
Transcript for McClellan, William Carroll, Autobiography 1907 Jan. 12, 2

Very early in the spring Father and I moved down on the road a mile and a half below, put up a temporary shop for fitting up wagons and other work and all most before we were ready for work, here came the goldhunters wanting corn, cornfodder, Hay, straw, any thing in the shape of feed, and all wanted more or less work done, wood or iron. I got hold of an old 3¼ wagon that was not considered worth fixing up and went to work on it at odd times. Got new lumber, made a projection box with door in the side, beadstead on the projection load under and in front. Painted wagon and box, had a fly outfit. During the winter the boys and I had broke a pair of two year old steers and father told me to use them as leaders in crossing the plains, so my team was a yoke of two year old steers, a yoke of cows and a yoke of small oxen and my load was even lighter than my team, but this was easily got along with, as A. O. Smoot & J. L. Haywood had freight at the Ferry for which they would pay in advance $25.00 per hundred, so I took on nails and glass to about 400 pounds. This enabled us to get clothing and other needed articles that would not have been possible to get otherwise.

About the 12th of June we left our homes, Father's, Day's and my families, mine consisting of self, wife and one child a month old. We crossed the Missouri River below the mouth of the Platte and traveled up the south side to Ash Hollow. From using the stagnant spring water, because of wet weather, between the Missouri and Platte, the Cholera broke out in our Camp, that is in W[illia]m. Snow's Company in which we were organized, there was several deaths, my little brother of the number. I had quite a severe attack, but pulled through. Had a sister born in Black Hills.

We reached the valley early in October, I think it was. Found our old friends the Rigbys, well, and doing well.