
Transcript for Maggie M. Watson letter, 30 March 1881, in David H. Holladay diary, 1855 July-August

         From Maggie M. Watson To Maggie A. Watson Daughter of Andrew and Jean A. Watson Provo City Utah.

                                                                                                                                           Provo City March 30th

                                                                                                                                            First Ward, 1881

To Maggie A. Watson

My Dear Maggie

                   This being the year of Guble and we as a Relief Society wished to writte a little of our life and of faith for the Guble Box to be read Fifty years hents I thought you or your children would like to hear a little about me.  Being your Mother and your Fathers second wife I am the Daughter of George Purvis and Margret Alexander they wear Born in the year 170 90  was Married in 1801 in Stirlen County  My Mother raised 11 Children I was the youngest.  I was Boren in Ginvury Aberdeen County Scotland in March 8th 180 34.  My mother had a great deal to do with sickness in her family she beired Seven Childre and then my Father  I was 9 years old when Father Died ther was three Boys and too Girls left  My Sister Died one year after Father and the Boys all Soon get married and I was left aloan with Mother  I went to Work and Mother Soied for the store  my Dear Mothers health got very poor and I was her onely comfort the onely one to take cair of her. My Mother was a Good Woman.  She often Kissed me and Sad I bean a Blessen to her.  told me to Be good to the onest Truefull and vurteuse and ther would be no fear of me. I heard of the Later day Sants and I went to hear them. It was in a little Hall in Arbroath Josiph Booth preached the first prinples of the Geospel. Faith repentnes Baptisim for the remishen of Sins  this I had never herd befor and I belived it to be a true Gospel  But I was Proud in my Hert and did not wish to Unight my Self to Such a Poor Class of Peopel. I told my friends that I had been hearing the Later day Saintes and they told me not to go ther any more for every Person Would turn ther Back on me.  Then I did not go Back for six Weeks But I did rest for ther was a Still Small Vice Whispering in my your to go back  I went and was Baptized in November 180 54 Aand I thank God for his goodness to me in Leading me in the right way for I have never Douted this work to be true my friends all turned ther Backs on me but I was willing to give them up for the Gospel Sake  My mother Died in 180 52 and I was left alone in the world yet I was not along for God was with me  I was Married in Supt. 23 180 54 and I was again along with my little girl  I put my Trust in God and tried to do the Best I could on the 4th of November 180 56 my Dear Child died  This was the greatest trial of all and thear was many a yeur before I go over it  I then became a  acquented with your Mother  her Mother died her Brother and her lived together ther Brother got Married.  She then came and lived with me tell She came to Utah  she came in 180 60  I came in 180 62  I left my Home in May 10th was six Weeks coming across the see  I traveled acros the Plains the most of the way on foot and with the ox-tems  When I came in Sight of Salt Lak I weept with Joy and thank God that I had come to the Home of the seints. I landed in octob 21. My friends was ther wating me I then went to Toole City and stopt with  Huch Gowans and then your Father Brought me to Provo in Febery 180 63  I then Married to a man by the name of Charles Cranforth in 1871 March 31.  I gave Berth to another an Butifull little girl.  Maggie.  she was a great comfort to me. But Dath came agan and tuk her from me.  I prayed that the Lord would help me for I felt me tryles more then I could bear.  Who died on 1874 Supt 18th  I was voted in the Relife Socity 1869 as a member I was voted as a Teacher 1876 in November. I was a Teacher in the Sunday School 2 years and I sung in the Provo Chour with James Danels 7 years.  I can now bear my Testmony to the truth of the Geospel.  I know that it is the work of God and that Plural Marriage is from Hevan and though men fight against, It will prevail and go on increasing in Power and Strength until the Sceptre of Jesus is acknowledged by all and the earth is redeemed and Sanctified that this m(a)y be Brought about Speekily is my Prayer  I lived in Polygamy 15 years  I then was aloan 2 years in Janury 24 1881 I Married your Father Andrew Watson in Polygamy  your father is a good man and I am happy and feel that my triels is all over  Dear Maggie I do not expet to be alive when the Box is open if you air alive you will git it and my picture if you air not alive, your Children can hav it, if ther is no Children Suum the Family can get it.  May God Bless you all is my Paeyer and all the Relief Socity

                Margret M. Watson.