
Transcript for John H. Tippets autobiography, circa 1882, 99-113

started in the pioneer company for Salt lake vally in company with Brigham Young and H[eber]. C[hase]. Kimble [Kimball.] outher companyes came three days travel and camped three dys to let our teems brouse on coten [cotton] wood brush as there was no grass[.] started agai[.] continued our march to a plase then caled a mishionary [Missionary] station to civilize the pawnese [Pawnee] indians from here to pawne town[.] forded the loup fork of the plat[te.] continued our march to the pat [Platte] river[.] came to wood crick and to a plase then caled Larimie [Laramie] a distance of five hundred miles[.] one mile before we came to Larimie we crosed the north fork of the plat[te.] at Larimie [Laramie] myself and James Woolsey [Thomas Woolsey,] Croswell Stevans [Roswell Stevens,] Amasy Lympn [Amasa Lyman] went south towards pikes peak and purbelow [Pueblo] to meet our company we left the december before[.] when we got to the dry fork of croscrick we lost our road it being a very blind one[.] traviled all that day

next day came to the south fork of the plat[te] forded across[.] came to the trail we went down in the winter[.] we see we was below whare we should be[.] we rode up the river that day[.] in the later part of the day we came to the old Mountainnear road[.] we see that the company we was in surch [search] for had left there winter quarters and was on the road for Larima [Laramie.] we took there [their] track cr[os]sed the river back again then crosed crocrick [sic] and camped

next day trviled till after noon[.] came up to the company as they had cambed [camped] for the night[.] greate rejoiceing for they heard by way of an Indian that the indens [Indians] killed us in the winter as went down the plat[te] river. I forgot to state[,] after we lost our roade at the dry fork of one crick we got out of provisions and shot a pelican and eate it[.] next morning had the luck to shoot an antelope for breakfast

the next morning after we came to the company we started on our march long under the mountains to larima [Laramie.] crosed the middle fork of the plat[te] at larima [Laramie] fort then caled [blank space] here we took the road again that Brigham Young and Heber C[hase] Kimbal was on with the pioneer companyes[.] went over the hill when they had camped a week or ten d[a]ys ahed of us on the north fork of the plat[te.] we continued our march 120 miles upthe plat[te] river[.] camped on the banks of the river on the sixteenth of July 1847

from there we was no more in govern ment servis [service.] our inlist ment [enlistment] was up here[.] we left the plat[te] river

next night camped on what was then caled the poisen [poison] Springs[.] next night on a little crick mad[e] by the wilow springs[.] second night from this camped at independant rock on the sweet water[.] stayed there one day then kept up the sweat [sweet]water river to the pacific springs[.] passed them and camped on dry sandy[.] from this plase to big sandy camped[.] one dys march and camped on big sandy again then to green river[.] cr[os]sed and camped[,] then to hames [Ham's] fork[.] went to blacks fork up the sream to br[id]gers fort[,] as it was then one hundred miles to salt lake vally[.] we got in in a[u]gust[.] here we found Brigham Young and Heber C Kimbal and there company ben in near ten day[s.] we stayed till the middle of September