
Transcript for Levi Hammon Emigrating Company journal, 1851 June-September

Journal of the 3rd Company of ten under the Presidency of Capt[a]in Levi Hammon [Organized] in the 2nd 50 on the Friday the 13 day of June 1851 containing

Levi Hammon 7 Souls, 1 Wagon, 4 Oxen, 4 Cows
Byram Bybee 5 Souls, 1 Wagon, 4 Oxen, 6 Cows
John Gallop 9 Souls, 2 Wagon, 4 Oxen, 6 Cows
Wm Booth 4 Souls, 1 Wagon, 4 Oxen, 2 Cows
Edward Trim[m]er 9 Souls, 2 Wagons, 8 Oxen, 6 Cows, 2 Horses
Nath[anie]l Steward [Stewart] 12 Souls, 2 Wagons, 10 Oxen, 3 Cows, 1 Lose [Loose Cattle]
Frank Maddison 4 Souls, 1 Wagon, 6 Oxen, 1 Cow 1 Lose [Loose Cattle]
John Fisher 7 Souls, 2 Wagons, 6 Oxen, 1 Cows, 1 Lose [Loose Cattle]
James H. Heath 7 Souls, 1 Wagon, 4 Oxen, 4 Cows, 3 Lose [Loose Cattle]
Total 64 Souls, 13 Wagons, 50 Oxen, 33 Cows, 2 Horses, 6 Lose [Loose Cattle]

Saturday June 14th To day we are making Ready to Start on Monday Morning if all is well[.] The we[a]ther is very unfaverable[.] we have had much Rain but we hope to get out

Sunday 15th To day News came that we were to Stop in Camp till order to go as it is Reported the Indians will not let the Saints Pass the Horne [Elk Horn] River[.] the day is fine and our health good

Monday 16th The day is very fine[.] a Company of men arived from Kanesville to go to the assistance of the Saints at the [Elk] Horne River and Bring them Back to Winter Quarters

Tusday 17th The day is fine and we are Still Wa[i]ting for orders to move on which we hope will Soon Come[.] the health of the Company is good

We[d]nesday 18th The wether is very unsettled[.] we had much Rain last night[.] we are Still in Camp and no orders at the [--] to move

Thursday 19th This a fine Morning but we had very much Rain Thunder and Lightning[.] very bad[.] a good Bridge was washed away and we all turned out to make good the Repares [repairs] of the Said Bridge and we had orders to get Ready to move out which we was glad to hear.

Friday 20th We had all got Ready to move out tomorrow morning[.] the Saints are in good Health and Spirits[.] the day is fine and I hope we Shall have a good time of [sentence unfinished]

Saturday 21st This is a very fine morning and the Company was full of life in getting the Cattle and Wagon[s] in [-] [.] we got as far as the River to be Ferry [ferried] over[.] the Road to the River was very bad and the cattle had hard wirk to get through[.] the distance was about 5 Miles

Sunday 22nd This was a fine day and we all got a cross River in Saf[e]ty and much much fat[i]gue. as all Hand[s] had to work hard in getting the wagons and cattle over[.] to our Surprise we could not find Sister Maddisons Cattle and it made the company feel unesiy [uneasy]

Monday 23rd We moved from the River at 4 oclock this morning to a camping Place[.] the Road was bad[.] we only to go about one Mile[.] the Rest Part of the day was taken up in looking for Sister Maddisons Cattle which was found all Safe on the other Side of River

Tusday 24th It was found to day that Sister Maddison[']s Wagon was not Safe to traval to the Valley and we Stayed in Camp to day to see what could be done[.] it was agreed that [her] Wagon Should be Put in order

Wenesday 25th We left Camp to day about 10 oclock[.] the day was fine and we traveled about 8 Miles when we came to the Company of 50 to wate [wait] for orders to move out which we hope will Soon take Place[.] the Health of the Company is good[.] 8 Miles to day

Thursday 26 We are all Still in Camp[.] the wether is Still unfaverable owing to the Heavy Rains that [h]as fallen in the Night but we feel Happy[.] the Company are in good Health

Friday 27th Elder [James W.] Cumming[s] Captin of the Hunderd [hundred] came in to Camp to day and Calld a meeting of the men to tell them How they was to act[.] by the way Sister [Maria] Maddison Lost her red cow last night and the Said [h]as not be found[.] a little Rain to day

Saturday 28th This is a fine day[.] our Captin went to Kainsville [Kanesville] to day to git [get] Some things for the Company[.] the cow as not been found[.] we are looking forward with joy to git away to the Valley of the mount[a]ins[.] 2 Miles

Sunday 29th This is a cloudey wet unsettled day[.] Elder Orson Hyde came up to camp to day but only Stop[p]ed a few minut[e]s and the third Company of 50 went out this morning about 11 oclock[.] may the Lord Bless them with a Safe and good Journey ovre [over] the Plaines[.] 8 miles

Monday 30th This is a Winday day but fine over Head[.] Jude Snow for Utha [Utah] came up to camp to day with a Brass cannon for the Valley[.] Captin Cummings calld the Company to gether and tould them to get ready go out to morrow Morning[.] Sister Maddison Cow as not been found

Tusday July 1th 1851 This is a wet unsettled morning[.] we got all Ready to Start by 8 oclock but did not move till after 9 oclock[.] the day cleared up and we Traveled about 12 Miles[.] we did not find the cow[.] all was glad to get out of Camp and may the Lord God of Jeseph [Joseph] Bless us on the way[.] even So[,] amen[.] 12 Miles[.] [total] 20 miles

[total] 20 Miles Wenesday July 2nd This is a fine Morning for the Cattle to Travele[.] it not seeming at all hot but Plesent [pleasant][.] the Captins of the tens have to call ther Company to gether for Prayers Night and Morning which is good[.] we Travled all Safe about 15 Miles to day[.] we found a good camping Place for water and feed but little wood

Thursday 3rd This was a dull Morning but turned out a fine day for Traveling[.] we did not leave camp till 10 oclock owing to us wa[i]ting for Some wagons that was left behind yesterday[.] we Travled about 12 Miles to day[.] we found a good Place for camping with good feed and Plenty of water about a Half mile from the Roads but thear [there] was little or no wood[.] the Roads to day was good all the way[.] Br [Brother] John Gallop kill[e]d a Rattle Snake this Morning[.] the first that had been Seen by the way. we have not Seen any Indians at Present[.] [total] 47 Miles

Friday July 4th This was a Rainey Morning but it Cleared up about 8 oclock and we left camp at Half Past 8[.] the Roads was Good but it was heavy for the cattle[.] we Past [passed] a campings Ground whear tow [two] had been Buried[.] the first Grave we have See[n] on the way[.] oh when will the monster death be distroyd[?] we Travled about 13 Miles to day[.] find [found] a good Place to camp for wood water and feed[.] all the camp moves on well[.] no Indians at Present

Saturday 5th We had a heavey Thunder Storme last night but this is a very fine morning[.] we left camp at 9 oclock[.] the Roads was much better for the cattle and we git on well and we feel thankfull[.] the Saints are Slack in coming to meet for Prayer Nights and Morning[.] we Travled about 14 Miles to day[.] we found a good camping Place for Water & feed but no Wood[.] we all got in Safe & Well[.] we came to a guide Post to day left by Orson Hyde to tell how we was to act in taking the Road and watching our Wagon and Cattle fur [for] which we feel thankfull for the Caution[.] (16 Miles)[.] [total] 76 miles

Sunday 6th This was a fogey Morning but it turnd out a very Hot day[.] we left camp this Morning at 9 oclock and we found it hard work for the cattle as they could not git on well for the heat was So Great[.] deer was Seen to day[.] we got into camp about 6 o[']clock & only made about 10 Miles[.] the camping Place was good for feed and water but no Wood[.] Captin [Alfred] Cordon call[ed] a Meeting in the Evening and Give Some Good instruction to the camp which will turnd out for good[.] he Said it would be good for the time to come not to Travel on Sundays which was well Received[.] 10 Miles[.] [total] 86 miles

Monday 7th This <is> a fine Morning and we Left camp at 8 o clock and the Wether is not been quite So hot to day and we got the cattle along with much More ease then yesterday[.] we Past a G[u]ide Post left by Captin [Morris] Phelps and the distance Stated from our Starting Point was 100 Miles[.] the Road[s] to day have been good and all Prayers Land [sic][.] we Past a little wood about 1 Mile from our last camping Place[.] all the Company are in good Health & Spirits[.] we Travled about 15 Miles to day[.] we came to a camping Place but we could not get any wood and but little water and that not good

Tusday 8th We had heavy storme last night and a very Strong wind but we found all Safe this Morning and the Wether was fine[.] we left camp this Morg [morning] at 9 o clock. we found the Roads Heavey from the Rain that fell last Night[.] the Roads was very Hilley all day to day but the cattle travled well as it was not So hot[.] we came about 14 Miles[.] no Indians Seen at Present and all is well with us as a camp[.] we came in to a camping Place at 1/2 Past 4 o clock[.] good feed and Water but no Wood within one & Half Mile[.] (14 miles)[.] [total] 101 Miles

Wenesday 9th This was a fine Morning and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads good and all the camp moved on well and Travled about 8 Miles and we came to a good camping Place for wood & Water also good feed for cattle[.] we came into camp about 12 o clock and we Stoped for the day that the Sisters might Wash &c[.] the day was verry fine and the cattle had a good Rest[.] 8 Miles[.] [total] 123

Thursday 10th This is a very fine cool Mornig and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] we came to a Place wher[e] a Gide Post was left by Elder Hyde on the 5 Instant Stateing it was 129 Miles from Kainesville [Kanesville.] we came to another Gide Post left by Captin [Morris] Phelps Stating the camp was all well & they left that Place on the 9 instant at 9 o clock in the Morning[.] we found the Roads Hilley but good[.] Sister Maddison meet [met] with an accendant [accident] by tow [two] Horses Runig [running] a way and knocking her down[.] we traviled about 18 Miles to day and came into camp at 5 o clock and found a good Place for feed but little water no Wood

Friday 11th We had a Child die in camp last night and was Buried this Morning[.] this is a fine morning and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] we came to 2 Bad Sluise's [slues] this Morg [morning] and it took us Some tow hires [hours] to git out but we got out and all Safe[.] we came to a Grave this Morg of a child of Captin Phelps. we found the Roads very hilley to day but good[.] we have not Seen any wood to day[.] we came into camp about 5 o clock[.] we Traviled about 12 Miles to day. we did not find any wood and Water was not good[.] the Health of the camp is good[.] 12 Miles[.] [total] 149 miles

Saturday 12th

Last night a meeting was calld of all the camp Respecting Captin [John] Easton wishing to leave the Company of this camp and to go on alone[.] thear was much Said from Captin Cordon and Captin Easton[.] Captin Cordon Said if he went he must go in [h]is er [or] thare [their] own Strenght [strength][.] the meeting was Keept Late[.] this a fine morning and we left camp Soon after 7 o clock[.] the Sun was hot[.] we had a good Brezed [breeze] of Wind which was good for us and the cattle[.] we found the Roads very Hilley all day to day but thay was good and we Marched about 18 Miles and came into camp about 5 o clock[.] we found good Water and feed but no wood[.] the Land looks Rich & good[.] Captin Easton left us this Morning with [h]is company[.] I fier [fear] he will Repent of So doing[.] 18 Miles[.] [total] 153

Sunday 13th We Stopd in camp to day to Rest oursefves & Cattle[.] the day is fine and a good fresh Wind is Blowing which makes it Plesent[.] Captin Cordon & others have been to Examing [examine] a Creek we have to Cross to morrow[.] thay think we Shall do well[.] we had a meeting this after noon[.] Captin Cordon Preach[ed] to us upon our duty as a camp[.] it was good to hear him

Monday 14th This was a very fine Mornig and we left camp at 7 o clock[.] we came a cross 2 creek[s] & 2 Slowes [slues] which took much of our time to day to get through[.] we got all Safe through[.] we found the Roads very Hilley but good to Travel and we made about 8 Miles[.] we Campt about 1/2 Past 4 o clock[.] Plenty of Water no wood & feed was their for cattle[.] we have not Seen any Indians at Present[.] 8 Miles[.] [total] 171

Tusday 15th This is a fine fresh Morning and we left camp by 7 o clock[.] we found the Roads all day very good[.] we crossd Some three Slowes but we got all Safe through[.] we came to a Gide Post left by Orson Hyde on the 7 Instant[.] distance from Kanesville was 191 Miles[.] we came [a] full 20 Miles to day[.] came into camp at 6 o clock[.] no Wood little Water and that not good. good feed[.] we have not Seen any Indians at Present[.] all is well in Camp[.] 20 Miles

Wenesday 16 9 Miles This is a very Hot day and our cattle will be Some what fatiged in travling[.] we left camp at Half Past 7 o clock[.] we found the Roads good but very Sandy[.] we crossd one Creek to day[.] all Safe[.] we came to a good camping about one o clock and we Stoped[.] we found very good Water Plenty of wood feed for cattle thin[.] we came about 9 Miles[.] Saw the Prieray [prairie] on fire but near to the Road[.] our cattle was fatiged but will have a good Rest to day

Thursday 17th We had a Thunder Storme last night but this a very fine Morning and we left camp a Past 7 o clock[.] we found the day very Hot[.] the Roads Sandey but not Hilly[.] we Saw wood Several times[.] we Past a mark by Capt by Captin Phelps on the 14[.] all well[.] we came to the Horne [Elkhorn] River about 5 o clock[.] a Bridge had been thrown a cross the water about 2 feet deep but a Sandey bottom[.] we camp[ed] when we cross[ed] the Bridge[.] Plenty of Wood & Water with feed for the cattle[.] we Traveled about 16 Miles to day

Friday 18th This was a very worme [warm] Mornin[.] we left camp at 1/2 Past 8 o clock[.] the day was very hot and the Roads very Sandey which made it hard work for the cattle but Still they Bore it well and we Travled over the Ground as well as we could Expect[.] we had a fine cool Brize [breeze] of Wind to help us[.] the grass was not so good as we have had it by far[.] we came to a Steep Creek of clear Water and crost the Same in Safely[.] we Traveled about 16 Miles and [came] into camp at 6 o clock[.] no Wood Water good feed Poor[.] [total miles] 224

Saturday 19th This was a fine worme Morning and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads very Sandy Hilly and hard for the cattle to travale very[.] we had but little wind all day[.] we crosst one creek all Safe[.] we came to Several Slowes [slews] and the cattle water[ed] themselves[.] we Saw firest [first] Buflow [buffalo] tracks[.] we came to a Place for camp at 6 o clock[.] we traveled about 16 Miles[.] ourselves & cattle was much fatiged from the journey[.] no Wood not much Water and that Poor[.] feed very thin

Sunday 20th We had a man [Ransom L. Mark] die last Night[.] he was in Captin Hendersons ten[.] his age was about 47 years[.] This was a very fine morning and we left camp at 9 o clock[.] we Traveal to day Because their is no Wood and the Water is Bad & but little feed for cattle[.] we found the Roads as yesterday very Hilly and Sandy and hard Work for the cattle[.] we crossed a Small River calld the Loop Falk [Loup Fork.] the Water Clear and good about 2 feet deep[.] It a good Sandy Bottom[.] we got all the teames over Safe and came into camp about 5 o clock[.] we came about 12 Miles to day[.] the Count[r]y looks a desert all Round[.] deer was Seen and Hunted to day but none taken[.] no Wood and feed thinn for the Cattle[.] 12 Miles

Monday 21st This was a fine Morning & we left camp at 9 o clock[.] we found the Roads worse then yesterday very Hilley and the Sand deep which made it very hard upon the cattle[.] the count[r]y all Round looks a desert[.] we came into camp at 1/2 P[as]t 4 o clock[.] the cattle was much fatiged as was all the drivers[.] no Wood no Water and feed Poor[.] we came about 12 Miles to day[.] Benjamin Allen was Baptised last night by Captin [Levi] Hammon and confirmd this morning by my Father[.] 12 miles[.] [Total] 268

Tusday 22nd This was a dark dull Morning and we left camp Before 5 o clock to See if we could get feed & Water for our Cattle[.] we Travled about 7 Miles over very Steep Hills and deep hollows So much So that we had to lock Bothe wheeles[.] we came to a Place to camp about 1/2 Past 9 o clock[.] we found Wood feed Poor and Water Bad[.] we Stopd about 4 hours[.] Some of the camp went out to Hunt Buflows and Shot at one but did not git it[.] they laned [sic] if we [sentence Unfinished] Traveled Some 4 Miles and came to a good camping Place for Wood Water & feed[.] we are now at the River loop Falk [Loupe Fork.] we found the Roads as in the Morning very Steep[,] Hill[y] and dangres [dangerous] to Travile without much Caine [sic.] Sister Maddison had an axel tree brook [broke] to day and her wagon was left about one mile from camp but Captin Hammon and others have gont to make good the Repairs[.] we found the company of Captin Easton at this camping Place[.] they have lost Some of their Horeses [horses] and I Still Believe they will not do well by the Steip [steps] they have take[n][.] we had a thunder Storme this after noon[.] Br Allin [Allen] Shot a very larg[e] Wolfe this Morning[.] 11 Miles

Wenseday 23rd This is a very fine morning and the camp Stopd till Noon to Wash &c[.] we left camp about 12 o clock to corss [cross] the Luop Falk [Loupe Fork] River which we did in less the [than] tow Huors [hours] by d[o]ubling our teames[.] we all cross[ed] in Safty[.] we found the Roads in the other Side very good but we had Some Steep Hills and Hollows to cross over[.] we Saw Buflow and Some of the camp went out to Hunt but did not Suc[c]eed in taking any[.] We came to a good camping Place about 6 o clock[.] feed good wood about Half Mile distant[.] we came about 8 Miles to day[.] Captin Easton fowled our copany and Past [passed] our camp[.] Captin Cordon calld a Meeting this Morning and gave instructions how to cross the River and also Some good teaching to the compny which we was glad to hear[.] we have not See[n] any Indian at the Present[.] 8 Miles

Thursday 24 17 Miles This a fine morning and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads as yesterday[.] thay [they] was as good but very Hilly and the day turned out to be very Hot[.] I Believe this as Been the Hotest day we have had and it try [tries] our cattle very much[.] one ox dead on the Road and that was very much weary[.] 2 Wagons was turnd over[.] Brother Fisher had the tounge [tongue] of his wagon [-][.] We came to Part of camp in Aldridges compny[.] they had lost 28 Head of cattle and could not git on[.] we came into camp about 6 o clock[.] we are at one part of the Luop Falk [Loupe Fork.] Water good Plenty of wood and feed for cattle[.] we came to day about 17 Miles and all was glad to git Rest

Friday 25th This is a fine morning and we left camp at 9 o clock to cross this branch of the Falk River [Loupe Fork.] we got all our wagons over Safe in about tow huors and went on about 2 Miles to camp to git the wagons Repaired that was broken down yesterday and So Rest our cattle and git out in good time in the Morning[.] we found good feed for the cattle wood & wood Plenty[.] 2 Miles

Saturday 26 This was a very fine Morning & we left camp about 7 o clock[.] we found the Roads good the day Hot[.] we had to cross 2 creeks and a Slew at the first creek in Slew we found very Steep to go down to and Br [Brother] W[illiam] Booth had his Wagon trune [turn] over into the Water[.] his Wife his Father & His Wife was in the Wagon but they was got out without beenig [being] heurt [hurt][.] the Wagon was unloaded and most of this got wet but the Wagon was not Broken which we was thankfull for[.] Br Booth Retrund [returned] his sincer[e] thanks to those that was So kind as to help him in the Hours of troubles[.] we got into camp at 5 o clock[.] feed Scarce but good[.] Water Poor no Wood[.] we came about 14 Miles to day[.] Buflow See[n] also deer but none taken[.] 14 Miles[.] [Total] 310

Sunday 27th This was a very fine Morng and we left camp at 7 o clock[.] we found the Roads good but very Hilly[.] the day turned out very Hot but the cattle got on well[.] the tyer [tire] of Br Stewards [Stewart's] wheel Broke to day but mended the Best way we could till we got into camp[.] we crossd one creek and two Slews and came into camp about 3 o clock[.] good Water feed[.] there Was wood about one Mile off[.] we came about 10 Miles to day[.] we Past a board left by Orson Hyde but I could not make out the date[.] the distance from Kanesville was 320 Miles[.] 10 Miles [Total] 331

Monday 28th This was a fine cool mornig and we left camp at 7 o clock[.] we found the Roads was about as yesterday[.] good Roads but the Hills reely Steep[.] Some we might call mountins but we [..ver] them all Safe[.] we Past a Grave [--] Women that had been killd by a Stampeed taking Place and the Wagon being turned over[.] we crossd tow Slews Safe[.] we had Water for the Cattle on the Way[.] the Country in many Places was very Barron[.] Buflow was See but none taken[.] Some went out to Hunt[.] 2 got lost and did not get into camp till we Sent out men to Hunt them[.] one was found about ten o clock[.] the other was not found till tow o clock in the Morning[.] we came into camp about 7 o clock[.] no Water no Wood feed poor[.] we came about 20 Miles to day and we was all much fatiged[.] 20 Miles [total] 334

Tususday 29th This was a fine Mornng and we left camp bout Half Past 5 o clock because we had no feed or Water we came to Water after travling 5 or 6 Miles[.] it was only fit for the cattle[.] we Past on and came to a camping Place[.] good Water Wood and feed here[.] found the camp of Captin [Morris] Phelps all well[.] also the camp of Captin Aldridge[.] they have lost Some 50 Head of cattle and could not find them[.] Captin Phelps left this Morning[.] the others have Stop to Hunt thar cattle[.] we came about 8 Miles to day[.] Captin Corden had the Tungee [tongue] of his Wagon Broken this Morning[.] 8 Miles [Total] 354

Wenesday 30th This was a fine Mornig[.] we Stayd in camp all day So that the company of Captin Phelps might git on the way[.] Captin Corden calld a Meeting Last night & give Some good Instruction to the camp[.] the cattle had a good Rest[.] we had a good cold Spring[.] Captin Aldridges camp killd a Buflow and sent to Br [William] Booth to fetch Some[.] it was good and we felt Reficitd [sic] that had a little[.] a child was Borne to day and the Mother doing well[.] [Total] 362

Thursday 31 This was a fine Morning and we left camp at 5 o clock[.] we found the Roads Rough[.] we came in Sight of Some 2500 to 3500 Buflow[.] they was not far from our Wagons but did not come near[.] Some went out to Kill one if they could but did not Succeded[.] we <cross a> creek[.] I do not know the name of it[.] we also went over a Bad Slewe all Safe[.] we camp at 10 o clock to feed our cattle[.] the feed was Poor no Water plenty of Wood[.] we came about 9 Miles this Morning[.] we Past a Gide Post Stating it was 386 Miles from Wintr Qutrers [Winter Quarters.] Elder Past on the 16 of July[.] Captin Aldridge have Succeede in finding thar cattle and moved out to day[.] Some went out from our camp and Kiled 2 Buflow this Morning & one the Evening[.] our compay was delayed Some while the men Egley [eagerly] went out to fetch in the Meat which was good and tender[.] we Started out of camp at 5 o clock[.] we had for 5 Miles the worst Roads we have travled Sinc[e] we left Kanesville[.] [-] Steep Hill and deep Hollows So much So that it was vary dangrus [dangerous] for Wagons and cattle[.] Captin Cordon Wagon got Broken[.] all the Rest was Safe but could not all get into camp as it came on dark with a thunder Storme[.] we had Plenty of Wood & Water for our cattle[.] we came in all about 14 Miles to day[.] [Total] 362 Miles

Friday, Augt 1st This a fine Mornng and we did not leave camp till near ten o clock on account of Captin Cordon Wagon biening Repaird[.] we found the Roads some what Bad this mornig but not so bad as yesterday[.] in the afternoon we came to good Praiy [prairie] Land and we found it good for the cattle as well as ourselfs[.] we Saw many Buflow to day near the Roads as we Past[.] indeed thay were very numers [numerous.] we campd at 5 o clock[.] feed very Poor no Wood a Slew of Poor Water[.] We came about 13 Miles to day

Saturday 2nd This was a fine Morning and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads good to day and our cattle Travled well to day thear Biening a fine Cool Wind and no sun[.] we Saw Sevarel Thousends of Buflow to day & Some very near the Wagons' thar was a Meeting calld last night of our ten cuncung [concerning] Captin Hammon and Br Gallop[.] Captin Cordon was Present and it was but a small charge and amiunt[ed] to nothings but about childern and was Settled by Captin Cordon[.] we came into camp at 1/2 Pt 3 o clock[.] good feed Plenty of Wood a creek with a little Water in it and that good[.] we came about 14 Miles to day[.] we have come to the old Road but do not Know the Name of the Place[.] [Total] 376

Sunday 3rd This is a fine Morning and we Stop in camp all day to feed our cattle. Some went out to See if they could tell whear we was but was not able to discern the Place[.] Captin Cordon calld a Meeting and address the Same at Some length upon vaires [various] things of[.] went off well[.] in the Evig [evening] a Meeting of the first ten was [called] when it was found that Captin [Miles] Handerson [Anderson] did not do his duty as a captin and the [he] was Removed and Br [James] Lowe appointed Captin in [h]is Place[.] [Total] 390

Monday 4th This was a fine Morning and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads good but a little Swampy[.] our Cattle Traveled well to day[.] we Stopd at Noon and found that Br Booths Acxeltrees was Broken but when & how it was done he could not tell[.] thay Stoped and Soon Put in a New one for which he Retruns [h]is Since[re] thanks to Captin Hammon & otherns[.] we came to a good camping Place for feed & Water for our cattle[.] Wood about one mile distant[.] I Believe this is Sandy Bluffs[.] we came about 20 Miles to day[.] [Total] 390

Tusday 5th This was a very fine Morn and we left camp about 1/2 pt 7 o clock[.] we found the Roads good to travale over and our cattle went on first Rate[.] we Saw a great Number of Buflow[.] we have men out Hunting them[.] according to a Gide left[,] Captin [John] Brown Company Past on the 2nd Instant[.] J [George] D Watt was with <them>[.] thay was all well and State thay are travelig at the Rate of 25 Miles a day[.] no Stampeed Since thay left the Loop falk [Loupe Fork.] Sister Maddisons wagon Broke Down to day by the acxeltree Brake in but was Replaced by Captin Hammon and we Rolld on to camp near the Platte[.] Wood Water & feed all good[.] we came about 20 Miles to day[.] [Total] 410

Wenesday 6th This was a fine Morning and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] the Roads good but did no[t] go far for it was found that Father [Booth's wife] was So very ill that She Could not travel[.] She was Dilliverd of a Still Born Male Child, which was Buried in the was[way.] a Wagon of the first 10 Brok down this Morning and we all campt[.] we came about 6 Miles[.] good feed & wood for camping purpus [purposes] 6 Miles

Thursday 7th This a very fine Morning and we was about to leave camp before 7 o clock but News came that a Buflow was killd & we had to stop to have cut up and take with us[.] we left camp about 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads good till we came to the Sandy Bluffs[.] then we found it hard to get through[.] we had a Boy Run over by his falling out of a Wagon in the 1st 10[.] he was Hurt mush [much]. we met a Number of men Returng from the Gold Mines & Salt Lake[.] these are the first Persons we have meet with on the Road Since we Started[.] thay was well armd and had a Number of Horeses & Mules. we Campt at Sandy Bluff Creek[.] we git into camp about 8 o clock[.] we travenld 22 1/2 Miles to day[.] we Saw a Many Buflow a Short distan[ce] from the Road[.] 22 1/2 Miles [Total] 436

Friday 8th This was a very fine cool Morng and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads very sandy and hard upon the cattle of the Mong [morning] but after 3 o clock we got into good Roads and all went on [.] a few Buflow See to day[.] we campd at Rattlesnake Creek[.] a good Place for feed & Water no Wood[.] we came 20 1/2 Miles[.] we got into camp at 1/2 Past 5 o clock[.] Captin Cordon calld a Speciael Prayer Meeting on account of Father Booths Wife who is Sick nigh unto death[.] they afterwards administered unto her in the Name of the Lord[.] 20 1/4 [miles]

Saturday 9th This was a fine Morng and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] found the Roads good till we git to the Sand Hills & thay was Bad ind[e]ed but all got over Safe and came to a good Place to camp at the food [foot] of the Sandy Bluff[.] Plenty of feed and the Rivr at Find no Wood[.] our oxen have done well this week[.] we have travel to day 17 3/4 Miles[.] [Total] 478 3/4

Sunday 10th This was a fine Morning & we left camp at 8 o clock[.] the Sun was Hot upon us[.] the Roads was good and our teames did well the distants we came[.] we came to Ash Hollow and campd fer the day[.] we got into camp about one o clock[.] we came 10 3/4 Miles to day. a Gove[rn]ment compny of 10 Wagons for the States campd on the other Side the River. Some of the company crosd the River to git Some ash to make acxeltrees but only 2 was got[.] Plen[t]y of Wild Cherries & currents was found in ash Hollow[.] 10 3/4 Miles

Monday 11th This was a very fine Mornig[.] before we left camp a Widow whos[e] Husba[n]d Died Some three Weeks Back Returned with the traine of Wagons that was going to the States[.] a Sister give Birth to a Daughter last night in the camp[.] thay are doing well[.] we found the Roads good to day[.] the Sun was Hot upon us and it was Hard in Some of the Sandy Places for our cattle[.] we left camp this morn at 8 o clock and we came into camp at 5 o clock[.] we traveled about 17 Miles[.] Plenty of Water and feed no Wood[.] [Total] 507 1/4

Tusday 12th a Dull Morning but turned out a fine day and our Cattle traveld well over the Sand[.] the Roads good in many Places[.] the Land looks Barron and not much feed[.] we came to a good Place to camp and we traveld about 20 1/2 Miles to day[.] we left camp at 8 o clock this morg and we camp at the Cobbles [Cobble] Hills[.] a company of men from Origin [Oregon] came to the camp to nigh[t][.] they Said that Captin Commig [Cummings] was not a Head of us as thay wantd to See him[.] 20 1/2 [miles]

Wenesday 13th this was a damp Mornig but turned out a fine day and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] found the Roads very Heavy to travel as it was Soft Sand all the day in near So We Stoped about 10 o clock to wate for the 2nd 10 to come up as they had Stopd in camp on account of a [word omitted] bieng in Labour and was Confined & the company came in and we departed on the Road[.] this day we Past the Anchet [Ancient] [Bluff] Ruins and Wond[er]full indeed thay look[,] but we had but little time to vewe [view] the wonders of Natour [nature.] we came to a good camping Place about 1/2 Past 5 o clock[.] we traveld about 14 Miles to day all Safe and well[.] no Indians Seen at the Present[.] [Total] 544 3/4

Thursday 14th A Meeting was calld last night by Captin Cordon to ancerin [answer] Some qustions as he Said had been askd him about dividing the companys of tens[.] he Said no Shuch [such] though[t] had enterd [his] mind and he Shou[l]d not divead [divide]without he Saw it Wisdom to do So with many other things he Said we had a very Hea[v]y thunder Storme about one o clock this Morng[.] we niver heard it So Bad before but we found all our cattle and Wagens Safe this morning and we left camp about 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads somewhat Soft but our cattle did well to day for they traveld about 21 Miles[.] we Campd near the Chilmley [Chimney] Rock about one Mile from the River[.] the view about the River on the south Side is Grand[.] feed their but good[.] [Total] 558 3/4

Friday 15th This was a very Worme [warm] Morng[.] we left camp about 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads very good to day and our cattle did well although the day was hot[.] we Saw a camp of Wagons on the South Side the River[.] we have not hea[r]d where they are for at the Present[.] the Scerg [sic] on the South of the River is Grand[.] we campd near Scotts Bluff[.] we came about 18 Miles to day[.] we found good feed and Water

Saturday 16th This was a fine morng and we left camp at 1/2 pst 7 o clock[.] found the Roads good but the day turnd out very hot[.] 2 Indians Came up to our train on horese Back[.] thay was fine looking men and the first we have Seen Sin[c]e we have been out. we campt near the River[.] good feed[.] we came about 17 Miles to day Making 117 3/4 Miles this week[.] [Total] 614 3/4

Sunday 17th This was a fine Day and we Stopd in camp all day as thear was good feed and we Can Rest which we needed after 13 day[s] Hard traveling[.] Captin Cordon calld a meeting in the afternoon[.] Some of the offi[c]ers Spoke after that[.] Captin Cordon Prea[c]hed unto us a Noble Discorse upon the destney [destiny] of man & the discine [design] god had in making him Happy[.] we was all well Pleased with what we heard and long to live to Realise the things he Spoke upon.--Father Booths Wife was take[n] much worse to day & we fear her time is but Short

Monday 18 This a fine Morng and we left camp about 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads good and our teames did well the time thay traveald but Father Booth Wife contin[ue]d to get Worse & died about 3 o clock PM[.] Captin Cordon order[ed] the train into camp and the sisters was kind to get the body Ready fer the grave[.] her age was 32[.] Captin Cordon made Some good Remarkes to confent [comfort] Father Booth and he offerd up prayer and the Body was Put into the Ground about 6 o clock[.] we travild about 12 Miles to day[.] feed and Water Poor Some Wood[.] Some Indians came to the camp this Even[in]g[.] [Total] 626 3/4

Tusday 19th This was a fine Mornin & we left camp at 7 o clock[.] we found the Roads very Sandy in many Places and hard upon our teames[.] the day turnd out very hot which made it werye [weary] fer our cattle but we did well upon the whole[.] we came about 20 Miles and camp near the River[.] Plenty of Wood but little feed fer our cattle[.] many Indian came to the camp and had a feast with Captin Cordon[.] thay was very Frendly[.] 20 miles

Wenesday 20th This was a fine Morng and we left camp Soon after 7 that we might be a way before the Indians came as Some of the Cattle was afrighted at them and for the first time our cattle took to a Stampeed about 2 o clock this Morg and a gain at 1/2 Past 3 o clock but we found them all Safe as they did not go many Rodes [rods] from the Wagons. we found the Roads very Sandy and the Wind high which made it unplesent to travel[.] we got to fort Laramie about 11 o clock and Stoped ovr 2 Houres[.] thear was many Iindians at and near the Fort[.] all were Frindly[.] the Platte was bad to Cross thair Being So many Stones upon the Bottom but we git over Safe[.] Some of our Cattle did not like the Iindians[.] we found the Roads from the fort Sandy and in Some Places Bad[.] we camp about 4 o clock[.] very little feed Water very Mudy[.] we came about 14 Miles to day[.] [Total] 646 3/4

Thursday 21 This was a fine Morning & we left camp a little after 8 o clock[.] the first Part of the Road was very Sandy[.] after that the Roads was good but we had Some very steep Hills to go up & down which was dangurs to our Wagons but all got on well[.] the day was hot[.] we came into camp about 1/2 Pt 5 o clock[.] we Saw Some Govemnt [Government] teames on the Road[.] no Indians from the time we left camp[.] we came about 15 Miles to day[.] Captin Cordons Brother is very Sick--we have Poor feed good Water & Plenty of Wood

Friday 22nd This was a fine Morng & we left Camp at 1/2 Pst 7 o clock[.] we found the Roads good in Some Places but very Bad in others[.] we had Some long hill[s] to git up and Some very Steep and dangurs one[s] to go down but all came Safe over[.] the day was very hot and it tiyd our cattle and Wagons[.] we came to a good Camping Place about 1/2 Pst 3 o clock and we Stopt[.] it was found that nin[e] of the wheel tyers wanted Resetings So that the Smiths had to be set to work[.] Some Men on Horeses Past us[.] Thay came from orgin [Oregon] and the Valley we came about 15 Miles to day[.] we found good Water & Wood and feed for the Cattle[.] [Total] 665 3/4

Saturday 23rd This was a fine day and we Stop in Camp all day to git the Wagon repaird to feed and Rest our Cattle as they much need it fer there Work as been hard and feed Poor all this week[.] Br Stewards Daughter fell out of the Wagon yesterday while travelig and was Slightly hurt[.] the Smiths are hard at Work to day

Sunday 24th We are Still in Camp as the Repairs could not be all done yesterday[.] theare was a hea[v]y thunder Storme in afternoon[.] we did not have a meeting[.] our cattle have done well for feed

Monday 25 We left Camp this Morning about 1/2 Pst 7 o clock[.] we found the Roads hard and good[.] we had Some very Steep [hills] to cross but we got over all Safe and Came into camp at 5 o clock[.] little Water and very Poor feed[.] we came 20 Miles to day

Tusday 26 We left camp this morning at 8 o clock[.] the Roads was good but we had Some very Steep Hills to cross that it was very dangurus to our cattle & Wagons. Chains was Broken of Sister Maddisons Cupeles was Broken but we was not detened long[.] Br [Nathaniel] Steward [Stewart] had a ox die yesterday morng which was a great Loss to him[.] Br [John] Fisher had one take Sick but we hope it will be better[.] we came over a number of dark Red Sand Hills to day[.] the Land all <the> way look[s] v[e]ry Barron[.] we came about 18 Miles to day and campd Before 5 o clock[.] no Wood[,] very Poor feed a Cold Spring[.] [Total] 685 3/4

Wenesday 27 We left camp this Morning Soon after 5 o clock as thear was no Grass at the Small Creek whear we campd[.] we traveld 8 1/4 Miles to La Prele [A La Prele] River[.] we found Captin Allreds camp thear[.] thear was but little Grass[.] we Stopd about 2 Hours to feed[.] Allred Past on and we followed them till we came to Fourche Boise River when we campd[.] we found the feed Poor Plenty of wood & Water[.] we found the Roads very Hilly and Hard upon our Cattle to day[.] we came 16 3/4 Miles to day

Thursday 28th We left camp about 8 o clock this Mong[.] we found the Roads good [.] Past a Number of Indians all Peaceble[.] we Past Allred at Deer Creek[.] we Past on[.] an acxeltree was Broken in Captin Lowe Company[.] we campt near a very Deep Hollow[.] we came about 12 1/4 Miles to day[.] [Total] 733 1/4

Friday 29 This was a fine Morg and we left Camp about 1/2 Pst 8 o clock[.] it was late before the Cattle could all be found[.] Last night a Buflow was killd & Brought into camp which all was thankfull for as we much Needed fresh meat--we found the Roads Sandy[.] Still we did we considring the Poor feed our Cattle get[.] we came about 15 Miles to day & campd near a Deep Gulf[.] we found the feed very Poor

Saturday 30th We left camp this Mornig at 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads good[.] we Stopd at Noon near the upper Platte fery & fend to feed our cattle as thear was Grass[.] we Stopd about 2 Hours[.] we Cross the Platte and came on the Road Some few miles and campd[.] Poor feed no Wood[.] 2 Buflow was killd this Eveng and Brought into camp[.] we came about 15 Miles to day

Sunday 31 This was a fine Morning and we left camp about 9 o clock[.] we found the Roads very Hilly and Barron[.] it was dangurs to Wagons & teames[.] Br Gallups [Gallop's] Boy fell out of the Wagon but was not hurt[.] we traveled till near Sun down and did not find feed or Water[.] we came about 18 Miles to day and campd[.] no Wood Water or feed[.] [Total] 771 1/4

Monday Sept 1st We left camp as Soon as it was light enough to yoke up that we might find feed and Water fer our cattle[.] we found the Roads good and we traveld about 10 Miles to Willow Spring and found Water[.] we Stopd [missing text] Hours--Last night Captin Cordon called a Meeting to Settle Some Small matter between Captin Hammon & Captin [Henry] Goldesbury [Goldsbrough][.] much was Said and the matter Settled[.] we Started again at 3 o clock and traveld to the Creed [sic] 300 yards from the Road[.] we traveld in all 16 Miles to day

Tusday 2nd This was a most delightfull Morning and we left camp at 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads very Sandy and hard upon our teames but we got on well[.] we came to Sweet water [Sweetwater] River & campt at the East foot of Independence Rock[.] it is a Wond[er]full Rock--feed very Scarce no Wood[.] we came to a Lake of fine Saleraetus [saleratus] and many of the compny got of the Same[.] it is East of Road[.] we came about 15 1/2 Miles to day

Wenesday 3nd This a very fine Morg and we left camp Soon after 8 o clock[.] we found the Roads Sandy in Places & Some of the cattle Began to falle but we came to a good camping Place about 3 o clock. good feed and Water on East of the Road about 5 Miles from the Devils Gate[.] no Wood near the camp good Water[.] we came about 10 Miles to day with good feed[.] our cattle will git on to the Valley

Thursday 4th This was a fine Morg and we left camp about 1/2 Pt 8 o clock[.] we was in a Strange Road not good to traveal[.] we got into the old Road in the afternoon[.] thay was very Sandy and we left the old Road[.] we continued to traval till near 6 o clock then we camp By Some Rough Rocks near the Sweet water [Sweetwater] River[.] thear was feed but no Wood[.] we do not know the name of the Place we Stopd at[.] we came about 16 Miles to day

Friday 5 This a very fine Mornig and we left camp at 9 o clock[.] we cross the River found the River very Sandy and hard upon our teames[.] theare was Some Hunders [hunters] of the Snake Indians came up to our train[.] thay was all very Peaceble and tryed to exchange antloop [antelope] and Bufflow meat for Sugur or Meal[.] thay left us and we Past on till we came to the River near some Rock and campd[.] little feed no wood[.] we came 14 Miles to day

Saturday 6th This a fine Morg and we left camp about 1/2 Pt 8 o clock[.] before we left[,] came a compny of men and Wagons Past us that have Returd from the Valley[.] thay Say feed is Poor that Captin [Morris] Phelps and [John] Brown are to gether about 7 Miles on the Road[.] we Past on till we came to the 4th crossing of Sweetwater and campd to Rest & feed our cattle[.] feed was thin Still is Better then we have had[.] no Wood[.] we came 8 Miles this Mornig[.] 8 Miles

Sunday 7 This was a Cold Mornig[.] we Stayed in camp to day to Rest and feed our cattle which thay much need having had Poor feed for near 2 weeks Past. Captin Cordon calld a meeting in Evg [evening] and address[ed] the camp about caier [care] to be taken with the cattle &c

Monday 8 The Morg feel[s] cold now but fine[.] we left camp about 8 o clock[.] found the Roads very Sandy and hard to traval[.] 2 men Past us with 6 horeses from the States[.] thay Said the other was not many miles Back[.] a Wagon & Company Past us from the Valley[.] News good that Some will come from the Valley to meet the traines[.] we came 16 1/2 Miles to day and campd at the 5th crossing of the Sweetwater[.] feed thin no wood

Tusday 9th This fine Morig and we left camp at 9 o clock[.] we found the roads Better to day[.] we Stoped to feed at Noon[.] grass good[.] we Past on and camp at the Road[.] Learn the River Plenty of Wood and feed[.] we came 10 Miles to day[.] we had Some Bad Places but all got Safe along[.] 10 miles

Wenesday 10th We left Camp this morning at 9 o clock[.] we found the Roads good Except the Rocky Ridges which are very Bad to cross[.] one Wagon in the 4th 10 got Broken but was menden [mended] and came on in the afternoon. one Wagon in the 1st 10 go[t] a wheel Broke and did not get into camp till midnight[.] Captin Cordon calld a Meeting Respecting the Loose cattle being put in one lot and drove on the Road which was agreed to[.] we campt at a Branch of the Sweet water River[.] no feed and our cattle was much in need of it[.] we came 12 1/4 Miles to day

Thursday 11th We did not leave camp this Morning till after 12 o clock on account of the wagens Beaning Repaird that was Broken yesterday[.] the cattle was taken Some 2 Miles to find feed but little was found[.] we found the Roads good but Some Steep Hills to git up & down[.] we camp at the Sweet water River[.] good feed was found and Willow for fire[.] we came 7 Miles to day Friday 12th We left camp this morning at 9 o clock[.] we found the Roads good all day and Plesent to traval but Some of the cattle git to weak to traval[.] we came to the Pacific Creek[.] 3 Miles from the South Pass[.] we found good Water and Plenty of Grass but it was bad for the cattle as it was Swampy and many of the cattle got mired but all was got out[.] we came 13 Miles to day

Saturday 13th This was a fine ming and we left camp at 9 o clock[.] we found the Roads Sandy in Places and most of the Road was good[.] we found many of the cattle Give out to day fer want of Better feed and Rest[.] we camp within 1 1/2 Miles of the junction of the Oregon Road[.] little or no feed no Water[.] we came about 14 Miles to day

Sunday 14th We left camp this mornig at 6 o clock that we might find feed and water for our cattle[.] we found the Roads very good and we went to little Sandy Creek[.] we found feed wood and water[.] we came 9 Miles and Stopd fer the day[.] a company of 16 Wagons came Past in the evening from Captin Cummings compny to go on first[.] Some have left their Wagon Behind[.] 9 miles

Monday 15th We left camp this Morng Soon after 6 o clock to go to Big Sandy and Stop fer the Rest of the day[.] we got thear about 11 o clock[.] we found but very little feed for our cattle and they want much[.] we came 8 1/2 Miles to day[.] 8 1/4 miles

Tusday 16th This was a fine morg and we left camp at 1/2 Past 8 o clock[.] Captin Cordon call a meeting Last night to know the feel of the company Resp[ec]ting parting or keeping together in a company[.] much was Said upon the Subject and they agreed to Stand to Each other and to help Each other[.] but to day a very Diff[e]re[n]t feeling as Show[n] it self with Some of the first ten[.] Some confusion took Place on the Road and at night we had 2 compnys instead of one[.] Captin Cordon calld a another meeting when Captin Lowe Said thay Should leave the Camp and then much was Said by Captin Lowe against Captin Cordon and Some others Captin[.] much time was take[n] up about devding the camp into tens and Each ten to go by it self which was finely agree[d] to[.] the meeting lasted till near 12 o clock. we found the Roads Sandy and Bad in some Places Rocky and Some of the cattle give out[.] we got into camp at 1/2 Past 5 o clock[.] very little feed or Wood[.] 7 Miles

Wenesday 17 This was a very fine Mornig and most of the Camp was up in good time to See who would leave the compny and go with Captin Lowe[.] Bro Steward & [Edwin] Trimmer Said thay Should go with Captin Lowe[.] Br Gallop Put up [h]is Hand as though a Hevey [heavy] w[e]ight was tied to it to Stop and Go [with] us and Captin Cordon but in one Half Huors afterwards he Rolld out his Wagens and followed the other teames[.] well let it be So[.] he and the Rest will Suffer for Br Gallop had a fine Cow die this mornig before he left camp[.] we Rolld out after the Rest had gone and went to the Green River and camp upon the Banks of the Samell [sic.] we found the feed Some what better[.] the Water is very fine the Stream very Strong[.] we all crossd in Safty[.] we Came Some 10 Miles to day[.] we found the Roads Sandy and Hevy upon our Cattle[.] 10 Miles

Thursday 18 This was a very fine morning and we left camp at 9 o clock[.] we was late for Some of the Cattle Could not be found[.] we found the Roads very Sandy and Hard upon our Cattle[.] we went Some 3 Miles frugr [further] old Road to find feed fer our Cattle which we did and the Best we have had fer them fer Some time Past[.] a Meeting of the camp was calld by Captin Cordon when he again Spoke to them upon the nessetity of going in one compny and becoming [-] [.] he Spoke at Some length[.] after he had Done Br W Booth moved that we as a camp uphold and Serstane [sustain] Captins [George] Spratley & Hammon and Goldsbury [Goldsbrough] as Captins of the 1st 2nd & 3rd Tens which was Carrid and the Meeting ended[.] may the Lord Bless us--we came about 9 Miles to day

Friday 19 This was a fine Cool morning and we Stopd in camp all day to feed and Rest our cattle which will do them much good[.] the Hardesmen [herdsmen] made a fire to keep them Selves and the dry grass took fire[.] the wind was Strong and it was with much trouble it was Put out[.] thare is Some Indian that lives about and one Mile from us with Some White men who have a great number of cattle and Horeses to Sell or trade away

Saturday 20 This was a Cool wet morning and we could not leave camp[.] many have tryed to trade away thear Poor cattle for Better which was done[.] the wether cleard up about 11 o clock[.] the Rest of the day was fine[.] a company wagon Past about 12 o clock fer the Valley[.] the men that trade hear do it in a Business way and all Seame [seem] Satisfide with their trade[.] Brother Fisher [h]as traded [h]is light Wagon fer a Cow

Sunday 21 This is a Rainy mornig and fer the Present we cannot Start but hope the day will clear up and be fine[.] the Wether cleared up about 1/2 Pst 8 o clock and Some of the Compny was Ready to Start wet or dry[.] Captin Cordon ask[ed] them to wa[i]t one Huore as his Wife [Emma Parker Cordon] was Confined of a Daughter [Myra Cordon] at 2 o clock this morning and thay Refused to Stop and so the Cattle up and Started at 1/2 Pst 7[.] we found the Roads very Sandy fer Some Miles and Heavy upon the Cattle[.] we Travled to the first Branch of the Black falk [Blacks Fork] River a distance of 15 Miles[.] it was Sun down when we git thear[.] campt about one Mile from those that left us in the Morning[.] Captin Cordon calld a Meeting the Same Night at the camp to show what was best[.] we chose to divide the compny[.] we left back 19 wagons Wagens and thay consisted of 8 wagens of the 2nd 10[,] 5 of the third 10[,] 3 of the first 10 and 3 of the last ten[.] it was moved that the compny be divided into t[w]o tens and that Captin Spratley be Captin of the first ten as we had three Captins from the other tens and we thought good to cast Lots to See which Should be the Captin of the second ten[.] the Lot fell upon Captin Goldsbury [Goldsbrough] may we go in union to the Valley[.] Captin Hammon has performed his duty as a captin of the 3rd ten to the Satisfaction of the compny and as Such we feel the Lord will bless him for the Same

Witness to the same,
Levi Hammon[,] Captin
William Booth[,] Clerk