Transcript for McKay, Williamena McKay, A short story of the life of Williamena McKay McKay, in Nora Crystal Hall Lund, Biographies collection [ca. 1950-1983], reel 2, 2
When we were about to start, there was a widow woman and a girl about my age, without means to take them further. My parents [William and Ellen Oman McKay] took pity on her and said they could go with us, so her bedding and bundles were taken on our already crowded wagon and jaded team. She was very lame and had to ride, also helped off and on the wagon. I thought it pretty hard for her and her daughter to ride, when my bare feet were bleeding from traveling through the mud. Soon she was trying to run the entire outfit. When she got to the valley she never even said “thank You” for her trip.
On the plains at night we used to sing and have dances, old and young took part. Sometime we had to share our scanty provisions with the Indians. We arrived in Salt Lake Aug. 29, 1859, weary, hungry and foot-sore.