Transcript for Christian J. Larsen journals, 1851-1914. Journal, 1853 April-1908 May
Sun [June] 4th We held a council meeting at which complaints was entered against Brother Hans Jensen Strand for unchristianlike conduct and for apostacy against certain principles in the Gospel. His certificate of Priesthood was remanded and he was warned and advised to repent and ask God for forgiveness that he might have a good spirit again. In the afternoon we held meeting and partook of the sacrament and I spoke to the people for some time and the spirit of God seemed [to] inspire and cheer every heart. As the time was now near for our start on the plains, it was decided to draw lots for the animals. Our captain informed us that he had been advised or ordered to take the companies over a new road for several days, but by whom so ordered, I never learned, but, said he, there would be found better grass that way, and he then enquired if the company was willing to do so; all agreed to this proposition. He farther stated that it would be necessary to equip five men with arms, like soldiers, to be on guard on that road, and the following brethren were selected: Wm. Walentinsen, A. Anderson, Fred. Nielsen, Peter Madsen and Brother Ries.
[June] 11th. We held meetings, both in the forenoon and in the afternoon, and partook of the sacrament. Brother C. Schou and I occupied the time speaking; blessed some sick persons and consecrated two bottles of oil.
[June] 15th. After prayer in the morning and breakfast we started and travelled two miles.
[June] 16th. We travelled about 8 miles and then camped. After prayer in the evening it was decided to raise money enough wherewith to buy one more yoke of oxen for each wagon.
[June] 18th. I wrote in my journal and attended meeting in the afternoon.
[June] 21st. I went back to Kansas after the oxen that we had bought, and some of these cattle were yoked up the next day.
[June] 23rd. We broke camp at noon and travelled ten miles that day, and travelled each succeeding day without anything happened of special interest. A few persons were sick.
[June] 29th. One of our sisters gave birth to a baby boy, and I administered to some of the sick and I also baptized one sister in the evening for her health by her own request.
[June] 30th. I was awakened at 4 a.m. to administer to some sisters who were sick. When we camped for the night, I baptized Ove Hansen for his health and also his brother Olin Hansen into the Church, and confirmed him a member by the laying on of hands. The new road which we had travelled so far we found to be very heavy, as there was no tracks broken, and the grass was from 3 to 4 feet high, wherefore, we did not go more than 8 or 10 miles a day, and we found it necessary to easy our loads by emptying our boxes and threw them away, and put our things loose in the wagons.
[July] 6th. This day we took a wrong course and had to turn about and return back the same way the next day.
[July] 8th. This day we also took a wrong course. In the evening a Brother Anders Larsen requested to be excommunicated from the Church, as he would not stay with us longer than we could reach the fort (Fort Leavenworth) in a few days. His request was complied with.
[July] 9th. We had meeting in the forenoon. A few of us spoke in that meeting. Afterwards we travelled a short distance and at last we descended a steep hillside and made camp. The following three days we were kept buzy by getting our wagons down a very steep hill side and making road for them. This was accomplished by hands and with having ropes attached, that were strong enough to hold them back, while the wheels were locked. The cattle were made to swim across the river while our wagons were taken over in the ferry, which was quite a difficult task, altho the distance was not very great. We, wherefore, made camp, to wait for all the wagons and luggage was safely brought over the river.
[July] 13th. Finally we got ready and left our into camp about 11 a.m. and travelled about 10 miles that day.
[July] 16th. We remained in camp and had a very good meeting and several brethren spoke and all seemed to have gained new strength, after the last few days of hard work. Some few sick persons were administered to.
[July] 22nd. Saturday. We struck the old emigration road by the Little Blue.
[July] 23rd. Sunday. We had meeting in the afternoon and several of the brethren spoke. In the evening Brother Rasmus Johanson baptized a small girl and I confirmed her.
[July] 28th. Friday. We passed Fort Kearney and this day we killed the first buffalo.
[July] 29th. While encamped for noon a herd of buffaloes, numbering several hundreds, came from the opposite side of the river, passing very close to our camp, and the brethren killed several of them and afterwards the meat was dried and we all got as much meat as we could take with us.
[July] 30th. Sunday. We held meeting, administered the sacrament and several brethren spoke, and I married Brother Gardner to Sister Nielsen. We had a fine time that day.
[August] 4th. We made our camp about 4 p.m. Apostles E. T. Benson and Erastus Snow and Elder Orson Spencer joined us, coming from Salt Lake City and Erastus Snow spoke to us in our meeting. The other two brethren spoke to the emigrants in Capt. Brown's company in the evening.
[August] 5th. We had a splendid meeting; the three brethren from the Valley spoke to us and we appreciated their presence very much. We were adviced by them to divide our company by two or three divisions, when we had passed Fort Laramie.
[August] 12th. After we had travelled 6 or 8 miles, we were overtaken by Elders Benson and Eldredge, who asked us to send 15 yoke of oxen back to assist an English company who had lost their cattle, and Brothers H. P. Jensen and J. Bentsen were sent back with help. We made camp and there we had to settle some difficulty between Christen Laursen and Niels Beck who had one wagon together and it was concerning the weight of each party's luggage. A committee was appointed to investigate the matter and decide.
[August] 14th. The wife of Christen Lauritzen gave birth to a baby.
[August] 17th. We passed a large encampment of Indians before we reached Fort Laramie. They shot one of our cows, that was lame and we let them have the meat. They also had shot one belonging to Hans Monsen, and it came into our camp wounded, where we had it butchered. We then camped for noon half a mile from the Fort. We crossed the river and passed the Fort, about 4 p.m. Here I mailed several letters.
[August] 21st. Brothers H. P. Jensen and J. Bentsen joined our company again. They reported that the Indians had killed 30 soldiers in Fort Laramie. In the afternoon we crossed the river and camped, joining Richard[son]'s company of emigrants. All with whom we came in contact had something to tell about the Indian fight in Fort Laramie. From that date and for several days after we travelled closer together and made large camps at night.
[September] 2nd. We laid over for a rest. At our evening prayer meeting each captain over ten wagons was requested to investigate the condition of each family and what they were in need of and it was decided to make the next day a fast day.
[September] 3rd. We had two meetings and many of the brethren spoke; we also partook of the sacrament and I gave a boy the ordinance of laying on of hands, and also blessed the baby of Christen Lauritzen and some few who were sick. The spirit of God was greatly felt in our midst and several of the Saints brought voluntary donations or provisions for the needy, as it was fount that several families were in need. I was constantly around among the people, during those five days that we remained here and all were willing to help their needy neighbors.
[September] 12th. A company from Salt Lake Valley brought us some flour and from that time on we were not left in want for anything, as teams would come out to meet us with provisions.
[October] 5th. We this day reached the end of our journey, making our final camp in Salt Lake City at 6 p.m.