
Transcript for Jonathan Crosby papers, 1871-1872, 27-29, in Jonathan Crosby and Caroline B. Crosby papers, 1848-1882

provisions were very cheap and I made out[.] get a plenty, & with my work I got a yoke of oxen, a yoke of 2 year old Steers & Cow, got filled out with provisions, & in May fore part I think I yoked the Cows & Steers. Started of[f] for Kanesvill[e] or Some whare else, did not know whare. about the middle of the day we came to Slew, & in crossing it got Stuck; unhitched the teem & commenced on lodeing the waggon, when on looking back saw a yoke of oxen comeing all yoked up, So I hitched them on with my one & pulled out, turned them loose again, put in things we took out, & went out, We looked upon that as favor & blessing from Father

After that we got stuck 2 or 3 times & had to unlode, but a few days pased & brother Ezra Clark with a Small company over took us & then we had no more trouble, when we came to bad places we helped each other, after a few days we arrived at Chicking Creek whare we found some bretheren. brother Joseph & Phineus Young; We camped thare a few days. had a verry pleasant time with the bretheren; then from thare we Crossed over a Mountain to Cainsville [Kanesville]; thare we found the Apostle Orson Hide [Hyde] & many others, & brother Said if we had provisins enough we had better go over to winter quarters & be ready to go on to Salt Lake Vall[e]y, br[o]ther Amasa Lyman was thare makeing up a company for the Mountains. We had heard so before & were anxious to go. I exchanged my yoke of Small Steers for a large Yok[e] of oxen at Chicken creek, So we had a very good teem. It was towards the last of June, we left winter quarters & went over to the Elk horn Creek & camped a day or 2 to get a little better organized, brother Ezera Clark was Captain of our 10, & I think thare was ab[o]ut 40 teems in the Company. Form thence we moved on to the Loop [Loup] fork & thare we Camped a day or 2, & in the time ,brother William Richards & Company came up. (we had passed them before.) We forded the Plat[te] River passing in at the Mouth of the Loop [Loup] fork & passed on to the South Side of the Platt[e] we went on about a mile & camped & next day we took our teems & went back to help brother Richards company over. (We had to double teems in Crossing.) From that time on nothing worth menti[o]ning hapened eccept the loss of one or 2 oxen that gave out. No trouble with Indi[a]ns. we had to donat[e] to them, & we traided with them Some. bought buffilow robes & mocisons; We arrived in Salt Lake on the 12th Oct all well. (I forgot—brother Sidney Tanner lost a boy [Sidney Tanner, Jr.]. he fell off the waggon[.] it run over & killed him;)