Transcript for "Left for the Valley," Frontier Guardian, 12 June 1850, 2
Among the many valuable men who have emigrated from this place this season, are Bishop Aaron Johnson, William Snow, William McLellan and Harlow Redfield. These have stood as minute men in this county, and have been on hand in every emergency with their means and their talents; and while we regret the loss of their society and valuable services, we can but wish them success and prosperity on their journey, knowing that our loss is the gain of the friends in the Valley. There are others also who are equally good and valuable men.
The vacancies in the High Council occasioned by the removal of these men, will now have to be filled up. We will here state, that whatever may be said of any member of this body detrimental to his official acts, by prejudiced persons going to the Valley or to any other place we are fully assured that they have done only their duty and have done right. They have showed themselves men of God; and proved that they are not to be frightened nor rode rough shod; but have put on a dignity and an independence of character that have made them respected and honored in their place by good men and hated by those who wanted to outgrow their cloth.
Whoever enters a complaint in the Valley against any member of this body, touching his official acts, in our opinion, himself is the very person that merits the rebuke he seeks to procure for others.