. . . we drove up the river to winter quarters where we wintered till the spring of 47 when we joined the saints and moved to the Big [Elk] Horn river where we was organised into companies[.] we was Lot[t]ed to travel with the second fifty of the first Hundred. Perry Grin [Peregrine] Sessions being captain fifty when we got along on the North Platte we saw thousands of Buffalows day after day coming down to drink at the Platt[e] river. One time they came to drink they was so thick and we had to stop our train and camp for the day[.] they come to water in a sollid compact body for two miles back made a rumbling like thunder a moving Mass. We seen some bands of Indians and came near having a stampede once on the way while the cattle were in the correll one morning[.] all we could do to pacify the cattle seemed they had gone crazy[.] we got along very well till we had got between the Big and little mountain[.] one of the wagons broke down[.] we stoped and repaired it. Here the first fifty passed us went onto Salt Lake a head of us[.] the next day we got in about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. . . .