
Transcript for Keeler, James, Journals, 1850-1859; 1876-1890

Monday Nov. 2nd/57 This morning about seven oclock I left for San. Francisco went on Stage & steamer arived in the above City about one oclock p.m. had some talk with Bro. Cannon about my situation. he counceled me to leave on the Steammer for the lower country in the morning at nine o clock a.m. So I went to work to bring it about[.] I laid out all the money that I had excep twenty Dollars & thirty five cents.

Tuesday 3rd. This morning I gathered up my Dunage & went Down to the Boat & found that they was a going to start. A little before noon I went aboard. Bro. M. went & helped me to take my things down to the Boat[.] Broths Cannon Ball & Cowley all came down to see me off. I took a stearage passage I got some what sick to my stomac but did not heave up on passage.

Thursday 5th/57. About five oclock this eavning the Boat came to ancor in San Pedro Bay I stoped aboard all nite

Friday 6th. This morning at six oclock I went on shore landed at Timses wharfe & hired him to take my luggage to Los Angelos & started on a foot my self after I had got to the Springs a distance of three miles I met with Bro. Clark and some five others & going down for goods for the Merchants. I went back with them & stoped all day.

Saturday Nov. 7th. This morning the Boys loaded up their Teams & got under way about noon traveled some fifteen miles & stoped for the night.

Sunday 8th. Today came to the Monty here we heard a good maney storys about what was a going to bee done with the Mormons in San Bernardino &c. The teams all stoped at the Tavern and got sup[p]er I took super with them at an old Apostates from Salt Lake at fifty cents per meal and Slept on the ground on our own blankets. Bro Rollins past us in a Bugy called me to him & gave me two dollars & fifty cents for which I felt very thankful. [blank space]

Monday Nov. 9th/57. This morning after geting breakfast early the boys drove on & came to the Cocomungo ranch stoped all nite here with but little super.

Tuesday 10th. This Morning we got breakfast with some of the Brethren that stoped here last nite, after which we traveled on to San Barnerdino arived about two o clock p.m. found considerable excitement among the people in consciquence of the reports that had come by the Brethren & others concerning what is a going to be done &c. &c. The balance of the week I spent among the Brethren & Sisters.

Monday Nov 16th This morning I left in company with Freman Tanner to help drive a herd of horses to Sataclara creek we stoped all nite about two miles above Hicksums.

Tuesday Nov 17th/57 Drove today to the foot of the hill camped for the nite without water.

Wednesday 18th. Today got up the hill & drove to Mohave river it was after nite before we arived.

Thursday 19th in Camp

Friday 20th This morning our Team missing & not to be found

Friday Oct <Dec> 4th/57 To day the animals came back to Camp by the hand of one of the Hunter boys

Saturday Oct <Dec> 5th To day we hiched up & traveled down the river ten miles camped for the nite it being about ten o'clock p.m. with Wicksoms folks

Sunday 6th. Too day came up with herd & traveled on below the Grocery & camped for the nite.

<Mon.> Wednesday 7th. To day traveled to the round hole camped.

<Tues 8> Thursday To the foot of the river

<Wed. Dec> Friday Oct 9/57 This morning som folks came in from Salt Lake some of the boys went to see them & found that Wm Huntington Horace Clark & Jacob Hamblin was along also Bro. Henifer the balance ware Gentiles & Apostates forom Salt Lake City. This afternoon about four o clock we got underway with ab[o]ut two Hundred & thirty head of horses & Mules mostly wild mares belonging to Tanners Crisman Raiser. I drove the Team and part the herd about dark drove in about two miles & got sup[p]er for the boys that were driving the Stock. After super we drove and came to the bit[t]er Spring about 7 oclock a.m.

Saturday <Thurs> 10th Stoped at the Biter spring until about 4 oclock p.m. when we left & drove to the other side of the dry Lake found water & Grass camped for the nite.

<Fri.> Sunday 11th Drove on all day and nite

<:Sat> Sunday 12th/57 This morning about day break I got to the Biter<:Knifeston> Springs turned out, fed & got breakfast after wich the boys went out with the stock to the grass about two miles from the Springs. In the eavning we drove up to the feed & camped for the nite I was on gard until about one oclock a.m.

Sun. Monday morning 13th While I was geting breakfast the boys drove the stock to water, after they came back I started on with the Team to cross another forty mile Desert[.] after driveing until about dark I stoped & got Super for the boys after which we drove on all nite.

Mon Tuesday 14th This morning about eight o clock a.m. we found ourselves at the mountain Springs weather cold & disagreeable. There we found that there was some animals gone two of the boys went back & I was called on to help drive the herd down to the Cottonwood Springs we had a hard task got into camp abo[u]t eight p.m. all laid down after getting super & went to sleep I herd none more until morning.

Tue Wednesday Thursday 15th In camp today I was called on gard to nite

<Thursday> 16th/57 In camp to day, about ten oclock Cuningham Matthews came in now [no] news from the missing animals <except that the Indians had followed us> also about noon John Mayfield came in with a Mare & brought news of the company. About dark the company came in & camped <that is Bro. Tanners Company>: also Cap. Crows company came in. The first was Capt Tanners company

<Thurs> Friday 17th. To day in camp with the company all well.

<Fri> Saturday 18th. Bro. [George C.] Crisman & Tanner devided the horses & I came on with Bro. Crisman & drove his team of six animals we came to the Vagus [Los Vegas] Springs camped for the nite Also Bro Crows company camped at the same plase

<Saturday> Sunday Dec 19th/57 Today drove down to the fort camped for the day & nite

<Sun> Monday Dec 20th/57 To day drove on to the Desert & camped just before dark about half way over the fifty mile Desert all well as usual. Tied up our animals to the brush for the nite.

<Mon> Tuesday 21st This morning early the camp left for the mudy where we arived about three o clock p.m. & came up to Bro. Crisman who had come on the nite before[.] they had had good luck with the loos stock

<Tues> Wednesday 22nd. In camp today about four oclock p.m. Tanners camp came up & camped for the nite & Fremman went on ahead with his herd.

<Wed> Thursday 23rd. This morning left again, the loos stock going ahead of the wagons[.] I drove in company with Capt Crows today & they drove very slow all day & did not get to the Riovergin hill until well after dark which caused us a great deal of trouble & the loss of exal [axel] to Mother Luntsfords wagon[.] after geting down the hill I drove up about one mile & a half & found Bros. Chrisman & camped for the nite without mutch feed for the stock.

<Thurs> Friday Dec 24th/57 Bro. Chrisman drove on about eight miles & camped for the night found good feed & water for the stock.

<Fri>: Saturday 25th/57 Camped on the Santa clara Riovirgin for the nite.

<Sat> Sunday 26th Traveled to near the last camping ground on the river to day. <Bro. Hamblin left us this morning for home.>

Sunday Dec 27th/57 To day we traveled to the cotenwood Springs stoped for the nite near to the Riovergin river.

<Tues> Wednesday Tuesday 28th This morning we got an early start and traveled to the top of the ridge a distance of some twenty-five miles[.] camped on good feed but now [no] water[.] it was quite cold there being snow on the ground but there was plenty of wood so that we got along quite well.

Thursday 30th/57 Came to Sata clara[.] met with Bro. Lymans company.

Friday January 1/58 Today I went to the Santaclara along with Bro. Chrismans team & family[.] came back to the camp about one oclock a.m. Saturday in camp with folks from San Barnardino.

Sunday Jan 2/58. to day the camp started on, but had not gone more than two miles when Mother Tanners wagon broke down & we had to stop until it was mended up again.

Monday 4th/58. In camp to day. Bro. Beck & others at work on the wagon.

Tuesday 5th. Stil in camp to day& at the wagon.

Wednesday 6th In camp to day.

Thursday 7th this morning the camp left & came to Cane springs <camped> for the nite.

Friday 8th This morning our animals some of them was missing[.] I stoped with the two wagons that was left here about knoon the animals came & we hiched up & rolled on to Pinto Creek[.] stoped for the nite[.] it was the coldest nite that we had experienced as yet this winter.

Saturday 9th To day we came to Ceder city arrived about half past four p.m. and about five p.m. Bro. Amasy Lyman & family came in.

Sunday 10th/58 I went to meeting in the place[.] heard Bro. A. Lyman speak to the people.

Monday Jan 11th/58 To day about Knoon I left in company with two young men from Fillmore on my way home to Spanish fork city[.] stoped all nite at Bro. Elmores in Parawan about found them all well & in good spirits.

Tuesday 12th/58 About eleven o clock a.m. we got under way again Bro. Edward Patridge in company on his way home from the Islands. we came to red creek & stoped with L. G. Smith the Afternoon & nite.

Wednesday 13th/58 This morning after geting Breakfast in tolerable good season we traveled to Bever stop for the nite with the Bishops first counciler his name is Rodgers I believe

Thursday 14 To day we traveled to the canyon this the west side of dog Valley camped for the nite with a plenty of wood to keep us warm.

Friday Jan 15th/58 To day we came to Fillmore City arived about knoon stoped with the Huntsman boys & took dinner[.] I ave made some mistakes in my journal in dates from the mohave here.

I & Bro Patride stoped the nite with Sister King & family they treated us first rate & gave us some Crackers & fried cakes to take with us on the road

Saturday Jan 16th/58 This morning we left before daylight & lost our way[.] went up to the Ceders where the Fillmore people get wood which detained us some, we came to the west side of Round valley & camped for the nite[.] traveled over a bad road today.

Saturday Sunday 17th/58 To day we came over Chicken creek camped for the nite without mutch wood. feed good.

Monday 18th/58 To day I came on a foot Salt Creek stoped with Bro. Foot. he treated us first rate.

Tuesday Jan 19th Bro. Tanner halled my things from Fillmore to Payson & let me have a hors to ride to the above place I then came on foot home a distance of five miles I traveled a distance of Twenty nine miles, found my family well & in good spirits I feel to thank My Father in heaven for my safe return home again & have had the Privilege of meeting with my friends & family.