
Transcript for Martha S. Heywood reminiscences, undated, Journal, 1850 January-1856 August

At Bethlehem camp we remained two weeks after I joined the company & on Sunday June 30th we crossed the river having commenced on the satterday[.] Monday did not travel as the cattle had not been got over & there was no crossing that day[.] Tuesday travelled a mile or two & wednesday the same[.] Thursday fourth of July camped all day[.] Washed[,] cooked & prepared the cattle for real start on the following day. Friday we took the start having to leave behind us a splendid Ox who became diseased from some cause & could not travel. also a mare belonging to brother [Edwin Dilworth] Woolley had a hurt in his leg & could not travel[.] we journeyed 12 miles this & camped with Bishop hunters company & made carrell of about 70 Waggons a new & pretty sight to me

Satturday halted the forenoon during which time Elder Hyde & Brother Joh[n]son overtook us but to our great surprise & dissapointment did not take brother [Joseph Leland] Haywood [Heywood] with them as had been agreed up in Kanesville.

we have travelled nearly day after day up to this Wednesday July 10th[.] This morning the first sound that met our ears was the cry that the cattle were all gone[.] the mosquitoes were very bad indeed which no doubt occasioned the cattle to stray as also brother Haywood’s Horse. The cattle were found but not the horse[.] Brother H. has spent all day trying to find him but in all probability he has been stole. I have just had the melancholy Intelligence that amongst the many who has died of cholera Sister Margaret Mac dougal & Sister Dana are reckened among its victims[.] In those falling a victim I see the pestilance nearer to me, than before the question coming up in my mind, who am I? that I may not be called upon[.] But oh may my heavenly father avert the blow & Spare my life a little longer[.] My desire is to live & glorify his name in doing the work he assigns me

July 26th Started this morning from Fort Kearny after a stay of two days during which time we made some change in our affairs for the better by lighting the waggons & dispensing with one hereby strenghtening some of the other teams & also procuring two additional yokes[.] Had a sale of crockery ware which seemed a pity as it was brought all the ways from Boston expressly for the benefit of those in the Valley who had long been deprived of its conveniences. And now we have a prospect of travelling more advantagously and although our travelling heretofore has been slow it has been safe[,] comfortable & exempt from death or even sickness of any consequence[.] we have lost 1 yoke of cattle by getting into a hole with their yoke on & one or two others by giving out[.] Coln Reese & his train overtook us about 1 week from this date bringing with them brother Woolley horse & news of brother Haywood[.] it was seen but would not be given by with a man in the United State Service excusing himself from doing so, he saying he had orders to fetch him to Kanesville

We are daily seeing the mementos of the ravages of Cholera[.] Sometimes 3 graves side by side[.] another familiar name (Brother Sargaent of Kanesville) affected & aware of the severe & protracted Sickness he passed through last Summer & this Spring previous to my leaving & at a time when my prospect for this journey looked rather gloomy. he was all life & continued in getting his fit out & providing presents for his daughters in the Valley[.] It will be a heavy blow to his daughters in Kanesville

Oh what reason we have to be thankful that we as a company have escaped this Scourge with one exception. Brother [Nathaniel Henry] Felt’s teamster had diarhea for three days without applying for help. & when he was helped it proved unavailing[.] a child of Brother [Royal] Barney’s[,] 12 years old[,] hearing of this man’s death took fright & was instantly seized with the Cholera[.] this was at night[.] during the night she was very bad & when I heard of it (tho poorly at the time) I felt so keenly that I went at once to render my assistance (if accepted) which was very cheerfully & tho the symptoms were dangerous in that stage of the disease[.] I used the knowledge I gained on my trip from S[t]. Louis to Kanesville & in due time brought about the favorable ones & she recovered rapidly

The prolongation of our noon halt occasioned by the breaking of an axletree <(in the other ten of our division & we wait for them)> has given me a chance to take some minutes of our journey[.] up to this time I have enjoyed myself well on the trip tho my health is poor & feel unequal to do my share of the work but my mind is singularly easy on Such things. I know that I acted to the best of my judgement in undertaking this journey & its consequent obligations. Knowing my accomodating are as good as the possibly good be I am content & often think of what Elder Taylor told me last winter in blessing me “That I should go up to Zion in peace.

August 11th Since leaving Fort Kearny my health has been very poor. the very warm weather & rain storms have prostrated my fragile constitution more than I could possibly expect. but having fortunately a Homeopathic physician in our train (Doctor [Charles Nephi] Smith) I take advantage of his having a little more faith in that practice than any other medical one. We passed Ash Hollow last friday which presented quite a change of Scenery the bluffs having the appearance of decayed Stone and the Shrubbery presenting the greatest variety imaginable on wild soil[.] Several kinds of flowers as delicate and interesting looking as if they were raised in well cultivated gardens of the East

The Buffalo are very numerous here[.] The Scripture phrase “The cattle upon a thousand hills are the Lords” has a meaning in it, before wittnissing those animals was ideal in a measure[.] my health did not permit me to relish their flesh but I heard them speak highly of its flavor[.] Antelope is Scarce but we killed one & its flesh I did relish some like mutton[.] We have had some choke cherries which makes excellant pies

August 15th just passed Court house rock & in sight of Chimney Rock and within one hundred miles of Lamarie [Fort Laramie.] our expedition in travelling has been materially fast[.] we often travel 18 miles a day & were it not for our occasional delays by loss of our Cattle for a day or less than a day[,] <breaking of> a waggon tongue or axletree our speed would be considerable[.] Our movements are as systematic as circumstances will allow[.] Brother Woolley being a remarkably efficient man to keep a train Straight & in order & he is blessed in having as material to work with in the shape of hands as could possibly be expected[.] Our practice is except when the cattle are Strayed or some accident to Start from 7 to ½ past every morning & as brother W’s policy is to bait the cattle before Starting & while they are doing so we women folks have plenty of time to prepare breakfast & cook for dinner. our noon halt last about 1½ hour giving the cattle a chance to bait & water[.] the principle is also to stop one day in the Seven as a Sabbath but arbitrarly on Sunday. Circumstances has to guide whether it be Satterday Sunday or Monday

Satterday 17. passed Scotts bluffs which presents a romantic appearance similar to the continuous chain that commenced at ash Hollow[.] Indeed the Scenery is much more interesting this side of that place than the other[.] crossed Horse creek at noon & we have halted in good season this evening in view of spending a pleasant Sabbath tomorrow enjoying rest for ourselves but more especially for our cattle[.] that is as is often remarked our present Salvation on this trip a journey like this will teach a person to hold a higher value on the animals appropriate to the service of [-]

Sunday <18th> Instead of enjoying ourselves by having a good meeting as we proposed & expected that Brother Hunters division would have met midway on the occasion they having camped about ½ miles from us. but our fairy castle was destroyed by a rest day[.] preparing meals & washing dishes is not pleasant work in a rain storm out doors[.] during the day Brother [Robert] Campbell called to get some medicine for his wife [Amelia Mikesell Campbell] who was dangerously ill from jumping out of the waggon when coming down a bad place in Ash Hollow & since has continued feverish & in great pain[.] she had her infant in her <arms>

Tuesday 20. This morning the cry of the cattle [u] gone to the sink of (at least half) was anything but agreable, yesterday it rained nearly all day (making a two’s days rain) which was the cause of the cattle straying. towards noon part of them were found[.] our divided of in parties going in all directions distances of 4 to 8 miles but before night they were all found through the efficiency of Brother [William Henry Harrison] Segar [Sagers] who proposed at noontime that if a horse would be loaned him he would warrant the finding the cattle. It so turned out they were found about ten miles from the camp. Mrs Campbell died yesterday & their division lost cattle to about the same am[oun]t that ours did & in like manner found them

Wednesday 21 This morning was Supposable all difficulties had and were reckoned among the things that once were. it was seen so in our division but in Brother Hunters. Brother [Sisson] Chase’s horses were gone so that the ten he belonged to remained behind & we all started[.] This camping place supplied us abundantly with choke cherries duly appreciated by all hands. travelled nearly all day but oh the disaster of this every we had not been in 15 minutes in Currall when the cry. The cattle are poisoned saluted our ears[.] The slough water was so rankly poisoned that it took immediate effect & in one hours time one of the best oxen died & before retiring for the night 2 good cows[.] others were affected some but recovered

Friday 23. Within 8 miles of “Fort Lamarie [Laramie]” make our noon halt at Mr Bordeau’s trading place (who formerly had his settlement at the fort but sold out to the States government.) his constant friendliness to the mormons since the commencement of this journeying over these plains makes him interesting to us as a people[.] I visited the Indian tents & was interested in observing their symplicity in living[.] they were principally occupied in drying Buffalo meat & tanning the Skins[,] the Squaws being the operators[.] one large tent caught my attention as having several Squaws in it[.] one was elderly probably mother to some of the others the who were sitting around the tent with their little children round them[.] one was making patchwork[.] the old Squaw was packing away dried meat in a tank made of leather that looked some like vellum it was painted fancifully & looked clean[.] we held some conversation by signs[.] she called the other womens attention to my having no teeth evidently a wonderment on their part the Indians having very handsome large teeth[.] I made signs to her about the children & their mothers, & she pointed out the children of each mother, they were cleanly & handsomer than any Ive seen before[.] the children were very handsome & smart looking

at another tent cooking was under operation & looked pretty good for a wild people[.] another tent was characterized by its inmates Indian & squaw looking quite stylish & gay. while gazing on them the Indian cried “pudache” a few times before I realized it signal meaning to depart. I afterward learned they [-] was it vulgarily termed “Sparking”

Sunday Agust 25. yesterday camped within 1 mile of Fort Laramie on the river bank[.] Brother H. & W. went . there taking along the Provision Wagon to have it replenished, which was accordingly done by a Supply of flour Bacon Ham & (flour 17½ dollars hundred) also 5 yoke of Cattle. Some of our best men had some thoughts of leaving here an inducement of $60 a month, for two months they thought had considerable attraction togather with vague reports that in the Valley they could not earn more than their board. An hours time consumed, talking over the matter, was all the difference caused. Next excitement Cattle missing this nothing new in the Sound as disagreable as the first time heard[.] while hunting them up Brother Smoot & his train came up[.] This was the last chance of expectancy on Brother Haywoods part for his Horse[.] It was seen & that was all.

Major Sanderson & two Aid a camps passed us which gave me an opportunity of seeing that personage. (a fine looking man)

The mail passed us yesterday bringing general news from the Valley that was good & Brother Haywood received a letter from his Lady that abundantly confirmed the good report[.] also had the pleasure of perusing for the first time the 7th number of the pap first paper published in the Valley which was also confirmatory of good news. Our cattle found & about starting going ahead of Brother Hunters division[.] When about two hours on the road we were alarmed by most distressing cries of women & children[.] It was thought by some that the Indians were coming full speed upon us but soon found it was a wagon over turned caused by a Stampeed in Bishop Hunters camp that were close behind us[.] I went up at once to render my Services and amongst the wailing 1 female drew my attention[.] she seamed so beside herself & all she would say was “I saw my Father Killed & my Mother is now dead, & oh dear what shall I do?” on realizing that the mother was not dead I went to see her & recognized Mrs [Ann] Condit[.] She appeared insensible at first but in a little was conscious, but very much frightened[.] She was laid on a bed we supposing that she was much injured but to my great joy we found it not. So the only place I could find injured was between her shoulders & only slightly bruised[.] It seemed miraculous that she was not more. her Son in law did not escape so well he had his leg broke which was rather trying as he (Merritt Rockwell) was considered a very efficient man in the camp

The Stampeed was caused by one of Bishop Hunters horses running in among the Cattle[.] I have heard that they are common among the cattle in that devision but we have not had any as yet[.] they are very dangerous and I presumed an caused as much by mismanagement as accident.

I have seen the rocky mountains for the first time today[.] they look stupendous in the dim opaque of the horizon & but a faint line marking their existence & altitude[.] the highest one is called “Lamarie [Laramie] peak” Our roads are excellent[.] Today general health pretty good with the exception of Franklin Haywood who has had a pull down causing a reaction of his old complaint (consumption) that has prostrated him for some days back, he is now on the gain & we have every hope that he will regain his health & a teamster being provided in his stead he will not be subjected to anxiety or being overworked. That & the heavy rains being the cause of his pulldown

Tuesday 27 Quite an excitement prevailed in our midst last night about nine oclock[.] an animal was missing[.] not a quadruped but a biped answering to the description of Bishop Haywood[.] After various remarks had been made on the occasion & sundry opinions advanced as to the suitableness of such unwarrantable freedoms as to a biped losing himself It was finally resolved by Capt McPherson that if haply the stray was found he must be counseled & picketted for the night. This morning saw us on our way near three miles when he was desired in company with another biped (Br Lamont) quietly awaiting our advancing train none the worse of wear but looking as happy as good company could make him

Thursday 29th. The breaking of an axletree has given me an opportunity to journalize a little and here I will record a providential incident[.] on Tuesday orning Sister Butterfield lost an ox & was obliged to start without making as much search as wished to which grieved her very sorely & did not ful reconciled to give up hunting him[.] In the course of the day an ox was found by Capt Barney (where she is) that was so weak from the scours (evidently left behind by some forward company) that the men rejected him but Sister Butterfield thought she could cure him & drove him along with some trouble at first but today he travels well & turns out to be a better animal than the one she lost [---] is almost [-] & in ten minutes we will be rolling

Yesterday we came along side our friend the Platt[e] at the place where the brethren in coming from the Valley last fall encountered a large War party of Indians about 50 miles West of Lamarie [Laramie]

a communication was found from Brother Stratton indicating his coming from the Valley for the purpose of ascerta[in]ing the amt of Emigration on the way & I believe there a little in knowledge of the latter part of the route also an indication that Brother Woodruffs company p[…]t were but 5 days[.] We found notices from Brother Joseph Young’s & Woodruffs during the day & the ev[en]ing where we camped 60 miles from Laramie[.] we found another notice directed to the Camp of Israel from Brother Stratton saying that Brother Woodruffs company past there on the 25th being but 4 days ahead of us

Friday 30th When passing Creek last eveing & about corralling we found Brother Stratton & Hanks from the Valley & Brother Whipple who left Bethlehem in Elder Woodruff company more than two weeks before we did[.] They have had considerable sickness & twelve death’s on the journey & now detained by the greater number of their cattle straying away but they have found nearly all[.] we expect to corrall alongside them to night. Brothers S. & H. brought with them a letter from the President that was read to the camp last eving[.] It was good and interesting detailing the prosperity of things in Valley & backed by Brothers S & H. They will return after they see Brother Hunters company & we expect Brother Haywood will accompy them[.] They think our train have done well but were expected by the president at an earlier date[.] the settled price of flour in the Valley at present is $25 Cwt [hundredweight.] It was some of the time $1 pound[.] It is expected it will fall some <after the journey through> if the California emigration goes through[.] They related a circumstance that spoke loud of the good state of things among the people in worldly matters[.] last fall they sett apart a piece of ground to cultivate for the use of the poor[.] they found two old ladys that was willing to be called poor but are not now willing as they earn about $3 a week & this was all the poor that could be found in the Valley. there were other incidents related proving the prosperity of the place

Saturday 31st Last evening we currelled [corralled] alongside Elder Woodruffs company & was quite a pleasant meeting to those who were acquainted, but this was not my case but I had the pleasure of learning that Brother Lewen & family were well & had met with no accidents by the way which gives me Sincere pleasure. May the Lord bless him, & his.

How much would I not give at times to see some choice spirit to mingle with & I was want to do in past times & tho “I go up to Zion in peace.” how dreadful lonesome it is oftentimes. In the midst of spirits yet feeling all alone yet what means more powerful to drive me to him who is greater than all earthly friends

We had meeting to Elder Woodruffs camp last eveng & he seemed to possess an excellent spirit from the remarks he made & deeply solicitions for the welfare of those under his care manifested much pleasure in seeing our train come along. They had a great deal of sickness. one time all were sick. 12 deaths[.] one was by lighting & 3 oxen with him leaving a widow & children

To day has been our Sabbath & the last day of the month[.] Our cattle had such a hard travel yesterday that it was wisdom to rest them today[.] the roads are at this part of the journey very rough & hilly little fuel & water Scarce[.] we have had an uncommon fine day[.] Brother Woodruff’s camp left about ten, this forenoon & this evng part of Brother Hunter’s division passed us and we learned his waggon broke down & delayed him back[.] Brother Stratton & Hanks stay with us at present[.] we have had a very pleasant camping place & our Buffalo meat relished well

Monday Sep 2d Had a fair days travelling yesterday although part of the road was rough[,] journeying over the black is pretty hard on invalids & cattle but we are now past them once more on the bottom & keeping hard the platte[.] we overtook Brother Smoot’s train & those of Brother Hunters, that were a head[.] The air is, & has been very invigorating for some days past[.] Frank gains but slowly[.] he has suffered from diarrhea for a few days[.] I think the fresh meat has been the cause of the change & has been too great in weakly states[.] Brother <Haywood> & the two brothers from the Valley have been absent from us for two day having gone back to Bishop Hunter’s division

Friday night Sep 6th We have been travelling along the Willow Springs today over the mountains. Our Cattle begin to show the poverty & scarcity of water the only pay the[y] have for their hardest labor[.] roads being pretty rough & long days travel[.] This morning We parted with our Valley friends they taking with them Brother Heywood and he leaving his nephew very feeble Still suffering from diarrhea[.] I think rather worse today than any other. the jolting of the waggon I Think is very injurious to him[.] his uncle had him ride in the buggy for two days past. this was a relief to him[.] so far & he missed the privilege today[.] Brother [Ebenezer Clawson] Richardson has taken upon himself to sleep with him & have a kindly care over him which is invaluable to Frank in his weakly state. and as far as my poor services shall go. he shall have them as from an own Sister[.] My health has been remarkably better today & that suddenly[.] all day yesterday I felt much prostrated & hardly power or wish to live & today I am not only well in body but happy in mind & feeling. I feel that there is a protecting <power> over me who can say to the stormy feelings within my breast “peace be still” as main [man] cannot. how many proofs have had of this during my pilgrimage but yesterday I was reasoned with and & comforted by one who picks to do me good but all to little or purpose[.] I lay down at night full of grief & dissatisfaction[.] This morning I arose calm confiding & willing to do anything to confer happiness on my fellow creatures and all around me looked like friends[.] I felt in particular that it would be a great privledge to take care of Frank & be a comfort to him in the absence of his Uncle[.] Oh may the God of Israel raise him up in health & strenght in body & mind

Brother Woolley seems to miss his Counsellor[,] very tender in his feelings regarding Franks state & friendly towards me

Saturday night 7th Camped this afternoon ½ past one at Sweet Water [Sweetwater] present <by side of > out skirts of the rocky mountain chain 335 miles this side of the Valley within two miles of Saleratus Lake that we did not pass[.] Some of our men went to see it & brought some Saleratus from there[.] we travelled ten miles today on sandy soil rather hard for the cattle but very favorable to Frank who enjoyed the circumstance[.] This morning I was favorably impressed in regard to a change he boasted of when I first saw him[.] he felt that he was decidedly better having perspired freely during the night & a fair evacuation of water with out diarrhea that had not recurred for some time previous[.] he sat in the chair during our travel was lively & very communicative often attending to his feeling so much better perspective continued[.] we were about six hours travelling & when camped instead of throwing himself on the bed[,] his usual custom[,] he went out & sat with the men & eat a little biscuit crumbed in milk[.] in about an hour he returned to the waggon lay down & acted quite drowsy during the rest of the day his eyes half closed while sleeping. had a passage about 3 o clock & another tonight[.] eat a little toast & chocolate for supper[.] The Laudanum that was given during yesterday afternoon caused these symptoms I should think & I fear they are not very favorable[.] he took some more tonight[.] We came up to Woodruff camp to day but they went on while we stopped[.] Brother Haywood returned them the buggy & left his clothes which we [illegible] from them[.] No doubt he will have a hard time of it in riding all the way to the Valley

Sunday night 8th Traveled 12 miles today passed right by Saleratus Lake. & laid in a supply of the article[.] & Independence rock. all hands climbed its summit save myself & Frank, but I could see that it was all covered with names & some of them I could read[.] after we currelled by the Sweet Water I took a tramp of 1½ miles to see the Devils gate which we passed but could not see to advantage at that time[.] It is a curiosity. Frank was very weak this morning had two passages during the night but otherwise rested well[.] acted more like himself this forenoon[.] Sat up all the time we were riding in preference to laying down on acct of the jolting[.] had no passage untill we currelled [corralled] about 5 o clock[.] was very tired this evng but his symptoms decididly better than yesterday

As to myself I feel grateful to God for the peace of mind & health of body. I enjoy. everything wears a special aspect around me , with the exception of Frank’s health, but I have hope for him & feeling a sympathy for him I take pleasure in ministering to his wants[.] There is nothing unusual, or accident of any kind occured to us, since Brother Haywood left us.

Monday night 9. Travelled 11 miles today very pleasantly[.] we are camped by the Sweet Water[,] rocky mountains all around[.] Frank appeared decidely better today the travelling was over sand hills which favored him much[.] walked about at noon time which he was not able to do yesterday[.] I visited & Sarah Lawrence at that time & the conversation was carried on pleasantly. Some knowledge imparted was calculated to make one feel sober & that the light heartedness & bouyancy of Spirits I have been want to feel will have to be given up for a vanity of perplexities that are not known amongst the friends I have left[.] How much I have thought today of the freedom that for years I have enjoyed to my hearts content amidst all my vicissitudes I have enjoyed a freedom of thought & action that will never be known again. Oh that I may have a long life according to my day. Excepting these reflections the day passed very pleasantly & my health has been good[.] Rochester friends, with all their endearments, & their forbearance, will pass before my mind & seeming to say Will you ever meet such again? Well [illegible] I enjoyed them & their goodness in the day of it, and of my own will I left them, to follow the fortunes of the Latterday faith & so far I have no serious cause to repent. & I can say “Thus far the Lord has led me on.”

Tuesday 10th We are camped at Bitter Cottonwood Creek. & 304 miles from the Valley[.] travelled 12 miles over sand hills & crossed the Sweet Water twice. Last my Doctor started on a hunting esception but did not. This morning when we were ready there was some uneasiness felt in our company[.] Brother concluded to turn out of Currell on the road & then start an expedition to hunt him up[.] We had not got on the road before he was deseried [.] He had gone so far that in trying to return he could not discern our camp so had to wait till the sun arose this morning[.] he was unsuccessful but saw a Panther &c.

Frank is gaining slowly but gradually & my hopes rise in proportion for him[.] I have so much confidence in this good mountain air as the best remedy for his disease[.] I wish I could realize its rivying [reviving] influence on myself today[.] I felt rather prostrated[.] I sewed pretty steady this forenoon mending shirts &c. I felt unable to sit up this afternoon & under such an influence my thoughts are anything but agreable. But like Corrinne I make my own trouble. I act upon the impulse of my own warm nature and experience a delightful enjoyment in acting natural, even while prudence is continually whispering in my ear that I am but treasuring up sorrow for the future, but yet like her I want to enjoy the present if it but yeild a speck of enjoyment[.] Well knowing “Tis all but a dream at the best” and I have had some moments of enjoyment on this trip (the mingled with mortification) that perhaps will never return[.] Well let it be I’ve had my streaks of sunshine during the pathway of life[.] What have I not enjoyed except a wedded life & its consequent happiness[.] And that is now the most dreaded thought[.] Liberty of conscience & action I have had for years & it has placed me where I am. In embracing Mormonism I followed the dictates of my own judgement, In opposition to that of my best and dearest friends. And may I be guided by the Spirit of God in what future steps I may take as I trust I was in that. And oh! may I aim to do right in all things nothwithstanding my peculiar traits of character.

Friday noon 13 One week this morning since Brother Haywood left us[.] Frank gradually grows better[.] We have travelled 11 miles this forenoon[.] day very cold[.] I have seen for the first time The Snow capped Rocky mountains[.] We are now about 270 miles from the Valley[.] Yesterday I had a delightful treat in having an opportunity of visiting some of my Kan[e]sville friends[.] Sister Murray &c & Brother Hutchinson & family & Brother Pitt[.] It was truly a commingling of Spirits & has given me some animation that I have been destitute of for two or three days. There is to me such an oppressive Spirit in my own company that I find it difficult to bear

Sunday 15th 10 o clock we have just met the expected teams from the Valley[.] first rate looking oxen. We travelled yesterday and on our currelling about sundown last evng were about 250 miles from the Valley[.] Frank continues to gain daily his spirits are good also his appetite & enjoys his food[.] I suffered yesterday afternoon with headache & very much at night[.] But this morning I feel well & in good spirits[.] The petty anoyances that are practiced towards me daily serve but to amuse me now[.] A plot yesterday formed against my peace turned rather bungling to the plotters[.] May the Lord bless those who are my friends and confound the plots of my enemies that they may get tired of such small business. The weather is very fine & truly healthy[.] Cold nights & mornings clear sunshine days[.] I suffer less from this now, or feel it less than I did some of our warmest days when I suffered so much from chills & cold sweats

Tuesday night 17. Yesterday we kept our Sabbath had good water & feed for the cattle[.] today had good travel crossed the South Pass bidding adieu to the Sweet Water & for the first time touching upon the Pacific Springs[.] This day we have crossed the boundary of the Atlantic & Pacific sources[.] we have been coming up from the former & now we go down to the latter[.] It was keenly cold this morning but the Sun shone clear & water during the day[.] I feel my health greatly improved[.] I can endure working without inconveinance & I would scarcely know it was so cold if I did not hear all around me complain. My Spirits are good & my mind pretty clear save one vein of reflection. Frank continues to improve in health was able to write a letter to his folks yesterday & does not seem to suffer from the exertion[.] We are now 225 miles from the Valley

Wednesday 18. Had a good day’s travel very pleasant weather[.] pretty late when we camped[.] imediately Brother Woodruff rode up to us saying he had been two nights & a day in the mountains having met with some disasters, concerning their horses & cattle particulary I do not clearly understand[.] Frank continues to gain but is not yet able to leave his Waggon to walk but leaves it for an airing a few minutes before we start. This morning he milked two cows which tired him some. For the last three day we have seen Indians more or less passing along the road

Today I enjoyed a view of the rocky mountains on the western Side presenting to my mind a better appearance than the eastern Side

Thursday 19th We travelled today over deep sand but made out about 15 miles[.] We are now from the Valley 179[.] This has been a warmer day than we have had for some time and I had a little of that oppressive feeling that I have suffered so much during this journey[.] Frank did not feel quite so well today & after sun down when we currelled having overtaken Elder Woodruffs company we have quite a large currell & had meeting on Brother Woodruffs side of the currell[.] Our train on the road was very long having also Bishop Hunters forward ten attached to our train & camped a mile from us

Sunday night 22 This evng we currelled at the Fork of the Black river after a steady days travel[.] last evng on our halting perceived a carriage & 4 horses[.] after leaving I found out that it was sent by Brigham Young for his sister Mrs [Fanny Young] Murray & Mrs Persis Young[.] I felt disappointed in not knowing that I could have seen Mrs Murray & written by her untill it was too late but Sarah gave her all the particulars about Frank’s health & brought him 3 Potatoes & piece of melon from her which was indeed a treat to him[.] he has been some trouble with his cough which he thinks proceeds from the Bronchitis & causes him no alarm[.] he has taken a little cold. but now being to near the termination of our journey I do not [have] that uneasiness on his acct that I did when brother Heywood left. As to myself I feel a remarkable depression in reference to my arriving in the Valley when I think of it a sober feeling comes over me that I cannot control. I never experienced this feeling that I know of, on going to any place previous. my health continues good[.] I do my work regular sew considerable & read occasionally which is a relief to my general feelings. I have composed & written some verses. to Mrs Johnston & two pies for the guardins besides some other for myself[.] What an amusement this is for my lonely eving’s after I do up my work also our noon halt

Monday night 23 Travelled but a few miles this forenoon & halted for the day on a very pretty place by a branch of the [sentence unfinished] 140 miles from the Valley[.] I accomplished considerable of a washing this afternoon without any tax on my strength nor felt the least tired when done which is very encouraging to me[.] I have suffered with a bad toothace steady all day, but this is a trifle to me, after suffering as I have in prostration of strength the most part of this trip[.] This morning I got a blessing from our capt of his peculiar kind. but it hurt me not[.] Frank’s health is more consequence to me than the pleasing of our Capt & his lady. He does not feel quite so well tonight I think he sat in the wind too much this afternoon & eat a piece of pie[.] his diarrhea returned while his cough seems gaining ground

About six o clock this evng Brother Woolley’s son & a young man with waggon & seven yoke of oxen from the Valley bringing with them vegetables & potatoes[.] I had a note by them from Brother Lowens who has had a prosperous time during his journey. About an hour after they arrived two brethren from the Valley rode up to camp with us for the night on their way to Bishop Hunters company to hurry them on. I heard that Brother Haywood arrived in the Valley Sund 15th & Brother Wooleys son started next day without seeing him. I also heard Brother Hyde does not start till the first of the month. good news all the time from the Valley

Tuesday 24th Had a good days travel of 17 miles but most unpleasant on acct of a strong head wind & the dust flying thicker than ever before[.] we have currelled along side of black fork[.] Frank suffered some from hard travel & dust but is better than yesterday[.] the partial return of his diarrhea seemed to ease his cough. my toothache continued bad till I fell asleep late last night & this morning my face was swollen very much[.] made me feel quite sickish & prostrated all day[.] this afternoon I could not sit up but this evng I feel better tho my face aches some

Wednesday 25th We are now at Fort Bridger 115½ miles from the Valley[.] had a good days travel tho rough[.] very pleasant day & very good camping place. Boys all enjoying themselves with music & dancing[.] Frank health some better today had a good night’s rest last night. I did not suffer today with face ache but my spirits were rather depressed. I committed myself this morning (for the first time since Brother Haywood left) by giving way to an ebullition of feeling bordering on resentment. And in getting up rather later than usual made it a jumping time after breakfast to get the work done up & as usual having so much to do about Frank’s waggon[.] I was excited in my feelings and fell in a train of thought that I was indeed in a servile situation without the least sympathy or tone of friendship around[.] I[n] hurrying to get evry thing in order our teamster behaved uncivil to me & I allowed my temper to get the upper hand of me[.] Elder Kim has been anything but obliging to me since brother Haywood left us[.] not does he as much as milk a cow for some time notwithstanding Brother Wooley scolds so much about[.] For the first time I remembered how many little things Brother H would do for about starting time particularly when I was in a hurry. we have heard this evng from the Valley there a person in this place that Elder Hyde will not leave till the 15th of the next month

Thursday 26th Had a good day travel and are camped at Muddy Creek[.] This evng the two brethren returned from Brother Hunters camp[.] they are about two days behind us. Some families short of provisions. Frank is about the same the riding was hard for him today[.] This morning I received a greater blessing than previous arising from a simple remark I made to Mrs Bullard[.] was told, “I might go to Hell for all he cared, was not worth the rope that would hang one” applied an epithet to me that I did not hear prefaced by the word Irish, that he had never been insulted so much by any one before, as he had by me for the last 600 miles of the journey and that I need not <think> I can rule everything, tho I be from Ireland[.] Since Brother Heywood left us there seems to be a particular satisfaction to utter forth his insulting remarks so loud that the whole camp can hear all he says. what his object is <in> so doing I cannot conceive for I am very careful in my conduct remaining in the waggon all the time we travel & attending faithfully to my work when we camp. occasionally some errand calls me to Mrs [Margaret Major] Butterfield but it is solely on Frank’s acct & this gives great offence, but I cannot submit to such an infringment of liberty or the slightest inconvenience to my patient. he was left in my charge as also in Mrs Butterfield and I cannot feel that I have erred in any respect since Bother H. left us

Tuesday night Oct 1st This evening we are camped 39 miles from the Valley[.] today and yesterday had hard traveling crossing the creek so often & going up & down hills in crossing the mountains. The scenery has been very grand for the last few days. the rocks are so magnificent looking & the mountains so hight & perpendicular that it delights especially being interspersed with shrubbery & small wood in their coats of rich autumnal grandeur[.] How much it would enhance the pleasure of the contemplatives if I had wherewith to say to, “How delightful.” but no! just up in a waggon, only one place to look out, and the most uncompaniable sitting right before all day watching my every movement to find fault with both action & word[.] whose remarks has nothing of any interest in them to one being mostly about eating & cooking a theme that I always despised. but Frank is sick & I try to [deal] with it as patiently as I can but still its hard. and the teamster’s incivility deprives me of getting & out of the waggon as I was want to do when Brother H, was with us

A report came from the Valley by a brother & another son of Brother Wooley’s that he had taken him a wife since his arrival there, in which I put no credence. This morning the brother & sons of Ws’ left us, to meet us on our arrival to the Valley with Flag &. &. Brother W wants to have a great display of his train of which I have no desire to form a part

Frank has coughed distressingly last night & to day. I notice when his diarrhea ceases his cough is hard. He is much disappointed in his uncle not sending for him. or not even sending him a line or message of any kind. he remarked today that it was his new wife that prevented him

Wednesday night Oct 2d a rainy morning greeted us to commence the duties of the day. and when we got fairly started Smoot’s train was in the road to our inconveinence[.] about ten o clock any thoughts were taken off of everything connected with our train by the appearance of Brother J.E. Johnston & Hyde making their appearance on their return. I spent about half an hour with brother Johnston who entertained me with a relation of his own affairs, which were prosperous & also the arrangement he made for my reception amongst his relations which makes my prospects on entering the Valley rather different from what they have been, how kind how free hearted, how confiding is his friendship, how congenial his spirit. he is a noble soul, & I feel warmly interested in his welfare, & why not. I feel to owe him a debt of gratitude for his kindness to me when a stranger. Our travelling has been very hard today, & towards night the waggon Mrs Bullard rides in, was upset while she was in it & most fortunately escaped with the exception of a lame wrist, & the spoiling of her bonnet & caps there was but little damage done. none of the company goods were injured. Brother Smoot’s had a waggon broke and goods seriously injured[.] While the waggon was getting to rights Brother Haywood came to us to take Frank away. How different I felt to meet him to what I did to see brother Johnston[.] my feelings are so chilled when I think of going to Bishop H’s home

Sabbath Oct 13. Salt Lake Valley