Transcript for "Latest News from the Plains," The Mormon, 15 Nov. 1856, 3
The Murder of Col. Babbitt Confirmed.
THE arrival on Sunday eve of a train from Salt Lake under command of Capt. W. J. Hawley places beyond question the fact of the murder of Hon. A. [Almon] W. Babbitt, Secretary of Utah Territory. From Mr. Hawley we obtain the following information:
Near the 'Sweet Water,' he met Messrs. Kimball and Ferguson. This is about 200 miles West of Fort Laramie, and 300 East of Salt Lake. He heard from them the rumor, and in order to get at the facts he remained with Mr. Trist, the Indian Agent, for several days. The Indians had come into the Fort and reported that 12 of them had attacked Col. Babbitt while one of his men was away, and after the Col. had fired his double-barrelled gun and his two revolvers, one of the Indians crept behind the wagon and tomahawked the Col. Frank Rowland and Sutherland were also killed.
The Indians said the Col. fought like a grizzly bear.
When at Fort Kearney Capt. Hawley learned that Maj. Wharton had in his possession the papers (including a draft of $8,000) and some of his hair. His watch was obtained by a Frenchman from the Indians. Altogether about 18 whites have been killed.
The Capt. reports the crops in Utah as good. Wheat was selling at $1,00, oats and corn 75, potatoes 50, flour 3,50 per hund. He met the several Mormon hand-cart trains at Green river 170 miles East of Salt Lake City, at Big Sandy, at Pacific Springs, another 5 miles East of Fort Laramie, and one at Chimney Rock 76 miles East of Laramie, a wagon train at Scotts Bluffs, and several others. All and every one in good health and spirits.
Next week we shall have more space for particulars.
Col. Babbitt was well known in our community, was on his return from Washington to resume his duties as Secretary, had with him a valuable collection of books, astronomical and other instruments, and was supposed to have a large amount of money.
His loss is irreparable, and the Government should send at once a sufficient force to punish, yes, to exterminate this tribe who for the last three months have been murdering and plundering her emigrants.
Mr. Jno. Campbell, Dustin Amy, and about twenty others came in train with Capt. Hawley.—[Council Bluffs Bugle.