Transcript for [Littlefield, Lyman O.], "Editorial Correspondence," Crescent City Oracle, 27 Aug. 1858, 2
Dear Oracle: Our little Company of excurtionists arrived here last evening after a journey of only three days . . . .
At about 11 o'clock a storm of rain and wind, thunder and lightning overtook us, and we looked eagerly for some shelter or protection, and finally arrived at an unoccupied cabin, the doors of which soon gave way to outside pressure of the 'boys,' and we thus obtained a good and dry resting place for the remainder of the night, within a few miles of Columbus and about the mouth of the Loupe Fork.
In turning out to visit a camp of emigrants near the roadside, we were pleased to find our friends Judge Appleby, Mr. Young and family, with company all well. After enjoying with them a pleasant breakfast, we passed on to Columbus . . . .
Messrs. Appleby and Young's Co., came up last night and crossed the Loupe this evening, preparatory for an early start to-morrow. Charley McCarty as wagon-master, has the company in charge, and by his energy, we hope to hear a good account of its rapid and safe movement across the plains. The company numbers some 20 souls, and have eight wagons and near 60 head of stock.
A citizen of this place, a Mr. Thos. Davis, has just returned from Homer's company, which he left at Fort Kearney. He reports that on the 5th inst. whilst the company were encamped 15 miles below Wood River, a severe storm passed over and a heavy charge of lightning struck the tent, prostaring 15 persons, several of which were seriously if not fatally injured. A young son of Mr. Homer, and Miss Caroline Nypolle were among the latter. The shock was so severe that it was with the greatest difficulty and incessant exertion that several were brought back to life. Capt. Brown's company had joined with Homer's and on the 8th inst., Mr. B. Died of fever after two weeks severe illness. Maj. Egan's Express Co. passed Wood River on the 7th. The Buffalo were plenty, nearly as far down as Wood River. Grass was good, and musquitoes orful bad. . . .