Transcript for Amasa M. Lyman and James H. Rollins letter in Journal History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 12 September 1848, 2
Under this date (Sept 12th) Amasa M. Lyman/wrote the following:
"Devil's Gate, Sept. 12, 1848.
Pres Young:
Dear Sir, This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter by Benjamin Rolfe, John E. Forsgren and Ephraim Hanks who met us Tuesday, 15th inst. Your letters to be left at Bluff creek and No 4 at Deer creek we did not find, deligent search was made for them. The loss of 24 head of oxen and 9 cows had somewhat crippled led our teams, though this loss had none of it fallen on myself individually. My stock, both oxen and cows, are helping the appendencies thus made. With the blessings of God we shall continue to roll at such speed as the strength of our teams and the feed will allow, still hoping we shall meet some assistance from the Valley of some 25 yoke of oxen and 6 wagons which would alleviate our present wants.
I was sorry to hear of the heavy loss of cattle sustained by yourself and Bro. Kimball. But we are happy to hear by Bro. David Powell of the liberal turn out of teams and wagons from the Valley. With the general news from the Valley, and our company generally pleased. With this we send you a list of 4 Tens which are with us, Captain A Cunningham being some fifty or seventy-five miles in advance of us with 3 Tens; he will probably send you a list also; from last accounts, they had sustained little loss. No more at present. But remain as ever yours, etc.
Amasa M. Lyman, President.
Rollins, clerk of camp.