Transcript for Magleby, Hans Olsen, Reminiscences and diaries, 1857-1865 and 1875, vol. 2 (Danish manuscript) and 61-70 (typescript translation
1st Still in Florence
2nd Thur. In the afternoon the handcart company had a prayer meeting, where we were organized. I was called to be first captain for the Scandinavians, J. Jensen as the second and M. Nielsen as the third. Instructions were given us.
3rd Fri. During the forenoon worked on the handcart, and the afternoon had a meeting.
4th Sat. In the morning went to Omaha to buy some things, and during the afternoon received our cart and covered it.
5th Sun. Fasted. Attended council meeting in the forenoon and meeting in the afternoon.
6th Mon. Wheeled our handcart home, loaded it and then traveled some distance from the city. Camped that night.
7th Tues. Some rain in the morning but very good weather during the day. Remained in camp. Worked to make up the list of the members of the company, and to arrange all things within the company.
8th Wed. Good weather. In the afternoon had a meeting because of some brethren who were dissatisfied with their handcarts. Towards evening broke camp and moved on some distance. All well.
9th Thur. Good weather. Received some provisions and our extra property. In the afternoon had a meeting where Elders Cannon and Nassling gave us a farewell message, after which we broke up camp and began our journey. A number of our brethren and sisters followed us some distance and then bade us farewell. We answered them with tears and greetings. We then left the city and the saints, which we now cannot hope to see until the Lord gathers us in the mountains. Continued until the evening. Some Indians met us and shook hands with us as a sign of farewell. The road was uneven and hilly, but we pulled through it with joy. Watchmen were placed and songs were heard from the different groups
10th Fri. It was cold this morning. We remained quiet this day. Divided our provisions, flour, bacon, salt and sugar. We received visits from some Scandinavians who were on their way to California.
11th Sat. Broke up camp. Traveled about nine miles this day. Brothers Nassling, Gulk and others came once more to our camp and bade us farewell. Our baggage was weighed. For overweight payment was to be made. We received some more provisions.
12th Sun. Broke up our camp and went quickly along the road passed Elkhorn. Some distance therefrom we saw a camp of soldiers who had come from Fort Kearney and on their way to Minnesota. We camped by the river. I had a bath. Many visited us, both soldiers and Indians.
13th Mon. Broke camp early. The road was very uneven, the weather warm, so that we were tired after having gone about fifteen or sixteen miles, which was our day's journey. Camped in a pretty place. A number of Indians visited us. Much bad weather.
14th Tues. I was mouth in prayer. Continued our journey.
15th Wed. Started early. My company is the last today. We take turns in going first and last. Rested for noon. Continued until evening, camped in a nice place.
16th Thur. Continued. A company headed for California drove by us. The road in the beginning was swampy, wagons came late to the camping place.
17th Fri. We had to remain in camp to repair the wagons which were broken by the bad roads yesterday. Received some more provisions. During the afternoon a company of the saints camped by the side of us. The company consisted of some Danish and some English people. Sixty-seven wagons in charge of Captain Brown.
18th Sat. We determined to start early, but a rain storm prevented us. Brown's company broke camp and traveled by us. Caught up later and passed the company again. Camped.
19th Sun. Some Indians visited us. They were peaceful. We broke camp. The air was cold but good traveling. We were approaching the settlement Geneva [Genoa] when several wagons therefrom came to meet us. In the afternoon we had a terrible thunder and rain storm which wet us through, but we camped, made a fire and cooked supper which put everything in tip-top shape again. Several of the wagons injured. Slept well.
20th Mon. Good weather. During the forenoon were visited by Brother Thesesen and family. He lives in Geneva. He baptized me into the gospel and I was glad to see him again after several years separation. We had meeting during the forenoon which gave me joy. I visited Geneva and went back to camp at night.
21st Tues. The Scandinavians had a meeting, at which I spoke, after which the whole company had a meeting concerning the required money for ferry purposes. I collected $17.70. During the afternoon I went down to the ferry landing where we crossed and landed on the other side where the ox team company were camped.
22nd Wed. Good weather. The Brown Company went on and we broke camp also after we had obtained some potatoes from the brethren in Genoa. We overtook the ox team in the evening.
23rd Thur. Brown's company broke camp a little before us, but we reached the same camping place in the evening. Today the road was very heavy and uneven, so that our wagons could not follow us and did not reach us in the evening. This evening in the old country the saints [blank space] is burning. We burn one here also.
24th Fri. The Brown Company continued, but our wagons did not reach us until sometime during the forenoon, after which provisions were distributed so that we had to lay over today.
25th Sat. We went on our way early. Had a heavy road and came very late to a camping place. We were very tired.
26th Sun. There is fine weather; somewhat heavy road and many sick ones, so that the well people had to be separated. My wife had to go to another handcart. We reached Parier [Prairie] Creek, which we crossed and camped for the night.
27th Mon. Broke camp somewhat late, but had a good road. However, it was very warm. We camped by a creek. One of the men in my company took sick. I had to go back after him and bring him on the wagon. Yesterday we were requested as a company to furnish a horse for Captain Rowly. I gathered six and a half dollars which I gave today to the Secretary.
28th Tues. Continued the journey early today. A good road and very pleasant weather. In the afternoon our road took us over a marsh where one of the wagons broke two wheels. We camped for the night on the other side of Wead [Wood], the river, where some of our brethren had settled
29th Wed. Remained in camp today. Made a bridge over the river in order to cross it and busied ourselves with hunting, fishing, washing, cooking and baking, and so forth. In the evening we had prayer meeting. All is well. Only a few sick ones.
30th Thur. Broke camp at 8:00 o'clock. Crossed the river on a bridge. Good road, pleasant weather. Camped by a creek for the night.
1st Fri. This morning while we were yet in camp we saw a flock of buffaloes. During the day while we were marching they passed by us. We hunted some of them but without result.
2nd Sat. Had a very pleasant journey this day. We saw some buffaloes.
3rd Sun. Broke camp early. Had a good road. Passed a number of Indian camps consisting of thirty men who appeared to be well provided with weapons and with horses. Six of them followed us until we camped. During the afternoon two buffaloes approached the camp and at our request two of the Indians hunted them and killed one of them, and brought some of the meet to the camp, which they divided among us so that we had the opportunity to taste the meat of this animal. These Indians remained in our camp all night.
4th Mon. Very pretty weather but no water or fuel until we during the evening came to a camping place. Today an old Swedish sister died. We buried her about noon on a hill. I conducted the ceremony.
5th Tues. Received provisions, flour, bacon and tea, after which we traveled fifteen miles. Good roads.
6th Wed. Broke camp somewhat late. Had a good road during the forenoon. About noon we traveled through a very heavy sand deposit. Camped during the evening by the Plat[te] River because of a broken wagon. In the evening held prayer meeting in a tent.
7th Thur. Repaired the broken wagons so that we start on our journey somewhat late. It was very warm and a heavy road. We camped late. Many of us are without provisions.
8th Fri. Broke camp early and followed a heavy road some six to eight miles before breakfast. Camped at 8:00 o'clock by a river. Here provisions for one day were distributed. We remained there throughout the day. During the evening the captain held a sermon on repentance in which he said the devils were among us.
9th Sat. Broke up camp. Pleasant journey, both as to weather and road. Camped in the afternoon for lunch. Fell in with a company bound for California. They camped near us. We obtained some milk from them.
10th Sun. Continued. Had a good road during the forenoon, but sand and hills during the afternoon. We passed another Indian camp. Many of them followed us to our camping place. Some of our people traded with them. A company of apostates passed us today.
11th Mon. A very heavy sandy road. One wagon was broken and we camped early. Bacon was distributed to twenty-five persons.
12th Tues. A very heavy road.
13th Wed. A very heavy road. Had to wade across several creeks.
14th Thur. A very heavy rain. Camped for noon, and in the evening received flour for six days.
15th Fri. Traveled over the heaviest sand dikes that we have yet met. We are about one hundred miles east of Laramie. I and my hand cart tipped over on one of the hills, however, all went well, since we all came together again, when we camped on the other side of the hill where we remained for the remainder of the day. During the afternoon, a right good rain storm which cooled the hot air. I was somewhat weak while we worked in the sand hills but felt better during he evening. Some distance from us was camped a company of apostates who visited us.
16th Sat. Better road. Some gold diggers who had been in our company gave us a cow that had been killed by the Indians. The English portion of the company went after it and divided it among themselves as the Scandinavians did not wish any of it. During the night double watchers were set because of fear of the Indians.
17th Sun. Traveled six miles and camped for the day and held meeting. We camped near a camp of California immigrants. Some apostates passed us today.
18th Mon. A very pleasant journey. Traveled eighteen to twenty miles.
19th Tues. A very pleasant journey. A little rain. Camped by the side of a little company from Salt Lake.
20th Wed. The road took us over some sand hills. Camped for noon. Received flour for seven days. Continued during the afternoon on our way. Had prayer meeting in the evening.
21st Thur. Broke camp early. Had a heavy road. Camped for noon. Had to remain in camp because of children.
22nd Fri. Good weather and a good road. Camped at 5:00 o'clock on the other side of the river in mountains and in sight of a river. In the mountains we saw a high rock like a chimney.
23rd Sat. A good road. A company from California passed us.
24th Sun. Continued. The road took us close to the river where a company of apostates met us. We traveled twelve miles and camped a little afternoon.
25th Mon. A pleasant journey of about twenty miles. We passed an Indian camp.
26th Tues. A heavy road. Passed two solitary tents which I suppose belonged to traders with Indians. During the evening received flour for seven days. A captain from a little gold digger company came to our camp hunting for a valise he had lost three weeks before. Our captain got out one which I had found about the same time back, which the stranger recognized as his and asked for the person who had found it. I was called forth and explained where and when I had found it. He then gave me $5.00 since he was very glad to have found it again uninjured. It contained expensive things. The $5.00 were very welcome to me.
27th Wed. Broke camp early. Traveled eight miles. This brought us right across from Laramie where we camped for a rest. Most of the members of the company busied themselves with baking, washing and fishing.
28th Thur. Remained in camp until afternoon, when we broke camp to continue our journey. We broke a wheel of one of our wagons so that the journey could be continued only about twelve hundred feet. Some of the brethren then went over to the fort to obtain a wheel and some went there to trade and to visit the place. I was among these. I looked around and bought myself a piece of bacon. In the evening we had a meeting. In the morning our English brother left us and continued with the captain who gave me the $5.00.
29th Fri. This morning we left the camping place near Laramie. A number of soldiers visited us and gave some coins to some of the children. The road is hilly but good. Camped for noon. Found some berries, the seeds are like cherries. Continued our journey until late that evening. The camping place was good with respect to water and fuel but very poor in grass.
30th Sat. Very hilly and rocky roads. Camped for noon by a river. Better road in the afternoon. Traveled on until late in the evening and found no water. Camped just before dark.
31st Sun. Continued our journey early. Traveled about five miles when we found good water. Camped. Ate breakfast and dinner. Broke camp about two o'clock, but found no water during the day. Camped a little before dark.
1st Mon. Broke camp early. Traveled five or six miles. This brought us to the river where we camped and waited for some of the brethren who had gone back to look after [a] hand cart which had not yet came up to the company,. During this evening three wagons reached our camp. It turned out to be the immigration agent from Zion, Joseph Young, Eldreg [Eldredge] and others. They had passed Nassling's company, which are about one hundred miles behind us. They had lost a number of oxen and some had been run over. Mr. Anderson from Copenhagen had broken a limb, and one brother was dead. The visiting brethren felt that in comparison with that company we had been very greatly favored.
2nd Tues. Brethren from Zion left us very early, and the brethren who had gone out hunting for the carriage came back with it, but the two men who were in charge of it had left it and had remained behind with some apostates. This morning received nine pounds of flour for each person. During the afternoon I was called to go out with twenty other brethren to seek an old English sister who had been left behind. We took some provisions with us and separated and went in different directions. After about two hours walk I found a pair of old shoes and stockings and gave the signal agreed upon to call the others together, and after we had gathered there was some who recognized these articles as both belonging to our sister. We decided she must have left them there as a sign and gone back with some of the others who the day before had passed us. Since two of the Danish brethren did not join us, I had to go with some of the brethren back to the creek where we had agreed to gather during the night, and we remained there during the night, but they did not come back, after which we went back to the other brethren who were waiting for us, and together we went to the camp which was twelve miles away. When we reached there we found the two brethren. They had gone back during the evening.
3rd Wed. This camp broke up soon after we arrived. Had a good road. Camped early for the night. We who had been out received extra bacon.
4th Thur. Broke camp early, but we had not traveled long before a wagon with six people in it turned over, however none was injured seriously. Some of the brethren remained with the wagon to put it in shape again. The others continued. During the afternoon we came to the river where we tried to cross but found it to be entirely too deep. Here all the hand carts were emptied of flour sacks, then provisions were divided for seven days, one pound bacon today. Had meeting in the evening.
5th Fri. Broke camp early. We had a somewhat uneven and hilly way. Camped for noon. We had a sick ox which we had to leave behind. We continued our journey and found a fine camping place for the night.
6th Sat. Some of the brethren were sent back to feed the ox. For this reason we all remained in camp. Sometime in the afternoon they came to the camp with the ox, and then we broke camp and continued our journey only a mile, as someone told us that there was no water nor grass for a long distance. This, however, we found later to be incorrect.
7th Sun. Broke camp early. Went about ten or twelve miles during the forenoon. Continued during the afternoon five or six miles over a hilly and heavy road. On the other side of the river we saw a settlement or trading post and a train of sixteen wagons. We intended to hold a meeting but were prevented by bad weather.
8th Mon. Traveled until late. Saw another settlement.
9th Tues. A hilly road and without water. Traveled fifteen or sixteen miles. We camped sometime afternoon in order to wait for the wagons which were behind us, and as they did not arrive we remained there.
10th Wed. As Jorgen Olsen had not arrived in camp, four brethren were sent back to look for him. We broke camp about 9:00 o'clock, traveled about fifteen or sixteen miles, which brought us to a little spring of good cold water. Here we found Jorgen Olsen among some Indians. He had taken a short cut to the place.
11th Thur. Continued the journey. About noon came to a creek where some Indians had camped. We went over on the other side and waited for the wagons. The Indians came over to us and we had to be very careful for they were deceiving. When the wagons came we continued our journey until 10:00 o'clock in the evening. We reached a trading house and a creek where we camped. The four brethren who had gone after Brother Olsen reached us.
12th Fri. Very good weather. Broke camp about 9:00 o'clock. Traveled about six miles, which brought us to Devils Gate where we camped. Provisions were distributed among us for eight days.
13th Sat. Two of the oxen died last night, which gave us a supply of meat. I bought a little provisions here but they are very expensive.
14th Sun. We remained in camp until afternoon. The wagons were then divided. Three were to follow us and five were to remain behind. During the afternoon we traveled about two miles and camped. During the evening, Had meeting which I conducted.
15th Mon. Continued the journey. Passed some traders.
16th Tues. Broke camp early. Drove about five miles before breakfast. About noon we passed a trading post by a creek which we crossed three times in succession. Today we met a wagon from the valley which had gone out to meet some members of the family. Those who were met were very happy. They accompanied us during the remainder of the way.
17th Wed. Continued until noon. No water. In the evening we reached a creek. The weather is somewhat cold.
18th Thur. Crossed a creek and traveled about five miles before breakfast. Continued thereafter about seventeen or eighteen miles.
19th Fri. Traveled about five or six miles before breakfast. Good road and pleasant weather. We passed a trading house. Camped by a little stream about five o'clock.
20th Sat. A good road. Camped for the night by another little stream.
21st Sun. Went about six or seven miles before breakfast, after which the hand carts went on as they would or could.
22nd Mon. Broke camp about 10:00 o'clock. Traveled about ten or twelve miles which brought us to Green River which I crossed five or six times. It was very deep and swift. Continued about two miles. As we camped here we expected to find wagons from Zion with provisions for us but in vain. We turned to the captain who gave us the last flour, about a spoon full for each person. Our provisions are now all consumed. May the Lord open a way for us.
23rd Tues. Our captain went to a trading post about four or five miles from us to buy provisions. We waited for him and when it became about 10:00 o'clock and he did not come, I took my hand cart and went to meet him. Six other handcarts followed. When we reached two miles he came riding and told us that there were no provisions to obtain and told us that we would slaughter an ox and remain behind. Meanwhile we met a trader by the river and from him we bought some provisions so that we had a good dinner, after which some of us went back and obtained some meat while others went on with the hand carts about four miles to the place we were to meet them. During the night the oxen were slaughtered and divided two pounds for each person.
24th Wed. We with our seven hand carts would not wait for the others and broke camp early and started out to meet the wagons from Zion. About seven or eight miles before breakfast and after that about fourteen or fifteen miles, we then reached water, ate our lunch, and about three miles farther brought us to Hans Fort [Hams Fork], where we traded for some flour. We continued two miles farther and camped for the night by the side of a little stream.
25th Thur. Ate a good breakfast, crossed the stream, and after about two miles we met the wagons with provisions. They stopped at once and supplied us with flour, bacon and onions, then they continued immediately. We reached the others which I suppose were about six or eight miles behind. We traveled on until we reached water and camped for the purpose of waiting for the others. In this camping place the troops had been camped, those who were sent out against he Mormons in 1857. During the evening the remainder of the company caught up with us, and we brought out hand carts together.
26th Fri. The company remained in camp for the purpose of resting. Provisions were distributed for three days. During the evening a council meeting was held concerning an English brother who had stolen bread. He was forgiven.
27th Sat. This day's journey brought us within two miles of Fort Bridger. The sick and the tired had an opportunity to ride on the wagons.
28th Sun. The road took us through the Fort, and before we camped we went down a very high hill. Mary is not well. Provisions were distributed.
29th Mon. A Danish sister, the wife of Mads Jensen died this morning and was buried. Traveled about twenty miles and camped for the night, after having crossed a creek by the name of Beaver.
30th Tues. Camped about noon by the side of a little stream where we found many berries. In the afternoon two of the Twelve came from the valley to us, John Taylor and Franklin D. Richards. They were sent out to help the company with provisions and cattle, which they brought along with them. They stopped in our camp during the night.
31st Wed. Before we broke camp the apostles spoke to us. The journey of the day was hilly but mostly down hill. We camped among the mountains. Here we found many berries.
1st Thur. Continued the journey.
2nd Fri. Many met us from the valley, among them H.P. Lund and Madsen. We had to cross the creek many times today.
3rd Sat. I with my company went over the big mountain and camped by the side of little mountain about thirteen miles from the city.
4th Sun. Ate breakfast before we broke up camp. Two of the twelve came to us and brought us into the city. When we had come to the last mountain pass, we camped by the creek in order to wash and change our clothing. Here Apostle Benson spoke to us in English and Erastus Snow in Danish. We broke camp for the last time. A big band from the city went in front of us and many thousands from the city came to meet us, among them some Norwegians which I knew. The music took us by Brigham's house where he himself with his counselors and many others stood on the porch and greeted us. We camped now for the last time on the old camping place. The citizens brought us much of the good things of the earth for our refreshments, so that we might remain here many days. The music played until 9:00 o'clock in the evening while we partook of our evening meal. Oh Lord, our Eternal Father, be thou thanked for this thy goodness towards us, that we have been brought happily through all the circumstances and have been gathered with the people here in the valleys of the mountains. May we in the future continue to do right and be worthy of thy guidance until we are saved in thy presence. This is my prayer, in the name of Jesus, Amen.