Transcript for Josiah Rogerson, "Strong Men, Brave Women and Sturdy Children Crossed the Wilderness Afoot," Salt Lake Tribune, 4 January 1914
In this article I shall give the names of the members of two of the handcart companies which came over the plains from Florence, Neb., to Utah in 1856—Martin's and Willie's—together with a recital of their experiences.
Martin's company, of which I was a member, started from Iowa Hill, Ia., July 26, 1856, and left the western outpost at Florence, Neb., Monday, August 25, following.
Captain J. G. Willie's company left Iowa Hill, Iowa, some fourteen or sixteen days ahead of our (Martin's) company, with the middle of July weather, of which they made good use. They made all possible haste to Florence or Winterquarters [Winter Quarters], Neb., and got away from there with only a few day's rest, losing no time from there to Fort Kearney. They realized the value of the good weather and the date that they should pass Fort Laramie, yet before reaching the latter landmark on those dreary plains they seemed fated that, by possibly a little lassitude on the part of their guard at nights over their cattle, where it was more necessary than on any other part of their journey, they were to meet with their most crippling disaster in the loss, by the Cheyenne Indians, of half or more of their draft oxen.
At that time and place this was an irreparable loss, from which they did not recover to the end of their journey. They had made good headway from the start, with more single and able-bodied members than Captain Martin's company, which really contained the most aged and infirm—the cleanings up of that season's emigration.
Lose Oxen.
This loss of half their draft oxen necessitated the unloading onto the carts of the company of half the provisions in the wagons. Taking into consideration the three or four days' time spent in hunting for the cattle, without moving camp, their travel was greatly hindered and impeded, placing the company back not less than 125 miles.
This company did not lack by any means for members of hardihood, health, strength and endurance. Captain Willie came to the relief party below the mouth of Willow creek, after dark at night on Monday, October 20, 1856, with what assistance they received from that on they were enabled to reach Salt Lake City on Sunday, November 9, the morning Martin's company left the ravine, three miles west of Devil's gate and 350 miles from Salt Lake City.
This loss on their part figures out almost proportionately with them as the unnecessary delay on Iowa Hill, Iowa (sixteen days' waiting for the hand-carts to be made after we got there), did to Martin's company. It is beyond question that sixteen days of fairly good weather and dry ground would have landed the latter company from the Platte bridge to the vicinity of Big Sandy or Green river.
Stirring Sight.
One paragraph from the late President Franklin D. Richard's diary, on his return from Florence, Neb., to Salt Lake that season, and then follows Captain J. G. Willie's report, which is the best authority as to the travels, hardships, sufferings and losses by death of his company. President Richards says:
Friday, September 12, 1856—at north Bluff creek we overtook and camped with Brother Willie's company, consisting of 404 persons, six wagons, eighty-seven hand-carts, six yoke of oxen, thirty-two cows and five mules. They were considerably weakened by the loss of their oxen, which they had failed to recover, but were in good spirits and averaging fourteen to sixteen miles a day. Here we forded the Platte river to the south side and were followed by the hand-carts.
Never was a more soul-stirring sight than the party and the passage of this company over that river. Several of the carts were drawn entirely by women, yet their hearts were glad and full of hope.
It will be remembered that President Franklin D. Richards and his company of returning missionaries left Florence, Neb., on September 3, passing Martin's company on Sunday, September 7, and in five more days overtook Willie's company, as above recorded. This would then place the latter company from 125 to 150 miles west of Martin's, and in the vicinity of Fort Kearney, where their cattle were stolen.
William Edwards Dies.
About 10:30 this morning we passed Fort Kearney, and as one of the most singular deaths occurred on our journey at this time, I will give a brief and truthful narration of the incident.
Two bachelors named Luke Carter, from the Clitheroe branch, Yorkshire, England, and William Edwards from Manchester, England, each about 50 to 55 years of age, had pulled a covered cart together from Iowa City, Ia., to this point. They slept in the same tent, cooked and bunked together; but for several days previous unpleasant and cross words had passed between them.
Edwards was a tall, loosely built and tender man physically, and Carter more stocky and sturdy. He had favored Edwards by letting the latter pull only what he could in shafts for some time. This morning he grumbled and complained, still traveling, about being tired, and that he couldn't go any further. Carter retorted: "Come on. Come on. You'll be all right again when we get a bit of dinner at noon." But Edwards kept on begging him to stop the cart and let him lie down and "dee" (die). Carter replying, "Well, get out and die, then."
Died in Harness.
The cart was instantly stopped. Carter raised the shafts of the cart. Edwards walked from under and to the south of the road a couple of rods, laid his body down on the level prairie, and in ten minutes he was a corpse.
We waited (a few carts of us) a few minutes longer till the captain came up and closed Edwards's eyes. A light-loaded open cart was unloaded. The body was put thereon, covered with a quilt, and the writer pulled him to the noon camp, some five or six miles, where we dug his grave and buried him a short distance west of Fort Kearney, Neb.
There must have been a dozen or more deaths up to this date in our company since leaving Florence, Neb., but there is no record of any in Brother [James Godson] Bleak's journal nor have we been able as yet to find their names. We know that there were more than the one just above written.
Just before Edwards closed his eyes and was dying, Albert Jones (a resident of Provo city, for the last fifty years), brought to him a drink of water in a tin pannikin and moistened his dying lips.
Death of Stone.
As I was leaving the soldiers' quarters with the load of provisions on my back, I espied Father Jonathan Stone (I think from the London conference), a man of about 55 to 60 years of age, in one of the log cabins. He was sitting by the side of a fire on the floor—the cook handing him bread and meat, which he was devouring with relish. I went and called to him and begged him to come on, telling him the time, and that it was getting late in the day; that I could see our company a mile or two off preparing to cross the river, and that the storm clouds were getting quite low.
Sister [Elizabeth Ollerton] Wilson was with me, and added her entreaties for him to come on with us to camp. All the responses we were able to obtain was his promise that he would be along soon. It was now between 3 and 4 p.m., and we made all haste to catch our company before they commenced to cross the river, but the four-mule team had crossed, filled with the aged and children.
Leaving my load of provisions in charge of Sister Wilson on the north side of the river, I rolled up my trousers and waded that cold river, six or eight rods wide, slipping betimes off the smooth stones and boulders into deeper water. Reaching the other side, I found my elder brother too weak and timid to undertake the crossing. Soon getting into the rope harness on the lead of the cart, with brother in the shafts and an elder sister wading waist deep in several places, but keeping by my side, I made the crossing again without accident.
Wandered Off.
After all had crossed the river we camped an hour or so close by the river, and after a tin cup or two of hot tea and a bite or two for supper, we traveled on up the river a mile or two that same evening and made camp. Father Stone did not show up or reach our camp that night, and apparently went back to the bridge on the road he had come. He crossed the river there again that night and, turning west up the river toward the crossing, found his way into [John A.] Hunt's wagon company's camp, leading by the hand a young girl 9 to 12 years of age, making inquiries there as to the location of our camp, to which he belonged. He left this camp immediately after dark, without being further noticed by any of its members, the girl with him. This was the last seen of Father Stone alive.
When Captain Edward Martin, after missing him next morning, returned in quest to the crossing, recrossed the river to Hunt's camp and, hearing the last they knew of him, he turned east on our back track and in a few miles found some of the remains of both the bodies and clothing, upon with the Platte wolves had feasted the night before. The name of the young girl I have not as yet been able to learn.
Pathetic Passing.
Aaron Jackson, whose widow and several of his children have resided in Ogden since our arrival, was found so weak and exhausted when he came to the crossing of the North Platte, October 19, that he could not make it, and after he was carried across the ford in a wagon the writer was again detailed to wheel the dying Aaron on an empty cart, with his feet dangling over the end bar, to camp. After putting up his tent, I assisted his wife in laying him in his blankets.
It was one of the bitter cold, blackfrost nights, near the Black Hills, and, notwithstanding the hard journey the day before, I was awakened at midnight to go on guard again till 6 or 7 in the morning.
Putting jacket or coat on (for both sexes had for weeks past lain down at night in the clothing we had traveled in during the day), and passing out through the middle of the tent, my feet struck those of poor Aaron. They were stiff, and rebounded at my accidental stumbling. Reaching my hand to his face, I found that he was dead, with his exhausted wife and little ones by his side, all sound asleep. The faithful and good man Aaron had pulled his last cart. I did not wake his wife, but whispered the fact to my mother. After reaching my hand to the side of the tent and feeling it heavy and weighted with snow, I said: "Mother, the snow has come." What a thrill seemed to fill the whole tent as I whispered those five words to mother!
Returning to my tent from the night's guarding, I found there one of the most touching pictures of grief and bereavement in the annals of our journey. Mrs. Jackson, apparently but just awakened from her slumber, was sitting by the side of her dead husband. Her face was suffused in tears, and between her bursts of grief and wails of sorrow, she would wring her hands and tear her hair. Her children blended their cries of "Father" with that of the mother. This was love; this was affection—grief of the heart and bereavement of the soul—the like of which I have never seen since. It would have immortalized any artist by its faithful portrayal, a counterpart of the death scene of Minnehaha. Aaron's demise was not the only one by a half dozen that night, but I am writing only what I saw and know.
Willie's Company.
Captain James G. Willie's digest of his journey of his company from Liverpool, England, to Salt Lake City, Utah, gives a synopsis of the fourth handcart company's trip to Great Salt Lake City, in the spring, summer and autumn of 1856. Captain Willie says:
On Thursday, May 1, the ship Thornton, Captain Collins, received the Saints (761 in number) in the Brammerley-Moore docks, Liverpool, and on the following Saturday, President F. D. Richards, accompanied by the government inspector and doctor, came on board, and the Saints answered to the usual inspection and were all pronounced by those officers to be in good health. President Richards appointed myself (James G. Willie) captain of the company, and Elder Millen Atwood, Moses Clough and Johan A. Ahmanson my counselors, and afterward in a few appropriate remarks exhorted the people to strict obedience on the passage, as otherwise they could not expect, and would not have, a prosperous journey.
President Richards then blessed them in the name of the Lord and by authority of the holy priesthood. Captain Willie then made the usual appointments for the promotion of cleanliness and good order, and on Sunday, May 4, at 3 a. m., the company was tugged out of the river by the pilot. Sea-sickness soon commenced, but through the blessings of the Lord it was not frequent during the voyage, which terminated at New York on the 14th of June.
Good Captain.
The spirit of the Lord prevailed. The ship's captain yielded to the influence which surrounded him and was kind and affable to all, often voluntarily giving from his own table for the comfort of the sick and infirm, and otherwise ministering to their wants with his own hands. He seemed to be a good man, and I felt all the time and still feel to say "God bless Captain Collins." By his sanction, meetings (at which he was generally present) for preaching and bearing testimony were held on the quarterdeck, and every liberty which could in reason be expected was granted by him. He often, in polite terms, complimented the Saints upon their cleanliness and upon their ready compliance with his requests from time to time and said he never wished for a better or more orderly lot of passengers.
They certainly deserved the captain's encomium, for with scarcely an exception they did their utmost to carry out to the very letter the instructions given. Previous to landing at New York a testimonial, expressive of the Saints' appreciation of the captain's and the doctor's kindness, was presented to them by myself, and one signed by the captain, first mate and doctor, on behalf of themselves and the ship's company was presented to me for the Saints.
Visited by Reporters.
On our arrival at Castle Gardens, New York, we received a hearty welcome from President John Taylor and Elder Felt. Several gentlemen of the press also paid us a visit and were very courteous toward us appearing desirous of obtaining information concerning all the company from its officers, and subsequently several paragraphs appeared in different New York newspapers in praise of the general appearance and demeanor of the entire company.
On Tuesday, June 17, they started under the presidency of Elder Levi Savage for Dunkirk, a distance of 460 miles where they arrived on the 19th, leaving Brother Atwood, and myself behind to transact sundry items of business. We, however, arrived at Dunkirk by express train on the same day, and immediately embarked with the Saints for Toledo, 280 miles further, where we arrived on Saturday, the 21st, in good health and spirits.
Railway Inconveniences.
We at once started per rail for Chicago, which we reached on the following day. I should mention that the railway authorities at Toledo manifested a very unkind spirit toward us, putting us to every inconvenience in their power. The conductor compelled us to land in the streets of Chicago, but the superintendent there gave us the use of an empty warehouse for the night. The next day (the 23rd) most of the English Saints left per rail at 3 p. m. and the rest at 11 p. m. for Rock Island. On the first train arriving at Pond Creek, the next day, it was ascertained that the railway bridge there had fallen down while a previous train was passing over it. Several brethren, including Erastus Snow, were in the train, and although many of the passengers were seriously injured, they escaped unhurt. We slept in the cars, and on the 25th the remainder of our company came up. We had much difficulty in obtaining provisions.
From this point on to Salt Lake City the experiences of Captain Willie's company, aside from those given in the article, were similar to those of other hand-cart travelers that year.
At Devil's Gate.
I will let Dan W. Jones describe the sufferings of Martin's company at Devil's Gate. His description is accurate and includes the experiences of himself and others of the rescue parties sent out from Salt Lake City to find and succor the weary travelers caught in the cruel grasp of winter out in the wilderness of mountain and plain.
Dan's record in part follows:
We continued on, overtaking the hand-cart company, ascending a long muddy hill. A condition of distress here met my eyes that I never saw before or since. The train was strung out for three or four miles. There were old men pulling and tugging their carts, sometimes loaded with a sick wife or children-women pulling along sick husbands—little children six to eight years old struggling through the mud and snow. As night came on the mud would freeze on their clothes and feet. There were two of us and hundreds needing help. What could we do? We gathered on to some of the most helpless with our reatas and lariats tied to carts, and helped as many as we could into camp on Avenue hill.
A Bitter Night.
This was a bitter, cold night and we had no fuel except very small brush. Several died that night.
Next morning, Brother Young having come up, we three started for our camp near Devil's Gate. All were rejoiced to get the news that we had found the emigrants. The following morning most of the company moved down, meeting the hand-cart company at Greasewood creek. Such assistance as we could give was rendered to all until they finally arrived at Devil's Gate fort about the 1st of November. There were some twelve hundred in all, about one-half with hand-carts and the other half with teams.
The winter storms had now set in, in all their severity. The provisions we had brought from Salt Lake City for their relief amounted to almost nothing distributed among so many people, many of them being on very short rations and some almost starving. Many were dying daily from exposure and want of food. We were at a loss to know why others had not come to our assistance.
Stanch Women.
The company was composed of average emigrants: Old, middle-aged and young; women and children. The men seemed to be failing and dying faster than the women and children.
The hand-cart company was moved over to a cove in the mountains for shelter and fuel, a distance of two to three miles—to Martin's Cove from the fort. The wagons were banked near the fort. It became impossible to travel farther without reconstruction or help. We did all we possibly could to help and cheer the people. Some writers have endeavored to make individual heroes of some of the company. I have no remembrance of any of the company shirking his duty. Each and everyone did all he possibly could and justice would give to each his due credit.
All the people who could, crowded into the houses of the fort out of the cold and the storm. One crowd cut away the walls of the house they were in for fuel, until half the roof fell in; fortunately they were all on the protected side and no one was hurt.
Many suggestions were offered as to what should be done; some efforts being made to cache the imperishable goods and go on with the rest. Accordingly pits were dug, boxes opened and the hardware, etc., put in one, while clothing, etc., were put in another.
Often these boxes belonged to different parties. An attempt was made by Brother [James Sherlock] Cantwell to keep an account of these changes.
This caching soon proved to be a failure, for the pits would fill up with drifting snow as fast as the dirt was thrown out, so no caches were made. The goods were never replaced.
Meet in Council.
Each and every evening the elders would meet in council I remember Charles Decker's remark that he had crossed the plains over fifty times (carrying the mail), but this was the darkest hour he had ever seen. Cattle and horses were dying every day. What to do was all that could be talked about. Five or six days had passed and nothing determined upon.
Steve Taylor, Al Huntington and I were together when the question, "Why doesn't Captain Grant leave all the goods here with someone to watch them and move on?" was asked. We agreed to make this proposal to him. It was near the time appointed for the meeting. As soon as we were together, Captain Grant replied: "I have thought of this, but there are no provisions to leave and it would be asking too much of anyone to stay here and starve for the sake of these goods; besides, where is the man who would stay if called upon?" I answered, "Any of us would." I had no idea I would be selected, as it was acknowledged I was the best cook in the camp and Captain Grant had often spoken as though he could not spare me.
One Faltered
That a proper understanding may be had, I will say that these goods were the luggage of the season's emigration and that these two wagon trains had contracted to freight, and it was being taken through as well as the luggage of the luggage of the emigrants present. Leaving these goods meant to abandon all that many poor families had upon earth. So it was different from common merchandise.
After getting my camp regulated a little and giving some instructions, I got on my horse and rode on to see how the train was moving along. All were out of sight when I started. After traveling a few miles, I came upon a lady sitting alone on the side of the road, weeping bitterly. I noticed that she was elegantly dressed and appeared strong and well. I asked her what was the matter. She sobbingly replied, "This is too much for me. I have always had plenty, and have never known hardships. We had a good team and wagon. My husband, if let alone, could have taken me on in comfort. Now I am turned out to walk in this wind and snow. I am determined not to go on, but will stay here and die. My husband has gone on, and left me, but I will not go another step."
The train was two or three miles ahead and moving on. I persuaded her after a while to go on with me. This lady, Mrs. Linforth, and her husband now live in San Francisco, Cal. They could not stand the hardships of Zion, but I believe they are friendly to our people.
Had to Stay
When everything was ready, Brother Burton said to me: "Now, Brother Jones, we want you to pick two men from the valley to stay with you. We have notified Captains Hunt and Hodgett to detail seventeen men from their companies to stay with you. We will move on in the morning. Get your company together and such provisions as you can find in the hands of those who may have anything to spare. You know ours is about out. Will you do it?" I said, "Yes." "Well, take your choice from our company. You are acquainted with the boys and whoever you want will stay." I had a great mind to tell him I wanted Captains Grant and Burton.
There was not enough money on earth to have hired me to stay. I had left home only for a few days and was not prepared to remain so long away: but I remembered my assertion that any of us would stay if called upon. I could not back out, so I selected Thomas Alexander and Ben Hampton. I am satisfied that two more faithful men to stand under all hardships could not have been found.
That night we were called together and organized as a branch. Dan W. Jones, Thomas Alexander and Ben Hampton were chosen to preside with J. Laty as clerk. The rest of the company was composed of the following: John Cooper, John Hardcastle, John Shorton, John Chapple, John Galbraith, John Ellis, John Whitaker, William Handy, William Laty, Edwin Summers, Rossiter Jenkins, Elisah Manning, Henry Jakeman, George Watt, George Watts.
The truthful Captin Dan Jones and the upright and honest Ben Hampton, with thirteen others, as herein before mentioned, stayed at Devil's Gate from the 20th of November till the 15th of the next April. In their log cabins their evenings were spent at times in reciting what they had seen, read and remembered of "Romeo and Juliet," "Claude Melnotte" and the "Lady of Lyons." When evening came for their supper fifteen of them would get his tin pannikin full of soup, thickened with possibly a half ounce of flour for each member of the fifteen, and a four-ounce piece of dough cake. The camp kettle contained each evening some tripe and the intestines of cattle that they killed occasionally and that they found dead. John Cooper, the present treasurer of Millard county at Fillmore, Utah, told the writer that about the middle of March in '57, a cow with her calf came along with a pair of sharp horns. She had survived the winter and was in good condition and they had something to eat from that time on for two weeks.
As near correctly as may now be given by the writer, the following is a complete list of members of this handcart company, which came over the plains from Florence, Neb., to Utah in 1856.
John Toone.
Hannah Wardell.
Jemima Cook.
John Oldham and family.
Elizabeth Parks.
John Jaques and family, and his wife's sister, who later became the wife of Thomas Ricks of Farmington, Utah, and Rexburg, Idaho.
Tamar Loader and family.
George Lawley.
John Parkinson, wife and nine children.
John Ollorton [Ollerton], wife and three daughters.
James and Elizabeth Ollorton Wilson.
Sarah [Ann Bradshaw] Jones and family.
Mary A. [Ann] Greening.
Lydia [Elizabeth] Hooker.
Harriet Bennett.
Jane Gibbons.
Martha Anglesea.
Samuel Jackson and wife.
James Mellor and family.
Joseph Moss, wife, three sons and one daughter.
Margaret [Angus] Robinson and family.
Jane Nightingale and family.
Sarah Grundy.
William Howard.
Ann Hicks.
James and Sarah R. [Rebecca Elkins] Walker.
Robert Kirkham [Kirkman] and family.
Samuel and Esther [Clough] Ramsden.
William Openshaw and family.
Charles Lord and family.
James Stones [Stone] and family.
Sarah Franks.
Mary [Soar] Taylor and family.
Charles Woodcock.
Harriet and George Housely.
George [W.] Padley.
Elizabeth Bowes.
Eliza [Elizabeth Gill] Hartley.
Esther Parks and family.
Mary Ann and Emily Marshall.
Richard Kemer [Vermer].
John Hartley and family.
Ann Anderson.
Catherine Dearne.
Hannah Thornton and family.
John Maine and John J. Andrews.
Andrew Tasker.
Eliza [Cusworth] Burton.
John Woodhead.
Eliza Allen.
Hannah Speakman.
Robert Whittaker.
Sam [Samuel] Stinson and family.
John Bitten and family.
Robert Mattison and family.
Hannah Hawkey and family.
Thomas Normandson [Normington] and family.
George Barnes and family.
William Wignall, wife and six children.
Charles Hall and family.
Mary Ann [Malley] and Thomas [Caton] Riley.
Robert Clifton and family.
John Griffiths and family.
Richard Collins and family.
William [L. Spicer] and Eliza [Camp] Binder.
John Watkins.
Susanna Patching.
Maria White.
Mary Horrocks.Samuel Read, wife and family.
Aaron Jackson, wife and three children.
John and Sarah Bodwell [John and Sarah Morgan Rodwell].
Francis and Elizabeth Webster.
William Middleton and wife.
John Middleton.
James G. [Godson] Bleak, wife, three sons and one daughter.
Alfred Bridge.
Ellen Atherton.
Elizabeth Johnson.
Alice [Pickup], Mary [Ann], Thomas and Willard [Richards] Dobson.
Charles Jackson and family.
Ellen Carter and son, John.
Mary [Ferron], William, Josiah, John Edward, Bridget and Sarah Ann Rogerson.
Henry [Augustus] Squires, wife and five children.
Jonathan Clegg and family.
Luke Carter.
Henry Kemp.
William Edwards.
Charles Twelves and family.
Ann [Crompton] Barlow and family.
Mary Harper.
Elizabeth Green.
Charles Edmonds.
Robert Holt and family.
Thomas [Washington] and Mary Durham.
Ann Johnson.
Eliza Martin.
Sarah Hurst.
Samuel Haigh.
Elizabeth [Simpson] Bradshaw.
Sarah A. [Ann] Haigh.
Robert [Hall], Isabella [Jane] and Richard [Paul] Bradshaw.
Mary and George Herring.
Margaret [Unwin] Clark.
Solomon and Elizabeth Robinson.
Sarah Foster.
Eliza Elliott.
Martha [Robinson] Blackham and family.
Mary Crossley and family.
Thomas and William Walworth.
Thomas Dodd and family.
Rachael [Watts] and Charles Wright.
Sarah [Ann] Morley.
Elizabeth Moore.
Sarah Ryle.
John Lloyd and family.
Charles Green and family.
Mary and Ann Gregory.
Peter Mayo [Mayon] and family.
Thomas Eccles and family.
Nathan Brooks and family.
Esther and Joseph Haslam.
Samuel Pucell, wife and daughters, Maragret [Perron] and Ellen.
Ann [Aldred Pollit] Williamson, two sons and three daughters.
Benjamin and Mary [Graves] Pratt.
Ann Wrigley.
Elizabeth [Schofield] and Robert Pucell.
William Walsh and family.
Robert Pearce.
Eliza Pearce.
Richard [Brigham] Blakely and family.
Dan [Daniel] Massey and family.
Elizabeth Wright and daughter.
Joseph and Ann Beswick.
Elizabeth and Mary Haydock (this may be Haycock)
Frederick C. [Charles] and Elizabeth Robinson.
William Ashton and family.
John Peel and family.
John Thompson and family
.John Dowlass [Douglas] and family.
Thomas and Eleanor Ord.
William and Mary [Astle] Severn.
Ann and Caroline Jacques.
Edmund Davis.
William and Harriet Edwards.
Robert and William Turner.
Jane and Elizabeth Brown.
Thomas Bird.
Mary Jupp.
John Bailey and family.
Ben [Benjamin] and Mary Beer.
John and Mary [or Sarah] Halford.
James Thorn.
Jonathan Stone.
Charles [O.] Watts.
James Shorter [or Shorten].
Lydia Higgs.
William and Sam Harrison.
James and Sarah Leah [Leigh].
James Thomas.
Sam [Samuel] and Amelia [Ann Thomas] Jervis and family.
Elizabeth Taylor.
Edward Munn.
Joseph and Ann Acres [Akers].
Richard Ledden [Seddon] and family
.R. [Richard] Brice and family.
Mary Hill.
Ann Crane.
Elizabeth Haycock [or Hardock].
John B. [Bussey] Shorten.
Sarah Taylor.
William T. Walker.
Thomas J. Franklin and family.
Joseph and Jane Woodcock.
John Hiott [Hoit].
William Hill and son.
Sarah Mignell [Sarah Jane Wignall] and family.
William Jones.
Ann J. Thomas.
Sarah [Hughes] Wilkinson.
James Steele and family.
Mary [Murray Murdock.
Moses Thompson.
Robert McBride, wife, two sons and two daughters.
Father George P. Waugh.
Paul Gourlay [Gourley] and family.
James Hunter.
David Blair and family.
Mary [Ann] Wiley.
Maria and Eleanor Allen.
Mary and James Mitchell.
Margaret [McCann] Parritt [or Porrit].
Nathaniel Payton [Peyton] and family.
George and John Hunter.
James Kewley and family.
Bone Bartholome.
Mary A. Quinn and family.
Aaron [Barnet] Giles.
Eliza White and family.
Elizabeth and Joseph Taylor.
Following is a list of names of members of this company of handcart pioneers as accurately as can be given by the writer. This was the fourth company of its kind to make the trip across the plains from Florence, Neb., to Salt Lake City in 1856.
Captain J. G. [James Gray] Willie.
William Woodward.
John Chislott [Chislett].
Ann [Foulks] Osborn.
Thomas Moulton and family.
Jesse Impey and family.
William [M.] Reed and family.
Joseph Osborn [Oborn] and family.
Sarah Charles.
William Edwick.
Alfred Peacock.
Jemima [Brown] Rogers and daughter.
Mary P. [Pricilla] Griffiths.
Susannah Stone.
Minea [Minnie Ann] Cook.
Sarah A. [Ann] Williams.
Esther [Young] Millard.
Elizabeth Tite.
Betsey [Elizabeth Gent] Stanley.
Mary A. Stockdale.
Julia and Emily Hill.
Amelia Evans.
Cecilia and Sarah Norris.
Mary A. and Adelaide Cooper.
David Reader and family.
Mary A. [Ann Fenn ] Bird and family.
Joseph [Laban] Wall and wife [sister].
Benjamin Culley.
Rebecca Langman.
Rebecca Pilgrim.
Elizabeth and Jane Culley.
Ann Oliver.
Ann [Brummel] Cooper.
Theophilus Copp [Cox].
Thomas Girdlestone and family.
James Harren [Hurren] and family.
William Philpot and family.
Rose Key [or Kay] and family.
Sam [Samuel] Gadd and family.
Mary A. [Ann Clark] Perkins.
John Linford and family.
Mary A. [Ann] Miller.
Ann Howard.
Mary E. Bretton.
Mary [Ann Rice Winter] and Elizabeth Fannel [Funnel].
Samuel [H.] Witts.
Ann Bryant.
Thomas Hooley.
Charles Gumer [Gurney] and family.
Anna [Hannah Watson] and Mary [Carmichael] Kirby.
John Nockolds.
Abraham Ore and wife.
George and Jane Brazier.
George Ingra and wife.
Kitty Ann [Ingra] Tassell.
Ellen Toffield.
Lucy Ward.
James Oliver.
Elizabeth [Ramsey] Kirkpatrick.
James Gardner and family.
William Hailey and wife.
Joseph Meadows and wife.
Mary [Davis] and Hannah Dorney.
Edward Bowles and wife.
Jane Rowley.
Thomas Oakley [Oakey] and family.
Edward Wheeler and family.
Frederick Wall and wife.
Jenet [Janetta] and Mary Hodges.
Emma Summers.
Sarah Steed.
Martha [or Maria] Chetwin.
Mary Ann [Williams] Newman and daughters, Eliza, Mary Ann, Caroline and Ellen, and sons, William and John.
Sophia Cook [Sophia Mason Crook] and daughter.
Richard and Ann [Herbert] Godfrey.
Anna Herbert and son.
Thomas and Enoch Bowles.
John Roberts.
William Jeffry.
Richard Hardwick.
Richard [F.] Turner.
George Humphries and family.
Eliza Withom [Witbom] and son.
Mercy Miller and son.
Elizabeth Panting and family.
James Read [Reid] and family.
Martha [Webb] Campkin and family.
John James.
George Curtis.
William James and family.
Harriet and Ellen C. [or Ellen Louisa] Showell.
Sarah West.
Mary [Bubb] Roberts.
Ellen Jones.
William Smith and wife.
John Bailey and family.
Ann [Jewell] Rowley and family.
William Page.
Catherine M. [Mary] and Edward Griffiths.
Allen M. [McPherson] Findlay and family.
Archibald McPhell [McPhail] and family.
Margery Smith and family.
Alexander Burt.
Thomas Stewart and family.
David [Patterson] Anderson.
William [Dykes] Ledington and family.
James Gibb and wife.
Andrew Smith.
Mary A. Calchwell [Mary Ann McFall Caldwell] and family.
Barbara Kelley.
Ann Tesit.
Christina McNeil.
John McCollick [McCullough].
Jane A. [Ann] Stuart.
Isabella Wilkey [Wilkie].
John Stuart [Stewart] and family.
John Kelly and wife.
Elizabeth Forbes.
Joseph McKey [McKay].
Margaret Douglish [Dalglish].
John Ahmansen [Ahmanson].
Elizabeth Teait [Elizabeth Exavier Tait].
Millen Atwood.
Levi Savage.
Peter Madsen and wife.
Peter Jacobson [Jacobsen] and family.
Ann [Ane] Olsen.
Bertha [Birthe] Neilsen.
Emma Browant [Emme Emelie Bravandt].
Marcan Gregerson [Maren Gregersen].
Ella Neilsen.
Louiza Loutross [Maria Louisa Lautrup].
Johanna Maria Jensen.
Catherine Jensen.
Mari [Marie Kristina Amitzbol] and Anne Anderson.
Jens Sanberk [Sanberg].
Anders Christensen.
Cassius [Rasmus] Hanson.
Oleo [Ola] Wickland and family.
Jens Peterson and family.
Jens Neilson and family.
Peter Larson and family.
Paul Jacobson and wife.
Rasmus P. [Peter] Hanson.
Mareann Jergonson [Jorgensen].
Christen Jergonson [Jorgensen].
Carsten Jenson.
Nils Anderson and family.
Andres Jenson and family.
Rasmus Hanson and wife.
Lars Vandelin [Vandalin].
Peter Mortenson and family.
Nils Hanson and wife.
Anders Jergenson [Jorgensen] and family.
Sophia Peterson [Sophie Catherine Wilhelmine Kauen Peterson] and family.
Peter Marsen [Madsen] and family.
Ole Madsen.
Petrina C. Janes.
[also in Journal History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 30 Nov. 1856, 5-8]