Friday, August 1st Bro Miller came to camp and took 25 more tents. Bro Horton Haight 3. which finished our loading & Cleared Camp. I went to Bro Harmon camp—4) traveled about four miles & camped on the hill near Spring Creek. I went to Florence & returned over some ap.. to Henry Parker for Joseph W. Young. returned to camp with Bro Charles Rich we called a meeting & he addressed the Saints concerning their duties while crossing the road. he returned, I staid in Camp.
Saturday Aug 2nd about 7.o.Clock A.M we called the Saints to gether when I was choosen President of the company & Chaplin. Made Some regulations for traveling. at 8.o.Clock I sounded the horn, collected the people together & walked to the Big Paplon [Papillion] <8 miles> (pronounced pap yon) about a quarter of a Mile west of the papilon we collected together & the wagons corraled around us betwen 1 & 2.o Clock[.] towards evening a Severe Storm came up but the wind was So much against it that the worst of it blowed around. it rained at intervils during the night. about Midnight I was very Sick.
Sunday Aug 3rd A.M. felt better, Betwen daylight & Sunrise I blowed the horn for the people to rise & get Breakfast. about an hour afterwards Sunded a gain for Stricking tents & loading wagons. half an hour after Sounded the horn for all to come to prayers ready for starting on the road. after prayers we started out & walked <12 miles> to west Side of Elk Horn River Camped about a Mile & a half from the Bridge, about 24 Miles from Florence. the Saints enjoyed a good time in the woods grassing, Washing, & fishing. evening prayers as usual.
Monday 4th at daybreak I was informed that Annie Riley Smith Daughter of Henry & Matilda Age 9 mos died of Diahorea. we buried her on a rise of land close by the camp to the Right of the Telegraph road. at half past 7.o'Clock we Started on the road & walked to Platt[e] River about one & a half Miles west of Fremont. we reached our Camp ground about one.o.Clock after traveling 13 miles. the wagons correlled about 2. Evening the Saints enjoyed themselves in the dance
Tuesday 5th After prayers we Started on the road & walked 8 Miles. Stoped for noon at 10.o.Clock[.] the wagon come up with us about 11. we rested until one o Clock. Started out a head of the wagons as usual and traveled to North Bend[.] camped about a Mile west of it[.] Made about 16 Miles this day. North Bend is 52 Miles from Omaha & 51 from Florence
Wednesday 6th August A.M. cloudy & cool every appearance of rain. at 7.o.Clock we Started out. just after we got on the road the rain fell a little, just enough to lay the dust for a Short time. we walked about 9 Miles & nooned, Stoped three hours. then Started again & Camped for the night near the big Slough about 15 miles from North Bend. a few Sick in Camp with diahorea
Thursday 7th after Breakfast & prayers we Started out and walked to where the road joins the river 10 miles from where we camped last night. P.M. we Started again at : 12.o.o Clock traveled to Loup Fork Ferry 10 Miles & Camped. this was a very hot day. Several Sick in camp. Bro Harmon & I Forded the Loup to see if we could cross our wagons. we concluded it was best to Ferry.
Friday 8th Ferried our wagons over finished by Sun down. took Supper & traveled by moon light 10 miles to Prarie Creek. at eleven o. Clock we camped near the river.
Saturday 9th at 8.o.Clock we Started out & walked 7 miles to a Spring Creek on the left of the road[.] nooned three hours & walked to Stage Station grove 8 miles which made 15 miles traveled[.] just after we Camped a Storm came on and rained all night
Sunday 10th a warm fine morning. Started out at 8.o. Clock and traveled 12 Miles to warm Slough & camped, washing & fixing up was the general order of the afternoon. Evening we had meeting Bro. Harmon & I addressed the company. we had a good time.
Monday 11th at half past Seven.O.Clock we Started out & traveled to Lone Tree 10 Miles. buried [blank space] [Sarah] Hammond died of canker & diarrhoea. P.M. we traveled to foot of Grand Island <10 Miles> & camped for the night. this day made 20 miles.
Tuesday 12th Started out quarter to 7.o. Clock & traveled 14 Miles & nooned near where the road leaves the Platt[e] for wood river [.] at 3.o. Clock we started out & traveled 8 Miles crossed Wood River & camped at dark about a Mile from the crossing. during the night a child of Caleb Luker died of Diarrhoea & Brain fever.
Wednesday 13th buried George Thomas Smith Son of Henry & Matilda, also Elisha John Luker, aged 9 months & twenty days old. Son of Caleb & Catherine. we buried these close to the road on the North Side nearly ¾ of a Mile west of the crossing. at 20 minutes to 8.o.Clock we Started out & walked 8 Miles and nooned near the River, Stoped three hours and at 2.O.Clock we Started again[.] traveled 7 Miles to Parkers what used to be Johnsons place at Wood River Centre. Evening the Saints enjoyed a dance.
Thursday 14th after loading up Some flour left by the Brethren when comming down, we Started at a quarter to 8.o.Clock and traveled 8 miles & nooned near Nebraska Center. remained until half past 5. then traveled to the Platt[e] River 12 Miles & at 10.o.clock camped for the night. this day made 18 miles.
Friday 15th at a quarter to 8. O.Clock we Started out traveled about 6 miles & nooned by a large Slough near the road not far from the River. Stoped three hours and traveled <10 miles> to the head of the Slough where we camped for the night. it was quite dark when we the last wagon was carrolled. Made about 16 Miles.
Saturday 16th at 7½ O'Clock we Started out & traveled two Miles and Crossed "Elem [Elm] creek" then went five Miles further crossed "Buffalo creek" & nooned[.] Stoped two hours, then traveled 12 Miles to the "Platt[e.]" Camped for the night. Made 19 Miles.
Sunday 17th at 7.o.Clock we rolled out traveled 12 Miles & camped close to the Platt[e] not far from a large Slough left of the road[.] P.M. Saints washing & cooking, evening held meeting I addressed the people.
Monday 18th August at 7 & ½ O.Clock we Started out walked twelve Miles & nooned near the river at 12.o.Clock. Stoped until half past one & traveled 8 Miles. camped where the road runs near the river made 20 Miles. evening attended to prayers as usual & Spoke to the Saints.
Tuesday 19th at 7.o. Clock we Started out (after having prayers as usual) & traveled 9 Miles [.] nooned near where the road joins the river. after baiting an hour & a half we Started out at half past one o.Clock & traveled 6 Miles to "Skunk Creek." where we Camped at 6.o.Clock Made 15 Miles.
Wednesday 20th August at half past Six.O.Clock we Started out, had quite a Sandy road[.] traveled 6 Miles & nooned near the Bubling Cold Spring, at the head of Pawnee Springs[.] Stoped one hour, then traveled 4 Miles to Carrion Creek. (Some Sand west of the springs) crossed and went 5 Miles farther & camped along side of the river. this day made 15 Miles.
Thursday,21st at 7.O.Clock Started out walked 6 Miles crossed a deep creek with Steep banks. traveled 3 Miles farther & crossed a black Mud creek <(went round through the river)> went two Miles west of the creek & nooned on the Side of the platt[e] River[.] rested an hour & a half traveled 5 Miles & crossed a Small Creek[.] went 4 Miles farther & crossed "North Bluff Fork" of the Platt[e]. camped near the river. made 20 miles. had Some Sand road.
Friday 22nd at 6 A.M. we Started out crossed 4 Miles of Sand Bluff. traveled nearly two Miles more & came to a Cold Spring left of the road[.] it is about 6 Miles from the "Fork" about half a mile from there we crossed another Sand Bluff and drove to the river & nooned about 3 Miles from the Spring. at half past 5.o.Clock we Started out crossed another Sand Bluff traveled nearly 2 Miles & Struck the river, traveled a little over a Mile crossed a Shallow creek & camped a little west of it. Made 12 Miles
Saturday 23rd Started out at 7.O.Clock traveled 3 Miles & crossed a creek, ½ a mile farther crossed another, ½ a mile crossed another 2 Miles more crossed Deep Ravine & Creek. ascended a high bluff. crossed Sand ridge & around close to Spring & creek 3 Miles from last creek. Stoped until 5.o.Clock. then Started out one Mile crossed a little creek[,] a mile farther crossed another, a mile from that we came to a Bubling Cold Spring. Travaled a Mile & a half farther & crossed another small creek. Camped a little west of it.
Sunday, 24th August at 7 & ½ o'Clock we Started out crossed Several Creeks & Springs[.] Some Sand until we Struck the Springs then had a very good road to "Ratle Snake Creek" 8 miles from where we camped last night. we nooned two hours at 2.o.Clock[.] Started out traveled 3 miles & Struck the river[,] went 3 more & again came to the river[,] went a Mile farther & camped a little east of a Slough or creek made 15 miles to day. evening held meeting addressed the people. Bro Harmon, Barnes & Rawlings spoke.
Monday 25th August. Started out at 7.o.Clock. crossed the Slough or creek, & traveled 6 Miles crossed 5 small creeks. Some Sand then had a good road for two Miles then Sand half a mile. crossed Sand Creek went a Mile & a half farther. & nooned on "Wolf Creek." rested until near Night doubled teems & crossed Sand Bluff. Camped one Mile from "Wolf Creek."
Tuesday 26th at 7½ O.Clock we Started out travaled 4 miles to "Watch Creek." a few rods farther we had a deep Slough to cross. great place for Duck! travaled 6 Miles farther & camped west of "Ash Holler" along side of the river. Nooned until 5.O.Clock we then Started out went 2 miles & crossed "Castle Creek" called So because the Bluffs on the South Side of the river resembling a castle. went 6 miles farther & Camped near the river found feed on an [-] made 16 miles today.
Wednesday August 27th at 7½ O.Clock we Started out walked about 6 miles on the main road then took a left hand road 3 miles to the river & nooned on the banks of it. at 4.o.Clock we again Started travaled 4 Miles & Struck the river where the main road does[.] went a Mile farther & camped. after prayers the Brethren & Sisters enjoyed a Dance.
Thursday 28th at 7.o.Clock we started out & travaled 7 miles & nooned a few rods west of Crab Creek. at 4.o.Clock we again Started & travaled 9 Miles a good road, a little Sand and Camped opposite the "Ancient Bluff Ruins" near the river[.] made 16 Miles this day.
Friday,29th at 7 & ¼ O.Clock. we Started out. travaled 6 miles & Struck the river went a Mile farther & nooned. Stoped four hours. at 4.o.Clock we again Started. travaled 9 miles Camped near the river opposite "Court House rock" & "jail."
Saturday 30th August A.M. we Started on our journey at 7½ O.Clock. crossed a Sandy Bluff the west foot two miles from our Camp ground rested. at the river, went 7 miles farther & nooned near the bank of the river. we left the main road to do So. P.M. ½ past 2.O.Clock we again Started travaled 7 Miles & Camped opposite Chiming Rock 16 Miles to day.
Sunday 31st at 7.O.Clock we started out travaled 10 Miles & nooned near the river. Stoped 3 hours. travaled six Miles & Camped. about four Miles below Scotts Bluffs. at night J. W. Young & party drove into camp. Brs C. Rich & Jos. W. addressed the people. travaled 16 miles to day.
Monday Sept 1st at ½ past 7.O.Clock we Started out. just after we struck the main road. Bro J.W. Young & party passed us. we travaled 7 Miles & Came to the river[.] went 2 miles farther & nooned near "Trout Creek" it is left of the road. we rested two hours. then travaled 8 Miles & Camped near the River, by taking a left hand road made 15 miles this day.
Tuesday 2nd A.M. & travaled 10 Miles, nooned close to the river & Spring Creek. Stoped two hours then traveled 8 miles, [.] Camped near the river, by turning of the road plenty of wood again went 18 miles this day.
Wednesday 3rd at 7 & ½ O.Clock. we Started out. travaled 7 miles & nooned near the river by turning of[f] the road. Stoped there two hours & travaled a little over a Mile crossed "Raw Hide Creek" (dry) went 4½ miles & camped where Road & River joind, made 13 miles.
Thursday 4th we Started out a 7.O. Clock, travaled 6 Miles through Sand & Stoped for noon, rested an hour & a half[.] at 12.O.Clock . we again Started and one Mile brought us opposite "Larimie"[Laramie] travaled 6 miles farther & camped on the platt[e]. made 13 miles to day.
Friday 5th at 7.O.Clock we Started across the river. all was over by 9, we travaled to the foot of a Steep hill 7 Miles from Larimie & Stoped for Dinner. Made one Mile[.] Rested an hour & a half then travaled 5 Miles & camped near the river after ascending a Steep hill. Made 6 Miles this day.
Saturday 6th at 7.O.Clock we Started out travaled 12 Miles <8 Miles to Syke crossing & 4 Miles to Spring Creek> by 12.O.Clock all was carroled on Spring Creek not far from Ecco Glen Springs[.] at half past 4 Started & travaled 8 miles to Twin Springs right of road & camped for night[,] made 20 miles.
Sunday 7th Sept at 6 & ½ O.Clock we Started. travaled 3 miles & crossed Horse Shoe Creek, 7 more we came to the River & nooned three hours, then travaled 8 miles & crossed the River, Camped near its banks. Made 18 miles this day[.]
Monday 8th Started at 6 & ½ O.Clock[.] about 2½ miles struck the Old Road. 8 miles farther we came to Clay hills. a mile & a half from there we camped on the river for noon. Stoped until 3.O.Clock. travaled 6 miles & Crossed the River a gain & camped. Made 18 miles this day
Tuesday 9th Started at 6 & ½ O.Clock. travaled 8 miles, and nooned where the road crossed a holler[.] by turning to the right we found good camp ground about a quarter of a mile from the road & not far from the river[.] plenty of Shade trees[.] Stoped two hours. left the river and after travaling 6 miles we crossed "Box Elder Creek"[.] went 4 miles farther & Camped not far from the river & about a ¼ from the road. Sister V[ictoria] Rogers & Jno. Evans daughter died before the train camped. this day made 18 miles
Wednesday 10th we buried Victoria Rogers (died yesterday of Diaorhoea & Consumption, also Clara Hannah Evans, Daughter of John & Elizabeth, of Swelling of the body & inflamation) on the right of the road about 6 miles East of Deer Creek[.] while burying the above bodies, word was brought to me that Bro John Smith, who had been Sick for several days with Diahora & Cramp in the Stomach[,] fell dead a few roods from camp[.] He was buried a little North of East, and about a quarter of a mile from Victoria Rogers & Clara Evans. we Started out at 8.O.Clock & travaled 6 Miles to Deer Creek, went 2 miles farther & nooned where the road dseands [descends] to a little flat & joins the river. Stoped two hours then travaled 6 miles & camped on a flat near the river, where the road after going up around some hollers descends to the flat near a grove of Cottonwoods. very cold weather & damp.
Thursday 11th at 7.O.Clock we Started and about a mile we stoped "Muddy Creek" it was bridged[.] travaled 7 miles farther & nooned where the road descends to River[.] Stoped a little over an hour & travaled 7 Miles & Camped 2 Miles below the upper Crossing of "Platte"
Friday 12th Sept. at 7.O.Clock we Started and travaled 2 miles & crossed the Bridge drove 10 Miles farther & nooned opposite the "Red Butes" we travaled the lower road. stoped 4 hours and at Sundown Buried Mary Graham who died last evening of Decline, aged 43 years. also James Burtenshaw aged 3 years died this morning of Billious fever, Son of John & Sarah. we buried them in one grave on a Small hill to the left of the road and the only one on the flat[.] at Sundown we Started & travaled 5 Miles & Camped. Made 17 Miles
Saturday 13th at daybreak we yoked up & travaled 8 miles, to "Willow Springs Creek" took breakfast about 3 miles from the Springs, the weather Cold & rainy. Stoped two hours then travaled 3 Miles to Willow Springs ½ a Mile farther brought us to the top of prospect hill[.] we went 8½ miles farther & Camped on "Goose Creek" Made 20 Miles this day[.] weather Cold & Stormy. every appearance of a Snow Storm. it rained during the
Sunday Sept. 14th very damp & Cold. we started out at 7.O.Clock travaled 1 mile & crossed "Greese Wood [Greasewood] Creek," went 12 Miles farther & crossed "Sweet water River" 5 Miles more brought us to "Devels Gate" where we Camped for the night. raining most of the day. (Some Sand this A.M.) it rained all night & very Cold.
Monday 15th Started at 8.O.Clock travaled 1 mile & Crossed Small Creek. 6 Miles farther brought us to "Muddy Creek" 4 Miles farther the road joined the river. we Stoped & nooned three hours. then Started out crossed a Sand Bluff where the the road leaves the river. 5 Miles travel brought us to Sage Creek[,] crossed & Camped a little north of the road, drove our Stock across the river to a cove in the rocks about a mile of[f], Made 16 Miles this day[.] it rained most of the morning & snowed on the mountains around us, road very muddy across the Bottom 8.
Tuesday 16th at 8.O.Clock we Started out travaled 2 Miles & came to the river. while traveling 4 Miles more we Struck the river twice. 7 Miles farther we crossed it[,] 2 Miles more crossed it twice & Camped a Mile west of the 3rd crossing. Made 16 Miles this day.
Wednesday 17th A very fine morning, buried Philip Todd & Jacobine Marrie [Marie] Larsen. they died last night, the former of Worms & diarrhorea the Son of David & Martha aged 6 years from [,] the latter of weakness from its birth Daughter of & Maren aged 7 from Denmark[.] we buried them on the left of the road in the same grave, at 8.O.Clock we Started travaled 7 Miles & Crossed the river again, Called the 4th Crossing. Stoped three hours. Started out just before Sun down, travaled 6 Miles & Camped. a great part of the road. this day was very Muddy. Good road in dry time. Made 13 Miles this day.
Thursday 18th Started out at 7 & ½ O.Clock. travaled 4 Miles & Struck the Seminole (cut off) Road a little above, the Cold Spring Creek <2 miles brought us to the warm Spring left of road> 5 Miles More we crossed Saleraetus Creek, <(Seminole road)> & nooned three hours. Started out & went 8 Miles more & Camped at Antelope Springs.
Friday 19th Sept at 9.O.Clock we Started travaled over a very nice road for Shod Cattle[.] passed Several green patches but their Springs were dry. the late rains had left a few pools of water from which we refreshed ourselves, Made 10 Miles & Camped at a good Spring. we named the "Saints Rest" in a holler plenty of feed & very large Sage for fuel. in the evening the Saints enjoyed a dance. we have the third Antelope this day.
Saturday 20th at 8.O.Clock we Started one Mile brought us to the Crossing of a Creek. five More Miles we reached Sweet water creek (& River where the upper crossing is,) crossed the creek. and Started up the hill to the "diving ridge" or "South Pass"[.] Seven Miles farther brought us to the "Twin Mounds"[.] we went about a quarter farther turned to the right & went a mile & Camped on the "Sweet Water" [.] Made 14 miles this day.
Sunday 21st at 7 & ½ O.Clock a few of us went a head to dig a grave for the body of Sister Charlotte Dansie, Wife of Robert, age 32, who died early this morning of a "Miscarriage" & general debility. one Mile brought us to the Summit or pass. this morn we made the Pacific Springs[.] one Mile farther we crossed the pacific creek & dug the grave on the right of the road, while diging the Captain rode up & informed that Caroline Myers, was dead[.] She died just after the wagons left Camp, we widened the grave for both bodies. we Stoped there three hours then travaled 11 miles to dry Sandy, made 16 Miles this day.
Monday Sept 22nd we Started at 7 & ½ O.Clock travaled 14 Miles & nooned four hours[.] <john priest's="" arm="" was="" broken="" by="" being="" run="" over,="" i="" set="" it=""> then travaled 5 Miles went off the road about a quarter to the right & camped near Big Sandy plenty of good feed.
Tuesday 23rd Started ¼ past 8.O.Clock 3 miles brought us to the crossings. (we Struck the river twice during the three miles traval.) we went 10 Miles farther & Stoped three hours. Started at Sundown. travaled 5 Miles & camped[.] Made 18 Miles this day.
Wednesday 24th word was brought to me that David, Son of [blank space] Hammond was dead[.] it was born Monday, 22nd we buried this Morning left of the road, we Started at 8.O.Clock. 2 Miles brought us to where the road joins Big Sandy. 5 Miles More the road run near the river (& continued about two miles.) 5 Miles more we Made Green River & nooned three hours. we then yoked up and just before Sun down commenced to cross. it was quite dark when all was over. we travaled 12 Miles & camped (dry)[.] John Slocomb was run over the foot & leg by a very heavy loaded wagon very much brusied [bruised] no bones broken. Made 24 Miles this day.
Thursday 25th we Started at 8.O.Clock travaled 10 Miles & crossed "Hams Fork" where the Old road comes in (the new road we travaled last night & this morning is better than the old & 2 Miles nearer but no water for 22 Miles)[.] we Stoped two hours for noon, Started out & 2 Miles brought us to "Black fork" went a Mile farther & Camped near the fork[.] Made 13 Miles this day.
Friday 26th Sept. we Started a quarter to 8.O.Clock 5 miles brought us to a Slough where we repaird bridge, 3 Miles more we Struck the "Fork" again & nooned. Stoped two hours & travaled 5 miles crossed Muddy Creek & Camped. Made 13 miles this day.
Saturday 27th we Started at 7 & ½ O.Clock Several of us went a head with picks, axes, and spades—repaired road in Several places. 4 Miles brought us to the Clay hills, 3 Miles the road run near the creek & continued for a Mile. we Started up a hill just after leaving the creek[,] one Mile brought us to the top of it, 3 Miles more brought us to the head of a Small kanyon. we travaled down it one mile & turned to the left. we was within a few rods of the Creek again. travaled along side of the creek & stoped for noon. made 14 miles this morning[,] good road. after resting an hour we Started again[.] 1 mile we left the creek, 5 miles more the road run between two hills[,] Cold Spring left of the road[.] 3 Miles farther we Camped near Cottonwood Springs by turning off the road nearly a mile to the left. Made 9 miles this afternoon.
Sunday 28th we Started at 7.O.Clock. 5 miles brought us to where the road runs near "Big Muddy"[.] 1 mile farther we crossed it. 1 mile from the Crossing we Struck the Old road (good Camping for two miles) drove 4 Miles & nooned at the Soda Springs (Blessed Elizabeth Platt, Daughter of Henry & Sarah Bullock) down near the platt[e] River Nebraska Territory 6 Miles below Larimie. Assited [assisted] Bro Thos. Potts in the blessing of his Son named Thos. Harris, born Sept 18th 6 miles west of the <4th crossing> Sweetwater, Nebraska Territory. Assisted Bro William Smith to Bless his child it was Named Lucy D. Platt Smith born Sept 10th 8 miles west of Deer Creek, Nebraska Territory. rested two hours & Started again 2 Miles brought us to the Smmit [Summit] of a high ridge[.] Altitude 7,315 feet we again leave the Old or Pioneer road[,] it turns to the right[.] we took the left hand the road ascending. 2 Miles more brought us to the top of it. Dividing Ridge of the water of travaled 2 Miles farther & Camped on the ridge. turned our Stock down a holler to the right, plenty of feed & water. Made 17 Miles this day.
Monday 29th Started at 7.O.Clock 2 miles brought us to the Summit of the Ridge [.] it Divides the waters of the "Colorado" & "Great Basin". we commenced to descend one third of the way down. we come to a Spring left of the road. 2 miles brought us to the foot 4 Miles farther we crossed Sulpher Creek. 2 miles More we Made "Bear River" & Stoped for noon. burried Annie L. Tucker who died early this morning[,] Daughter of Steven & Eliza Ann, Aged 7 months[.] we Stoped 2 & ½ hours then Started out[.] 3 Miles brought us to the Summit of Ridge— 1 Mile farther the road meeting near Spring Creek <& is> left of the road[.] travaled down it 6 miles farther & came to Yellow Creek & Camped, Made 20 Miles this day.
Tuesday 30th we Started at 6 & ½ O.Clock crossed "Yellow Creek". 2 Miles brought us to the Summit of Ridge[,] 4 Miles to "Cache Cave" head of Echo creek[.] 2 Miles brought us to "Echo Kanyon"[.] travaled 3 miles down Echo & nooned two hours. then travaled 7 Miles Met Several Brethren from the valey & Camped with them. in the evening all who wanted enjoyed a dance. at Eleven O.Clock Bro J. W. Young, Amos M. Musser, & John Maben, also Henry Parker to Settle up.
Wednesday Oct. 1st Settled up with the Company[.] P.M. by invitation I accompanied Bro J. W. Young to the City. we left Camp at 1.O.Clock[.] 11 miles brought us to the "Mouth of Echo," 3 Miles to "Grass Creek," 3 Miles to "Chalk Creek" took Supper at Bro "Ira Eldredges" from Chalk Creek to Mouth of "Silver Creek" 9 Miles. we Campd just before reaching Silver Creek with Pres. Young etc. Cool teens. 26 Miles this afternoon.
Thursday 2nd Oct. we Started early & drove to Wm Kimballs for Breakfast[.] he resided 10 miles from Mouth of Silver Creek. Stoped one hour & again Started, 6 Miles we reached the Summit, 13 Miles down hill, brought us to the Mouth of Parleys Kanyon. 6 miles more we reached the City. (35 miles this day) One thousand & Sixteen Miles travel from Florence to G.S.L. City.