
Transcript for Lyman, Amasa and Charles C. Rich, "Copy of a Letter Written to the Saints in San Bernardino, California, by Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich," Deseret News, 8 Jan. 1853, [2]

Last Crossing of the Mohave, November 21st 1852.

Dear Brethren and Sister:

We have been prospered on our journey since we left you. We are comfortably camped at the last crossing of the Mohave. Since we left you and the many cares that surrounded us, we think of many things that we would be glad to impress upon your minds, touching the interests of the Saints; but only expect to mention a few. Situated as you are with persons coming from different parts of the world we would recommend that all follow the example of the saints that came with us, and renew their covenants by being baptized, and especially all those that have not come recommended from organized branches. We feel particular upon this subject as it will enable you to discharge your duties and keep iniquity out of the Church. All persons that love the truth and feel the influence of the Holy Spirit will see the propriety of this strict course.

Again we would recommend that you would appoint Teachers, persons who are new of experience, to visit each family to teach and impress upon them their duty as Saints, to see that there is no hardness nor evil speaking that all may come to the communion and offer an acceptable offering to the Lord; if persons abscat themselves from meeting to inquire after them, and remind them to be faithful in meeting with the Saints. For be assured that this is the way to retain and enjoy the Holy Spirit. We were not idle while we were with you, but declared the truth as it was manifested to us, and trust that it has been treasured up in honest hearts. We would impress upon the Saints to hearken to counsel as well in our absence as when we are with you. David Seely is President of that branch of the Church; upon him and his counselors rest that responsibility, William Crosby is Bishop and on him and his counselors rest that responsibility and we expect the saints to sustain them as they would us, by their prayers and faith; also every officer in his place. Again we would recommend that you organize prayer meetings this winter and meet together to call on the name of the Lord and speak as you are moved upon by the Holy Spirit to the edification of each other.

November 24th We are new camped on Salertus [Salaratus] creek, where we met bro. Sherwood's train and the missionary company of elders bound for the nations and islands of the sea. We have layed by today and preached to them at noon, and again at night; they all feel fine, and so do we. We want you to receive these missionaries, not as strangers, but as brothers. There are about thirty eight of them; the brethren can take one in a family, and give them homes while circumstances require them to stay. This would be our feelings and wishes.

Bro. Sherwood comes recommended by the Presidency, and will be able to give particulars concerning those with him. He will join with you in building up and establishing the truth.

If the brethren can buy part or all the property the missionaries wish to sell, and pay them a fair price, and by so doing forward them upon their missions, we would be glad. As to your farming, we want all to be satisfied. If the field is not large enough to satisfy the brethren, let them enlarge it, for it is best to have plenty of work on hand. One thing more—that is, we do not want you to let our names be brought into disrepute by letting our notes and premises fall which we made before we left. We must now close; and feel to invoke the rich blessings of the new and everlasting covenant to rest upon you in the name of Jesus; amen.