Transcript for Leithead, James, [Journal], in "Utah Pioneer Biographies," 44 vols., 42:18, 28-35
Commanded By Capt. Milo Andras [Andrus]
Capt. Andras left the west bank of the Missouri River at the head of a Company ofLatter Day Saints on the 3rd day of June A.D. 1850
June 4th in camp 7 miles from Bethlehem City at A place we called Sim's Spring completed the Organization of the Company By Electing Captains of Tens Clerk etc the fol[l]owing is the Orders of the Organization-
Milo Andras [Andrus] Capt of Fifty
First Ten Souls Wagons Horses Oxen Mules Cows Sheep Dogs [Swine]
Robert Wiley, Capt. 3 1 4 2
Milo Andras [Andrus] 3 1 2 1 1
Henry Lunt 1 2 2
Jether [Jeter] Clinton 4 1 4
Horace Fish 7 1 4 6
James Youk 5 1 5 3 1
John Cook 5 1 6 2 1
Richard Cook 3 1 4T
Thomas Stead [Steed] 3 1 8 [missing text]
Henry Stead [Steed] 4 2 1 8 2
Wm. C. Benson 5 1 6
[TOTALS] 42 11 1 53 2
Second Ten
Charles Bird Capt Souls Wagons Horses Mules Oxen Cows Sheep Dogs [Swine] Ducks[?]
Charles Bird Capt 14 4 2 11 6 1 2
B.H. Bird 4 1 2 2
R. [Ross] R. Rogers 7 1 2 4 3
Samuel Driggs 7 1 4 4 19 1
Isaac Behunin 11 3 1 6 9 27 1
[TOTALS] 43 10 3 2 27 24 46 3 2
Third Ten.....Capt. Souls Wagons Horses Mules Oxen Cows Sheep Dogs
William W Hutchings 4 2 2 6 2 1
James Leithead 3 1 2 2
William Earl 7 1 2 6 1
John Earl 2 1 2 2 1
Nathaniel Levitt 4 1 4 4 1
Whitford G. Wilson 10 2 2 4 4 1
James Rawlins [Rowlings] 8 1 4 2 1
Sarah Levitt 6 1 4 4 1
[TOTALS] 44 10 4 28 26 7
Fourth Ten Souls Wagons Horses Mules Oxen Cows Calfs Dogs
Simeon Crandle, Capt 6 1 4 1 1
-----Hopkins 5 1 8 12
John Crandle [Crandall] 4 1 2 1 1 1
James Daniels 2 1 2 2
Elizbeth Daniels 4 1 2 5
A[aron]. Daniels 4 1 2 1
W. Dillon 1 1 8 1
Norman Taylor 3 1 4 2 2
Rufus Forbus 4 1 5 3 1
Daniel Stuart 4 6
[TOTALS] 37 10 2 41 28 3 3
Fifth Ten Wagons Oxen Cows Horses Dogs Souls
Wm. Olmsby, Capt 1 4 3 4
Thos. Cartwright 8
Ann Sim[p]son 2 6 1 1
John Davis 4 1 2
Wm. Hodshead [Dodshead] 1 2 2 4
James McGuffie 1 2 2 3
Noah Lambert 2 8 5 1 7
James Baldwin 1 2 3 1 4 4 yearlings
Robert Baldwin 2 7 4 1 7
[TOTALS] 10 35 21 3 40 4 yearlings
Wednesday morning June 5th raining very fast But Cleared away about noon proceeded on our Journey about 5 miles & campt for the night on a small stream plenty of wood & water & grass for our Cattle all well weather cool and fine.
Thursday June 6th fine day traveled about 10 miles over fine Rol[l]ing pra[i]ries crossed two small streams of water no accident Occur[r]ed Grass & wood abundant for camping Carreled on the Last stream Capt[ain]. Andras [Andrus] called the company together Changed the order of the Gaurd from two to four hour watch Received into By nite one Wagon & some Callifornia [missing text] [...ted] the hour of Eight O'clock.
Friday June 7th Advanced about 15 miles good roads struck the Fort Kearney [Kearny] road to day weather pleasant carrelled on the pra[i]rie to night did not reach the timber plenty of water & Grass no Accident occur[r]ed with the Exception of some Wagons Breaking But Repaired them soon all in Camp to night health General[l]y good
Saterday June 8th Last night two horses stolen sup[p]osed to be taken By the Indians one Belonging to A Gold Digger that came up and Camped with us for the night the other one on was in the Camp By Brother Hopkins very [missing text] got within five miles of Salt Creek without farther loss or accident. Cattle doing well & health of the Camp good had five more Bad places to Cross to day.
Sunday June 9th Arrived at Salt Creek found the Bridge gone water high Banks mud[d]y concluded to Build A Raft to cross the Wagons on & swim the cattle.
Monday June 10th took all day to Build the Raft got it finished & expect to go to crossing to morrow the meassels [measles] A[p]pear[e]d in the Camp to day two sick with them Brother W[illiam]. Hutchin[g]s & child weather fine Cattle doing well & getting a good rest five Wagons came up with us to night. Emigrants for Oregon Report [blank space] Johnsons Company one day behind. [missing text] cholrea [cholera] I was among them. Some of them [missing text] with it.
Thursday [Tuesday] June 11th Got our Wagons & Cattle all over safe to day no accident of any kind occur[r]ed the Brethren & those that are journeying with us seemed to take hold with A good spirit to assist in the work of Crossing after we got in Carrel we we were called together By the Capt, & thanks Returned to our Heavenly Father for our safety in crossing & for the Blessings rendered us on the journey thus far Brother Clinton was mouth in prayer after some other Business of minor importance we were dismissed with the Blessing of God intending to pursue our journey on the morrow no sickness in the Camp except the meassels [measles] & no new Cases since yesterday fine weather not very hot
June 12th Arrived at the Cotton wood forks of salt Creek Roads good But somewhat hilly plenty of water on the Road found A Bridge here which we think will cross us over Health of the Camp Genaraly Good no new Cases of sickness Cattle doing well left the Raft with A Notice that it Be left for the Benefitt of those that may Come after us fine cool day
June 13th Sup[p]osed we made about 15 miles to day over Rather hilly Road Camped on the pra[i]rie near oak Grass several Indians came up with us near night stayed all night with us But Ap[p]eared friendly
Friday morning June 14th Had the oppertunity of sending A letter to Brother Orson Hyde By A Couple of Gentlemen Returning from the plains, to day we got to Platte Bottom in sight of the River A number of Indians prowling about all day Health of the Camp good plenty of water & Grass
June 15th Commenced our journey up the platte Roads good with the exception of some sand plenty of water. to morrow Being Sunday, we calculated to rest, & let our teams rest, if we could have got to the River, where we could have got wood & water But the Road has not led near it to day met A number of Emigrants Returning to the states all well today weather Cool
Sunday June 16th Contrary to our Expectations & wishes we had to travel to day till noon Before we Reached the river we then halted & carrelled on the Bank of the river Capt. Andras [Andrus] Called the Camp together at five Oclock this afternoon & forcibly laid Before us the instrucktions of president Hyde in Relation to keeping the Commandments of God while on our Journey & partickularly in not takeing the name of God in vain said that we held the Keys of life & Death in our own hands that By obeying the Counsel of God & the servants of God we should live But Disobediance would prove death the sacrement [sacrament] was then Administered that we might not forget the Oblygations we are under to him who shed his Blood for us the Counsel of the Camp concluded to lay till to morrow in order to wash and Bake Rest our cattle A little & such other matters that we might find necessary
June 17th laid still to day washed Baked & Cleaned our Wagons out near night Brother Youngs company came in sight but did not come up with us the health of the camp is very good at present every thing goes off well.
June 18th Commenced our Journey again to day the roads in the forenoon rather sandy this afternoon very good passed the old Pawnee vilige [village] no one Living at it travilled about 18 miles Camped to night on the Bank of the platte plenty of water and Grass wood rather scarce altho in sight all on the I[s]lands as near as we can
June 19th rained some Considerable this morning roads rather wet and heavy this afternoon our road led on to the Bluffs & kept winding round among them for saveral miles the river came so near the Bluffs that wagons can not pass between them Camped to night near the river plenty of wood water & Grass all well nothing occur[r]ed out of the ordinary course of mooving allong slowly over the sandy Bottoms & Bluf[f]s met several wagons Returning some sick among them Report very sickly Beyond Fort Kearney Brother [Lorenzo Dow] Youngs company campt in sight of us to night
June 20th moved along steadaly to day some 15 or 16 miles over very good roads most of the time some sandy knowls [knolls] but <not> very Bad Camped on the Bank of the River plenty of water & Grass no wood we were delayed this morning thou [sic] account of losing A few head of cattle By the negligence of the Guard letting them stray away we got them all again however. Brother Youngs company passed us while we were hunting them some one or two teams Began to fail to day one on account of over loading the other the Cattle not very good some of them old & poor held A meeting to night to devise means to Release the teams so as to proceed on our journey without stop[p]ing to recruit health good good spirit prevailing
June 21st made about 23 miles to day over fine Roads with little Exception A Wagon Wheel Run over A Child to day But we think it is not injured seriously one cow became lame had to be left
June 22nd very hot in the forenoon traveled slow took different Roads thinking they would concentrate soon But they did not. A little after noon & After we had struck the Fort Leavenworth Road A heavy storm of wind & Rain came up But did no damagewe got together again towards night & camped on the Bank of the River But could get no wood some considerable murmuring and Disatisfaction with A few that seemed inclined to seperate themselves from us Brother Bird's child got Run over by A wagon not seriously injured within A few miles of the Fort
June 23rd started this morning Before Breakfast in order to get to where there is wood to cook & spend the day Being Sunday arrived at the Fort about nine Oclock Camped on the Bank of the River about A mile from the Fort had to wade to the I[s]land for wood rained considerable through the day Roads Bad Being A low flat Bottom towards night Capt. Andras called the Camp together & laid Before them plainly & with spirit & power the counsel & obligations laid upon him by President Hyde to keep the Camp together untill Circumstances Rendered it necessary to Divide & if pos[s]ible deliver them up to the Presidency in the Val[l]ey told them that if they wished to leave & want to go to make it Known & he would wait one hour in the morning for them to get the start But would not give them his sanction neither Bid them God speed Ex[h]orted them to stick together to be united to fear God and Call upon his name & put away the evil from Ammongst us to Be paitient to Be orderly & travel in order that in so doing we would we would [sic] have pow[e]r over the Destroyer Reach our destination in saf[e]ty be an honer to ourselves to our Leaders & to the God who hath Called us to cross the plains to the val[l]eys of the Mountains dismissed By offering up A Prayer to Allmighty God for his protection & spirit
June 24th This forenoon the roads were very wet & heavy low flat pra[i]rie this Afternoon A good deal Better made about 15 miles A Better spirit seemed to privail in the Camp to day no one left as all seem willing to abide the Counsel of Capt[ain]. Andras all well passed several Graves to day some of them that had died less than A month ago nothing speical [special] Oc[c]uring to day
June 25th Met the mail from the val[l]ey this forenoon Received from them the [illegible word] Third General Epistle the Mineutes of the April Conference Willard Richards Address to the University of the State of Deseret some letters & other documents very Cheering to us while wadeing through mud & water & fatiugue [fatigue] Endeavoring as fast as we can to join our Brethren in the val[l]ey where we can hear the voice of the Presidency & judges in Isrial instead of Receiving it by letter At noon we formed a Howlow [hollow] Square with our wagons and read Aloud the Epistle & minuites of the Conference which Caused our hearts to Rejoice to hear from our Brethren in the Val[le]ys of the Mountains whom we love & whose society we are toiling to At[t]ain the other Documents will Be read at some other Convenient season. we have had good Roads to day Campt at plumb Creek 35 miles from Fort Kearney all well but the track of the destroyer is along the way we have passed A number of Graves which shows that he has made Great Ravages among the California Emigrants we overtook Brother Youngs Company to night allmost Every day we meet numbers Returning to the states who have Been out various distances on the <call> for Gold we feel to thank God that we are preserved from sickness & death while hundreds are falling around us A prey to the Destroyer there is plenty of wood on this Creek By Crossing at the upper Ford But the water is not very good
June 26th made about 15 miles over rather wet mud[d]y Roads A company of U.S troops passed us this forenoon <going west> some time ago it was agreed upon by the Counsel of Captains the [sic] each ten should furnish one man A day to drive the louse [loose] cattle the third Ten Refused to comply consequently the subject was Brought Before the whole Company for discustion & to know what they would Agree to do after various propositions it was mooved By Capt[ain]. W[illiam]. Hutchin[g]s & seconded by Nathan[iel] Le[a]vitt that Each Ten drive their own Louse [loose] Cattle & take Care of their own stockA vote was taken 9 in favor of it principal[l]y Belonging to the Third Ten James Leithead voting against it the other four Tens Agreeing to put their Louse [loose] stock together & share the Labor Alike Health of the Camp Genaraly good allthough traviling through from Every Ap[p]earance A very sickly Country we have counted 56 Graves mostly west from Fort Kearney & no douet [doubt] numbers that we have not seen most of them died from Cholrea [cholera] plenty of water & Grass But wood very scarce
June 27th Made over 20 miles to day over very good Roads Grass not so good as we have had it but still Enough Good Camping with the Exception of wood health still good A number of the Cattle get[t]ing lame from the fouls & other Causes
June 28th only trav[e]led about 10 or 12 miles to day to some small streams that Cross the Road from 90 to 93 miles from Fort Kearney Concluded to stop here and wash Bake & Clean out our Wagons
June 29th laid Bye all day Cooking washing and Cleaning up & Concluded to rest to morrow it Being Sunday
June 30th Sunday forenoon at 1/2 past 10 Oclock was called together for Devine Service Elder Richard Cook preached an Exelant sermon on the subjects of the Gospel as there are some journeying with us that do not Belong to the Church & wished to hear after preaching Elder Milo Andras Baptized four their parents Belonging to the Church meeting again at 3 Oclock when those Baptised were confir[m]ed into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Under the Hands of Elder Milo Andras & Elder Richard Cook
Names of those thus Baptized & confirmed
Betsey Leavitt
Sarah Racillia Leavitt
Anna Maria Fish
Marian Rowlins
The Sacrament was then administered after which Elder Andras preached another discourse when we were Dismissed with the Blessing of God intending to pursue our journey on the morrow.
July 1st 90 miles from Fort Kearney commenced our journey Again to day A number of our Cattle lame But still we made A very good days drive something over if not quite 20 miles of Exelent Roads water scarce the Road run[n]ing along the Bluffs from A mile to 3 miles from the River passed A number of Graves to day one [t.ear] night Named O.P. Davis from Vanburen Co Iowa died to day passed us yesterday in good health understood he belonged to the Church health of the Camp good with few exceptions But none seriously indisposed the Grass is not so good as it was [Belo.i.] But still Enough we Burned A Coal pit while we were in camp the Last 3 days for the porpouse [purpose] of making some ox shoes & other Repairs that might Be wanted while we were laying at the River if it should be too high to cross we are encampet tonight on A small stream run[n]ing through the Bottoms
July 2nd after traveling about 12 miles we reached the south Fork Lower Crossing examined the Ford found the water 4 feet deep some places concluded to send some six or eight men up the River to try & find A Better ford about noon to day A find [fine] herd of Buffalo crossed the River & passed within A short distance of the Camp we wounded some of them But did not get any of them
July 3rd some of our men with Capt. Andras started up the River to find A ford others went to put[t]ing up A Blacksmiths forge to make ox shoes mend Bolts &c while the rest yoked up the Cattle & Commenced Crossing we found it Better than we expected & had some 12 or 15 wagons across when the Deputation Returned they had found A Better Crossing some 10 miles up But we concluded to put them all across here se[e]ing we had commenced to night we are all across with the Exception of six Wagons all safe
July 4th Crossed over the Remainder of our wagons without loss or accident dryed them all out for the Water Came up some 8 or 10 inches into our Wagons met together in the after noon & Returned thanks to god for our saf[e]ty in Crossing and our Genarel prosperity moved out about 4 pm & encamped for the night
July 5th very good Road made about 20 miles left several lame & worn out Cattle no water except on the River Grass Begins to grow poor & Scarce no wood till we Get to Ceder Bluffs which is about 35 miles from the Lower Crossing
July 6th Road leaves the River at 25 miles from ford & Returnes after 12 miles Road very good on the Bluffs at this point this after after [sic] noon some very heavy hauling for for [sic] about 5 miles through sand encamped to where the Grass very good water handy
July 7th Sunday Rested to day where we camped last night
July 8th pursued our journey again the Roads in places heavy with sand found good Grass at noon passed some Callifornians Burying one of their Companions who died with the cholrea [cholera] we passed the Graves of hundreds allmost the majority of them from Missouri. A few miles before you get to ash creek you Clime the Bluffs again very steep hill & sandy we are at ash Creek the Road leads into ash Creek about 1 1/2 miles from the mouth abundance of wood here & water But the Grass poor we Begin to find the Grass fail fast & only can Be found in places sufeicient [sufficient] to sustain our teams without letting them fall away.
July 9th the Roads to day have Been very sandy the worse we have found yet the Country looks Barren the Bluffs are Ro[c]ky with sandy points & ridges the[y] come down near the River we are Oblidge to pass over them near & about the time we got into Camp A tremendous storm of rain & hail the wind, Blowing strong came upon us our Cattle fled Before it with Considerable exertions we succe[e]ded in Get[t]ing them into the Carral & keeping them their till morning none got Lost
July 10th the Roads to day A good deal Better the country more smooth and Level & not so sandy their has Been some few sick among us for A few days past But are now Recovering
July 11th This morning we sent A few lines to the Presidency in the Val[l]ey By Bro. Beach in advance of us the Roads to day has Been very good very little sand this after noon we came in sight of Court house & Chimney Rock we are encamped to night A few miles from Court house & 100 miles from Fort Laramie Court house is A large pile of Rock Resembling at a distance A court house it is with some difficulty we find encampments with good grass. The health of the company general[l]y good
[July 12th] A great many cattle lame But still we are making on an Average this week about 17 or 18 miles per day
July 13th the Roads very good Grass very scarce & only in places we can find it at all made 18 miles & encamped opisite [opposite] Chimney Rock going to stay here two days to rest our Cattle found very good feed & some fuel about two miles off very little sickness in Camp
July 13th in Camp all day washing Baking & Cleaning up we have had the Blacksmiths forge going all day making ox shoes & other things that were ne[e]ded-Several small Companys pass us freq[u]ently with horse team[s] we expect to stay here tomorrow it Being Sunday we are 83 miles from Fort Larimie will make it next week if we are prospered The health General[l]y good A good feeling prevails amongst us
July 14 Sunday at 1/2 past 10 oclock we had an Excilant Discourse Delivered By Capt. Andras & at 3 Oclock in the afternoon the sacrament was administered & A number of the Brethern spoke their feelings in Relition to their faith in the work of God
July 15 Commenced our journey again the Roads good A little after noon & about 12 miles from Chimney Rock the Roads leaves the River & to night we had to Camp without water Good Grass By leaving the Road 2 miles & water By going 2 miles fa[r]ther up towards the Bluf[f]s plenty of feuel [fuel] drift-wood from the Bluffs we sup[p]osed we made about 25 miles to day
July 16th we found no Grass to day from where we left the camp this morning untill we reached Horse Creek & very little water for stock no wood at Horse Creek plenty of water & grass the last two days we have made 45 miles we are now 39 miles from Fort Larimie [Laramie] all well Passed Scotts Bluffs Spring to day raiding [riding] past there but no place to camp
July 17th Part of the forenoon to day we had some very sandy Bluffs to clime But still we made A very good days drive we are incamped to night just Below A trading post some 18 or 20 miles from Larimie [Laramie] Considerable Grass & plenty of wood Road very good this afternoon.
July 18th this morning Brother Samuel Driggs Remained in Camp in Consequence of A lame ox that he had Capt Andras went to him & told him that if he would leave his ox he would use every means in his pow[e]r to help him along & that he should [-] as long as he did [R.i.elf] But he Refused & expressed A deterimination to stay with his ox his ox got lame & [missing text] [s]hoeing him strained himself so that there was [-] [pro]spect of his Recovery
James Leithead
Glendale Utah