Transcript for Lazenby, John Thomas, Journal, 1881-1915, 4-5
After an Overland Voyage of 10 Days we reached the North platt[e] river were We Camped for 7 or 8 Days waiting for our Baggage when we took our places in the Waggons with ox teams w[h]ich were waiting for us. Near Benton City Left that point and took Our journey for Utah By Way of the Black hills as the railroad hands were rough and as Our Ship Captain used to say we were a good Company to Be poligamiouse [polygamous] thare being Many More Women then men[.] Crossed the 3 Crossings of the sweet water [Sweetwater] river and Through Whiskey Gap[.] at a Camping ground near sweet water we Found a Freight wagon[.] the Indians had killed the Teamster and run off his team and scattered his Load Over the pasture. Our Captain John Galispie [Gillespie] yoked up some Beif [beef] Cattle With Some of Our Teams and Made up an Extra Team and so brought on the waggon to South pass w[h]ere it was Claimed by Some Mining Men from the Mines Near thare[.] Came on Over Quakeing [Quaking] Aspen ridge to Green river were on the Trip out the Company of Teams from Sampete [Sanpete] Co[unty]. Lost 6 of their Boys By Drowning[.] Came on to Hams Fork w[h]ere Buried an old sister[,] our first Loss all the way Exepte a young girl who was Sick and had to be left at the Belvue Hospital and Twins of a Sister Jackson Widdow of John Jackkson who Died at Hull. The Twins were Born on the way and Died Next Day[.] Exept Those we had neither sickness nor Death or accident[.] at hams Fork a Man maimed Harry Carrol from Liverpool Branch.
Wilbt Digging the Grave of the Dead Sister Caught his Overalls and the rent shewed a pair of pants lost by a Brother on the Occian [ocean.] he was taken tried and sentenced to be marched around the Camp and then Thrown into the River <several times>.
We Arrived at the head of Echo Canion [Canyon] on the September 14th, 68, and here I Bid adue to My Wife and Boy and went to work for John W. Young upon the rail road w[h]ich I had agreed to do on ariving at New york for w[h]ich I recived a free pass from omaha to the end of the Track [trek], I recived 2 Dollars and ½ per Day and board stayed at Work 6 weeks and then came on to Salt Lake City . . .