Transcript for Keeler, James, Journals, 1850-1859; 1876-1890, vol. 4
To day about noon Broth[er]s Farthingham[,] Finley[,] Mathews & my self left for the valeys of the Mountains. Came up the Cahoon pass a distance of twelve miles where we found Bro. Lyman & company waiting for those that ware behind.
Saturday 27. About nine o clock to day we got under way & traveled on up the Canyon to the last water turned out our Teems & let them graze on the grass some two hours then hiched up our teems again and left for the hill where we arived about just after dark turned out our stock & let the gard for the nite
Sunday 28th. This morning at four o clock the camp was called[.] after geting our breakfast hiched up & drove up to the steep part of the Hill doubled teems with Bro. C. C. Rich and got our teems up the Hill. By noon the teems ware all up the Hill after which Bro. Rich gave us some good advise shook hands with all the company & left us for home. We traveled down to the Mohave camped for the nite
Monday Oct 29th. The camp <was> called at four o clock am got our breakfast then drove up our Stock. just as each man & boy was busy in geting his own. Bro. Farthinghams Horse got scared & left on the run[.] I saddled up my horse & he got on a great deal excited so mutch soe that he left his hat & coat & left on the jump[.] to day we traveled down the Mohave to a place called the Grocery som twenty five miles[.] camped for the nite. About eight o clock Bro. Farthingham came in to camp with his horse & mine. mine looked tolerable gant & bad
Thursday 30th. The camp called at four o clock am[.] We left as soon as we could get ready[.] found Gard camped on the road. he had traveled the most of the nite to get up with us. we had a hard road to day it being very sandy the most of it[.] camped for the nite about three o clock pm, by a small pond of water. I came on gard the after part of the nite
To day we traveled down the stream to where the road leaves it[.] about two o clock pm turned out our stock and gave them a chance to eat[.] Bro. Allred & I went on to the Desert to find some grass for our stock which we found in about eight miles from water[.] got up som movd & camp for the nite
The camp called early[.] got breakfast & started for the Biter Spring where we arived after a hard days travel about five o clock pm. found some water but not any grass for our stock. Soe we tied them up to the willows for the nite. Camp called at two o clock am. got under wey for the Salt Spring. about eight o clock am stoped & got some breakfast & fed our stock some Grain. After geting something to eat we traveled on to the Spring where we arived about dark after a very hard days travel in conciquence of the wind &c. Water very salt & bad. no grass for our Stock tied them up again for the nite.
Saturday Nov 3rd. To day traveled up to the Spring on the Saleratus Creek some twelve miles[.] arived about 10. o clock a.m. watered our stock & turned them out.
Sunday Nov. 4. To day about ten o clock am struck camp and traveled to Resting springs camped for the nite
Monday 5th. Traveled to Stump spring[.] good water but no feed[.] tied up our Stock & fed them Some grain
To nite three of bro. Mc Ley's Stock got a way to nite after we got in camp.
Tuesday Nov. 6th./,55. This morning three of them went back to the devide, & got <the Stock> them & brought them back a bout ten o clock a.m. Struck Camp traveled up toward mountain spring. in going up the mountain one of Bro. Rich's Mules took sick and laid down soe bad that she could not be got a long soe we took her out and Bro. Amasy gave her a pint of Brandy[.] it helped her for the time being. I got on to my Horse & drove her up to the Spring[.] it was after dark some time before we got up to the Spring. Broth's Lyman & Allred gave her some more Brandy & an injection after which she got beter
Wednesday 7th/55 This morning struck camp & left before daylight[.] rolled down to the cotenwood [Cottonwood] creek where we arived about ten o clock a.m. found the balance of the company in camp plenty of grass & water
Thursday 8th./55. About eight o clock struck camp & came to the Las vagus [Vegas] where we arived about t[w]o o clock p.m. hired the Indians to herd our Stock through the nite for two Shirts.
Friday 9th./55. Lay in camp to day found the Los vagus mission doing well & in good spirits[.] they had raised a tolerable good crop of corn & turnups & other vegatables. I bought <one> two bushels of corn for the team to eat on the road home.
Saturday Nov. 10th. About ten 11 [o']clock a.m. The camp got under way traveled up on to the Desert some fifteen miles when Bro. Lyman requested Bro. Farthingham & I to goe on a h[e]ad of the teems and look out a camping ground which we done[.] the camp came up about dark, no water only that we had halled along with us[.] conciquentley the Stock became very uneasy soe mutch soe that they could hardley be kept until twelve o clock nit[e]. at nite the camp was called hiched up our teems & got under way and traveled over a dry & baren country until about nine o clock a.m. when the camp stoped and got breakfast turned out our stock to feed while we eat ours hiched up and traveled until afternoon when we came to the mudy[.] our Stock looked very bad they had been without water soe long[.] they hadnot looked soe bad before since we left the setlement[.] we traveled down the streem some three or four miles and came to grass[.] hired the Indians to gard our stock for the nite. gave them two shirts for it.
Monday Nov 12th. Camped called at four o clock am got our breakfast and got underway[.] had a hard hill to clime but did not have to double teems[.] had a very rockey road, and dusty[.] stoped at noon a short time and let the stock eat a short time[.] hiched up again and came to the Riovergin [Virgin River.] traveled up some five miles it is quite a large streem[.] came in to camp after dark delivered over our Stock to two Indians to take care of for the nite[.] feed good.
Tuesday Nov 13th./55. Camp called at six o clock a.m. Struck camp about eight o clock a.m. Traveled until after noon camped for the nite. <our Stock> on good grass[.] hired two Indians to gard our stock for the nite. Here we met the mail got no news
Wednesday 14 <Thursday> 15th. Continued our journey up the River until about noon when we left the streem and camped on the Beever [Beaver]. Grass & water good. camp called at four o clock a.m. one Indian and six men on gard with the Horses[.] also a gard with the camp. also
Thursday 15 <Friday 16th> /54 [55]. After a hard days travel over a rough broken country and a long days drive we came to the Sa<n>ta clara[.] good grass and water, done our own garding both camp and stock about eleven o clock p.m.
Friday <Saturday> Nov. 17th/55. The camp called at day lite. Plenty of Indians in camp this morning[.] I baut one buck skin for my Butcher Knife & old vest. We traveled up the Santa Clara some twelve <miles> crossed & recrossed frequently in the course of the day[.] also passed by or through several Indians cornfields where they had raised good crops by the looks of the stalks. The Santa clara is a fine streem about the sise of city creek[.] camped on the above stream hiered the Indians to gard the stock out in the hills on good grass[.] plenty of wood also here.
Saturday Sund 18th/55. To day came to the mountain meadows[.] camped for the nite[.] good water & grass[.] done our own harding & garding[.] snow in cite the most of the day[.] it was a cold nite here
Sunday 18 Monday 19th/55. Struck camp traveled down to a spring in the canyon some twelve miles from Seader [Cedar] City[.] good grass & water[.] on gard my self one watch of the nite
Monday<Tuesday> Nov. 20th./55. Got in to the City about one o clock p.m. I found the City built on a Crick [creek] called by us Lit[t]le Mud[d]y[.] the people have built a furnaec [furnace] out houses &c and have got it in sucessful operation[.] the people have done a great deal of work here.
Wheat & Corn plenty here.
Tuesday <Wednes> 21st. Staying in this place geting some provisions and some grain for our teems &c. The people treated us well here gave us some horse feed and provisions for our journey. Bro. Lyman left here to day about noon for Parovan [Parowan].
Wednesday 22st. Bro. Allrad [Allred] hiched up his teem with ours & we left for Parovan to day about ten o clock am The Furnaec was nearly ready to blast when we left. arived in Parovan late in the afternoon. I went to see Bro. Elmore and family[.] found them all well & in good spirits[.] I took super with them this afternoon then went to see Bro. Silas S. Smiths folks[.] while I was there Bro. Allred came in. They mad[e] me promise to stay with them all nite which I done. I went to meeting Bro. Lyman called me in to the stand where I went[.] Bro. Lyman Preashed [preached] also Bro. Allred spoke a few minuts. Bro. Jesse Smith called on me but I diclined in consiquence of the time being spent. Bro. Allred closed the meeting by prayer. I then went to fill my apointment[.] Bro. Allred stoped with me.
Thursday Nov. 22nd. Snow falling very fast this morning in soe mutch soe that we did not start until about noon[.] when Bro. Lyman heard that the President was a going to leave f[r]om Fillmore on the twenty fi <2nt of> December therefore he desired to get in before that time[.] Traveled some fifteen miles to the Springs[.] camped after dark feed & Water plenty[.] some snow but not a great deal[.] a cold nite one man on gard at a time
Friday Nov 23ed. Got up in good Season and rolled on over to the Beaver River[,] watered our stock rolled on six miles camped on a creek plenty of water but poor Grass[.] One at a time on gard[.] the second watch I was called on gard[.] I went down to see the stock but could not find them all[.] I hunted up and down the Stream but all in vain[.] I then called the releaf & told him what was to pay[.] he called the next watch & they went to hunt them and after some conciderable seartch they found them some two miles down the crick a going on down[.] they brought them back to the others & tied one of them that led them away
Saturday 24th. Traveled all day without water and camped all nite in the canyon out of round valley[.] traveled over a great deal of Snow and bad road a part of the day. camped without water
Sunday Nov. 25th. Traveled Some twelve miles to water in Pauvant [Pavant] Valley[.] a good road to day, arived in Fillmore about dark[.] found them forted in. The Houses generaly low and rather inferior except the State hous which is a fine building[.] I went & stoped withThomas King[.] I was well received by the folks. I went to meeting Monday 20th. in the eavning[.] Bro. Lyman Preached to conciderable length
Monday 26th. Left the Place and traveled to within three miles of the Severe [Sevier] river[.] camped for the nite without water after dark. good grass
Tuesday 27th. Camp called at half past four[.] a part of our Stock gone but those that was here left and went down to the River[.] our team team was among the foremost of them[.] here we stoped an and fed our Stock some grain and got some breakfast then rolled on to Chicken Creek[.] stoped and fed our teems and Bro. Lyman drove on to & left ours eating[.] it was late before we got in to the Place. Yesterday one of bro Farthingham's mule one of them gave out so that we had to get one of Bro. Cannons mules to put in with the other <of> Bro. Farthingham.
We was conciderabley bothered to find a place to stop but Bro Fa<r>thingham found one of his old friend by the name of Barber[.] he took our stock & fed them on the best he had. This place is walled in and is qu[i]te a City with some very good Buildings in it
Wednesday Nov 28 Did not get a very early start a cold morning. To day we traveled to rum Sumet [Summit] creek & fed our teams some grain then drove on to the next city a distance of six miles[.] stop stoped for the nite[.] was treated well & our Teams was well fed on stalks & soft corn.
Thursday <Friday> Nov 30th/55. This morning we got up early in the morning and hiched up our Teams & drove on the next place Six miles stoped & took breakfast with Bro Thurber[.] he was glad to see us & treated us the best kind. After breakfast we drove on to Provo[.] arived here a bout one o clock p.m. put up for the nite with one of Bro. Farthingham old comrads that traveled with him in the Indies[.] he treated us well and done the best he could for us. His name was is Carter
Saturday Nov Dec. 1st. 1855. A cold nite some snow & wind[.] we got up early in the morning before lite and left for Dry Creek. Stoped at the last place the other side & got breakfast with an old friend of Bro. Farthinghams[.] fed our mules some good Hay then drove on to Dry creek settlement[.] arived here about noon <one> o clock p.m. Stoped with Bro. Karren he was glad to see me[.] we talked over old times & our old travels on the Islands. he has raised a good crop of Corn & Potatoes[.] he has a hundred bushels for sale. that is Potatoes
Sunday Dec. 2nd. This morning about day lite we left for the city. I left my Hors[e] in the fields here in care of Bro. Karren. After a hard days travel on our Teams we arived in the City about sunset[.] the alterations & improvements had been soe great that I could not hardly tell where my old friends lived. I came & stoped with Bro. Callister's folks[.] he was not at home but I found a family in the House that entertained me to the best they had. I find the times tolerable hard[.] bread stuffs scarce & hard to get without money.