Transcript for "Latest from the Plains," Deseret News, 8 August 1860, 180
We have been favored with the perusal of a letter from Elder G. Q. Cannon to President Young, dated at Laramie, on the evening of the 1st inst., from which we learn that he, in company with Capt. Hooper, H. S. Eldredge and two or three others, arrived there on that evening in twelve and a half days from Florence, all well, and their animals in good condition. They expected to reach this city on or before the 15th of the present month.
The first hand-cart company passed that post on the 21st of July, and the companies in charge of Capts. [Jesse] Murphy, [James D.] Ross, and [John] Smith, a few days later.
The last Hand-cart company was at Deep Ravine, near the head of Grand Island on the evening of the 24th. The last wagon company, Capt. William Budge, Nephi Johnson, Sergeant of Guard, formed camp near Florence on the 17th, and were to start on the 20th, and Capt. J. [Joseph] W. Young's train on the 23rd.
Hooper and Eldredge's mule train, in charge of Capt. J. [John] Y. Green, expected to arrive here between the 1st and 10th of September. Elder Calkin is with that company. Their ox train is expected in about a week later.
All the companies were getting along finely, and their teams were in excellent order and the grass good.