
Transcript for Lyman, Amasa Mason, Journal, vol. 15, box 1, fd. 8, in Amasa Mason Lyman, Collection 1832-1877

Thursday 25th of Oct 1855

Started for Salt Lake 5, ½ oclock[.] traviled as far as the Cajone pass and camped 10¼ oclock. weather fine and pleasant

(Friday 26th)

waited in Camp for the remainder of our Company[.] in the afternoon Mr. Davenport & Family Came into camp[.] after Night the return Missionaries came in and about Midnight General Rich came into camp[.] the weather cool. Marion Came from home to night

(Saturday 27th)

Traviled to the foot of the Mountain where we arived about 9 oclock[.] had some grass for our stock, this evening General J. Hunt was with us

(Sunday 28th)

to day passed over the Mountain which we acomplished by 10 oclock, and here parted with our Friends and passed on to the Mohave where we arived about 4½ oclock[.] this evening Meet a party from Salt Lake City[.] traviling very dusty

(Monday 29th)

this morning started at 7,oclock traviled 25 m[ile]s and camped by 3 oclock[.] good water & grass, this Morning the horse belonging to Br Fothringham ran away on the way. Back to the <mountain> we left Br F. in pursuit.

(Tuesday 30th)

this Morning left camp at 7 oclock traviled and camped below the round Mountain at 2 oclock. Br F. returned last night at 9 oclock have ing folowed his horse to the f top of the mountain[.] this morning we past Mr Garard who came up in the night

(Wednesday 31st)

started from Camp at 7 oclock and traviled to lower water on the River and stoped at 3 oclock, stayed until 5, and left and traviled out on the plain some 8 or 16 ms camped on good Grass.

(Thursday Nov. 1,st)

Left camp at ,6, ½ oclock reached the Biter sprn Springs at ,5, oclock found the water scarce to day[.] Meet several droves of stock looking rather poor.

(Fridy 2nd)

Started at ,1, ½ oclock, A,M,. Reached the Salt springs at ,6, ½ oclock[.] to day encountered a severe storm of wind that made us nearly Blind, at this place we fed and tied up our stock

Saturday 3d

started at ,1, ½ oclock Reached <Margoshe by> 9½ oclock

(Sunday 4th)

Left Camp at,8, oclock Reached the resting spring at 2 oclock

(Monday 5th)

started 7½ oclock Reached the stump springs after dark, the spanish Mares Belonging to Br. Marewell went Back on the Road. No Grass at this camping[.] Fed our stock Grain

(Tuesday 6th)

This morning some 3, men went in pursuit of the stock with which they returned about 11 oclock

a part of our camp started at the usual time of starting and arived at Cottonwood springs about 10 oclock P.M. that portion of the camp that remained with Me started at 11½ oclock A.M. after traviling some ,12, ms one of the mules that belonged to Br Rich was taken sick and had to be taken from the Team[.] the hindrence caused us to camp at Mountain springs where we arived at 9 oclock ,P,M


Resumed our journey at 6½ oclock, and reached cottenwood springs at 11½ oclock, found the advance of our party all well with plenty of feed and water[.] we concluded to wait until tomorrow to have the advantage of the Grass for our stock

(Thursday 8th)

started 8½ oclock as we were leaveing Camp we meet Br Sloan on his way to uper California where his Daughter Mrs Warner lives[.] the old man had one Man and woomen with him.

as we neared the Los vages we meet some 5 Wagons on their way to California[.] we arived at Fort ,3, oclock. Found Elder Bringhurst and Company

all well. we received a kind welcome from The members of the mission

This mission we found in a Prosperous condition[.] the Fort in process of erection is a fine structure encloseing an area of some 150 ft square designed when finished to furnish some ,28, tenaments the walls are of Adobies on a foundation of Rock. and when completed will be ,12, ft high with ,2, Entrences, the site is well selected to answer the purposes of its Location[.] the natives were very Friendly and working for food and clothing. we gave our stock in charge of some of the Red Brothers who p[romised to] keep them safely through the night and returned them to us in the morning

(Friday 9th)

Remained with the Brethren and went with Br B, to look at the wheat and corn which was very fine[.] in the evening had a Meeting with the Members of the mission who were there and some of the Lamanites, we had a pleasant time,.

(Saturday ,10,th)

St on our Started on our journey and af<ter> haveing traviled some few Ms Mls from the Fort I received By the hand of a Carier a leter from my Sister Mrs Ruth E Gooall in the State of ,N[ew], Y[ork], from whom I had not heard for some 20 years, also one from Brother W. V, Hakes informeing me of the Death of his Daughter Sister Fabun[.] we traviled into the Desert and Camped until after Midnight when we resumed our Journey

(Sunday 11th)

Traviled as far as the Mudy where we were meet by a larg party of the Natives of whom some hundred and fifty had Been Baptized and apeared very friendly. We engaged the Indians to herd and work our stock all of which they performed Faithfully to our satisfaction[.] We left them feeling well.

(Monday 12th)

Started for the Rio Virgin where we arived and Camped about 8 oclock[.] here again the Indians Guarded our stock for us for less than they would have expected of us if they had rendered us no service

(Tuesday 13th)

Started at ,9, oclock Camped again at ,1, oclock again employed the Natives to Guard the s- stock. this evening wrote some for Home

While eating Diner a party of five men passed from Salt Lake 2 weeks since, and before I had completed My leters E, Hope returned on his way to San Bernardino haveing left Br Conger to pursue his way alone[.] I sent My communication for Home by him[.] some slight rain this evening[.] weather cool

(Wednesday 14th)

This Morning the Indians returned our stock to us and we started from Camp at ,8, ½ oclock, Camped again at 12½ oclock, With high winds again gave our stock in Charge to the Indians[.] just at dark Br David Savage and party with the mail came into Camp[.] with them were some five or six Utah Indians on there way to the Mudy to trade for women and Children, This evening it Snowed on the mountain a[d]jacent to the RiverThis morning our stock Came in looking very well[.] we parted with the mail party and resumed our journey at ,8, oclock. Camped at Beever Dam at ,2, oclock wind high to night had but one Indian

Friday <16th> started before the Sun was up and reached the Santo Clara 6¼oclock to night herded our own Stock had good feed

(Saturday 17th)

Started 8½ oclock and camped at the head of the Santo Clara at ,5, oclock to night had the Indians to herd our stock to night Br. Hultz Cattle ran away to the mountain Meadow. had the Indian Chief Jim with us to night

(Sunday <18th>) started 8 oclock traviled 8 ms and meet Brother Hultz with his Cattle[.] Camped at the Meadow ,at, 2 oclock. some snow on the hills good feed to night Br. Hultz came into Camp.

(Monday 19th)

This Morning started at,8, oclock on the New Road which we found to Be much Beter than the old one[.] Camped at, 3, oclock some snow through the day[.] at evening the clouds Broak away[.] we had good feed at this place.

(Tuesday ,20,th)

this Morning started at ,8, oclock, traveled until ,11, oclock when we arived at Coal Creek where we were meet and Welcomed By Br Hayte and the Brethren of [the] place and our selves and stock were kindly Cared for with hay and Grain. This evening held Meeting and preached to the People

Lodged at Br Haytes

(Wednesday 21st

This Morning Left Coal Creek for Parowan where we arived ,3, oclock. Stoped with Br. H. M. Alexanders whom with his Family we found well, as was the people, this evening meet with Brs. Wallace and Nobles who were on a mission from Salt Lake through the Southern settlement

(Thursday 22nd)

passed the Day in the City preached to the people at ,6, oclock, some indications of a storm

(Friday ,23,rd)

This Morning it Snowed on acount of which we defered starteing until we learned that the Pres[iden]t would start one weak from Monday Next for Fillmore[.] on hearing of which we started on our journey at ,2, oclock[.] it was still storming[.] traviled as far as Buck Horn springs where we arived after dark where we camped with some of our party who had preceded us a few Hours, at night the Storm abated

(Saturday, 24,th)

This Morning resumed our journey traviled as far as the Beaver which we crossed[.] passed on some five or six ms and camped[.] some snow on the Ground to day[.] Meet 2 parties of Gold hunters on their way to California to find the Realiz<e>ation of their Golden Dreams[.] they were traviling on Foot with their Beds and Provisions packed on some poor Horses

(Sunday ,25,th)

To day traviled to and Camped in the Can<y>on East of Dog Valey where we found Messers Guard and Williams who had preceded us from Parowan[.] they passed on to Corn Creek we had good Grass our stock done well

(Monday ,26,th)

Traviled to Fillmore where we were well received By the Brethren to whom we preached at night[.] Lodged with Bro Ray Prest of the place

(Tuesday ,27,th)

Traviled and Camped within 3 ms of the Severe [Sevier] River wher We meet Br T. D. Missionary to the Indians on his way to Coal Creek with some goods for that place

(Wednesday, 28, th )

traviled to Nephi City on Salt Creek where we arived about 7 oclock to day[.] ,2, of my mules failed and we had to drop them from the Team we stoped with sister Haywood who entertained us kindly as also did Br Wolf our stock

(Thursday ,29, th )

This morning started on our journey[.] I here left off two of mules from my Cariage traviled to day to Palmyra, where we were all kindly cared for By Br. Markeham and the Saints under his care, to night spoke to the People who all appeared well satisfied[.] Lodged with Br. M.

(Friday ,30,th )

To day traviled to and stoped in the settlement called Lake City under the Charge of Br Harington By whom I was kindly entertained[.] in the evening spoke to the People. in course of the night there was a high wind from the south folowed with a change of the wind to the north[.] to day Meet Father Morley and wife on their way to Fillmore[.] Made no call at Provo.

(Saturday ,1,st of Dec )

Breakfasted early and was on our way to the City the termination of our journey where we arived without accident about ,5,½ oclock[.] Found My Family all well. And we all felt to thank God that we had Been preserved to Meet again[.] Found Presidents Young and Kimble in rather poor Health.