
Transcript for Jessee, Adah Phillips. History of Ann Phillips: Compiled by Her Daughter, Adah Phillips Jessee

After landing in America, while at Florence Nebraska, preparations were being made to cross the plains. The man who had her money arranged for himself, wife, and children to go on. A lady asked what he intended to do about Ann. He said, "She can do the best she can. I am through with her." Continued on his way leaving Ann penniless. She went to work for a Mrs. Perkins. He tried to obtain what she earned here but failed. Not being able to speak English and unfamiliar with American ways, Ann was discouraged. While Ann was in the employ of Mrs. Perkins a very stylish lady came and tried to persuade Ann to come with her. Made some glowing promises of what she would do for her. Mrs. Perkins feared her intentions weren't honorable and advised Ann not to go. She told her that her parents had sent her to Utah and that she should be obedient. Ann was grateful for the advice and declined the offer. About this time Julia Harrington with her three sons-in-law, Arba L. Lambson, Charles and Thomas Avery and families, were preparing to cross the plains as an independent party. Charles Avery's wife asked Ann to come with them. They would love and help her as their own child. She accepted. The trip was made by ox team and was long and tedious. They had plenty of provisions. Ann and Charlotte Avery were assigned to herd the oxen when they camped one night. They lost them in the oak brush. After a long search they were found. Being very frightened, it was an experience they never forgot. Charlotte was a daughter of Charles Avery. She and Ann were devoted to each other and became lifetime friends. The company arrived in Provo in August 1860.