Transcript for "Latest from Utah," St. Louis Luminary, 2 Dec. 1854, 6
On Wednesday evening, Nov. 22d, Mr. Howard Livingston of the firm of Livingston, Kinkead & Co., arrived in this city from Salt Lake city, which place he left on the evening of the 6th Oct., with a small company of traders and returning Californians, and made the trip to the Missouri in forty days.
By this arrival we have news one week later than by last mail, and a copy of the Deseret News of Nov. 5th, kindly furnished by Mr. Livingston from which a few extracts will be found below.
When the party left Salt Lake the Indians were quiet.
The weather continued warm and dry. Trade dull and money scarce.
Those transient merchants who expected to make a fortune out of the Mormons this year, find they have struck too high, and would now gladly close out a small advance. Livingston, Kinkead & Co., and other permanent traders who are interested in the future prosperity of the Territory, are endeavoring to monopolize the domestic trade on a principle that will retain the money in circulation among the people. They therefore make all remittances this year in drafts on the government and other exchange.
The traders and merchant trains were all in except J. M. Horner & Co., last two trains, one of which was met as far back as Sweetwater.
The Mormon emigration were nearly all in.
The large company of Danish Saints were arriving in the valley as Mr. L. left on the evening of the 6th.
He met Mr. [William] Emp[e]y in Echo Canyon, but his company of P. E. Fund passengers were met one day west of Green river—teams in good condition.
Saw a party of Crow Indians at Devil's Gate, and about 20 lodges. Arrappahoes at bridge on North Platt—appeared friendly.
Met the October mail, bound out at Deer Creek. Mules badly used up.
All quiet at Laramie. Traders there anticipated a dull winter. Knew not where the Sioux were gone. Met Col. Hoffman's command of 100 men near crossing of South Platt.
Indians, supposed to be Cheyennes, were keeping up their depredations at Fort Kearney. A number of mules had just been stolen from the mail station at that place. Met the November mail at Little Blue.
About 1000 Pawnees crossed their track just behind the party, beyond Big Blue, and drove back a hunting party of ten whites, who returned to Big Blue with the news, before Mr. L. and company left that place.
The party kept a strict guard over their animals night and day while encamped, which is the only safe mode of traveling through an Indian country.
It is understood that Col. Steptoe will, during his stay in Utah, make an effort to punish the Pavantees who murdered Capt. Gunnisen and his party.