Transcript for Joseph Orton autobiography, Library of Congress collection of Mormon diaries, 1935-1938
{Volume 1, pages 11-12}
...on the eve off starting from Florence, our outfitting place. in drove Col. Thomas L. Kane and suite, whom the brethern gladely hailed. That gentleman reported the difficulty with our people and United States was now allayed. All was peace and with positive safety we could dispence with our packsacks and packsaddles, convert them into more suitable appliances for a less fatiguing mode of travel. Having disposed of my new unnecessary equipment, our friend Jos. W. Young being desirous of getting someone to take a riding Saddle, wuch as used by mountaneers of that age, I offered to freight it on my horse and comensate him for its use, in some thing, on my arrival in Utah. Quicker than it is said. I was equipped with a first class riding saddle. Another brother who was anxious to make some small purchase before starting on the plains, offered to freight my food and other scat, were very scant notions for $10.00 I was paid.
Now, with a sturdy riding horse, especially chosen for its through adaption or suitableness for the journey, I was well fitted for the plains. Throughout the trip which was accomplished in 35 days, my animal was a great blessing to me and by the way, to other weary brethern. It might be added that the first night camping on the “Big Pampoose” was the most uncomfortable one of my life, now 78 years of age, occuring on this wise; I had travelled with a part of the company five or six miles ahead of the wagon containing my bedding etc., and did not discover it until too late to return alone. On improvised bed of wagon cover and underneath a conveyance when tired I lay down to rest, but the heavy thunder and wind, terrific lightning flashes and drenching rain flooding all around me made it positively impossible. Was however thankful to be on the way to Zion, the home of the saints and many times during that fearfully stormy night did my prayers ascend for protection from its inclemance, and in gratitude to our Father. As we approached the land of the setting sun and the end of our prospe[r]ous journey, which to me was as a delightful pleasure trip, my eye in which I had broken apiece of sunflower stalk or other weed began to give me pain and continued and continued until about three weeks after my landing in Salt Lake City, when I took out of it a piece of aforesaid substance five-eights of an inch long. In a few days afterwards my eye was as well as ever. Landed in Salt Lake City about 2 o’clock P.M. Sunday 10 July 1858.