Transcript for Maxfield, Elijah H. to S. S. Jones, Handcart Veterans Association, 28 September 1906. Handcart Veterans Association, Scrapbook 1906-1914, fd. 2
S.S Jones
Provo Utah
Dear Sir
While attending Encampment of Black Hawk Reunion at Fort Ephraim I see Thos Dobson a dear old friend whom I have travelled many miles with and stood many nights guard he extended an invitation to the hand cart Reunion I supposed I would be able to attend on account of so much Rain and Snow my grain is in such a condition it will be impossible to leave home which if you please give in a Report as there will be many expect to see me there two weeks after my marriage I left SLCity on the 7th of Sept 1856 in company with two old Batchelors (namely Bennet from Mill Creek & Talent from Sugar House Ward) we each had two yoke Oxen we left a month before the Big rush was loaded with flour to help the hand Cart Companies we met Capt Elsworth Bunker & Mc Carty went on to meet more went down on the Sweet water heard nothing of the Companies we returned to Ft Bridger we met the big rush I left my Oxen with Lewis Robison left my Bachelor company went back with the boys to help pull the carts Capt AO Smoot and three others ware bringing the Church train Smoot came for me to help them as they ware worn out I went to their assistance on East Canyon Creek the four Capt went home I had charge of the train when within two miles of the top of the Big Mountain we swamped in the biggest storm I was ever inn we chained the cattle to the trees they were soon covered over twenty five men and teams ware coming to meet us the came over the little mountain and ware obliged to retreat at 10 Oclock that night I went on foot to SL City arriving there 3 Oclock AM at 8 OClock had 80 Bush corn on the Road I was back to the train just as they started down the Big mountain I was five days getting in the City the hand cart Companies caught us and we all went in the same time I left home to be gone two weeks but was gone nine that winter I shed mostly my finger & toe nails excuse me Dear Bro but I would like to tell it all hoping you may have a good time