Transcript for Maughan, Mary Ann Weston, [Journal], in "Utah Pioneer Biographies," 44 vols., 19:202-5
We then continued our journey. I find this entry in my journal for June 3rd. We have found no water today so after baiting our cattle, we drove on till midnight in hopes of finding water, we then corralled our cattle until day break, having traveled 26 miles without water.
June 4th . we found a little water this morning but so muddy that the cattle wouldn't drink it, there is plenty of feed among the sage brush. We drove to Big Sandy, and camped at noon with Captain Loveland. About two o'clock Brother Maughan sent Mr. DeWitt back to help Mr. Ebley, who is back with his cow, she is lame and sick with hollow horn. We drove on eight miles, and camped on Big Sandy between two high banks, very sandy.
June 5th. we learn this morning that Mr. Ebley will stay a few days with his cow, his wife and two young men who are traveling with them will stay also. They are back 24 miles, by creek. We are sorry to leave them, but the company had already been delayed, and it was not thought wisdom to wait longer. We traveled 22 miles, crossed Green River and camped two miles out. The country is barren, black currants plentiful, weather fine.
June 6th. we started early this morning, at noon came up with Captains Bair, and Smith, and traveled behind them till sundown, and then turned off the road and found a good camp on Black Fork. We met Bro. Call from the valley. Saturday June 7th. we remained in camp until noon and then started, we found Captains Wall. Loveland and Belknap, camped on Hams Fork. We concluded to wait here in hope Mr. Ebley will come up. Sunday 16th. this morning all things are pleasant and quiet, we had public preaching in front of the camp. This afternoon I hear some complaining of feeling sick, we think it not healthy to stay so long in one place.
Monday 17th. we started about noon today, we have been waiting for some muskets which Capt. Foot went back to Kanesville after, as there was a deficiency in firearms. Traveled three miles, and camped on three mile creek, some bad roads but no bad accidents.
Friday 21st. we were called this morning to bury two of our company who died of cholera, there aremore [are more] sick in camp. We have been in sight of the Platte River all day. Camped on Salt creek. Some of the camp came up with another child dead they burried it on the bank of the creek at twilight. I makes us feel sad to bury our friends thus by the way.
Tuesday 25th. started early this morning, the weather cool and windy. At two o'clock it commenced to rain very hard thunder and lightning, some of the brethren had to stand in front of their cattle as they would not face the wind and rain. The mother of the five children spoken of yesterday died this forenoon, she will be buried this evening. We have passed five fresh graves today. The road is good but crooked, following the ridges. We are camped on a creek which is called Pleasant Point. We have buried Sister Spafford, the mother of nine children, there are no more sick in camp and we hope the worst is over.
July 10th. we had a shower of rain which makes it feel cool and refreshing this morning, we traveled 16 miles. We passed 11 graves and camped on the plain without food or water. The mosquitoes are very bad. The next day Sister Maughan was called upon to suffer the loss of her little boy, who fell from the wagon and was run over. They fashioned a rude coffin from a box and buried him by the roadside.
The Maughans reached Salt Lake August 18th, 1850.