Transcript for Mary Ann Maughan autobiography, 1894-1898, Autobiography volume 1, 1894 and Autobiography volume 2, 1894
we were Organised into Captain William Walls [Wall] Company of 50 and Cap [Warren] Foot[e] Com of 100. Mr. [Peter] Maughan was apointed Cap of first 10[.] after replenishing our stock of provisions we again took up our line of march for Salt Lake[.] I do
my journal is dated June 3d 1850. we have found no water to day. so after baiting our cattle we drove on till Midnight in hopes of finding water[.] we then corralled them till daybreak haveing traveled 26 miles without water.
4th found a little this morning, but so muddy the cattle would not drink it[.] plenty of feed among the sage brush. we drove to Big Sandy[.] Camped at <noon> with Cap [Chester] Loveland. about 2 o clock Mr Maughan sent back Mr De Witt to meet Mr [John] Eblie [Ebley] who is behind with his Cow[.] she is a fine large animal lame and sick with Hollow horn. we drove on 8 miles[.] Camped on Big Sandy, between 2 high Banks[.] very sandy.
Thursday 5 June 1850. this morning we learn that Mr Ebley will stay a few days with his Cow[.] his wife and 2 young Men that are traveling with them will also stay[.] they are 24 miles back on the road by a Creek. we are sorry to leave them, but the Company had already waited, and it was not thought wisdom to stay longer. we have traveled 22 miles[.] crossed Green river and Camped 2 miles past the ford. the Country is Barren, only Black curants are plenty. weather fine[.] Camped alone.
we started early this morning. at noon came up with Cap’s. Bear and Smith. traveled behind them, till near sundown then turned of[f] the road. found a good cd.[camp] ground on Blacks fork[.] plenty feed. we met Br Casel from the Valley.
Saturday 7th we remained in Camp till noon then started. found Captains Wall, Loveland, and [Gilbert] Bellknap [Belnap], cp [camped] on Hamsfork. concluded to waite here. in hopes Mr Ebley will come up. travled 5 miles.
Friday June 14th 1850 today our 10 have crossed the river[.] we are cp on the Bank. we had a shower of rain this afternoon but the weather is still very warm.
Saturday June 15th today the people are washing and Bakeing, and prepearing to start as soon as possible. it seems to take a long time to get started on this journey[.] the weather is very warm.
Sunday 16th this morning all things are pleasant and quiet[.] at 11 o clock we had publick preaching in front of the cp. this afternoon I hear some complaining of feeling sick[.] we think it not healthy to stay so long in one place[.] weather very hot
Monday 17th we started about noon today[.] we have been waiting for some Muskets which Cap Foot went back to Kan[e]sville after as there was a defiency in fire arms[.] we traveled 3 miles[.] cp on 3 mile creek[.] had some bad roads but no bad accident hapened.
Started at 7 this morning. found some bad Sloughs to cross which detained us very much[.] our Co: being large it takes some hours for all to cross. traveled 9 miles[.] found afine Cp ground. plenty of feed and water.
this morning we had a powerfull rain commence at breakfast time and continued till near noon. started in the afternoon[.] on the way passed the grave of Bro Warren who died of Cholera. this is the 1st grave we have seen. traveled 8 miles. cp on a small stream. weather dry and hot[.] all well.
started early this morning, but were hindered by the 1th 50 of our Co: crossing the Creek[.] traveled only 8 miles, over a beautifull Country[.] a little rolling[.] very little timber[.] passed 8 graves[.] we think they all died in the same Co. of Cholera. cp on a stream called waveing water[.] fine cp ground. weather pleasant
we were called to bury 2 of our Co who died this morning of Cholera. a man named [Alfred] Brown and a child[.] there are more sick in camp[.] have been in sight of the Plat[t]e river all day. traveled 15 miles[.] cp on Salt Creek[.] soon, some of our Co: came up with another child dead. they Buried it at twilight on the Bank of the Creek. there are more sick. it makes us feel sad thus to bury our friends by the way[.] weather very hot.
This morning before starting, we were called to Bury 3 more children. they all belonged to one family. we started late and before all had cross the creek it comenced to rain very hard[.] we were detained till noon. traveled 9 miles[.] camped on the paria [prarie] with [no] wood or water or some that is very poor. this is the worst time we have had since we crossed the Mis[s]ouri river[.] everything wet and several sick in camp. very little fire.
Started earley this morning. passed some beautifull some Country but little timber. there is water every 10 or 15 miles, some fine streams. Salt Creek is 4 rods wide, with rock bottom. easy forded. it has rained all day[.] camped at 3 o clock, on what I call Mud creek from the nature of the stream. we have Buried 3 more this evening[.] traveled 8 miles[.] very rainy and warm.
this morning is so wet and uncomfortable it was thought best to remain in camp. some are washing and baking[.] all are busy. about noon it cleared up, and we had Public Meetting in camp, some have fasted and all humbled themselves before the Lord and Prayed that he would remove disease from us. Brother [Spicer Wells] Crandle [Crandall] said in four days five had been takein from their midst, and requested the Brethren to pray that their family may be speared [spared].
started early this morning, the [weather] cool and windy[.] so many together makes slow going[.] at 2 o clock it comenced [blowing] very hard and a storm followed with thunder Lighting. some Bretheren had to stand before their team as the Oxen would not face the wind and rain[.] the Mother of the five children, spoke of yesterday, died this afternoon. she will be Buried this evening. we have passed five fresh graves to day. the road is good but croocked following the ridges. we are camped on a creek which we call pleasant point. it is a pleasant place and here we have Buried Sister [Martha Stiles] Spofford [Spafford] the Mother of nine children. there are no more sick in camp and we hope the worst is over[.] traveled 10 miles
today we traveled 15 miles on the Prairia with poor water and no wood only what we brought with us. we passed white Oak grove where there is a good spring of cold water about 2 miles from the road. but as there were some doubts about its being the place we did not go to it.
this morning started early[.] traveled about 10 miles[.] there has been wagons in sight behind us. we think they are Snows Co. a part of which had crossed the Mis[s]ouri river when we left it. about noon we met the Mail from the valley[.] they [said] there was some sickness ahead but not much. that we must travel faster or we would be caught in the mountains. have passed 2 creeks, one dry. a poor Bridge over the other one. we are Camped on its Bank. it is a fine stream of soft water which I shall call free Creek[.] we passed some graves.
it has rained nearly all night. this morning was gloomy and cloudy. but cleared up and was a very hot day. we have remained in camp to wash and bake[.] some are sick.
today we were late in starting oweing to some being Sick. they could not get ready sooner. we traveled 10 miles on a very bad road[.] so many sloughs which makes it slow going[.] we had a heavy rain last night and the roads are very mudy. at noon the last wagon came up with a corpse, a Sister [Ann Deacon] Beal. I hear that she has been sick some time. they Buried her on the Bank of a creek caled clear water and Bap[tised] 3 more for their Health. the road has been better this afternoon and weather pleasant. we are camped on the praria with no wood and poor water[.] this evening some Elders camped with us. they are Missionarys on their way to England. Sister Grover one of our Nauvoo neighbours is traveiling with them. I wrote a letter and sent to Mother. we were all glad to see them[.] they brought the Emigrants Mail. we have passed some graves
we had another storm last night. everything is wet and uncomfortable this morning. started early as we knew the road was bad, and so we found it quite a drag to get along. so many sloughs to and small creeks that would have been dry, but for the late heavy rains. we were called upon to Bury another of our Co. Sister [Irinda] Spaf[f]ord Crandle [Crandall]. she died in childbed [birth]. this makes 7 out of a famly of 15[.] Mother and 6 children. we feel very sory thus to Bury <our> friends by the wayside. we are camped on the Bank of the Platt[e] river. found 2 graves[.] one containing 3 Bodies[.] they were Buried the 26th of June (4 days ago)[.] we Buried Sister S. Crandle, by their side. passed 6 graves, we think they all belong to our Co. of 50
started at ushal time this morning[.] found the road a little[.] we kept near the bank of the river for some time then left it and passed through Indian Town[.] there were about 200 Wigwams. some of them large ones. they are neatly, woven into wicker, work withe sticks, and dried grass. they belong to the Pawnees, who are gone farther down the river, as the Emegrants teams destroyed their crops. we passed 4 graves. traveled 12 miles[.] are camped on the river bank. the water is so high we have to wade for wood and water[.] very mudy. (weather pleasant)
this morning is cool and pleasant[.] we started at 7 o clock[.] pased 5 graves. at noon we had to Bury another of our Company[.] Sister [Susannah] Coon a young girl[.] she died of Cholera[.] we are up <cp> on the river bank at a place I call table point, from the apearance of the hills near our Wagon.
this morning we were delayed by Bro [Daniel] Coxes [Cox’s] wagon wheel being broken[.] after repearing [repairing] it we started about 9 o clock. we are traveling on higher land to day[.] this makes it pleasanter. passed 5 graves. one Bro. [John] Snailam [Snalham] and a sister [Adelia] Hart[.] also a child named E Kington[.] these belonged to our 1th fifty[.] one Buried last night one this morning. we traveled 16 miles.
this morning we found one of our Oxen a little lame and sent him into the herd, and it was thought best for the last 2 tens to go a mile around to avoid crossing a slough. at noon we found the herdman had left our Ox on the road. our 10 imeaditily camped, and 3 men went back after him[.] soon Bro Russell went by going after his Cow that was also left. the herdsmen are thought very careless to leave our cattle behind when they know we are not on the same road behind them. we heard the guns at the fort <Ke[a]rney> today[.] it is the 4 of July. traveled 9 miles
about noon today the men returned without our Ox[.] Brother Russell found his Cow. Captain Maughan called a Council to decide if we should go on or go back again and try to find him. all agreed it was best to go back and 2 of the Brethren volunteered to go with him[.] they returned at night without finding him, we all feel sorry to leave a good Ox on the Praria not knowing what has become of him[.] weather very hot. we heard afterwards that a Company traveling close behind us killed him for Beef. som Brethren that knew the Ox saw his head
started early this morning[.] traveled 18 miles over a beautifull country, but no timber except on the river Bank. at 11 o clock found a letter left by Cap Wall, they had waited till 10 the day before for us to come up, said they would go on slowly, and for us to travel with all possible speed. we have passed 9 graves to day mostly children[.] are camped on the priaria in sight of Fort Ke[a]rney.
the weather is pleasant this morning and all are well in camp. we started early, and passed fort Ke[a]rney at noon, traveled 15 miles and camped near the river at a place I shall call river Bend from the form of the river. we saw 5 greaves[.] one was a Indians
this morning 26 government trains passed our camp[.] Bro [John Peacock] Woods Cow and one of our Oxen are lame. they had to dress their feet which made us late in starting[.] traveled 15 miles. camped on the pariar[.] no wood or water[.] pased 6 graves.
this morning started early and reached Plumb Creek by one o clock. here we found the first fifty. our company are encamped. we camped near them as some of our cattle in the Co: are lame, and others have sore necks and they all need rest[.] we traveld 15 miles[.] passd 5 graves[.] weather fine[.] all well.
we had a shower of rain last night which makes <it> feel cool and refreshing this morning. we started at the ushal time[.] traveled 16 miles[.] passed 11 graves. and on the pariae without wood or water. at a place I call mosquity [mosquito] plain in honor of the vast numbers of that tormenting little fly. there is a good Bed and stove lieing near our camp ground.
it has rained nearly all night, with thunder and lighting[.] the wind blew a perfect hurican. it was a fearfull night[.] we thought our Wagons would be blown over, but they stood the storm nobly, and through the blessing of God we found ourselves safe and well this morning[.] alls [all is well with] our cattle and no accident was permited to happen to any of our company. we were glad to get away as soon as possible. for the Musquites were so bad.
this is the last I wrote in my jurnal for some days for the next day I was called to pass through one of the hardest triels of my life in the Death of my little Peter
about noon as we were traveling along on a good plain road my little Peter about 3 years old, was sitting in the front of my wagon, betwene his brother Charles and his sister Mary Ann. they were looking at a cow that had lost one horn. he leaned forward[.] lost his balance and fell before the wheels. the first passed over him. and he tried to escape the other one, but alase the wagon stoped just as the hind wheel stood on his dear little Back. the Brethren from behind ran up and lifted the wheel and took him from under it[.] he was Brused internaly, so that it was impossible for him to live long[.] we done all that was possible for him, but no earthly power could save him. he did not suffer much pain[.] only twice for a very little time. the people left their Wagons and gathered around mine and all wept for the dear little Boy that we knew must soon leave us. I had talked to him many times to be carefull and not fall out of the wagon or he might be hurt very bad. he only spoke twice, I said to him Pete did you fall and he said, yes and seemed to know that he would leave us and asked for his father. I did not know that his father had fainted and fell down in the road, for the Brethern stood to hide him from my sight. on my asking for him they said he would come soon. as soon as he was able he came to the wagon covered with dust, but his little Boy could not speak to him, but he opened his eyes and looked so lovelingly <at us,> then gently closed them and passed peacefuly away and left us weeping around his dear little brused Body. then loveing hands tenderly dressed him in a suit of his own white linnen clothes and he looked so lovely. I empted a dry goods Box and <Bro> [John Peacock] Wood made him a nice Coffin and even was a mournfull satisfaction, for we had seen our Brothers and sisters bury their dear ones without a coffin to lay them in[.] we Buried him on a little hill on the North side of the road. the grave was consecrated and then they laid him in to rest. some one had made a nice headbored with his name printed on[.] also his age and date of his Death. this was all we could do. and many prayers were offered to our heavenly Father, that he might rest in peace and not be disturbed by wolves as we had seen many on our way, and we turned away, in sorrow and grief. a few days after we heard that his grave had not been tuched but a nother little one made beside it and afterwards some more was Buried by them. this was a great satisfaction to us to know that he remained as we left him. our dear on[e]s name was Peter Weston Maughan Born in New Diggins Wisconcin [Wisconsin] Terrotiry May 20th 1847. the weather was very hot. I have wrote from Memory January 1885. it is nearly 38 years since that sorrowfull time, but if it was not so painfull to me I could add much more to this account.
Started early this morning and overtook the company that passed us while stoping yesterday[.] came to cottonwood Ho at 10 o clock a.m. passed on 3 miles further to Ash Creek[.] here we all camped to wash and Bake. there is no wood, the next 100 miles. traveled over a Beautifull Country to day[.] timber in sight all day. passed 12 graves mostly grown people. we have a fine place to camp. plenty of wood and water[.] also grass[.] weather cool and pleasant.
we are obliged to wash and Bake to day to last 1 week. formerly Emigrants have found flood on the river but there is none this year on account of high water in the spring. the rain has also injured the Buffaloo chips. the timber on this Branch are Oak and Ash. we had meeting this morning <afternoon> in camp and several were Bap[tized] for their Health[.] the father we go up the river the clearer the water is
we are again permited to renewe our journey wich lies through the Buffaloo Country[.] they are seen by thousands, and this Country seems made for them being high blufs and deep ravins. in the ravins there is plenty of Ceder and water[.] we can see the Bluffs as far as the eye can reach. we traveled 12 miles, pased 11 graves[.] at night we came up with our co. we are glad to see them[.] all are well[.] wether cool and pleasant.
one day while traveling through this Country the road was near some hills on our left, the river being some distance to the right. our Company saw a moveing mass on the bottom near the river[.] we could not tell what it was[.] weather Indians or not. but they came rapidly towards the hills, and our train being a long one was standing right before them. we soon saw that it was a large drove of Buffalos, that had been to the river for water, and were returning to the hills. the Brethren stood by their teames as there was a great danger of our oxen stampedeing and runing away and many sincere prayers were offered for our saffty [safety]. Mr. Maughan stood in front of my Oxen and the boys by theirs[.] my wagon being the first one was in most danger. the large drove came bounding on untill the leaders saw their way blocked then they heaseted [hesitated] a moment and then swerved to the right, and all Galloped by in front of my wagon so we had a good view of the noble creaturs. they were the largest I ever saw and we were glad to see them go.
we took our places in the Company this morning and it seems like home[.] traveled 18 miles to day over a very sandy country. the soil is white sand mostly. met 3 wagons from fort Lar[a]mie. there is plenty of game through here, such as Buffalo, Deer, Elk, and Antilope, also the largest kind of Wolves. passed 3 graves and camped in one of the pretty placs on the river bank[.] all well. weather fine and cool
still we are pursuing our journey in good spirits and with all our trouble we have some good times[.] we have traveled 18 miles to day over a dry Barren wast[e] Country. there seems to be Salertus, or Soda, in the soil[.] there is no grass or but little. there are large beds of prickly pears. have passed 19 greaves[.] most of them young Men betwen 20 and 30 from Mis[s]ouri died in June last of Cholera, we are in sight of the Platt[e] river. have found a fine camping ground. weather pleasant.
this morning the weather is very hot[.] we were obliged to stop in the heat of the day about 2 hours, only traveled 12 miles. passed 12 greaves[.] we hear there is a place near here where there are 200 buried, if so this must be a general camping ground. near us, we see some painfull [sights] where the wolves have dug up the dead[,] torn their clothes in pi[e]ces and eat up the Bodies. by diging we get water plenty but poor. wether pleasant
Started early this morning and traveled as fast as possible, in order to reach the South ford at noon. found about 30 Wagons already there and our fifty made 80 wagons, but we all crossed safely in half a day, the ford by going quartering of the stream is one mile long. we camped on the bank. (weather pleasant)
this morning we found our cattle most of them gone as there is no grass here. We are detained all day. Captain Foots company came up at noon crossed safely and camped with us. this is a very nice place but no feed[.] we had some hard wind and rain this evening. they found our cattle after a long search[.] there are 2 graves on the bank.
we are again parsuing our tedious journey the first 3 miles uphill, then we came on a ridge[.] this Extended to Ash Hollow. when we came in sight of the Hollow we saw steep precipice[s], and deep ravines[.] among the rocks are growing Ash and red Ceder. this is a very romantick looking place. when we came to the bottom of this hollow we found a good road and a fine spring of Cold water[.] plenty timber and some grass. the hollow is 3 miles long[.] we camped at the mouth in a pretty place[.] passed 6 graves[.] weather good.
we stoped to wash and Bake, here, must take wood to on the sand ridge hills that are ahead of us. we are now in a very different looking Country[.] we are again on the main Platte[.] very pleasant in some places[.] have high sand hills on the left. we are now in the Sous [Sioux] Indians Country. none of them on the road this season[.] there [are] about 20 graves on this hollow and near by
we started in good spirits this morning[.] hope to get to Laraimia [Laramie] in 12 days[.] had a good road[.] passed some pretty sights w[h]ere the water has washed down the hill sides[.] traveled 18 miles[.] passed 12 graves[.] camped on the river bank. weather pleasant.
the weather is very hot and dry. we are obliged to go slow. passed Castle Rock, this forenoon, so named from its apearance, we are traveling near the river all this week. in some places the feed is very poor. passed 13 graves today. the graves on this side of Ash hollow have not been disturbed much. crossed some dry creeks some of them 10 rods wide[.] have a fine camping place on the river bank[.] traveled 13 miles[.] weather pleasant[.] all well
since we left Ash Hollow we have traveled in small companys and find it better where there is but little grass. this afternoon we passed Ancient Bluff Ruins on the north side of the road, we could see them[.] they look like Castles and Fortifications, gone to decay[.] traveled 22 miles, pased 11 graves[.] crossed a beautifull stream of water, near a fine creek. weather good[.] no wood
this morning it comenced [to rain] when we were ready to start[.] stoped till noon when the rain was over. had a fine afternoon. traveled 10 miles[.] pased some graves. camped on river bank
this morning started early, as we had to travel 20 miles without water for our cattle. about 5 o clock found a good place to camp. a fine spring of water and plenty of dry wood. found Bro Lovelands Co. camped here, and we were very glad to see each other again. Bros. Belknap [Belnap] and [Abraham] Coon arrived after wards. this made up our company of fifty wagons. we held meeting at night, and many spoke of the joy it gave them to meet their Brethern and sisters again in Camp, and that our general health was good. Bro [William Madison] Wall said he did not say so for pashon [passion], but he felt to rejoice in his heart that we were all met together again. also spoke in the higest praise of the good conduct of his Company, and prayed for the Blessings of God to rest upon us. some Indians came to see us in the eveing[.] thees [these] are the first we have seen [since] we crossed the Misoru [Missouri] river. the Secenery today has been grand and beautifull[.] we have Scot[t]s Bluffs on one side and the river at a distance on the other with Bluffs beyond it [on] the other. traveled 20 miles (pased 8 graves[.] weather good)
we were delayed this morning by Captain Maughan and others going to a french Camp, to try and tread [trade] some lame cattle[.] they returned without acomplishing their object[.] started about 9 o clock[.] Bros Belknap and Coon went on[.] we crossed Horse Creek, traveled 14 miles and camped about 5 o clock. plenty of feed and water but no wood.
today we found a letter on the road left for us by Bro Belknap stating that a old Indian had died with the Small pox. the Indians left a little Boy with the corps. we think they fled to avoid getting the desease in their Camp, we saw a kind of platform made by driveing four stakes in the ground and covering it over [with] sticks and brush about 5 feet high[.] this was covered with a buffalo under which we supose the man was. the little Boy was standing by its side. close by was a dog hung up by the neck, and a wigwam made of boughs. traveled 15 miles, passed some greaves[.] camped on the river bank.
to day the weather is very warm[.] we have crossed the Laram[i]e river[.] a fine swift stream 100 yards wide. pased 8 graves[.] one was empty[.] we think wolves had dug up the Corps as a mans schel [skull] and cloths was lying by it[.] we camped on the bank of the river Platt[e] 1 mile from the fort which is in full view of the camp. plenty of dry timber, but no feed, traveled 18 miles. as I am writing in my wagan have fine view of the fort[.] its Stars and strips are waveing over the Battlements. there are several buildings there but I haye [have] not visited them
this morning some Soldiers visited our camp[.] they said the place was healthy but very lonesome. there are many of our Oxen need shoeing so we sent a express on to stop Bro Belknaps Co: as they have the blakssmith tools with them[.] we left fort Laramie at 9 o clock[.] traveled over a sandy road[.] it is a very romantic looking country[.] found a steep hill to desend[.] the wheels in passing over large rocks had worn bad holes in the road that made it dangerous to wagons, but no accident happend to us. we are camped with Bro Belknaps Co: on the river bank to night.
we are in camp to day to wash and bake &c all are busy but me. I am sick and can do nothing. Cap Foots Co: passed us. I hear there are some sick among them. we are all well in camp except myself. the day has been hot but cool nights[.] the Bretheren are busy shoeing cattle, &c
the men are working to day[.] they have so much to do, and we want to go on our journey as soon [as] possible[.] a meeting was held at night and some bissiness done.
today I feel better[.] have been washing bakeing and every thing else[.] we expect to start in the morning
we rose at 4 o clock, and started about 7[.] traveled 15 miles[.] passed 4 graves. the road very bad. we are camped at a place I call mountain creek[.] Sister [Eliza Ann Brace] Lunds child is sick. this evening the weather very hot.
we rose at 4 o clock this morning[.] started early as we want to go ahead [of] Bro Belknaps Co. who camped by us last night. the [water] has been poor. we found a good spring of cold water at noon which greatly refreshed us all[.] Mrs [Lucina] Eblie [Ebley] found a good side sadle in some bushes. she took the sadle with her[.] I was with her when she saw it first[.] traveled 20 miles[.] fine camp ground
I was very sick this morning with the Mountain Fever. as I lay in my wagon to day I thought the wheels went over every rock there was in the road[.] camped in the black hills[.] after camping Mr Maughan laid my bed in the shade of the Wagon[.] on the outside chains were fastened across the wheels to keep some sheep in that they were trying to cacth[.] thinking my bed would stop them my wagon wheels were not chained. seeing a open place the sheep darted through and every one sprang over me[.] I clasped my beaby [Joseph Weston Maughan] close to me[,] lay still and was not hurt not even t[o]uched by one of them. I think the sheep were worse frightened than I was.
I am a little better to day but not able to sit up[.] camped with lovelands Co.
today we came up with Bennetts co[.] they have the Wooping cough among them[.] we drove of[f] the road while they passed. we camped on a rivine[.] no feed.
many sick in camp[.] we think with mountain fever. this morning we drove down the Boise[.] here we found feed and wood but there is but little water in the river[.] one of our oxen lay down in the road to day and soon died[.] this is the third we have lost.
we remained in camp to day to wash bake and rest our cattle[.] Captain Wall came up at noon[.] our fifty are camped here to night.
this morning we found 2 Cattle dead and 1 Cow[.] Cap Wall and Loveland traveled on but we remained in camp to rest our cattle.
started early[.] passed Bennetts Co. all well. camped on the river Bank past a deep hollow or ravine.
we are again traveling on our way[.] found a notice on the road left for us by Captain Wall saying for us to turn [from] the river at a certain place and we would find feed but as we were past the place we did not like to turn back[.] traveled on 2 miles[.] found feed[.] Cap Wall visited us in evening.
remained in camp to rest our cattle.
today we heard from Cap [Ute, Jr.] Perkins[.] he is 40 miles back[.] 2 wagons from his co. have come up[.] Cap Foot[e] is 60 miles back. we have passed over a very Barren Country[.] are camped on Bla[c]ks fork a fourth time[.] weather good.
today has been warm and windy[.] we have had no rain for some time, and the roads are very dusty[.] we are camped a little past fort Bridger[.] no wood near and poor feed[.] a french man and some Indians, visited our camp this evening. these are the first we have seen since we left fort Larimie [Laramie].
to day we found some bad road and hills to assend and desend, but no accident hapened to us[.] our co. of fifty are all corraled in together, except Bro Perkins who is still behind. we are now so near the Snowy Mountains that the wind is very cool. camped on Mudy Creek. all well.
this morning we soon came up with Smith company. the road very dusty, and a cold high wind makes it u[n]pleasant traveling[.] camped at sundown on Sulpher creek all together.
we were delayed this morning by some of our Brethern going to the tar spring to gather tar. started at 11 o clock[.] crossed some high hills, camped at Yellow Creek at the foot of Rocky Bluffs.
this morning it comenced raining before Breakfast[.] continued about 2 hours. then cleared up, and we started[.] passed Loveland and Belknap in camp, met a white man and Indian woman dressed in mans costume[.] we think she was his wife. at noon Bros Belknap and Loveland came up, and stated that Bro Nellie had broken his wagon wheel[.] in consequence of this Accident they camped but we drove on till near sundown[.] passed Cache Cave[.] I had a fine veiw of it from my home on wheels but did not go to it. this is at the head of Echo creek. we now travel down a narrow ravine between high Mountains. no dust to day[.] weather good[.] camped alone on Echo creek.
we rose at day break. the U.S. Mail passed before we started[.] have crossed Echo creek a number of times[.] some of the fords are very bad. a part of the road is on the side hill which makes it dangerous for if great care is not taken a wagon is very easily tiped over into the creek. we all passed safly through except Bro P. who has injurd his wagon a little. from my wagon I had a fine veiw of the high ruged mountains with small ceder growing on the sides. they looked grand and beautifull[.] we think the road to day the worst we have had yet[.] camped on the weber river 2 miles on the new road.
started early this morning[.] traveled mostly on the river bank[.] road pretty good[.] made 16 miles. passed 17 graves[.] camped on the Weber river bank. near our camp there is a grave torn up by wolves[.] the grave cloths and hair of a womans head lies near by[.] I think some one has put the bones in again as the grave is partly filled up with large rocks. fine camp ground[.] plenty feed, water, wood, and weather pleasant.
to day the road left the river and asended a high Bluf[.] the desent very rough and bad on acount of large rocks in the road[.] we took dinner in Parleys Park[.] this is a fine place for a settlement[.] is a small Valley with fine stream of water runing down the center.
this morning we entered the Can[y]on an[d] traviled on the most dreadfull road imaganable[.] some places we had to make the road before we could pass[.] it is full of large rocks and stumps[.] passed the toll gate and paid for passing over the road we had made. we had a veiw of the Valley and delighted me much to think I was so near my long journeys end. the road to day has been the worst we ever saw, but we came safly through without any accident[.] camped at dusk 1 mile past the toll house[.] here is no feed or wood.
we rose at day break and all are happy because our long [journey] is so near done.