
Transcript for Johnson, Don Carlos, A Brief History of Springville, Utah, [1900], 64, 115

The wagon train was made up by donation, each furnishing some one thing necessary, such as an ox, wagon, yoke, etc. All donors were given credit on labor tithing for the use of the property or supplies consumed. Generally a couple of beeves were sent from each settlement with the teams, to be slaughtered by the way for food.

A night guard was furnished for each ten wagons, whose duty it was to patrol the camp at night, to prevent the dread warriors of the plains from making an attack and stampeding the stock in the darkness. The redskins, all through the sixties, were on the constant lookout for plunder, and it was by the utmost vigilance that the trains returned in safety. John Waters drove one of the first teams that went from Springville and Aaron Johnson Jr. was the first night guard. The teamsters were selected by the authorities and outfitted by the ward with all the necessary accouterments, a gun and revolver, clothing and food. Many of our young men, whose names cannot be recalled responded with alacrity to the call. Thus the years 1863-4-5 passed peacefully, nothing occurring to disturb the equanimity of the people in their quiet avocations.

During the years 1864-5, William Dallin was engaged in taking individual orders for merchandise from the people, to be delivered in the autumn of the year. People desiring articles from the east would turn over to him wheat, cattle or horses, for which he found a cash market and the money was sent to his agents in New York, who made the purchases and forwarded the goods to Missouri river points. This freight was transported by wagons, mules and oxen, purchased at these places, to Utah and delivered to the customers. Thos. Dallin and A. G. Sutherland were agents for Wm. Dallin in 1864 and the former went across the plains in 1865. . . .