
Transcript for Macedonia Branch, Iowa, Record 1847-1852, fd. 2

Macedonia Camp
May 11 1852

It Was moved by Washington Lemons and Seconed by William Robinson that Br W[illiam] R[eynolds] Terry be captain over the first ten. Carried[.] It was moved by W. P. [R.] Terry and seconed by Alven F[ranklin] Stewart that W[illiam] Robinson be Clerk[.] carried

The Names of the Company

1 William R. Terry Captain
2 William Robinson Clerk
2 Alven F. Stewart
3 Charles Nowlen
4 David R. Miller
Danial [Daniel] Manwell [Manwill]
Ruffes [Rufus] Forbush
George Beckstead
George Brown
Welthey [Wealthy] Shumway<Sanford Forbush>
John Manwell
Caratat E. Rowe
Ezra Beckstead
Thomas B. Graham
Danford [Sanford] Forbush
Sydny Beckstead
Caratat C. Rowe
John Windr [Winn]
Miner Windr [Winn]
Thoman [Thomas G.] Winn
Elias Winn
Alma Winn
David Bowman

The first Compay of the Macedonia <Camp> Company and in that Started June 7th 1852. under the command of Br. M. [William] R[eynolds] Terry[.] The Day being very wet with a little hail, came about 6 miles.

June 8th It was moved and Second that we <have Family> prayer in the came [camp] every eavening[.] carried unanimously

June 10th It was moved and seconed that the Dogs be tied up at night. It was also moved and seconed that the chickens be kept up. it was moved and seconed that the sheep tied up at Night

June 11th The Weight of David Bowman's Load.
[total this group]--536

2 Sacks--7 lbs
Beds--67 lbs
Beds--32 lbs
Meal--33 lbs
Meal--23 lbs
Meal--76 lbs
Meal--87 lbs
Meal--115 lbs
Soap--21 lbs
Flat Irons--11 lbs
Irons &c--36 lbs
Stove--89 lbs
Box--21 lbs
Box--120 lbs
Box--53 lbs
Boiler--22 lbs
Tu[..] &c--23 lbs
Bucket--12 lbs
Pipain--12 lbs
[subtotal this group]--1933 lbs
[add from previous group]--536 lbs
[add]--600 lbs
[grand total both groups]--2069 lbs

June 11 It was moved and seconed that no man be allowed to take Cattle from the heard except he has a note from the Captain. Carried.

June 12th It was moved by E. T. Benson that Bro [Henry Bryant Manning] Jolly be captain of Fifty an seconed by Br. [no name given.] carried by A majority. some of the Macedonia Camp votes for Br. Washington Lemmons.

Friday <Thursday> June 17th 1852 We crossed the Missouri River. the first and seond and tens and part of the third tens[.] all safe

Friday 18 All <Remainder> of the Waggons crossd the rive[r] without any accedens.

Saturday. 19th Provissions for Caratat C Rowe. [nothing listed]

Br. John Manwell 7 1/2 <lb> Bacon, 2 <lb> Flour, 1/2 <lb> Sugar, Little gin[ger.] Sanford Forbush 3 <lb> Flour, 1/2 <lb> Saleratus, 2 3/4 Bacon, 1/2 <lb> Sugar[.] Sister Beckstead 3 <lb> Flour, 1 <lb> 9 oz Bacon[.] Sanford Forbush Little Ginger & Pepper[.] Charles Nowlan 3 <lb> Flour, 22 <lb> Bacon[.] A. F. Steward 3 <lb> Flour, 13 <lb> Sugar[.] William Robinson 3 <lb> Flour, 3 <lb> 2 oz Bacon

June 27th 1852 Monies received for Crossing the L. Foor [Fork].W. R. Terry--$2.00
W. Robinson--$1.00
A. F. Stewart--$1.00
Charles Nowlan--$1.00
Daniel R. Miller--$2.00
Ruffas Forbush--$1.00
George Beckste[a]d--$1.00
George Brown--$2.00
Sanford Forbush--$1.00
Wealthay Shumway--$1.00
Caratat C. Rowe--$1.00
John Manwell--$2.00
Cattle & 2 Horses--$.50
[Total monies received]--$16.50