Transcript for John Brown Emigrating Company journal, 1851 July-September
Record of Captain John Brown’s Company of Emigrating, Saints from Council Bluffs to Great Salt Lake City, July 4th 1851.
Owing to the scattered condition of the Emigrants & the tardiness in the hin[d]most ones in coming up all who were at the ferry was crossed over & encamped on the Prairie two miles West of old Winter Quarters, t<w>here an organization of what Saints were present took place, when being numbered it was found enough were in camp to form three companies of Ten[.] Preston Thomas was unanimously chosen Captain of the first company of Ten.
Joseph Chatterly was chosen Capt of the Second Ten[.] George D Watt Capt of the third, an Expression was then taken & John Brown was unanimously sustained as Capt of the whole company-- & Preston Thomas Clerk
To day Alexander Robbins joined us with 10 more waggons and thirteen men, in the afternoon a meeting was called for the Purpose of taking into considerations the propensity of approaching a committee of inspection who should examine the waggons Teams & loads & report whether all were in a fitting condition for crossing the Plains, this step was considered & the men necessary as the season is now far advanced & there b[e]in[g] a great probability of<the company> being overtaken by the snows in the mountains, & to avoid which it was thought wisdom not for the company to go too heavyly loaded that they might make all possible speed, at this meeting seven men were chosen as a committee, their names are as follows—John Brown, Preston Thomas, Joseph Chatterly, George D Watt, Alexander Robbins, Joel Terry, & John W. Morton, The committee then immediately entered upon the duties of their office, and after an examination of all the waggons & Teams in camp, it was <thought> advisable for Alexander Robbins to put off, part of his freight & he was counseled to do so; he had seven waggons & it was thought if he would put off five thousand pounds & send back one waggon, his teams might be able to take the rest of his waggons & freight through, —
Saturday July 5th This morning according to the decision of the committee of inspection, Alexander Robbins sent back and stored at Ferryville with Messers Clark & Smith owners of the Ferry 5000 lbs of freight & one waggon, & about 2 oclock the camp was got in readyness & moved on to what is known as the six mile grove from Old Winter Quarters,—on this mo[r]n Alexander Robbins had the toungs [tongues] of two waggons broken & George D Watt one,
<Sund[a]y July 6> This morning a complete organization of the whole camp took place having be[e]n joined <last night> by six more waggons which came by land from St Louis, Alexander Robbins was chosen captain of the fourth company of Ten & Edward Rushton Capt of the Fifth[.] before set[t]ing off this morning a company of returning <companies of> Oregon Emigrants came up & informed us that whilst in camp on the Loup Fork of <the Platte river> their cattle stampeded & joined the herds of Buffalo, & they were able to recover very few of them so the company was forced to return, some of them who had Teams sufficient asked the priviledge of joining us & going with us as far as Salt Lake & winter there, we gave them the priviledge & 8 waggons with 8 men joined us, These were organized with our companies giving two men to each waggon company of Ten except Alexander Robbins Whose company already consisted of some 13, these raised the number in each ten too [to] 12 men, making 60 men in camp, After making many other arrangements the company was got in readyness & moved off about one Oclock & traveled some 8 miles & camped on the Pra[i]rie where we found good water but no wood,
Monday July 7th This morning the camp was got in readiness at an early hour & after traveling some 4 miles camped to a large Creek called Pappea, the bridge over this was much out of order & we found much difficulty in crossing it but all were over safely, The camp then moved on & camped at the Elk Horn river on the old rout[e] up the Platte river, We were induced to take this road from the information we obtained from the Oregon Emigrants who joined us, [.] To day A Robbins broke an axletree & did not reach camp with his Waggons,
Tuesday July 7 Last evening some half breed Indians came to our camp& claimed to own the boats at the Ferry over the Elk Horn & a small creek a few miles further on, They demanded 25 cts per waggon for the use of their boats. This after some consultation was paid & all the company except Br Robbins’ Ten were crossed over, swimming our stock, [blank space] my
Wednesday July 8 This morning it was agreed that Captain Brown should take some of the most efficient men & go back & help br Robbins over the Ferry & Preston Thomas take charge of the train & go on, Accordingly after traveling some 9 miles we camped on the Platt[e] river[.] at night br Brown came into camp & informed us that br Robbins company had all crossed over the Ferries & would join us To morrow—
Thursday July 9 The camp did not move today, but waited for br Robbins who came up in the afternoon, We were also joined today by four more waggons of Saints & four of Oregon Emigrants.
Friday July 10 Our camp traveled today 13¼ miles, no accident occurring the first since we started, we camped on the Platte river opposite a small Island.
<Saturday> July 11th 1851 Today we traveled 14¾ miles & got into camp in very good time, we camped on the south side of the road with out wood, by the side of a small Lake,
Sunday 12 To day it was the intention of Brother Brown to remain in camp & let the men & animals rest as it is the Sabbath but being camped where there is no timber it was motioned to move on to the next camping place[.] accordingly the camp moved on 6½ miles & camped by the Side of the river Platte.
Monday 13 To day the camp was put in motion at an early hour & all things moved on with excepting one waggon which was broken[.] the road has be[e]n good & we have traveled 20¼ miles, & camped by the side of Looking Glass creek,
Tuesday 14 To day the camp has moved on very well[.] the weather for several days past has been ex[c]essively warm & the cattle were allmost overcome with heat[.] the camp traveled to day 16 miles & camped at fishing Creek[.] the location of the old Paunee [Pawnee] Missionary station[.] here we had to build a bridge & cut some oak timber for spokes for waggons
<1851> Friday July 18 During the past three or four days we have made but slow progress traveling[.] the weather has been excessively warm & Dry untill night before last we had a severe thunder Storm which made the roads very muddy, for the past three or four days we have crossed several large Creeks & two rivers[.] there we have forded Beaver river & Cedar are the principal[.] as we came up the Loup Fork we tried at the old Pionee<r> ford to cross but was <not> able the river b[e]ing too deep.
Yesterday we camp to a small creek which we found much difficulty in crossing[.] night came on before all the waggons were crossed over & part were left, during the night a tremendious [tremendous] Thunder-storm & much hail with it & this morning the creek is out of its banks & the camp are divided & the men are /engaged in building a bridge[.] the howens [sic] is too high to do much at it,—
Saturday 19 Yesterday, the camp all having cross the Creek mentione<d> above was got in motion & traveled some six miles & camped on the Banks of the Loup fork river, just at the old ford through which we wish to pass[.] To day the whole camp has remained still & the men have been engaged in searching the river for a ford & repairing broken waggons & CC [etc], in the afternoon the Captains all had a council meeting during which it was motioned to keep keep the Sabbath tomorrow have a prayer meeting & call on the Lord to aid us in crossing the river & prosper us on our journey,
Sunday 20 To day the whole camp have be[e]n at rest[.] in the afternoon a prayer meeting was held at which a good Spirit prevaile <d> & much good instruction was given [.] in the evening it the camp attended the mournful duty of burying a Sister her name was Esther Kempton only a few months from England[.] she died of Disentery of which she was sick only a few days, although her her health had be[e]n declining for some considerable time,
Monday 21 To day by the blessings of the Almighty the whole camp crossed the Loup Fork river with perfect safety with the exception of a trifling accident or two. the fording was rather deep though very good[.] after the camp was all safely over the river all moved on five & ¾ miles & camped just where the road over rid[e]s the Bluffs,
Tuesday 22 To day the camp was put in motion at an early, hour made 18 miles over a very deep sandy hilly road & camped for the night on the banks of Pra[i]rie Creek,
Wednesday 23d This morning the camp took a very early start & after crossing some very muddy Sloughs we came to Wood river over which all the camp passed safely, except one of Alexander Robbins waggons was upset in going into the ford & after traveling about one mile one of his waggon wheels broke down & the camp was stop[p]ed & went into Carel [corral] on the bank of Wood river having traveled some 13 miles to day,
Thursday 24 To day we have traveled 14 miles[.] the road has be[e]n splendid but the weather has be[e]n extremely warm & several of the oxen have fainted from the heat &c one or two have died,
On the following pages is recorded the census of the whole camp
Census of the first company of Ten Preston Thomas Captain
Preston Thomas, Born February 15th 1814[,] 2 Waggons, 2 Horses, 4 Oxen, 4 Cows
S A I [Jane] Thomas, Born Feby 23d 1817
Jane M. Thomas, Born March 5th 1843
Martha Thomas, Born September 26 1846
Maria Thomas, Born June 29th 1849
Oscar Tyler, Born April 26th 1825
George Barter [Barber], Born November 11th 1826[,] 4 Oxen
Janett Young
John Brown, Born October 23d 1820[,] 1 Waggon, 1 Mule, 6 Oxen, 4 Cows
Sam Longbottom
James Holt, Born January 9th 1824[,] 1 Waggon, 4 Oxen, 1 Cows
Sarah Holt, Born April 21th 1827
Eliza [Holt], Born January 4th 1847 [1848]
Alice [Holt], Born March 10th 1849
Terrance McBreen
John W. Norton, Born May 13th 1810[,] 2 Waggons, 5 Oxen, 6 Cows
Martha Ani [Ann] Norton, Born December 8th 1818
Jacob W. Norton, Born Nov. 14th 1833
Caroline C. [Norton], Born January 6th
Isaac [Norton], Born June 28th 1839
Martha A. Norton, Born Sept 2d 1841
John A. [Norton], Born December 18th 1843
Mary [Norton], Born March 5 1848
Alicia [Norton], Born April 28 1850
Eliza I. [Jane] Gay, Born Sept 27 1838
Susan Ann [Gay], Born June 13 1841
John Franklin [Gay], Born March 28 1843
Elias Smith, Born Sept 6 1804[,] 3 Waggons, 14 Oxen, 12 Cows
Lucy Smith, Born January 4 1821
Emily Iain [Jane Smith], Born Octo 28 1820
Mary J. Gee, Born April 29 1819
Elias L. [Gee], Born May 30 1838
George W. [Gee], Born Oct. 9 1842
Samuel P. Hoyt, Born Nov. 21 1807[,] 1 Waggon, 6 Oxen, 3 Cows
Emily L. [Hoyt], Born Sep 1 1806
The following are the names of the Oregon emigrants in the first company of Ten
Thomas Litell, Born Jany 9 1800[,] 2 Waggons, 7 Oxen, 8 Cows
Mary R. [Litell], Born July 8 1800
Nancy J. [Litell], Born April 17 1835
John Litell, Born Octo 2 1837
Ezekiel [Litell], Born Octo 18 1840
Robert B. [Litell], Born April 20 1844
John Bishi, Born Dec 20 1827, 1 horse
Wm A. Jaynis, Born March 7 1827
Elizabeth W. Jaynis, Born Nov 28 1827
David Pender, Born July 1 1835
Census of the Second Company of Ten
Joseph Chatterly, Born April 26 1808[,] 8 Waggons, 1 Horse, 36 Oxen, 5 Cows, 3 Dogs
Nancy [Chatterly], Born Jany 15 1805
John [Chatterly], Born July 4 1835
Ann [Chatterly], Born Mar 3 1837[,] 2 turkeys
Morton [Chatterly], Born Mar 3 1840
Charlotte [Chatterly], Born June 25 1843
James Thorp, Born April 8 1833
James Grundy, Born March 12 1817
Charlotte [Grundy], Born May 22 1815
Edward Wood, Born May 14 1828
James Baird, Born Dec 27 1816
Robert Sharkey, Born Dec 28 1830
Emma [Sharkey], Born Nov 11 1831
John Kay, Born Sept 21 1819[,] 2 Cows
Sarah [Kay], Born July 16 1818
Sarah Ann [Kay], Born July 2 1841
Janiss [Joseph Kay], Born July 1 1844
Margarette [Kay], Born Nov 1 1849
William Henry [Kay], Born April 14 1837
John Chatterly, Sen, Born Nov 15 1775
Andrew Lee, Born Feb 16 1830[,] 1 Cow, 1 Dog
Charlotte Lee, Born Nov 25 1823
Elizabeth [Lee], Born Oct 17 1849
Catherine [Corlett], Born Aug 12 1816[,] 2 Waggons, 1 Horse, 8 Oxen, 4 Cows, 1 Dog
Mary Ann [Corlett], Born Mar 5 1838
Thomas [Corlett], Born Sep 20 1840
James [Corlett], Born Sep 5 1843
Margarette A [Corlett], Born July 7 1845
Robert Burns, Born Sep 10 1828
Jane E. [Burns], Born Dec 18 1829
Louisa Kimball <Hardy>, Born Mar 1 1809[,] 1 Cow, 1 Dog
Hannah [Hardy], Born Oct. 9 1841
Helen Landford [Sandiford], Born June 16 1813[,] 1 Cow, 1 Dog
John Landford [Sandiford], Born Sept 19 1835
William Landford [Sandiford], Born Sept 26 1840
[Oregon Immigrants]
Adam Meek, Born May 15 1803[,] 1 Waggon, 5 Oxen, 4 Cows
Y Meek, Born May 15 1835
Sophronia Meek, Born Aug 5 1825
Rachel [Meek], Born Dec 31 1835
Ann [Meek], Born Sept 30 1837
Robert Meek, Born Sept 12 1845
Lyman Benson, Born Aug 21 1818[,] 1 Waggon, 4 Oxen, 1 Cow, 1 Dog
Samuel M. Kimpy [Kemp], Born 1805[,] 1 Horse, 2 Cows
Thomas Dudkins [Judkins]
Second Third Company of Ten
George D Watt Capt, Age 39[,] 12 Oxen, 1 Cow, 2 Waggons, 1 Dog
Mary Watt, Age 40
G. D. Watt Jun, 9 Years
Mary Ann Brown, 59 Years
Jane Brown, 22 Years
Samuel Patterson, 35 Years
Robert Williams, 35 Years
Alford [Williams], 9 Years
Thomas Margetts Sen, Age 31[,] 6 Oxen, 1 Cow, 1 Waggon
Susanna [Margetts], 28 Years
Ann [Margetts], 4 Years
Thomas [Margetts] Jr., 2 Years
Lorenzo Erastus Margetts, 9 mos.
Esther Kimpton [Kempton], 50 Yr[.] Esther Kimpton Died July 20th 1851 buried in a large mound near the ford of the Loup Fork[.]
Benjamin Votaw, 25 Yr
Joseph Allen [Allan], 30 Yr[,] 6 Oxen, 2 Cows, 3 Waggons, 0 Buggies, 4 Dogs
Lallah [Zillah Allan], 26 Yr
Charles E. [Allan], 4 Yr
Joseph W. [Allan], 2 mos
John Yardly, 35 yrs
Mary [Yardly], 27 yrs
Joel Terry, 39 yrs[,], 6 Oxen, 1 Cow, 3 Horses, 3 Waggons, 1 Buggy, 1 Dog
Mariah [Terry], 33 yrs
Jane [Terry], 16 yrs
Wm [Terry], 9 yrs
John Terry], 3 yrs
Joel T. [Terry], 1½ yrs
Omnah [Terry], 39 yrs
Amandah [Terry], 18 yrs
Sabila [Savilla Terry], 16 yrs
Ruby [Terry], 13 yrs
Tabotha [Terry], 11 yrs
Lucinday [Lucinda] Terry, 9 years
James Terry, 3 years
Mary Child, 36 years[,] 4 Oxen, 2 Cows, 2 Horses, 2 Waggons
Seth Child, 15 years
Amanda Child, 12 years
Joel Child, 11 years
Jason Child, 9 years
Mary A Child, 2 years
Mary Ann Simmons, 23 years
John Lynden, 20 years
The following are Oregon emigrants [with the Third Company of Ten]
Edmund Judkins, 23 years
Adam Meek, 48 years
Sophrona Meek, 35 years
Sidney Meek, 18 years
Rachel Meek, 16 years
John Meek, 13 years
Robert Meek, Ae 5 years
Amos Andrus [Andrews], 41 years
Census of the Fourth Company of Ten[,] Alexander Robbins Capt
Alexander Robbins[,] 2 Dogs, 1 Cat
Eliza Robbins
Cyrus W. Robbins
A H Robbins
Edmund H. Robbins
Nelson C. Robbins
Ensign Riggs
David Bennet
Robert Collet
[blank space] Davidson
James Saddler
John Smith
Fredrick Gardner
Medad Strong
James Thomas
Thomas Fenton
George Caffal
Salina Bruski
Caroline Pickles
Jane Sadolli [Sadler]
Emma Fenton
Charlotte Vissy [Verry]
Wm Bruski [Bruske]
Census of the fifth company of Tens
Edwin Rushton, Born June 1 1824[,] 1 Waggon, 6 Oxen
Mary Ann Rushton, Born 1823
Dinah E. Pearce, Born 1815
John Tout, Born 1819
William Carson, Born 1828
John Willis, Born 1815[,] 1 Waggon, 8 Oxen, 2 Dogs
Fredrick Long[s]burgh, Born 1828
Jane Rio Baker, Born 1810[,] 4 Waggons, 24 Oxen, 2 Cows
[Henry] Walter Baker, Born 1833
Eliza An Baker, Born 1829
H William Baker, Born 1835
C Edwin Baker, Born 1839
Benj W Baker, Born 1830
E. Ann Baker, Born 1841
John E. Baker, Born 1843
Charles W Baker, Born 1844
Jerimiah Batemen, Born 1800
Mary Ann Bateman, Born 1800
Zacarias Demick [Zacariah Derrick], Born 1814
Mary Demeck [Derrick], Born 1812
Mary Ann Demick [Derrick], Born 1836
Zacarias [Zacariah] Demick [Derrick], Born 1840
Elizabeth Demick [Derrick], Born 1842
John Demick [Derrick], Born 1847
The following persons names are those of Oregon Emigrants
William Ri<c>hards, Born 1808[,] 2 Waggons, 12 Oxen, 2 Cows
Grace Richards, Born 1818
William Richards, Born 1833
Edward Richards, Born 1838
John Q Richards, Born 1840
Elizabeth Q Richards, Born 1846
Grace Richards, Born 1849
John Crellan, Born 1823[,] 1 Cow, 1 Horse
Friday July 25 Today the weather has be[e]n more mild & the heat less oppressive & the camp got on well[.] traveled some 12 or 14 miles, [blank space]
Saturday 26 Today the camp took an early start[.] the day was fine & not be[i]ng able to find a suitable camping place were compelled to haul till near dark an[d] then camped by the side of a slough to spend the Sabbath[.] rather a poor chance for water & wood but splendid grass, traveled today some 21 miles,—
Sunday 27 To[day] all the camp have be[e]n at rest except some of the men have been repairing waggons,—
Monday 28 This morning the camp were aroused up very early & a number of men were engaged in set[t]ing waggon tires as this late very dry hot weather had made many of the waggon wheels somewhat loose, 14 were set & the camp started at about 9 Oclock, To day we have traveled through immense herds of Buffalo[.] Thousands of Thousands were in seen during the day[.] at night the grass was very short having bin eaten off by them & we camped to the side of a Slough which was all stir[r]ed up thick with mud but we were force[d] to drink[.] Capt John Brown was sent on Ahead before camping time to kill one for the camp[.] The camp thus far traveled to day some 12 or 14 miles,—
Tuesday 29 to day we have traveled some 14 miles & camped by the side of the Platt[e] river[.] during the day we met some three or four waggons from Salt Lake[.] the[y] gave us information that two or three companies of Saints were met this side Laraimie [Laramie], Elder Hyde with Judge Brocchus & Albert Car[r]ington were rob[b]ed & strip[p]ed of all their clothing[.] The Norh<t>ern [Northern] rout[e] was represented as be[i]ng some of it[.] very bad road Sand hills & bluffs, —
Wednesday 30th This morning we took an early start as we could under the circumstances, having had a severe Thunder Storm in the whi<ch during the night> carried away some of the covers of waggons tents & &tc some Horses & cattle brokeloose [broke] Loose & a general Stampede seemed likely to take place but all the stock b[e]ing tied up prevented it, This evening as we were going into carel [corral] another carel was in sight about two miles distant higher up the river. Several of thier [their] men came down to us from whom we learned they were a company of Fifty led by Morris Phelps <Elder Shirtliff> they came by the northern rout[e] & report that they had traveled over 400 miles part of the way over a sandy desert, 40 miles in one place without water, they confirm the repo<rt> of Elder Orson Hyde, Judge Brocchus & others b[e]ing robbed by the Pawnee indians—Ofter [After] we went into carel another company of Fifty under Captain Shirtliff< M[orris] Phelps came down from the Bluffs & camped above us>[.] These companys together make a company of 100 under Eli B Kelsy[.]
Thursday July 31 This morning the camp was got in motion about 8 Oclock[.] at twelve a stop was <m>ade by the side of the Platt[e] river with for dinner, with the two companies ahead in full view after traveling some 20 miles, went into carel on Skunk creek, Carrion creek Skunk creek,
Friday August 1 This morning we started early from camp & coming up to Morris Phelps camp we had to stop for some half hour or more untill thier [their] whole camp could get off so as to clear the road, to day we have traveled some 17 miles & camped by the side of Carrion Creek with the other companies in full view ahead, the forenoon of to day has been extremely hot & the cattle have suffered much from it but the afternoon has been cloudy & more moderate, We stop for dinner at a splendid Spring of Cold water about 300 miles from old Winter Quarters, .—
Saturday Aug 2 Today we have traveled 19 miles, an[d] passed Morris Phelps camp in Corel [corral], one waggon wheel was broken in crossing a bad creek, but did not detain the camp, Today the camp passed the mouth of the South Fork of the Platte on the opposite side of the river, camped on the bank of the river a little below a small creek not far below the North Bluff Fork, 317 miles from old Winter Quarters[.]
Sunday Aug 3 This day has been observed throughout the whole camp as a day of rest, in the afternoon a meeting of the whole camp was held, at which many good things were spoken & a good Spirit prevailed & all seemed to be greatly strengthened & all felt to express their gratitude to God for the prosperity which has attended the camp on all the journey thus far,—
Monday 4 Aug This morning the camp was got in motion at an early hour [.] the North Bluff Fork of the Platt[e] was crossed in the early part of the day. two series of bluffs of soft sand which were very hard to draw over, one creek, after traveling 15 miles camped at the foot of the Bluffs near the river,—
Tuesday August 5 To day the camp have pas[s]ed over several hard sand bluffs, today we have passed over a number or small creeks [.] after traveling some 18 miles camped some distance from the river,
Wednesday August 6 Today we have met a small company of Calafornians [Californians] & others from Salt Lake[.] they left the 15 July[.] all things prosperous. crops were good [.] flour abundant & worth 4 or 5$ per hundred, the camp to day traveled 19 miles mostly over a good road, many creeks were crossed[.] camped at Wolf creek near its juncti<on> with the Platte river,
Thursday Aug 7 This morning the whole camp took an early start & ascended some very steep Bluffs of soft sand which was very hard on teams[.] after they were passed over the road was good the whole days journey[.] after traveling 19¼ miles camped on a small creek on the Platte opposite Castlle [Castle] Bluffs, our camp was visited by Elder Morris Phelps, whose camp is but a few miles behind ours, also in the evening by Mr Monroe who is taking a train through traveling on the South side of the Platte[.] he was in search of some horses which had st[r]ayed from them,—
Friday Aug 8 Today the camp made 20½ over a good road all day[.] Phelps company traveling all day in sight[.] camped on Crab creek, Today a Mr. Culns [Cullom] an Oregon Emigrant who has bin traveling with us of late left us & went on to stop at Fort Laramie,—
Saturday August 9 To day we traveled 16 miles[.] crossed one set of very bad Bluffs, known as Bluffs ruins where we halted for dinner&8212;Elder Phelps compa<n>y traveling all day in sight[.] camped on the river Platte[.]
Sunday Aug 10 This day has been observed as a day of rest,—
Monday Aug 11 Took an early start this morning, crossed in the afternoon of one set of low sandy Bluffs, road otherwise good all day[.] turned off the road one mile & camped by the side of the Platte [.] Traveled to day 19 miles[.]
Tuesday 12 This morning took early start[.] good road all day. traveled 19 miles[.] turned of[f] the road a mile camped on the banks of the Platte[.] passed to day Chimney Rock south side the river&8212;(great curiosity) Scotts bluffs in full view some 9 miles a head, weather very dry[.] many of the waggon wheels in camp get[t]ing loose[.] some of the Mechanics proposing to set tire to night,—
Wednesday 13 To day the camp came 19 miles, passed Scotts Bluffs south side the river, camped on the head of Spring Creek,—
Thursday 14 To day the camp made some 17 miles[.] roads mostly good, Phelps company still traveling in sight behind, saw to day some Indians the first since starting on this journey, Laramie Peak has be[e]n in full view all day,—
Friday Aug 15 To day the camp made some 16 or 17 miles crossed Raw Hide creek, a good part of the way has bin over heavy sand,
Saturday Aug 16 This morning some six head of cattle were missing & could no where be found & the camp was detained untill afternoon when the Camp went on & the strays were fou<n>d to have gone forward to where Elder Larain [sic] Babbit was in camp & then they were found[.] passed to day Fort Larimie [Laramie][.] traveled to day some 10 miles[.] The Camp has now traveled 101 miles this week & for the last five<four> weeks have made over one hundred miles each week[.]
Sunday Aug 17 To day is general[l]y a day of rest but having camped last night where the Grass was very poor Captain Brown thought it wisest to move up the Platte a few miles to where good grass could be found[.] accordingly a move of some 7 or 10 miles was made when by crossing the cattle over the river some very good grass found. Some six or 8 miles above Larimie [Laramie] Capt Brown crossed the Platte with the whole Camp intending to go up the river road which follows up on the South side,—
Monday Aug 18 This morning the Camp got a late start on accou<nt> of the cattle b[e]ing some distance from camp on the opposite side of the river, all day the road was hilly & rocky & the company nesscarily [necessarily] had to move slow at the several crossing time[s.] camping time no water could be found so the camp had to go on [.] at length a good spring with some grass was found but it was after 10 Oclock at night before all the waggons were in camp, in fact all did not get in for our two waggon wheels were broken during the day & several others with them camped some six or 8 miles behind. To day Elder Phelps company as also one called the Garden Grove company have been traveling in sight behind ours, Traveled to day 23 miles[.]
Tuesday Aug 19[.] This morning a number of waggons were found to be in a condition unfit for traveling so it was thought best to remain in camp all day & set tire & remained which was accordingly done & came to day 23 miles[.] in the evening the cattle were driven two miles to where good grass could be found, To day Harrison train passed whom we had passed yesterday as also did Walton’s & Phelp’s,—
Wednesday Aug 20 This morning the camps were late in get[t]ing off but had a good road most of the day traveling up what is known as the river road, camped at night on the banks of the Platte where we had the best Grass for our Stock since we left Old Winter Quarters[.] made to day 18 miles,—
Thursday Aug 21 Had a good road to day[.] Soon after leaving camp we crossed the Platte & traveled all day up the North side & just at night recrossed the river & camped on its banks, Forming our Corel [corral] alongside of Elder Phelps’ camp, traveled to day 20 miles,—
Friday Aug 22 This morning Captain Brown delayed his camp until Phelps were all off which made it late before we go off[.] had a good road traveled to 15 miles[.] camped on the Banks of the Platte, Whilst the Train was b[e]ing delayed this afternoon crossing a deep Gulch, one team belonging to an Oregon Emigrant named Litell becoming frightened Stampeded starting several others as they went, however the teams were all soon fortunately stop[p]ed, but one woman Mrs Litell was found to be badly bruised, she was hurt in attempting to jump out of the waggon.
Saturday August 23 This day all things passed off well[.] traveled some 18 or 20 miles to day[.] we passed the point where the Old road is joined by the river road, had very poor Grass for the Cattle, This week we have traveled a little more than 100 miles,—
Sunday Aug 24 This has bin observed as a day of rest by the Camp & in the afternoon a meeting was held when Preston Thomas preached a faithful port Discourse upon the Gospel,—
Monday Aug 25 This morning the camp took an early start & after traveling some 10 miles caraled [corraled] by the side of the Platte about noon[.] as many waggons in camp wanted repairs it was thought had to do it here as there is plenty of good stone coal in this vicinity for this purpose [.] our waggon was sent across the river & brought a load from a mine a little way up a small creek, but when the smiths came to try the coal it was found not to answer. the reason why was the men who were sent after it gathered that which was near the surface of the rim which had been exposed to the action of the weather heating to freezing which injured its properties greatly[.] this was a sad disappointment to the whole camp as most of the waggon wheels in camp were in danger of falling to pieces from the tire being loose[.] then it was intended to cut & weld but where the coal was found not to answer the tires were taken off & the wheels whooped & in this way the tires were made sufficiently tight,—
Tuesday Aug 26 Last evening two men from Salt Lake came to our camp one a brother Furguson & the a [other] Mr. Holman[.] the[y] gave us much cheering intilignce [intelligence] from which we gathered that the Lord continued to bless his people in the Valeys of the mountains[.] They gave us information from all the emigrating companies who were ahead of us from which we learned that Dissention had got in their camps & they was all split up in small fractions & were traveling in this manner, this gave us pain to hear for we know that the Lord will not bless Saints who do so but his hand must be against them & we fear evil will befall them,—
To day all the camp have be[e]n busy in repairs of waggons[.] a small party who went out to the mountains on yesterday on a hunting tour this ev[en]ing the party all came in laden with the flesh of Buffalo & the Antelope,—
Wednesday Aug 27 To day the camp made some 14 miles & camped some two miles below the upper crossing of the Platte where we had tolerable good grass. Here we buried a Sister, who Died in child bed her Name was Hannah [Henderson] Terry wife of Joel Terry, & was buried in a rising spot of ground near our camp on the south side of the road,
Thursday Aug 28 This morning after traveling some two miles we forded the Platte river at the upper crossing & after crossing took the left hand road that leads up the river leaving the old Guide or Pioneer road to the right[.] After traveling some 15 miles we camped on Mineral Spring Branch a short distance above its junction with the Platte, To day we met 80 warriors of the Snake Indians to gether with the Agents of the government of the U. States on their way to attend a treaty at Fort Larimie [Laramie] on the first of September next,—
Friday August 29 This morning we took an early start, here the road leaves the Platte river & goes west across ridges till it strike[s] upon the Sweet Water river a distance of some 40 miles[.] passed to day the celebrated Willow Springs & camp on a small creek some half mile south of the road where we had very little grass, some mountaineers 3 in number camped with us, Traveled today 24 miles,—
Saturday August 30 Started soon this morning stop[p]ed to noon on Grease Wood creek, camped in a good spot of Grass on the Sweet Water some two miles below the ford traveled day 15 miles, the Sweet Water is pure clear Mountain stream,—
Sunday Aug 31 To day has be[e]n a day of rest to man & beast, we had a meeting in the after<noon> at which Elder G D Watt preached a good discourse upon the New Birth, others also made some good remarks,—
Monday September 1fst This morning we took an early start, many persons stop[p]ed a long to gather Saleratus as it is abundant in Lakes near the road below Independence Rock which we passed in the forenoon, a few miles from which we forded the Sweet Water had a heavy sandy road a good part of to day, Traveled some 15 miles & camped beside the river where we had good grass,—
Tuesday AugSept 2d Today we have had a very heavy sandy road & could find no camping place untill dark when we found a little grass on the banks of the Sweet Water, traveled to day 17 miles, during the day several of the cattle gave out from the heavy roads, for already many are growing poor & tire from the hard journey,—
Wednesday ASeptember 3 Last night we camped just behind Captain Phelps company & just in advance of Captain Walton’s so all day we have be[e]n crowded between the two trains, To day we left the Sweet Water river & have traveling <over a> heavy sandy rolling count<r>y, after traveling some 17 or 18 miles the camp turned off the road & struck the Sweet water some three miles below the road & where we found most splendid grass, it was however dark, before the camp got to Corell [corral] & several oxen gave out & were left behind, also our waggon axletree was broken[.] these however were sent back for & were brought back <up> & reached the camp about 11 oclock at night,—
Thursday Sept 4 To day the camp have restend [rested] that the Animals might have an opportunity to rest & enjoy the good grass in this place & recruit [.] the men have be[e]n repairing waggons & some fishing some hunting &tc[.]
Friday Sept 5 This morning the camp moved some 13 miles & camped[.]
Saturday Sept 6 This morning the camp move at a late hour having had poor grass last night & some animals are fast falling off & becoming weaker & weaker eve<r>y day[.] after traveling some 13 miles we camped on the Sweet water jus[t] below where the road leav[e]s the river for some 15 miles [.] here we have very poor grass,—
Sunday Sept 7 To day Captain Brown discerning the grass insufficient for the animals moved the camp 13¼ miles & camped on a small fork of the Sweet Water where we had pno grass at all,—
Monday Sept 8 to day the camp did not all get off untill nearly noon as many of the cattle were not to be found there b[e]ing no feed on the creek where we were camped[.] they had strayed off & gone down 3 or 4 miles on to another creek called Strawberry where they had some pretty good feed, after all were found the camp traveled down 6 or 7 miles & ca<m>ped just where the road joins the Sweet water[.] met to[o] Dr Bernhisel Delegate to Congress from Utahs Ter[ritory] 8 days from Salt Lake City,—
Tuesday Sept 9 To day we left the Sweet water, crossed through the South Pass of the Rocky mountains & camped on Pacific creek after traveling some 18 miles[.] died to day one ox,—
Wednesday 11 [10] September, yesterday Alexander Robbins broke the axletree of one of his waggons & as the train was late in get[t]ing <in> one of his waggon wheels was broken & the company was delayed to day in repairing them however the rest has be[e]n good for our cattle,—
Thursday September 11 To day we took a new road leaving the old road to the right & going down Pacific creek & after traveling some 16 miles camped where we had very poor grass,—
Friday September 12 To day we have had a heavy sandy road through a bottom[.] after traveling some 16 miles we camped on big Sandy where we had very poor grass[.]
Saturday September 13 This morning the camp were late in git[t]ing under way taking a direct course for the old Guide road which we struck after traveling some four miles, then we <had a> good road[.] traveled 18 miles[.] got into camp about dark on big Sandy where we had tolerable grass[.]
Sunday 14 Today we have remained in camp & rested our animals & held a meeting, at which Captain John Brown preached a faithful discourse upon the Kingdom of God, he was followed by Elder Thomas Margetts who made some good remarks,
Monday September 15 Today, after traveling some six miles the camp reached Green river without difficulty & after traveling some 13 miles camped & found good grass by going some 2½ miles down green river below where the road leaves the river,—
Tuesday September 16 To day we got a late start[.] traveled 16 ½ miles & camped on Blacks fork of Green river where we had good grass, To day we met one waggon from Salt Lake city going to meet Al[l]red’s company,—
Wednesday September 17 This morning we took an early Start[.] crossed Ham’s fork & after traveling some 16 miles camped on Black’s fork again where we had poor grass, Alexander Robbins lost to day one ox,
Thursday September 18 To day we made a short days drive some 10 or 12 miles[.] camped on Blacks fork of Green river where we had good grass[.]
Friday September 19 To day we traveled 16 miles passed Fort Bridger[.] passed some very bad road one hill especial[l]y the going of which was very bad,—
Saturday September 20 This morning we took a late start traveled 11 miles[.] camped on the summit of the dividing ridge between the waters of the Colora<do> river of the west & those that run into the Great Basin, Our cattle we drove off to a hollow some mile or two distant where we had splendid grass & good Springs of water. passed us to day Lyman Stoddard & several others from Al[l]red’s camp, going on ahead to Salt Lake,—
Sunday September 21 Last night it rained slowly most of the night & this morning it was still raining but about 8 Oclock it let up & the camp was put in motion[.] came over some very bad road where we had to double teams, crossed Ravines & crossed a little below the ford[.] traveled to day some 10 miles. crossed to day the rim of the great Basin.—
Monday September 22 This morning some of the cattle were missing & could not be found & then as the ground upon which the[y] were hunted was covered with a dense thicket of willows, after a diligent search, the camp were all set in motion except one company of Ten the Second Captain Chatterly’s[.] they were left searching for the lost cattle, The camp after traveling some 9 miles camped on Yellow creek where we had very good grass[.]
Tuesday September 23, As Brother Chatterley did not come up last night it was resolved to send back Preston Thomas to look after & help him up, & the camp go on some 5 miles, & caral [corral] at Cach[e] Cave Springs & there await untill Brother Chatterly should come up, all of which motion was put into effect & at night, we had the gratification of all camping together again,—
Wednesday Sept 24 This morning the camp took an early start & all day traveled down a narrow rough Kanyon. Echo K [Canyon] & after traveling some 16 miles camped in it where we had very good grass by driving our cattle off on the side of a mountain,—
Thursday Sept 25 To day we passed out of Echo Kenyon [Canyon] over to Weber river & through a small creek where we had good grass for camping, traveled to day 13 miles, met Elder Orson Hyde together with several others at Weber river bound for Kanesville, also several small parties going out to meet their friends in the several companies behind us,—
Friday September 26 This we took an early start[.] traveled some 10 miles[.] camped in Big Kenyon [Canyon] on Kenyon [Canyon] creek where we had good grass[.] met to day Elder Ezra T. Benson [,] Jedediah Grant & a number of others on their way to Kanesville.
Saturday Sept 17 [27] To day we traveled over the big mountain & camped on Browns Creek when we had most excelent grass, To day we have had tremendious rough roads & at night part of our company did not come up,—
Sunday Sept 28 This morning before leaving camp some of Alexander Robbin’s teamsters came into camp who had been left behind yesterday & reported that one of his waggons was broken near the top of the Big mountain & they were forced to camp there & this morning a number of his cattle were missing & they had come to our camp to see if they had come to our camps, To day we met a number of brethren going out to meet their friends in Al[l]red’s[,] Cordons, & Pratt’s company—Captain Brown resolved to move the camp forward which was accordingly done & after traveling some 8 or 9 miles came to the mouth of the Kenyon [Canyon] which opens immediately into the Val[l]ey of the Great Salt Lake [.]