Transcript for Langston, John, Autobiographical sketch [ca. 1877], 8-9
After this I got ready, started for Salt Lake, we had a very muddy time, the first part of the journey to Salt Lake. We travelled on till there were nine wagons and families joined us. When we got to the Lupe [Loup] Fork of the Platt[e] we stopped over a day to rest and so I and a young woman were baptized by Elder James Iverson in the Lupe Fork of the Platt[e] about the first of June 1854 and confirmed by the same. After this we got along well only we had some sickness. There were a great many things seen and done on this journey that would be interesting, but I only intend to write a brief account for I can't write all I would like to.
We arrived about August 1854 and my family and I came right along to Salt Lake County where we found Isaac Stuart and family.