Transcript for Mark H. Forscutt letter to Brigham Young, 24 August 1860
President B Young
Dear Brot.
In perusing the list of names published in the "Deseret News" of the 15th Cult [ult.] I find several errors, and some omissions.
There is also an error in the aggregate.
Instead of 233 persons as reported—there are 262. We have also lost one by death during the past week—a son of Bro. Wm. Robisons Aged 2 years [David Cannon Robison.] 5 also have left us on the way, so that our total should be 268.
I have not time now to write out a copy of the list of names, or I would do so. I thought, however, it would be better to correct the error at once, feeling that it would be wrong not to do so, seeing I am in possession of a correct list of all who left Florence in the company and also those who have been born on the journey.
Seeing that Cap Smith forwarded a list of names of all in his Company, I have thought that I ought to have done the same; not being instructed however to do so I hope that any omission of duty in this respect will be overlooked seeing it resulted from ignorance on the part of your humble servant in the gospel
Clerk of the Hand Cart Company