Transcript for "Make Room," New York Daily Times, 24 Nov. 1854, 4
The organ of the Spiritualists is not to monopolize the pity of sensible people here much longer. There is coming from the Great Salt Lake vicinity another apostle of mummery and superstition to set up a paper in our Babylon. The Council Bluffs Bugle of the 21st ult. says:
On Friday last a company of thirty arrived in this city, forty-two days out from Utah. Many of these were Elders, destined to various portions of the United States, and some to the Old World. Among the number is JOHN TAYLOR, one of the Twelve Apostles, who is on his way to New-York City, at which place he is to publish a weekly newspaper, to be called The Mormon. Hon. N. H. FELT, Capt. A. ROBBINS, Dr. J. CLINTON, E. K. FULLER, M. A. PECK, and others, accompany him as assistants and counselors.