Gate, jeg var henne of saal hvorledet et Sweet water river gaaregjennem haarde Kampesteens-Klipper, seedemme Tenaging.]

Aarhvor Sweet water river fly der, B.erhvor huulnengen er is Steenkleppen, iog Der Steenklippen of Feretgront Trae.]

At 9:25 across a little brook with clear good water. At 9:40 across a medium brook with clear good water and grass both along the brook and the river.

At 10:45 across a dry brook with grass.

At 11:30 we stopped a little away from the river and took our oxen across the river in good grass as there is salaraetus in the bottom where we camped.

We left again at 1:30 and drove by the ruins of two houses on the left side. At 2 o’clock we came to a brook and ravine with poisonous water, and at 2:15 we crossed the poisonous on a small not very good bridge.

At 4 o’clock we came to a house on the left side and to the river again. The road has been good today until now; it becomes more gravel sandy. From 5 until 5:30 a stone cliff makes a dividing line between us and Sweet Water River, and then we have a clay (or chalk) mountain on the left side and the river close to the right side. Here is grass but Salaraetus in the bottom; now the road becomes hilly and heavily sandy. At 6:30 we crossed Sage Creek, but it is dry. At 7:30 we camped at Sweet River just about where the stone cliffs bowed which have reached right from Devil’s Gate. Just before us are the stone cliffs about 800 feet high. We took our animals across the river in towards the rocks in good grass.

We have sagebrush for wood. This morning I watched the tents from 2 to 4 o’clock.

Today much heat and clear air. We have clear air every day and much heat during the day and cold during the night, and it is becoming colder and colder as if we are getting higher up and further West, the height of America.

Tuesday September 2[,] 1862: We left at 9 o’clock, and at 9:15 we passed by the ruins of three houses close to Sweet Water River. At 11:30 we crossed a dry brook with some willow bushes on the side. Then we crossed some hills, and at noon one stone cliff made a dividing line betweeen us and the river, so we didn’t come to Sweet Water River until 2:15 and crossed it, and now we were between tall stone cliffs close to the right side and the river on the left side. At 2:30 we came to two houses on the south side of the river in which there were some soldiers, and 20 horses grassed by it. We camped here at 2:45; here are good grass and water in the river and wood for relief. (Cow droppings)

The road has been good most of the time today. We are now between stone cliffs on both sides of the river. At 4:45 we left again, and at 5 o’clock we crossed the river twice a little from each other in water up to the wagon, but the walkers didn’t cross the river but continued to stay on the north side of the river. At 5:30 across a little poisonous stream from a Salaraetus lake on the right side of the road. At 6:45 we camped at a ravine, half a mile from Sweet Water River where there is fairly good, far to good water and wood for relief.

It was a little windy today and cool weather.

Wednesday September 3[,] 1862: We left at 7:15, and at 8:15 the stone rocks almost went together against both sides of the road on a tall hill where we for the first time can see snow on the mountains in the West. At 9:15 we watered and crossed Sweetwater River (5th time). From 11 until 12 o’clock we drove in the South East side of a green valley, and we stopped and had something to eat from 12:30 until 1 o’clock. (But our oxen didn’t get any grass all day from 6:45 in the morning until 6:45 in the evening and only water at 9:15.) At 3:45 there was a very small stream on the west side of the road. (At 4:00 o’clock, we were just infront of a house one mile south of the road). And at 3:45 the road was divided. We followed the right side. At 6:15 we crossed Sweet Water River in the hubs and camped near by. Here is middle grass, a little wood, stormy and quite cold today. I watched the cows from 7:30 until 9 o’clock in the evening.

Colder today than yesterday here at Rocky Ridge Station, but otherwise good weather. We have an easy and pretty good road today September 3[,] 1862.

Friday September 5th: We left at 8 o’clock and went along the road closest to the mountains (pretty good sandy road). At 8:45 just before the ruins of three sandstone houses. At 9 o’clock from Sweet Water River and up hard hills. At 9:15 the road was divided into two. We took the left one and continued to follow the Telegraph. (The right one is the best and the shortest). Here are many granite boulders on the road on Rocky Ridge. We were on the height at 11 o’clock, and then we could see snow on the mountains in the North West. At 11:25 we were down from the mountains again. At 11:45 there were three small lakes on the left side in the straight direction East and West from each other. At 12 o’clock across a small brook. At 12:40 a very small spring on the left side of the road. At 12:55, 1 o’clock and 1:08 and 1:40 across four small brooks and we camped at 2 o’clock at Strawberry Creek (4 feet wide). Here is a little grass and some wood. It is raining now. At 4:15 we crossed Strawberry Creek, at 4 :45 across a small brook or spring at which Robersen’s Company has camped after having passed at 4 o’clock. At 6 o’clock we drove over a Branch of Sweetwater (deep and badly down and driving up the hills). Easy to drive over; here is no grass in this small valley. At 7 o’clock we crossed Willow Creek (a bad descent in the brook and driving up the hills). We camped for a little while on the other side. Good grass and wood at the brook and pile bushes and much game here (several kinds of birds). It is very cold today and more last night. (Rime frost) I and Kornum watched the tents from 9 to 11 o’clock in the evening. September 4th a fairly good road and today September 5th hard and easy road.

Saturday September 6[,] 1862: We left at 9 o’clock and drove on a good road until 11 o’clock. Then we came to a station where there are three houses and some soldiers. Here is a telegraph station, and President J. Van Cott mailed a dispatch to the Prophet Brigham Young and let him know where Captains Madsen’s and Liljenquist’s companies will camp tonight, and an answer came back while Van Cott was there from the Telegraph President in Great Salt Lake City that dispatches to Brigham cost nothing, and Van Cott got the money returned.

At 11 o’clock we crossed Sweet Water River for the 7th time and watered here. (here are grass willow bushes), and then drove on a good hard road. At 12:30 there was a lake with grass around half a mile east of the road. At 4 o’clock we crossed South Pass or



and now we are driving down in a long valley. At 5 o’clock we came to a spring or brook at the ruins of a house. Here the water is running West. At 5:30 we crossed Pacific Creek and camped. Here is fine green grass along the brook, but the heads of cattle preferred this on the cliffs. Here is a little wood.


Good weather and a good road today, but it was a long time for the oxen, 8½ hours. We camp tonight south of the Windriver-Mountains which are very tall and on which there is a lot of snow. (Constantly)

Today we have mostly driven in South West with the Telegraph.

Sunday September 7[,] 1862: We left at 8:30 and drove South West on a good road. At 12:15 a small rock [text missing]

North [text missing]

At 12:45 we watered at Dry Sandy. but they did not drink (ours) the water brackish and not good for the herd of cattles, no grass or wood, but ruins of two houses. At 3:45 a road turned to the right which leads to California and somewhat from the road in West-North West there is a hill that looks like this.

At 5:30 a road went off to the right, but we continued to follow the Telegraph, and we stopped and grassed our oxen in a valley somewhat south of the road from 5:45 until 7:15, and at 8:30 we camped at Little Sandy. Today we have driven South-West on a very good and almost even road and good clear and quiet weather. Here is hardly any wood but good water in Little Sandy. and grass enough a mile and a half from the Camp.

Monday 8th: We left at 11:30 and drove across Little Sandy which is 20 feet wide, 2 feet deep and the means to cross and pass by the ruins of a house. In South West on a lightly hard straight gravel road until 2 o’clock. Then we came close to Big Sandy, and at 3 o’clock we crossed Big Sandy which is 7 roder [rods] wide (a rode [rod] is 16 feet Danish or 16½ feet English) and 2 feet deep and very hard to cross as there is cattle sand in the bottom. Many must have doubled their attendance so we first camped at 3:30 a little on the other side of Big Sandy. Today a good road and good weather, but a little windy. We have driven about 8 miles today.

Here are a little wood, good water and sufficient grass.



the height of North America which we drove over is 7,085 feet above sea level.


Villars Pedersen shot one of his oxen this evening because of tiredness, old age.

Tuesday September 9[,] 1862: I and O. Poulsen watched the tents this morning from 3 until 5 o’clock, and then called the saints. We left at 8 o’clock and drove on a good road with the exception of some hollows over which the water has gone across the road at high tide which we crossed at 11:15, 12 and 12:30. At 12:45 we could see Big Sandy a little west of the road. At 1:15 we could see snow on the Windriver Mountains in North East and on the mountains in Nort and South West, and it is now raining a little and it blows quite a bit from the West. At 1:45 we drove down the hill and on a plain. At 2 o’clock a big road went to the right which Brothers Liljenquist and Hansen together with 8 [wagons] followed. But President J. Van Cott and 72 [wagons] took the left one and continued to follow the Telegraph, and at 3:15 we crossed Big Sandy which is somewhat wider and deeper than Little Sandy, and at 3:30 we camped at the ruins of two houses close to Big Sandy. Here is good water and wood when necessary and grass with which you can help yourself for one night, but there is “salaratus” in the bottom. I have driven between 14 and 17 miles today on a good, in good weather and in South West. Brother Hansen came here to the Camp at 5 o’clock in the afternoon and Brothers Madsen and Liljenquist together with 8 [wagons] came to our Camp at 9 o’clock in the evening, and half an hour later Robersen’s Company came. (10 [wagons] and many heifers) and camped a short distance from us.

Wednesday 10th: During the night quite a bit of rain. We left at 8:15 and drove South West on a good road. At 10:45 the road became somewhat sandy, and there are now naked mountains a little from us to the left. At 11:30 we came to some naked mountains, and immediately we drove up at them, and then we could see the road far away on the other side of Green River. The road is clayey and good here until 12:30; then it became hilly, and at 1:15 we drove with a bound wheel down a hill with small stones, and now we are close to Green River. Today we have followed the Telegraph, and at 1:30 we just came by the ruins of a house where the Telegraph goes over to the South side of Green River, and at 1:45 we camped a little farther to the West. This afternoon there is now a lot of wind so that we cannot cross the river (Green River) today. 6 riders from the Mountiner Tents visited us. They have their cattle going on the grass at Green River, and at 1:45 we camped a little farther West at Green River, and here are many trees like at Platt River. Albertsen’s one ox died today after having pulled too big a load.

Tuesday September 11[,] 1862: This morning at sunrise about ¼ of an inch of thick ice on the water in the Camp. The sun is up and shines warmth and quiet weather.

We left at 8:15 and drove with double harness across the Green River in water up to the [wagon]. and at 10:15 all the 80 [wagons] were well over, and now the cows came over, and at 11:00 we drove from Green River and at 11:30 up a stone-hill. At 2:45 we came close to a clay mountain on the left hand, and we stopped from 3:30 until 4:15. It was decided among the Zion brethren that we should stop there, but in the absence of Liljenquist his company drove by this place, as Haugaard thought there was too little grass, and H.C. Hansen’s [wagons] followed, but according to the wish of C.A. Madsen[,] Peder S√∏ndergaard stopped, and when I was back in the Company and J.C. Kornum didn’t know the reason that P. S√∏ndergaard stopped, [duplicate text] as Hansen’s [wagons] had gone on then he and some others drove by P. S√∏ndergaard’s (or C.A. Madsen’s) [wagon] until I had the opportunity to talk with P. S√∏ndergaard, then I screamed as much as I could to J.C. Kornum who was 50 fathoms by, and he stopped and the whole company stopped, but Captain C.A. Madsen came right away and was very angry and asked who had given us permission to drive around, and he had very little time to listen to us, but said twice with a loud angry voice: You can go hell if you wish. I can go home in 3 days and then we could _ _ _ _. He was much against that Brother Van Cott didn’t want to take the right way at 2 o’clock Tuesday and said that it is few without fools who take the road Van Cott took.

At 6 o’clock a road went to the left and at 6:15 a road went to the left, and at 6:20 a road went to the left and at 6:45 a road went to the left and one came from the left, and at 7 o’clock we drove somewhat past O.N. Liljenquist’s camp and camped close to Blaiksford, and Captain C.A. Madsen showed us the grass on the other side of Blaiksford (not at the Liljenquist Company’s oxen) and P. S√∏ndergaard’s (or C.A. Madsen’s?) mine or Jens Poel’s and mine and L√∏th Jenses and Sidsel Cathrine’s oxen came across Blaiksford and immediately came into a cattle “gunge”, but they took care of themselves without one of L√∏th Jense’s’ two of mine and six of P. S√∏ndergaard’s. We ten men had had a lot of trouble to get them up. Brother L.P. Staerk said: Here we have the fruit of our afternoon stopping, and many are very dissatisfied with C.A. Madsen because he scolds us so often. It now gives more and more air since the misunderstanding between J. Van Cott and C.A. Madsen.

Thanks be to God that He has helped us. Today good weather and pretty good road. (good road in dry weather).

Tuesday September 12[,] 1862: Today much rain almost all day.

At 7:30 [wagons] came drawn by 4 horses or mules each; the 5th of them and the 6th with 2 upon which were our beloved brethren, Apostles A.M. Lyman and C.C. Rich and Representative W.H. Hooper together with Joseph W. Young, E.H. Blaikbarn, Brown, Tailor, the son of Apostle Rich, and H.C. Kimball’s son and some others, and our dear brother John Van Cott left us at 11:30 and went with them after we had enjoyed ourselves by seeing and talking with them for 4 hours. They told us that everything was well with the companies behind us, and that the Danish emigrants with the Church [wagons] are only 2 days behind us.

Here we have much grass, good water but little wood, but at Green River there was some grass, good water and lots of wood.

A little thundering and lightening and showers all day.

Saturday September 13[,] 1862: I watched the tents this morning from two to four o’clock; a little rain in the dawn. We left at 9:15 and drove over a ravine. The road was very bad because of the rain. At 11 o’clock we came to a telegraph station where there are two houses at Ham’s Fork and good grass and water. We crossed Ham’s Fork beside a half finished bridge. (Ham’s Fork is easy to cross 48 feet wide and 2 feet deep.) The road is uneven, and we drove across a small stone hill, and at 11:30 we were over the hill, and a road went to the right, but we continued to follow the Telegraph down to Blackford [Blacks Fork] at 11:45. There a road crossed the Telegraph but deep to cross. There we had to stop until 12:30 while Madsen and Liljenquist looked after the road and counseled with others about what road to follow. Then we took a road on the north side of Blackford and drove south west across a low hill until 2:45. We camped at a ravine about one mile from Blackford where we took our oxen and cows to good grass; here is water and also wood for necessity.

Now good weather and good roads when it hadn’t rained. Yesterday one of Dahle’s oxen died from belly ache and tiredness. On September 2nd Hougaard had to leave one of his oxen on the road in a sick condition. Niels Andersen’s ox sat in a “Veld Gunge” this morning when we left the Camp. I sent men from the first division to help him, but he didn’t come to the Camp until 4:15 in the afternoon. At 4 o’clock Robersen’s Company came through our Camp. (10 [wagons] and 134 heifers). At 8:30 in the eveing Merrick’s Company came through our Camp (34 [wagons].

Sunday 14th: We left at 7:30 and crossed a ravine on a small embankment. At 8:30 a small road went from the left until Blackfork which we now can see the water in it. At 9:45 we drove through Merik’s Camp close to Blackford, and at 12 o’clock we crossed a ravine (or little Muddy) in water to the waist, but easy to cross. There is no grass here. At 1:45 we again drove South West, and now it started rainining and continued with showers all afternoon and it was very cold. At 3 o’clock a small road went to the left. At 8:15 we camped at the road two miles from Blackfork where we took our oxen to some middle good grass and water. No water at the Camp, but wood (Sage Brush) It has been a tough day, driven a long time on a bad road without grass and rain and cold.

Monday September 15[,] 1862: In the morning many oxen and cows were gone, for there was no watch during the night.

We left at 10:45 and at 12 o’clock we came to Blackfork one mile north of Fort Bridger and at 12 o‘clock we camped one mile in the North West from Fort Bridger. Here is good water in Blackfork near by and some grass and wood. Fort Bridger is situated beautifully in a green valley and many brooks and streams. Around there are about 30 houses.

At 1:30 hailstorm came so that we could take them in a handful on the soil and also rain so that the road today is very badly clayey. The worst it has ever been from Florence. At 3:45 we left and drove West. At 4:30 we came to the Telegraph, and here fell one of P.C. Gr√∏n’s oxen and was injured inside and had to be shot. At 6 o’clock we camped about 4 miles from Fort Bridger. Here the mountains are covered with cedar trees, so here is wood enough, but no water, and oxen and cows found little grass between the hills. It is very cold today.

Tuesday 16th: At 7 o’clock in the morning a company of 9 [wagons] from the West through our Camp.

At 8:45 we left and at 9:30 we crossed a dry ravine which before was a bad road, but now it became much better the higher we came on gravel and stony soil. At 10:30 there started to be fine grass on the mountains with us, and at 11 o’clock we crossed a small brook with good and clear water. At 11:15 we drove from the Telegraph and the road to avoid the steep descent. At 11:30 we came to another road and startd going down the high mountain, and at 12 o’clock we came to and across a small brook with bushes around, and at 12:15 to the good Telegraph Road again, and at 12:45 we crossed Muddy York [Muddy Creek] (12 feet wide), stones in the bottom, the means to cross with many willow bushes and some grass, and at 1 o’clock we camped; here is wood enough. There is a bridge across Muddy Fork and two inhabited houses, and there is a little west of the north side of the road[.] P. A. Fjeldsted is buried on September 8[,] 1859. He was the President of the Vendsyssel Conference for two years before me. He was a loving and good man and has fatherly care for us in the Conference. At 3:15 in the afternoon we left again and immediately met Sister Paasch’s husband from Zion at 4 o’clock across a ravine down in the valley where there is quite a lot of grass and then upward in a green valley. At 4:30 to Soda Springs on the left side of the road, and continued to go up a high hard hill until 6:15. Then we were on the highest, viz.

7,315 feet over the surface of the Ocean.

and at 7 o’clock we camped on the road on the mountains and in the valleys, but it was very far to water and uncertain to find; good weather but somewhat cold.


Wednesday September 17[,] 1862: During the night many oxen had gone more than 3 miles in South West because there was no watching of them, so we didn’t get off until 9:15 and 9:45 across a stone road and at 10:30 to Zarkeanasp Station where there are two inhabited houses on the left side of the road at a forest on the east side of a tall mountain. At 10:45 we were on the highest point and began driving down at 11 o’clock to a cold spring on the left side of the road. At 11:15 we were down from the long and steeep descent. At 11:45 we came to a brook or ravine with white water on the left side of the road in between the mountains on both sides, and at 12:15 we drove across it and at 12:45 we were far up on a hill and now drove down to Sulphur Creek until 1:15 and watered until 1:30; we crossed it (there were stones in the bottom, only a little grass at it) and then across a small spring from the left and then drove across Sulphur Creek, and at 1:45 we drove across Sulphur Creek on a bridge. At 2:30 we drove over Bear River, 4h yards wide and water unto the [wagon]; it was hard to cross because of stones in the bottom and very fast running. There was a bridge across near by which we used to walk across. We stayed here until 4:15. We left again. There is a house at Bear River and much grass north of the crossing and many willow bushes and other larger trees. At 4:45 very much and good grass. At 5:22 we were on the highest point and we now drove down. At 5:45 we were down in the valley where there is also an abundance of grass. At 6 o’clock we came to a brook on the west side which we continued to follow. At 6:45 in camp; good grass and water, no wood. Good weather and a good road today almost all the time.

Thursday September 18[,] 1862: I watched the oxen from 1 to 3 o’clock during the night. White frost and very cold this morning. We left at 7:15 and crossed two small water springs which came from the hills to the right. We continued to drive west of this beautiful green valley where there is much grass, having the same brook on the left side until 8:45; then there were tall rocks on the right side, and then at 9 o’clock we crossed this brook which we have had for so long on the left side, and at 9:15 we crossed on a bridge at which there are two houses not completely built, and then we drove on a very tall hill (or mountain) until 10 o’clock, and then we were on the highest and not far from Big Mountain on which there is snow constantly, and we can see it. Now we started driving down (steep descent). At 10:45 there was a spring with cold water on the left side of the road where there is a superfluity of grass. At 11:15 we camped until noon at Cache Cave; here is much grass, necessary water from the Spring, but no wood. We are now 6,070 feet above the surface of the Ocean now at 11:15.

We left at 1:30 in the afternoon and saw Cache Cave on the north side of the road; it can have between 50 and 80 people and is of hard sandstone

[Drawing of a mound with a cave]

A is the sandstone and B is the cave with the room, and at 1:45 a brook on a bridge at the beginning of Echo Creek. At 2:30 we crossed a brook and then across a part of the same, and at 2:45 across a cold spring from the mountains to the right. At 3:15 we crossed a brook, at 3:30 to 2 houses on the right side. At 4:22 a cold spring close to the left side of the road, at 4:40 a cold spring on the right side and 5 o’clock a cold spring on the right and at 5:15 we camped at Echo Creek where there is plenty of grass and water and sufficient wood. After having driven all day through green grass valleys between high mountains in very good weather and on a good road in dry weather we are now here beteen high mountains, but now daily people are driving and riding from the West, and the mail people often drive both East and West. We have now seeen and tasted fruits from Zion. Drive today about 20 miles.

Sunday September 21[,] 1862: We left at 8:15 and at 8:30 we drove to the right up through a small canyon and crossed a small stream the same place more than ten times, a very bad road both for oxen and drivers. At 11 o’clock we came up to the very top of the mountain close to the snow mountains and now drove down until 11:45, and then watered at a brook. At 12 o’clock our road went together with the postal road from the right on the west side of the other hill. At 12:15 two cold springs to the left side. At 1 o’clock three houses and across two bridges and drove across two brooks and at 2:15 across a brook and camped at Silver Creek where there are grass, water and wood.

Good weather today and a pretty good road this afternoon. Captain C.A. Madsen left today for Salt Lake City, and in the evening Joseph W. Young and three writers (secretaries) to take care of that which was not done with the emigrants from Florence.

Monday September 22[,] 1862: We left at 8:15 and drove across a hill and then across some water springs. At 10:45 we were on the height of the mountain at the eastern end of the Parlais [Parley’s] Canyon and began driving down through the canyon which is covered with bigger and smaller trees of various kinds on both sides. At 10:55 across a ravine on a bridge; at 11:07 across water spring from the west side on a bridge. At 11:15 across the same water spring; at 12:45 a house, at 12:50 across a small water spring from the right. At 1:30 to two houses (a post station) and drove across a flat water spring from the right. At 1:45 we stopped and watered at the water spring which has now become large and runs down to the left of us. Here is wood enough but hardly any grass. At 3 o’clock we gain drove through the canyon until 4 o’clock. We camped here (a poor camping place). Here came quite a few Danish saints and met us and welcomed us, and we got something from the fruits of Zion. Today it is good weather and a pretty good road, for the saints have had much work to do to repair it in this narrow canyon. Captain C.A. Madsen returned this evening, and his wife came to him here from Salt Lake City.

Tuesday September 23rd: We left at 8 o’clock in the morning to as we best could finish, and at 8:15 we crossed the waterstream in the canyon and across it again at 8:20 and the third time across it at 8:30 (but this time on a bridge) and the fourth time across it at 8:35 on a bridge. At 9:30 a stone rock to the right and at 10 o’clock a stone rock to the left. At 10:10 we could seee the valley (Salt Lake Valley) and then right away across a small spring to the right, and at 10:18 we could see houses in the Valley, and now much up on a hill, and at 10:26 we could see Great Salt Lake City. At 10:30 we stopped on the hill and gathered until 11 o’clock and then off again down to the City, where we arrived at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Here many friends came and welcomed us of whom some were from Weibye.

Today good weather and a good road down the hill, but hilly and stoned in the Canyon.

Praise and thanks be to God that I now have arrived well here in Zion with wife and child, happy, well and joyful.