Transcript for "Later from Salt Lake City," New York Daily Times, 10 Nov. 1855
From the Independence Dispatch.
The Salt Lake mail arrived last night under charge of Mr. CAARLES GILKEY, making the trip in thirty days. He reports that provisions are very scarce in Salt Lake City. The trains of Mormon emigrants were arriving daily, when he left, in pretty good condition. Williams'' freight train will not reach the Valley this Winter. Owing to the danger from the Indians in the mountains, and to prevent white men from furnishing them arms and ammunitions, the traders in all that country are ordered to repair to Fort Laramie, and reside there during the Winter.
Gen. HARNEY intended going into Winter quarters soon on White River. Considerable snow had fallen in the mountains, and the ice on the Platte was some ten or twelve inches think. Plenty of water and grass on the route in. The party brought in three passengers. The Indians are considered very dangerous on the route. This party traveled without an escort.
Gen. SUMNER''S command, which had started to reinforce Gen. HARNEY, has been ordered back to Fort Leavenworth, where they will remain during the Winter.
It is said that Gen. HARNEY will spend the Winter in the States—the elements on White River being too severe for his health.