
Transcript for "Livingston & Kinkead," Deseret News, 21 September 1850, 115



Would inform the citizens of this City, and vicinity, that their first train of Merchandise has arrived, and will be open for inspection and sale, as soon as possible, at their NEW STORE, immediately south of the State House.


We offer to the community, a large and [illegible] assortment of

Groceries, [illegible],
Queensware, Glassware,
Leather, Boots & Shoes,
Hats & Caps, Paints, Oils &


Our stock of DRY GOODS, comprises all the styles of Ladies dress goods, in Silks, worsted and other fabrics, Lace goods, shawls and all other fancy articles, together with a complete assortment of the more staple goods.

We invite particular attention to our beautiful stock of BONNETS, RIBBONS, and TRIMMINGS, also, our large stock of VENITIAN, IN-GRAIN, THREE-PLY, and BRUSSELS CARPETING and RUGS,--PAPER HANGING and WINDOW SCREENS.

We do not care to make any public protestations of our intentions, other, than that we will always endeavor to do what we promise, basing our claim for patronage, upon the PRICE and QUALITY of our goods.

ALSO for SALE, a first rate SPRING CARRIAGE, in good order.

Our second train will arrive in about ten days, when we shall have for sale, 250 head of work cattle.

GS L. City, Sept, 20th 1850.---15n-tf.