
Transcript for Frederick Kesler papers, 1837-1899, Vol. 2, Reel 1

[June] 2nd Th. Finished loading waggons & sent all out to Camp 4 miles[.] I also went out to the Camp in the evening & found all enjoying themselves well

3rd F. took a violent Cold which Setled in my head and ears By which I Suffered with Pain all Day

4th S. Br eldredge arived in Camp & organised the Same By apoinety H.D. Haight as Capt. And myself as Comisary & to take the jeneral oversight & look after the interest of the whole Camp & Be a Father unto all[.] Br Patrick [Burns] was apointed Sergent of the guard & Br Alex[ander] Ott was appointed Chaplean & Jeneral Historian, after which Jenl [General] Elderedge & others made Some verry appropriate Remarks

5th Sunday weather Cool[.] Held meeting in Camp at 10 ocl[ock.] I spoke ¾ of hour[.] I felt quiet free[.] I spoke patickalarey [particularly] of the gathering of the Saints

6th M. mooved all the trains some 12 waggons[.] one wagon upset & Crakt one Ax & Sprung one iron Ax & Broke 2 ox yokes & Knackt [knocked] the Horns off of 2 or 3 oxen[.] we moved the train about 3 miles

7th T. Sent Back for our wagon that we left[.] they arived at 1 ocl. P.M. Col Smith arived in our Camp at 2 ocl. from Salt Lake City just 31 Days out[.] He & his Company ware well

8th W. we Mooved all the Camp except 2 waggin about 5 miles & Broke one wagon tung Spring one iron Ax Broke 2 lock Chains in asisting to turn the yokes on Some of our wild Cattle & Spraint my left ancle which was quiet painful. Jes at 9 ocl. P.M. an Indian fired His Rifle in our Herd of Cattle the Ball passing Closte to our Guard But During [doing] no Harm

9th Th. We Succeeded in mooving the entire Camp about 10 miles with out any accident[.] Just as I was forming my Correl Br Ferimoir [Feramorz] Little arived Just 27 Days out from G.S.L. City[.] He Brought me a letter from Prt. B. Young which Containd Cheerring News from the valley

10th F. mooved the train 13½ miles[.] one waggon arived in Camp at ½ past 10 ocl P.M. all Safe

11th Lay in camp all Day[.] Straigherd an iron Ax[.] Repaird lock Chains & etc.

12th Sunday Returned to Florence where I arived at ½ past 2 ocl P.M. I taried there on Buisiness & left on the morning of the 18th with my Horse and Buggy & a Boy on a mule[.] we traveled on throg [through] much Rain flies & musketoes[.] arived at Jenoah [Genoa] Ferry on the loup fork at 9 ocl A.M. of the 21st & found 2 Large Co[mpanie]s of Saints Crossing the River & all felt well. I mediately Crost over the River & Pushet ahead Camping on the Praires alone & wattring my animals at Night I arived at or rather overtook our train while crossing Prairie Creek. Distance From Florence 160 miles which I travel in 4½ days. Recd 2 letters from Home. My health is Pretty good

23rd we traveled up prairie Creek 18 miles[.] good Road & plenty of timber[.] Campt at ¼ past 5 ocl P.M.

24th F. our Cattle Stampeeded at ½ past 4 ocl AM. And 300 Head Ran off 8 or 10 miles Before we could check thare progress[.] we Recovered all & traveld about 10 miles & Campt on wood River

25th S. I Delt out Rations & Straightened an iron ax that was badly Sprung & Done[.] other Repairing to wagons[.] weather pleasant[.] Camp Healthy[.] traveld 5 miles

26th Sunday travled about 18 miles[.] windy Day[.] Seen Several Buffilo

27th M. traved about 19 miles

28th T. traved [blank space] 12 miles[.] Crost Buffilo Creek & Campt on Same[.] found the Crick verry miry & Had to put in logs & Brush. Suffered in the afternoon with a violent Headache

29th W. Lay in Camp on the account of Sister Harris being verry Sick

30th mooved Camp 17 miles

July 1st F. travld[.] Nothing of interest transpired

2nd S. travld about 17 miles

3rd Sunday traveld 7 miles Before Breakfast & then lay in Camp the balance of the Day

4th M. travld about 16 miles

5th T. travld about 15 miles

6th W. traveld about 18 miles[.] I gave the Camp Some jeneral instructions in Relations to thare Several Duties

7th Th. Had Heavy Sand Hills to pass over[.] Broke one waggon tung[.] I Have taken a violent Cold which with the additions of Care & anxiety of the Camp wories me down

8th F. traveled over Heavy Sand & met Several 9th waggons from the valley Backing out.

9th S. Crost Heavy Sand Bluffs at wolf Creek & Campt 7 miles Below Ash Hollow.

10th Sunday. At 3 ocl A.M. our Cattle Stampeeded But we Succeeded in quieting them Down By Running them in to the coral

11th M. we Resumed our Journey traveling about 15 miles per day without any Serious accidents throughout the week & Campt Satterday evening about 10 miles above Chimney Rock whare we found 4 waggons from provo

17th Sunday Lay in Camp & Held meeting in the evening[.] I Spoke ¾ Hour Brief & to the point[.] Monday morning we Resumed our Journey & on Thursday Night Campt 3 miles below Ft. Larimie [Laramie]

22nd F. I went over to the Ft & got a little Blacksmithing Done & made Some Small purches for the Train & Recd a letter from my Family & wrote one to Prt. B. Young & one to my Family[.] Campt 4 miles west of th[e] Ft.

23rd S. Lay in Camp[.] I Straightend 2 iron Axeltrees & put in 2 New waggons tungs that Had been Broken Sometime previous. Wrote another Home to my Sons & to Abigal[.] Had a Dance in the ev[en]ing in which Br James Brown & Br. Lemons Camp Partisipated[.] we Had a good time

24th Mooved 3 miles[.] Nothing of mutch interest transpired During the week

31st Sunday moved 8 miles & Lay By[.] Had meeting[.] I Spoke to the Saints[.] they felt well[.] this week we Had 2 yoke of oxen Drownded & 2 Head were Kild at the Red Bleffs [Bluffs] whare we Came the platt[e] River. By a Stampede Caused By Resham a trader[.] He was quiet Drunk & Draws His Car[ri]age in to our train. Thareby Causing many of our teams to Run[.] also Damaged our waggon Considerable[.] Here we m Bro. H.S.Eldradge [Eldredge] overtook us[.] He Remained with us one night & then left

7th [August] Sunday traveled to indipendance [Independence] Rock. I had a hard ride hunting up Some Oxen that Had Strayed away from us[.] I found them in 3 Different trains[.] Nothing of much to interest transpired[.] this turned one waggon Over Duing but little Damage.

14th Sunday met Br Iria [Ira] Eldredge from the valley[.] He staid with us one Night & then left for Home[.] Campt on the Sw[e]etwater opposite the South Pass[.] wrote a letter to Emeline Kesler

19th F Crost Green River & Campt 1½ miles Below the ford[.] feed rather poor[.] our Cattle have Died Rapidly for a few Days past with the murr[a]in or Blind Staggers[.] the Camp jenerally well[.] my Health is But middling[.] I feel tired out

20th our Cattle Continu to Die[.] Bro H[orton]. D[avid]. Hayt [Haight] & myself cl Concluded Best to Send to the valley for Helpl[.] I accordingly wrote a letter to Br. H.S. Eldredge to Send us at least 75 yoke of oxen as Speedily as posaible[.] Sent the letter By Br Jessee Field with instructions to Return as Speedily as posable[.] we Continud our journey Loosing about 5 Head of Cattle per Day[.] 17 yoke of Cattle Came to our Assistance on the 27th[.] in The Kanyon [Canyon] 10 yoke more met us on the road & 19 yoke more 3 miles west of the weber River[.] This made us quiet Comfortable for teams[.] my Health is quiet poor.

29th Campt 5 miles west of weber River

30th T. I was verry Sick all night puking & purging. At 8 ocl I left Camp for the City[.] traveled alone[.] Stopt & Bated my Horse on Kanyon [Canyon] Creek[.] took a Short Sleep & proceeded on my journey[.] Campt between the Big & little mountain

Sept 1st T.h. got an earley Start[.] Stopt & made a Cup of Coffee & then pushing a Head arived at Prest B. Youngs Office at 11 ocl A.M. whare I met Prest B. Young[,] H.C. Kimball[,] D. H. Wells & Several others[.] they all felt well & welcomed me Home