
Transcript for Loveland, Chester, to Brigham Young, 12 Aug. 1868, in Brigham Young, Office Files 1832-1878, reel 44, box 32, fd. 17

Green River Ferry, August 12th, 1868.

President Brigham Young.—

We arrived here and crossed in safety to day. The Health of the Camp is now good. There have been quite a number of cases of sickness, but nothing very serious. we buried two Infants that were took sick before coming into the Train; no other Deaths.—nothing has occured to mar the Happiness or Peace of the Train except an Indian Raid on our Animals on the 5th inst., whilst in Camp for noon, and in the very act of <getting> up the Stock for the afternoons drive, two Indians rode in amongst the Band and succeeded in driving off about forty five Head of our best Animals. some thirty of the boys started <on> mule and Horse back, in pursuit, and Headed off all the Animals in about five or six Miles, with the exception of five, which the Indians seemed determined to capture, and part of the boys were as equally determined they should not[.] after a hard ride of <about> thirty miles some few of the boys succeeded in overtaking them, when a contest ensued and One Indian was killed and the other mortally wounded[.] The boys sustained no injury, whatever altho' five shots were fired amongst the Herders whilst driving up the stock, but happily with no fatal result. Our Animals are all in very good condition, and if no serious accident happens we expect to reach Salt Lake City by the 20th of this Month.—

Annexed you will please find a List of the Names of our Passengers and their Destination

Trusting that all is well with you as it is with us,

We remain, Your Brethren in the Gospel,

Chester Loveland, Captain
E.B. Shoebridge, Clerk.