Transcript for Maudsley, Mary Sophia Foremaster, Autobiography, in Daughters of Utah Pioneers collection
So Father made prepration to come to Utah the next Spring 2 wagons 2 yoke of cattle 1 span of mules—Wm. Albrant driving one teem he being recalled—on acount of Jonston armie [Army] coming to Utah & Father one we started in April <1858> when Spring was opning and no bottoms to the roads—threats were made to tar & fether [illegible] after a little Father did not tell who we were—if asked whare we were bound for we sed to California—for the gold exitement was hygh at that time—it took us from April to June <1858>: to travel through Iowa as the roads were bad—as we neard Iowa City—we herd of Fuhrmiesters—living in that part we staid a few days—here Father traided one Mule[.] he had very Small feet—and always got Stuck in Mud hole first, So got a big gray Mule[.] we Came across 4 relations with their families[.] Father Sed [said] we were on our way to California[.] we landed at last to Mesurie [Missouri] river crosst over to Florence—then on to genoa Newbraska [Nebraska.] here Father baught a city lot—10 ackers of Land—for wich he paid 2—2 Seamless Sacks of crackers—for we were provisiond for one Year—we had dry beef—rice Backon tee coffe dry fruit tallow lard—Father had killd a ox waid 1000 lbs and pigs[.] we were cornfortble first—Father build a 2 storey frame house fenced the lot and put all his land in the Next Summer and raised a nice crop of corn and Buckwheet—and the following Winter our Sister Isebell was Born—Mothers helth was poor and I was the oldest of our family by 12 years (of the girls) the work fell mostly to me—and this winter we were preparing agin to continue our jurney to Utah. Geneva had no flower mill—we had to grind all we eat in a coffee mill—untill Spring then they got a large corn mill it was run by a horse power—I had to sift ever bit for our jerney—and was glad I did not have it to grind on the coffe mill—as I had to before—we made another start in May our first days travel was crossing the Platt[e] river—our Missionair [Missionary] left us and went with a company from Utah going back of Elders—here I had to lern to drive 2 yoke of oxen—whick I lernt so well I could get off and on to the wagon while goin and I would jump off run our 2 cows ahead a little then get on again—of corse it was level plains[.] Albert had to drive the cows—he would get tyerd so we changed off—he was 6 years old then when their was a bad place Father would come and drive over then get the muel teem over as Mother & baby & Martha were in their wagon—we had another womman passenger along from Genoa a Mrs. Miller and girl 10 years old—but She proved a burden to us & was not what she apeard at first—would take our meal trade it off at those Traiding Post along the Plains Father at one time set off at a camping place but our Captain Beckworth persuaded him to take her through & gave her a lecture" at the big mountain[.] She wuld not walk as all the wimin had to get out to get up[.] Father took the Whip from me and drove and in lashing the oxen the end Struck her cross the mouth—her being right back of him calling him all kinds of names[.] She screamd—her devorsed Husband had met us from Salt lake City to meet her wich Made her bold and mean (that morning)[.] well he came running up with a pistle to Settle with Father—but he payed no notice driving along—the Captain Soon got their to inquire as to the Truble—the Train stoped to rest and after all was understood it was desided She was in the rong and to blame and had just got what She deserved—tho Father never intend to Strike her even Mr. Miller was Satisfied—well we got up the Big Mountain but now the going down—all w[h]eels were locked and drags—behing [behind]—none of the wimmen folks wanted to ride down—we were all glad to walk—down down we camped one more night washed put on clean close [clothes] to be as presentable as possible next day[.] oh how glad we were and when we came off the Bench could See the City (August 3, 1859)[.] we drove to the younion [Union] Squair [Square] & camped till Father could look round -- his intentions ware go on a farm -- next day Father hiched up his teems drove in front of Presedents Office to Tyth himself told Brigham their were 2 yoke of cattle he could pick eather yoke Brigham looked them over and sed that teem has crosst the plains without an oath taken to them of corse Father never yoused oaths (and of corse I did not) it was gee Haw Balles Buck and Bright the Presedent asked Fathers intentions but he had got the word some how Father being mason befor hand and Brigham apointed or rather counseled him to work on the Salt Lake Temple -- wich had ben coverd (the foundation they were then uncovring it agin after peas was declard with uncle Sams armey wich had gon to camp floyed -- and Some returnd to the States -- Some met us in Sweet Watter as we all had got in to the Stream -- they found we were Mormons and oh the oaths they gave vent to did make me Shiver -- for they felt So Sore over their Winters Camp in Echo Canyon -- they Sed they felt to finish us right their -- but we past on -- our captain Sed to travel late So to get past their trains before camping -- but when we Stoped after dark we found ourselves allmost in one of their camps -- our captain put out gards for teems and camp -- and orderd oxen to be brought to camp at 2 oclock in the morning -- every thing was made redy at night & wimmen did not get up -- well when day lite came we had got in the mits'd of another Solders Camp thes was very hostile yoused very vile words when we got to their Winter camp oh the ded cattle it Shurley could be called a Bone yard of chains yokes wagons ackers fenced in made of wagons -- or Prarie Shooners as they were called Stoves it was rightly called the Flower of Johnson army for they were well provided for -- it proved a Blessing in disguise for the Saints, all the Irons came in yousefull <useful> in Erley <early> times ... one day one of his [David Calder, it was his family she was living with for a time after her arrival, helping to keep house] Wives had me go with her to visit her Mother to help cary her child in the lower part of Town Sister Hammer -- while their a Young Man <Henry Maudsley> came in his Mother and Mrs Hammer had ben play mates in England and later neighbors in Nov[--] [Nauvoo] of the Same faith, he had come in the Same year 1859 --21 of Juli as we came august 3 he remberd me -- but I had forgoten him -- as we boath lived in genoa Newbraska -- he being one of the Men who were called to furnish the people with Bufflow Meat at genoa.