Transcript for McLachlan, William, Reminiscences and journals, 1863-1886, vol. 1, 115-139
[ blank space ]This morning we left Nebraska landing and at 8 p.m. we stoped at Omaha landing 2 miles from the city and 15 miles from Florence[,] landed Some freight at Council Bluffs Some time in the afternoon
Friday 31st July
[blank space]Left Omaha this morning at 3-50 reached Florence landing at 8-30 A.M. got ashore and made inquiry as to where I would bury our little Boy [William G.]. Presently B. Guiver junr [Jr.] made his appearance and he assisted me to dig a grave. the Spot was pointed out to me by Bro. Cluff[.] We dug the grave about 4 feet deep[.] the Burial ground is near the centre of the hill opposite Florence landing and in a Slanting direction from 2 Houses on the top of the hill Seen from the bottom and about 5 yards from an abrupt descent and a few[,] Say 20 yards[,] from the road right hand Side Coming from the Missourie river to Florence[.] Bro Wm. Fowler[,] after the body was laid in the grave[,] offered up prayer and in a Short time we were on our way to Florence[.] Stayed here a little while and accompanied B. Guiver to John W. Woolleys camp 6 miles from Florence
Saturday 1st August 1863
[blank space]Wrote to my Father also to Mother & Martha Filer during the day. in the night we had quite a heavy thunder Storm the rain Soaked through the covering of the waggon and wet our bed clothes
Sunday 2nd August
[blank space] Left camp early this morning and went down to Omaha landing for our luggage with a team. returned to camp in the afternoon again
Monday 3rd August, 1863.
[blank space] In Camp all day[.] Commenced Cooking our own provisions. little George [Augustus] not very well. Sister Hawkes assisting Caroline to nurse the child.
Tuesday 4th August
[blank space]Little George A. worse to day. Gave him Some Medicine and administered to him that he might recover[.] Often thinking and talking about little Wm. Weather very warm
Wednesday 5 Augt.
[blank space]Several of the waggons in our Camp left this morning to meet the Steamboat from St Joe's and get loaded with emigrants
Thursday 6th Augt 1863
[blank space]Little George A. very ill[.] Put a Mustard plaster on his body and afterwards a little Olive oil
Friday 7th Augt
[blank space]Little George Augustus worse then yesterday[.] had him administered to by Bro. Aldridge[.] Wrote a few lines for Sophia H. Ross to Wm. Fuller[,] Salt Lake Villa, Utah County
Saturday 8th August
[blank space]Witnessed a quarrel in Camp this morning. Captain [John Wickersham] Woolley instantly put aStop to it. At 9-40 P.M. little George A. died[.] he Struggled hard for Some time for breath before he expired[.] Wrote a few lines to Benjamin Guiver[,] Senr [Sr.] and enclosed them in a letter Sent to George Thurgood by his Brother Abram. informed him of the deaths of little W[illia]m. G[ilbert] [McLaughlan] And George A.[ugustus] [McLaughlan]. was engaged as a teamster to drive a team across the plains
Sunday 9th August
[blank space]This morning we left Camp and Commenced our March across the plains. The body of our little Boy I gave in charge of Captain J-W. Woolley as he was going to Florence[.] promised that he would put him in a deal Box and See that he was buried properly on the Saints burying ground. Camped in the afternoon at Little Pappieo [Papillion]
Monday 10th August
[blank space]Went out early this morning in Company with Edwd. [Edward] Thomas to herd the Cattle. rolled out about 11 A.M. before all the teams got out of Camp it Commenced to rain quite fast[.] Thunder & lightening followed and lasted for about 4 hours. Most of the emigrants got wet through rather a discouraging time for the passengers, Some of them Sticking now and then in the mud[.] Camped in the evening at dusk at Elkhorn, Captain J. W. Woolley Called upon the Saints to gather into the Centre of the Carrell to attend prayers, after which he appointed Joseph F. [Fielding] Smith our Chaplain[,] Mallon Wyler assistant Captain and Theodore Smith Commissary.
Tuesday 11th August
[blank space]Weather dry but bad travelling owing to the quantity of rain we had the day previous[.] Camped about 5-30 P.M 2 miles this Side of Fremont[.] Captain Haight [Horton D. Haight] & Rix'S [Thomas E. Ricks] trains close by us
Wednesday 12th Augt
[blank space]Left Camp about 9 A.M reached a Slough or Mudhole at 12-30 in Crossing which most of the teamsters got wet. I myself fell down in the water. A few Minutes before we Camped in the evening alittle girl Mamed [named] Maggie McHallam fell out of the waggon one of the wheels passed over her head and leg breaking her thigh and injuring her head. Camped 3 miles east of Shell Creek
Thursday 13th Augt
[blank space]Rolled out at 8.30 A.M. Weather pretty fine[.] One added to our number by birth. Camped a little way from Loupe Fork[.] Haights train passed our Camp at dusk in order that they might get across the fork first
Friday 14th August
[blank space]Before we rolled out this Morning a Merchant train passed our Camp. Arrived at Loupe fork alittle before 12 oclock[.] had to wait till the Merchant train as well as Haights train was ferried across[.] Several Indians Came along side of our train begging. got across the Fork about 5 p.m. and travelled 4 Miles further on before we Camped
Saturday 15th August 1863
[blank space]Rolled out at 7-30 A.M. and Camped in the afternoon on the Platte River at 6 p.M
Sunday 16th August
[blank space]Travelled all day and Camped on the Side of the Platte river at 6-30 P.M. Several of the Boys Caught Some nice fish[.] had a pretty good Supper
Monday 17th August
[blank space]To day we got Close up to Haight train[.] Camped in the evening Near the Lone Tree
Tuesday 18th August 1863
[blank space]Kept Close behind Haights train all day[.] Camped in the evening on Wood river
Wednesday 19th Augt
[blank space]This afternoon we had quite a thunder storm which lasted from 3-30 P.M till dusk[.] the thunder roared tremendous and Caused my Cattle to Stop all at once. Such a thunder Storm I never before Witnessed[.] Got wet through, Caroline not feeling very well[.] Camped on Wood river near NebraSka Centre at 4 P.M.
Thursday 20th August
[blank space]Weather dry after the Storm[.] Camped in the evening on the Platte River—Bro. A. [Alexander George] Sutherland Came across from Haights Camp to our's and paid us a visit went back with him and Saw his family
Friday 21st August
[blank space]Coming along we Saw Some Antelope at a distance and now and <then> the remains of Buffalo[.] Travelled till about 8 P.M had a dry camp on the Cut off[.] heard the wolves howl during the night not far from Camp
Saturday 22nd August
[blank space]Rolled out this Morning at 5 A.M and Camped between 8 & 9 oclock A.M for breakfast where we Could get water for the Cattle and for Cooking[.] Started again at 1 P.M. and Camped in the evening about 6 P.M. on the North Side of the Platte.
Sunday 23rd August
[blank space]died in camp this morning a little Girl [Mary E. Tullidge] 2 Year's old belonging to Bro [John] Tullidge. very Cold towards the evening[.] Camped at the Junction of the road's
Monday 24th August
[blank space]Very Cold till Midday after which we had it quite warm all the afternoon. Camped in the evening where we Strike the first Sand on the Boarders of the Platte
Tuesday 25th August
[blank space]A few of our Night herd went out at noon to hunt Buffalo[.] Shortly after we had Camped in the evening they arrived with large pieceS of Buffalo Straped on each of their Horse. Camped 6 miles below the Pawnee Springs on Skunk Creek 294 miles from Florence
Wednesday 26th August
[blank space]Passed the Pawnee SpringS[.] Bros—Little bluff & Hill Came up to us before we rolled out. Camped in the afternoon on the Platte river
Thursday 27th August
[blank space] Bad travelling for the Cattle because of the Sand hills we had to pass over, lost one of our passengers this afternoon[,] a female[.] The night herds went back a little way in Search of her but could not find her. Camped at the foot of the Big Sand hill
Friday 28th August 1863
[blank space]This morning 4 of our Boys left Camp in Search of the lost passengers and travelled over 70 but Could not find her[.] Crossed RattleSnake Creek and Camped in the evening 5 miles this Side of the Platte. Waggon upset to day but little damage done
Saturday 29th August 1863
[blank space]Nooned at Wolfe Creek. and travelled up the bed of the Platte river instead of going over the Big Sand hill and Cut off[.] Captain Haights train Camped this evening this Side of a large slough[.] Haights train close by us on the other Side. A Sister [Isabella Hogg] Brown gave birth to a Son this morning[,] died the Same day
Sunday 30th August
[blank space]Passed Ash hollow thiS Morning and nooned at Castle Creek where we took up Some Flour[.] Captains Haights & RiStG [Ricks] trains Came up before we Started and nooned Close by us[.] Sister Brown's Infant was buried here[.] Camped 14 Miles this Side of Ash hallow
Monday 31st August
[blank space]Had Some bad travelling through Sand. Camped at the foot of the Sand hill near the Platte river[.] 3 of our Night herd went back again after the Missing Sister
Tuesday 1st September 1863
[blank space]Passed Chimney Rock in the afternoon and Camped in the evening oposite Court House Rock a distance of 65 Miles from Laramie or 70 from Chimney rock.
Wednesday 2 September 1863
[blank space]Nothing of any particular account to record only that we are doing well having fine weather ever Since we left Florence with the exception of 2 days rain[.] Camped nearly oposite Scottish Bluffs[.] all in our train feeling pretty well
Thursday 3rd September
[blank space] Warm and very dusty[.] Camped near the Platte 10 miles this Side of Scots Bluffs[.] travelled about 25 miles.
Friday 4 th September
[blank space] Shortly after we had rolled out of Camp our night herds came up after being away 4 days in Search of the lost Sister. they Succeeded in finding her and left her in Charge of Captain Hyde. The Same waggon that got capsized on Friday last had a wheel broke this afternoon[.] Camped in the evening on the Platte River
Saturday 5th September 1863
[blank space] Camped this evening about 8 p.m 4 miles below Laramie[.] Several Indians on Horseback came round us just as we got into Camp[.] Had to drive the cattle a long way for water. Wrote to Mother Filer. Captain Haights train passed our camp at midnight
Sunday 6th September
[blank space]Passed Laramie about 10 a.m Saw an Indian grave. Passed Haights Camp in the afternoon close by where we crossed the Platte river for the first time[.] Camped in the evening at the beginning of the rocky hills
Monday 7th September 1863
[blank space]Had very rough roads today up and down hills all the time[.] Camped in the evening at Spring Creek 35 miles from Laramie
Tuesday 8th Sept.
[blank space]Camped in the evening at 8.30 P.M. close by the Second Crossing of the Platte River.
Wednesday 9th Sept.
[blank space] Crossed the Platte and nooned 2 miles this Side of the Devils Adobie Yard. had a hurricane of wind[,] accompanied with a little rain before we rolled out of camp in the afternoon Crossed the river again and camped this Side in the evening
Thursday 10th Sept
[blank space] Camped 6 miles the other Side of Deer Creek. 2 of our oxen died during the night or early on Friday morning the 11th Sept.
Friday 11th Sept. 1863
[blank space] Passed a Telegraph Station at Deer Creek where their were Stationed 25 Soldiers. We are now 400 miles from Great Salt Lake City and 630 from Florence[.] Camped in the evening a few miles below the Platte Bridge
Saturday 12th September
[blank space] Nooned at the Platte bridge[.] Crossed over in the afternoon and Camped in the evening on the Platte oposite the Red rocks.
Sunday 13th September
[blank space] Left the Platte river this morning. Nooned on duck[wood] Creek and Camped in the evening on Goose Creek[.] Passed Willow Springs in the afternoon[.] after we Camped a meeting was held and Bros. Joseph F. Smith and Alldridge addressed us
Monday 14th September 1863
[blank space] This evening we Camped close by Devils Gate a distance of 337 miles from Salt Lake City having travelled in 5 weeks 700 Miles.
Tuesday 15th September
[blank space] Struck Sweetwater river this morning and camped in the evening below Split rock[.] very windy all day
Wednesday 16th September
[blank space] Two children in our train died during the day. Rather cold[.] Passed a Telegraph Station in the afternoon on Sweetwater[.] Camped in the evening 3 miles above on Sweetwater
Thursday 17th September
[blank space] Frosty this morning and very cold[.] travelled 24 miles and Camped at 9 P.M. at the Warm Slough
Friday 18th September
[blank space] Still frosty[.] Camped in the evening at Barlow Springs. A good turn out at Prayers nearly all in Camp were present
Saturday 19th September 1863
[blank space] Rolled out about half an hour after daylight and travelled about 28 miles and camped this Side of South Pass. Allen [Allan] Davis Shot an antelope this afternoon and gave us a piece
Sunday 20th September
[blank space] Had Some antelope for breakfast[.] Camped in the evening on little Sandy
Monday 21st September
[blank space] Weather pretty warm[.] Camped in the evening on Big Sandy
Tuesday 22nd Sept
[blank space] Nooned at Carrell Hollow where the Government train was Set on Fire by Lot Smith and his Company[.] Camped in the evening on the Big Bend 9 Miles from Green river. one of my oxen left on the road Marked Blackerst.
Wednesday 23rd September 1863
[blank space] Rolled out pretty early and arrived at Green river about 10 A.M Stayed here all the afternoon to feed and rest the Cattle. Father Giles died about 2 p.M and was buried the Same afternoon. Lost 2 knives here.
A company of Brethren were Sent out by President Young to Green river to meet the trains that had powder, as a Company of U. S. Soldiers were Stationed near Hams Fork to Search the trains as they Passed[.] Their were 18 of the Boys with mules from the City at Green river when we arrived
Thursday 24th September
[blank space] This Morning about 8 a.m they left Green River with their mules loaded with Powder from Haights train, on their mountain trail. We travelled over 20 miles and Camped in the evening at Hams Fork
Friday 25th September 1863
[blank space] This morning as we were driving up our Cattle[,] 25 U.S. Soldiers made their appearance and requested both aliens and citizens to take an oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, which we did[.] He afterwards caused our Captain J. W. Woolley to take an oath that he had no Powder or Ammunition in his possession only that necessary for his own protection and those under his charge. We then rolled out of Camp and Camped in the evening on Muddy Creek
Saturday 26th September
[blank space] Camped in the evening at Cottonwood Springs along with JakemanS train
Sunday 27th September
[blank space] Nooned to day at Muddy Station and camped in the evening at PioneerS Hollow[.] It commenced to rain as we got into camp[.] Captain Woolley angry because the teamsters were reluctant in turning out to water the cattle
Monday 28th September 1863
[blank space] Very cold this morning. Passed Canfields camp at Quaking Asp ridge Station. Nooned at Bear river Station and camped in the evening at Needle rock Kanyon [Canyon]
Tuesday 29th September 1863
[blank space] Nooned 6 miles down Echo Kanyon [Canyon] and camped in the evening 6 miles from its mouth
Wednesday 30th September
[blank space] Camped on the Weber[.] Travelled quite late.
Thursday 1st October 1863 [No entry that day.]
Friday 2nd October
[blank space] Camped to day on Silver Creek[.] My old waggon gave out and was left behind[.] Martha & her Husband meet us here from the city
Saturday 3 rd October 1863
[blank space] Watered our Cattle at the foot of little Mountain and Camped 3 miles down the Kanyon on the other Side[.] Caroline accompanied Martha and George to the city
Sunday 4th October.
Arrived in G. Salt Lake City at 11-30 A.M. Caroline & Martha met me at the Camping Ground. George Came down with his team and took our luggage to his house[.] we followed close behind, and found Mother rather indisposed when we got there. Went and had a wash at the Warm Springs