
Transcript for McFall, Mary to Beloved Daughter and Friends, 26 November 1853

Great Salt Lake City, 27 Novr 1853

Beloved Daughter & Friends

I am happy to inform you that I have arrived safely in the great Salt lake city but not without coming through a good many difficulties[.] the people that I come along with lost 15 dollars worth of boots & shoes and the pork that was intended to do them to Kanesville and got their stove all broken to pieces[.] their things were all put into a store at keokok [Keokuk] and it seems they did not get them all out again and they did not miss them till they were on the way[.] I had to walk all the way and many a day with an empty stomach and I give my advice to any person who wishes to come to the valley is for them to provide their own provisions and not trust to any other person to do it or they will run the risk of being half starved all the way the same as the Elisabeth [Elizabeth] Hardie [Hardy] and I have been….it is very expensive getting luggage hauled across the plains besides the chance of getting them lost[.] [Francis] Muliner [Milner] lost three of their cattle on the plains[.] they died at the saleratus springs[.] they bought another and had only two to come into the valley with[.] they had to give out their luggage to be hauled in other waggons and mine was put into two different waggons[.] some I got and some I will never get[.] I came in along with the company but Mulner [Milner] was a day behind it. I assure you I felt very lonely without a friend to bid me welcome

next day after I came Mrs Watson the woman that Jeanie crossed the plains with came and took me to her home where I have been living ever since….the Lord strengthened [me] on my journey and blessed me with health all the way and I thank him that I have arrived here to dwell amongst his people.


I remain your Sister in the Gospel
Mary McFall