
Transcript for "Local and Other Matters: Elders Arrived," Deseret Evening News, 20 August 1868, 3

ELDERS ARRIVED.—We had calls this morning from the following returned missionaries, whom we were glad once more to meet "at home:"

Elder James McGaw, who left in May of 1865, and who arrived yesterday with Mr. Murdock's train. His missionary labors were confined to England, and the latter part of the time he presided over the Nottingham District. He left England on the 4th of June, in charge of the passengers on the John Bright.

Elder Zebulon Jacobs, who left in May, 1867, and who traveled from Laramie with Captain Rawlins' train, arriving last night, ahead of it. He labored in the Birmingham Conference, and was released to return home this summer in consequence of ill health. He looks thin, but his health is restored.

Elder John Parry, who left in May of 1865. His labors were confined to the Welsh District, over which he presided most of the time. He crossed the Atlantic in the Minnesota, in charge of the saints who sailed on that steamship, of whom there were 546. He traveled from Laramie in Capt. Rawlins' train.

Elder Almon Robison, who started from here in May, 1867. He left England on the Minnesota, and traveled with Captain Murdock's train.

Elders W, S, Grant and Jonathan Steggel, returned missionaries, also came with Captain Rawlins' train, and are in good health.

Elder Richard Davis, of Millard [Willard], Box Elder County; and Elders Isaac Laney and Edward W. Tullidge of this city, arrived with Captain Loveland's train, Bro. E. B. Shoebridge also traveled with this train, and acted as Clerk to the company.